Racial Question

I wasn't initially inclined to respond to DubaDuba's post, especially as it is already seeming to die off, but comments like:

Svenskaflicka said:
Hey, here's an idea!

Perhaps the reason why so many women prefer black men is because they are sick and tired of prejudiced little white boys with a fear of competition?


Diane Marie said:
Maybe DubaDuba if we?d worry more about a man?s brain size, and his ability to use it, we would not be having this discussion. That said, I vote that women only mate with intelligent men, over time evolution well make this discussion obsolete, just as your views are.

How about we make that intelligent, well endowed men! I can dream, can?t I?

have made me reconsider. It looks to me that the ignorance he represented in his racist ramblings is more than being equalled by those responding. I don't hold it against anyone that they are of a different race, and I also don't hold it against anyone that they believe differently than I do, however, the idea that I have to be black to be a man, as Svenskaflicka clearly suggested (I'm twenty-five years old, and while not completely independent, I face the convictions my actions warrant: I am not a "boy") is something that I am very offended by, and rightfully so. I am an intelligent man, regardless of what others may think, especially those on the boards here at Lit, given that they don't truly "know" anything about me, and I don't like the idea that my penis size has anything to do with my worth as a human being, which is exactly what Diane Marie suggested. It's hard to argue against the ignorances of racism when the responses we return with are no more respectable or less ignorant.
If tenyari hadn't said:

tenyari said:
Unless the women are a little lacking in the mental section... :D

There's an old urban legend about a model like woman offering herself to Eninstien to produce a race of supermen. His reply was supposed to be something like "Well, if it gets my looks and your brains; we'll just make a race of monsters."

Sometimes you just can't win... :p
I'd be going off on yet another tirade.
Don't get pissed, or hate me, because my intention isn't to stir thing sup any more than they are, or to personally insult people for thier commentaries. I'm merely pointing something out, or I should say agreeing with something someone else has already stated.

SlickTony said:
There is only one race, and that's the human race.

We're all just human, and we all have flaws. Some of us are racists, some of us are less than intelligent, some of us aren't so beautiful. Ignorance is part of our make-up, part of who we are as humans, not something that is newly being introduced, but something that has always been there, and no matter how many smart men and women go forth and multiply, will always exist. I live in an area where "rednecks" are proud to be rednecks, so I've seen racism up front. I've also seen these people bend over backwards for friends, and show complete, undeniable love for family, and show great patriotism in times of national distress, regardless of the fact that the nation we live in represents nearly all the races. I've seen them offer food to visitors when thier cupboards were nearly bare. I'm proud to know these people, in case you were wondering, whether they are racist or not. They're good people.
I'm not saying all racists are good people, but some are, regardless of thier weakness in that area. And let's face it, we all have our ignorances, and we're no better for them just because they aren't in terms that are less socially acceptable.
I've said my piece...
Anybody else here sort of reminded of the movie Deliverance, or is that just me?

As for my couple of pennies worth, what does it matter? Just let the close-minded individuals get their own little community together, interbreed, and eventually die out because of genetic mutations caused by the lack of fresh blood.
Quiet_Cool said:
Ihowever, the idea that I have to be black to be a man, as Svenskaflicka clearly suggested (I'm twenty-five years old, and while not completely independent, I face the convictions my actions warrant: I am not a "boy") is something that I am very offended by, and rightfully so.

Uhhh-key, we have a misunderstanding here.

When I talk about prejudiced little white boys with a fear of competition, I am not trying to say that all white men are boys.
I am not trying to say that you have to be black to be manly.

What I AM trying to say, is that if a white man starts to whine about white women who prefer black men, then he's acting like a boy. And to me, a man who acts like a boy, be he 18 or 78, is not a man, he's a little boy inside a man's body.

If a white man claims that white women who prefer black men do so because the black men have bigger dicks than white men, then he's prejudiced. I've been with enough white and black men to know that size is individual, and has NOTHING to do with the colour of your skin. I've seen small black dicks, I've seen small white dicks, I've seen big black dicks, I've seen big white dicks.

And give women some credit, will ya? Do you REALLY think that the women who have mixed relationships fall for black men because of penis sizes? If you think that, you're not only implying that we are shallow, you're also saying that big dicks is the only thing that could make a white woman love a black man, that black men don't have anything more to offer than his dick.

All this talk about sizes and bed-techniques and stamina is just excuses, made up by childish white men who are jealous at those black men who end up with those white women that those white men wanted to be with. Instead of admitting that Jane prefers Abdullah over Arthur because she thinks Abdullah is a nicer and more mature person than Arthur (and no, I'm not saying that black men by nature are more nice and mature than white men, I'm just making an example), Arthur hangs on to the idea that Jane prefers Abdullah because Abdullah has a bigger dick than Arthur. This, because then it's out of his hands, he's not to blame for Jane's shallowness, there was nothing he could do to improve himself and his grumpy, immature character, he's just a poor victim.

Some white women like white men, some white women like black men, some white women like asian or Jewish or indian men, some white women don't like men at all.
The point is, that white women, as a group, do not BELONG to white men, they are not OBLIGATED to love white men only. Instead of whining about Abdullah "taking Jane away" from Arthur, why can't Arthur grow up and realize that Jane never belonged to anyone, so she can't be taken? Why does Arthur bitch so much about one woman ditching him for a black man, when there are thousands of women Arthur could turn to instead of Jane?

Don't bitch for bitchin's sake. Don't be stupid enough to think that you own another person. And don't be afraid of competition - it will force you to become a better person.
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reply to Quiet_Cool

This response has not easy for me. I’ve been rather ill lately, at times it even hurts to type, it’s taken me over an hour to type this, but I just can’t let this pass.
Originally posted by Quiet_Cool
I am an intelligent man, regardless of what others may think, especially those on the boards here at Lit, given that they don't truly "know" anything about me, and I don't like the idea that my penis size has anything to do with my worth as a human being, which is exactly what Diane Marie suggested. It's hard to argue against the ignorances of racism