Racial Question

I can see where you'd have a larger Asian population; I can tell by where you're located. In my city, we have a large number of Filipinos, I think because we're also a Naval base. I worked with a lot of them when I was working at First Union.\

I suppose whatsisface that started this thread going would scarcely approve of me--I've got a daughter who's part Middle Eastern. I tend to hear the flapping of red flags when I hear of an American hooking up long term with someone from the Middle East, but race has nothing to do with it--now, culture, on the other hand, has everything to do with it. What people think of as racial differences are, in fact, cultural difference.
Hmmm I go away for the weekend and no surprise, the racist dumb fuck hasn't changed.

Screw it I don't feel like being nice to him.
He isn't worrth a pound of yesterdays used gorrila snot anyway.

But the good news is this. Due to humanity's rampant idiotic behaviour, mother nature is several thousand years ahead of schedule on the next major glaciation.

Soon things will become academic.

There will be at best 1/4 of humanity left when she is done, and interestingly enough, that portion lives in the worlds crapiest most impoverished regions (sounds like rather poetic justice doesn't it).
And most of them, are the peoples that the white assholes like to spit on as lesser humans.

Just a matter of time people.

I won't bother going into details unless I am really forced to give them. Besides I am busy with physics elsewhere:)
That's an interesting idea Leslie, but I really don't see it happening that way. The only reason the western world has started paying lipservice to the concept of "fairness" and "sovreignty" is because right now we get what we want at a cut price through trade, without the issues that conquest brings.

If the ice starts burying America, Canada, Russia and Europe I think you can look to see a lot of "white assholes" relocating to Southern Europe, South America and North Africa.
Actually you might want to read The Coming Global Superstorm

The North won't be moving anywhere.

For basis in reality, just reference any time it snows 3 days in a row.

Now place that day 2 months ahead of the season norm, and let it snow indefinitely.

Nope the white assholes won't be relocating ANYWHERE. We might discover them several tens of thousands of years later, or remains at least, or maybe not.
Well, it seems to me that there'll be a lot of guys who've never been very good at organising anything with an awful lot of suddenly valuable land. If you juxtapose THAT with an awful lot of people who are very GOOD at organisation and conquest who need arable land then you'll find that the results are historically predictable.

I'm not saying EVERYONE will be moving down there, but you can bet your ass that they won't be sitting on their hands waiting for the ice to roll down Mayfair Avenue either.

Another point would be that entering a discussion on why racist shitheads should be fenced off from the rest of us by calling a lot of your co-debators "White Assholes" isn't going to win you any points.
Being that I AM white (not sure about the asshole though:) ) I personally don't fear using the label myself heheh.
Hmmm bored and nothing happening on the Physics thread:)

An important detail of the plot in the "Coming Global Superstorm" which is not a book that is all fiction (parts are inserted dialogue on the actual sciences studying the possibilities), is how the next major Glaciation will not involve a convenient orderly progression of slow moving ice sheets.

It would be nice if that was the case.

No, the notion revolves around a major and massive northern hemisphere horrendous weather pattern that merges. The whole event transpires in a couple of weeks.

No one sees it coming, then no one responds in time. There is no massive migration event at all.

And I know what the scene would look like.
Being born Canadian, I have seen the chaos of just a few days of constant snow fall can do. Or a snap thaw that generates massive icing conditions. I have familiy that lived through the great icing of a few years back in the Ontario Quebec border region.
That was just an isolated region, and strained our nations ability to deal with it.

So consider it happening to the whole northern hemisphere all at once, and not stopping at all (not just a few days).

Makes a difference.
Far be it from me to doubt science I've never read, but I find it difficult to believe that such a massive change could occur so completely and so quickly.

Whilst major upheaval would no doubt cause huge casualties, it would not do so amongst the vanguard of any invasion force - you would end up with a lot of troops suddenly homeless and jobless - but still kitted out with all the gear they'd need to pick a country and invade it.
Ya gots ta check out that book I guess, was the most significantly scary thing I have read in years.
Why the fuck is this thread still alive? I gave this forum more credit that this. Don't we have better things to do than let the troll rile us? Let's move back to better topics and let this thread die. This isn't the GB.
Fuck the racist bastard hehe me and Steiner could care less if anyone discusses that dipshits thread topic, we are chatting about Climate right now:)
Being born Canadian, I have seen the chaos of just a few days of constant snow fall can do.

I can sorta see where you're coming from. If the merest skim of ice gets on I-10, they shut it down, on account of all the southerners who don't know how to drive on ice. Northerners who've driven down south are discommoded by the highway closures, and howl in outrage. "WTF? They're closing down the highway for this? This is nothing!"
In defense of idiot southerners, we Canadians are just as dumb in November as anywhere else.

Just look at the news first good snowfall of the year eh.

It's still Canada dummies I scream at the TV, it snows every damn year at this time, how long ya lived here anyways!

But nope first snowfall and everyone is in a panic.
The last day we were in England, it snowed, and the whole transportation infrastructure went into convulsions.
Colors and people,

If you like white, then the white will no longer exit.

If blacks go for whites to procreate, the whites will no longer

Come on, do you people not get it?

Black men fuck White women nowadays..... makes a cream colored child.

No Black women have a chance.... the black race is dying because of white intermixing.... if you disagree, then you are stupid.. .

HA I know more than you!!!
DubaDuba said:
.... if you disagree, then you are stupid.. .

HA I know more than you!!!

Wow, what a well-reasoned, intelligent argument. I am in AWE.

All I want to say is that if certain segments of the human population were not meant to be together, they would not be able to successfully reproduce.

Now I will go back to ignoring this jerk, and I hope others will as well, then hopefully he will crawl back into the sewer where he belongs.
All I want to say is that if certain segments of the human population were not meant to be together, they would not be able to successfully reproduce.

This cannot be said often enough or loudly enough. However, racial differences as a reason people cannot get along is an artificial construct. For one thing, ethnologists will tell you that there isn't actually any such thing as "race."

Then again, look at the Semitic people in the Middle East; especially the guys, that if you were to get them out of their various native costumes, you'd be very hard put to tell the difference; and look at the Balkans: they're all white and if the UN troops finally withdraw once and for all they'll probably all go back to fighting each other.
Well I'm black/white biracial and I suppose I should be all offended and riled up by this dubaduba person, but... yawn... nothing.