Racial Question

DubaDuba said:

The yellow, black, red, brown and other races of color are now about to be lost.

We're about to be lost???

I didn't think we were going anywhere. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that the reason why you were against interracial mixing in the first place? To keep the white bloodline pure? That's the one that's in danger.

Report back when you get your argument together. :rolleyes:

What race do yo put on your drivers liscense??

What "Color" are your children???

Come on, don't you agree that we should keep/stay in the same race??

I Know that your mother and father are white... but, you will do just what I have suggested... allow intermixing.

Stop the trashing of me, and get real.

The best approach Black men have to White gals is to say that the White guys say just what I say... dont you see how this is only their way to "Fuck" the White women to make up in their minds for the Slave Shit we supposedly put them through???

You can't honestly tell me that Black men are more attractive than White men.. if so, then why?

DubaDuba said:

The best approach Black men have to White gals is to say that the White guys say just what I say...

Holy shit! I've been going about it all wrong! Instead of saying "Hi, my name is so-and-so . . . You look nice today," I should have been saying, "Hey, you should go out with me because DubaDuba says you shouldn't!"

Great! Now I'll be able to run rampant through all the white girl's panties thanks to your stellar advice! :D
Just when we finally think he might have gotten it.

Either he is totally and completely a fucking idiot by choice, or to fucking stupid to know, even after this entire thread has made it crystal clear he is a worthless waste of skin himself.

If he is a troll he is obviously into abuse, why else would he persist in being informed how useless he is.


Aren't we all just sons of Adam and daughters of Eve?

Have a good day, and please try to open your mind. You will be a happier person for it. :)

Alex (fem) & John.
DubaDuba said:

Come on, don't you agree that we should keep/stay in the same race??

Absolutely not. I will never agree with such narrow mindness.

I Know that your mother and father are white...

That's funny. How do you "know" this? I don't even "know" this. I was adopted. I know shit about my past, my history, my biological makeup.

Stop the trashing of me, and get real.

I wasn't "trashing" you. I asked you if you knew how to write the English language. Is the question too painful to answer? lol

The best approach Black men have to White gals is to say that the White guys say just what I say... dont you see how this is only their way to "Fuck" the White women to make up in their minds for the Slave Shit we supposedly put them through???

What the fuck are you smoking? :confused: If you honestly believe what you just said there, you are more ignorant than I thought. No one has ever said that to me.

You can't honestly tell me that Black men are more attractive than White men.. if so, then why?

Wow! Here is the one thing you are right about!! :eek: I "can't" honestly say that black men are more attractive than white men. Neither can I say white men are more attractive than Asian men. Etc. I "can't" say it because I don't believe it. I don't believe that any one race is sexier than another. :rolleyes: I don't judge baised on race, moron.
You can't honestly tell me that Black men are more attractive than White men.. if so, then why?

It depends on the black man...and the white man.
karmadog said:
Yeah, but on the bright side, no one has jumped in to agree with him. Fifty years ago, well...

Ok, I'll play devil's advocate... particularly as one of my aliases has already majorly flamed him on this thread...

Imagine going to any town, in any country, and finding the SAME M**onalds, the SAME St*rbucks, the SAME DAMN music wherever you go.. the SAME movies, the SAME people...

Imagine no Chiauauas (sorry, I gave up trying to spell it) and Great Danes, just dogs. No Bramleys, Cox's or Russets, just apples.

We've already lost so many languages, literally thousands in the last century. From Borneo to the Congo, from Brazil to the Gobi Desert, distinct peoples and cultures have disappeared through the globalization of trade.

Maybe we should start actively preserving our linguistic and cultural, and even our racial differences.

Ok: I'm fed up of that argument: For me it comes down to one thing: As long as people are respectful to me, I really couldn't give a flying fuck what their race, language or culture is. Just as long as they're not assholes.
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Sub Joe said:
Ok, I'll play devil's advocate... particularly as one of my aliases has already majorly flamed him on this thread...

Imagine going to any town, in any country, and finding the SAME M**onalds, the SAME St*rbucks, the SAME DAMN music wherever you go.. the SAME movies, the SAME people...

Imagine no Chiauauas (sorry, I gave up trying to spell it) and Great Danes, just dogs. No Bramleys, Cox's or Russets, just apples.

We've already lost so many languages, literally thousands in the last century. From Borneo to the Congo, from Brazil to the Gobi Desert, distinct peoples and cultures have disappeared through the globalization of trade.

Maybe we should start actively preserving our linguistic and cultural, and even our racial differences.

It's actually a very good argument and I agree with it. The only thing is, I look at racial intermingling as a way of creating new and different races, not the detruction of any particular race.

Many of the different races we see today wouldn't exist without some stirring of the pot. But it's ridiculous to think that any race is in danger of extinction. There's too many people for that to ever happen.
medjay said:
it's ridiculous to think that any race is in danger of extinction. There's too many people for that to ever happen.

I will stand corrected if I've taken the gist of that arguement the wrong way and in no way supporting any kind of racial intollerance (lithuanian/yorkshire person here) but....

There are races which have become extinct e.g Homoneanderthalis, homo habilis, homo erectis etc etc and I'm pretty sure that some if not several south american, african and even european tribes are all but extinct if not actually.


I don't think it's a BAD thing. Everything must change or stagnate.

gauchecritic said:
I will stand corrected if I've taken the gist of that arguement the wrong way and in no way supporting any kind of racial intollerance (lithuanian/yorkshire person here) but....

There are races which have become extinct e.g Homoneanderthalis, homo habilis, homo erectis etc etc and I'm pretty sure that some if not several south american, african and even european tribes are all but extinct if not actually.


I would venture to say that you are talking about people who are extinct due to natural selection and other factors, not deliberate racial mixing which is the topic at hand.

A good point, though.
Cajuns aren't technically a race, but...

We're dying out down here. The culture is disappearing from mixing blood with other cultures, at least. Yeah, there are still some in small isolated communities, but those communities are getting globalized with Starbucks and Walmart, too.

I mourn for the loss of my culture not because I'm racist, but because it is a way of life that's close to my heart, and it will be gone soon. All I will have is memories to give to my children and grandchildren.

I know it's a cultural heritage, not a race, because there are many 24 carat Cajuns who look so totally different from other ones in stature and coloring. But when they open their mouths and you hear that accent, you know what they are.

I'm to blame just as much as anyone else. I'm 95% Cajun, but I married someone who is more than half Belgian and Finnish. I'd love to preserve my culture for posterity, but there's nobody on Earth that could have prevented me from marrying my man. Your heart just chooses, and there goes the gene pool.

Re: Cajuns aren't technically a race, but...

TaffyJ said:
We're dying out down here. The culture is disappearing from mixing blood with other cultures, at least. Yeah, there are still some in small isolated communities, but those communities are getting globalized with Starbucks and Walmart, too.

I mourn for the loss of my culture not because I'm racist, but because it is a way of life that's close to my heart, and it will be gone soon. All I will have is memories to give to my children and grandchildren.

I know it's a cultural heritage, not a race, because there are many 24 carat Cajuns who look so totally different from other ones in stature and coloring. But when they open their mouths and you hear that accent, you know what they are.

I'm to blame just as much as anyone else. I'm 95% Cajun, but I married someone who is more than half Belgian and Finnish. I'd love to preserve my culture for posterity, but there's nobody on Earth that could have prevented me from marrying my man. Your heart just chooses, and there goes the gene pool.


If you have kids with that Belgian/Finnish man there's absolutley nothing keeping you from raising that kid to be as Cajun as he/she can be, especially since stature and color don't mean anything. Don't throw in the towel yet.

And don't let Walmart and Starbucks, of all places, sound the death knell of you culture.
It's a lovely thought, but...

We'd actually have to move to one of those isolated little towns to give our kids full immersion in the culture. My point is, which I neglected to state: Used to, you automatically grew up Cajun around here because that's all there was to be exposed to. Now, you'd have to actually hunt down a little town to move to and make an effort to bend your kids that way, and protect them from outside influences. Who is going to be Hitler enough to do that to their kids? Not I. Culture loss is sad, but unstoppable.

So, I guess my secondary point directly relating to this thread is, isolated cultures and maybe races will disappear over the next century or so, but there's nothing any one person could or should do about it. We can document and remember, but nature loves progress, and you can't spend your life trying to stop a force of nature. Actually, Duba could try, but what a waste of a lifetime.

I don't think Homo habilis and Homo australopithicus and Homo erectus (no pun) disappeared. Their strongest members survived to interbreed, creating the Homo sapiens of today. Message to self: Cajuns won't disappear, we'll just become mainstream Americans with a unique history.
Re: It's a lovely thought, but...

TaffyJ said:
Culture loss is sad, but unstoppable.
It isn't loss, but change, evolution.

WHat is Cajun but something that formed a few scant centuries ago as the result of a particular set of migration patterns.

A culture, an ethnicity, and a race are not static entities. They are merely references to specific trends and traits taken at one point in time.

In Budhism (for those <1% of Buddhists who have actually read Buddha's quotes and speaches in the Dammapada :) ) it is said that we do not really exist. "Ourself" as an entity dies a million times every second and is reborn just as many times. We are not static, we are ever changing. There is no real 'you' or 'me'.

That's a very true statement of culture. Who is to say you are not still Cajun. Who is to say there really even is a thing such as 'Cajun' as some static entity?
document and remember, but nature loves progress, and you can't spend your life trying to stop a force of nature.
It is not the strong who survive, nor the meek who inherit. It is those who can adapt and change the fastest.

That's why Homo Sapien Sapiens are at the top of the food chain (whenever they aren't swimming in the ocean :) ).

It's also this ability to change and adapt that in my opinion, puts America in the power center; where I think we will stay (give or take short term shifts like with Japan in the 80s) until somebody can outpace us in the race of change on both the technological and cultural levels.

A two trick pony always beats a one trick pony. What is "purity" but a a one trick pony, more susceptible to attack from it's lack of options.

You all know why I find the very notion of racial purity racist; it's a direct attack on my right to exist. And when you say a person of my heritage has a lesser right to be than you, that's a racist attack and there's simply no way to pretty it up and make it anything clean.
Maybe DubaDuba if we’d worry more about a man’s brain size, and his ability to use it, we would not be having this discussion. That said, I vote that women only mate with intelligent men, over time evolution well make this discussion obsolete, just as your views are.

How about we make that intelligent, well endowed men! I can dream, can’t I?
medjay said:
I look at racial intermingling as a way of creating new and different races, not the detruction of any particular race.

Many of the different races we see today wouldn't exist without some stirring of the pot.

I think that's right.. which is why the the argument about racial purity breaks down a bit.

Actually the scientific establishment has abandoned "race" as an idea -- "race" does't really correspond with anything scientific, like genetics, so a person's race can't be worked out by scientific investigation. It's a sort of old-fashioned idea, a bit like categorizing people by eye-color. It's meaningless and useless.

People migrated up from Africa and lost their melanin (so they could absorb more sunlight in the long dark winters). Orientals are supposed to have developed their characteristic eye-shape because they lived in a very cold climate in northern China, and there's a small layer of fat in the eyelid that may have served as protection.

I dunno. It all seems pretty prehistoric to me, with electric lights, indoor heating, air-conditioning and sunbeds around...

I usually say to myself "It's hard enough finding people you like/love/feel attracted to/find interesting in the first place: Why make it even harder by restricting yourself to one skin color or race?"
I rather thought that the epicanthic fold was derived from the wind across the steppelands of Asia, to minimise dehydration of the eyeballs. Still, either origin is pretty plausible, and it's easily possible that my information is out of date on this one. The only thing that makes me suspect that cold isn't the issue is that my people from the Northlands never developed that particular trait.

The point I want to make is that culture and race are two different things. Immigrants into your country CAN be initiated into your culture, so long as you don't attempt to isolate them because of their race. This process is underway in Britain, my homeland, where there HAS been some integration into polyracial but omnicultural groups. THAT'S the process that has to be accelerated - as racial minorities become more numerous there is a tendency for them to polarise into uniracial groups - America is an especialy common example of this.
Immigrants into your country CAN be initiated into your culture, so long as you don't attempt to isolate them because of their race.

All of the northern European countries with Islamic communities, which are currently causing trouble by raping local girls (under the rationale that they are asking for it by dressing and behaving as Swedish/Dutch/Norwegian girls always have) and importing the concept of "honor" killing from their homelands, have hitherto pursued exclusionary immigration policies.

Some people decry the American expectation that immigrants immerse themselves in American culture as quickly as possible, learning English, watching MTV, learning to prefer football to soccer and to appreciate baseball, and eating hotdogs, etc., but we figure that assimilation is not a bad thing. I read that in the north European countries I mentioned, even if your grandfather managed to become naturalized, you still get referred to as a "third-generation immigrant." Please! How long does it have to take?

Was it SubJoe who brought out the dog analogy? I would like to point out that people aren't dogs, and it would be a very weird thing for the human race if they were ever to become as specialized as dogs have become--which came about solely as a result of human inteference.

Before you had boxers, schnauzers, yorkies, poodles, etc. you had a hardy, sturdy all-purpose canine, which was longer-lived and had fewer health problems than any of your specialized dog breeds.

The craze for specialization has passed into the cat fancy, with the result that the madness is in full bloom there, too. Every time I go to a cat show, I am increasingly dismayed by the out-and-out distortions which have been bred into cats. My family raised what are now known as "traditional" or "applehead" Siamese in the 60s. Present-day Siamese look like ET, and the Rex, and the Sphynx are even worse. They have had the brains bred right out of those narrow little heads, and they have dental problems. The Persians are a miserable looking lot. They can't breathe through their noses. No wonder they look pissed. It's a crime. But don't get me started...oops, it looks like you already have.
Diane Marie said:
That said, I vote that women only mate with intelligent men, over time evolution well make this discussion obsolete, just as your views are.
Unless the women are a little lacking in the mental section... :D

There's an old urban legend about a model like woman offering herself to Eninstien to produce a race of supermen. His reply was supposed to be something like "Well, if it gets my looks and your brains; we'll just make a race of monsters."

Sometimes you just can't win... :p
SlickTony said:
Some people decry the American expectation that immigrants immerse themselves in American culture as quickly as possible, learning English, watching MTV, learning to prefer football to soccer and to appreciate baseball, and eating hotdogs, etc., but we figure that assimilation is not a bad thing. I read that in the north European countries I mentioned, even if your grandfather managed to become naturalized, you still get referred to as a "third-generation immigrant." Please! How long does it have to take?
I dunno, perhaps we should ask all the native americans and 'latinos' descended from New Mexican, Arizonan, or Californian Indians and Spanairds who keep getting told to 'go home'.

When I was younger, I used to respond with "Half of me would, but you put your house there."
(I'm just under half Native American).

We (Americans) still refer to people of Asian ancestry by their generation. Oddly enough usually using Japanese terms to do so...

I've known enough native born Americans who get asked if they speak english by some white who's barely gotten over his Russian or French or whatever to have a sore spot over it.[/B][/QUOTE]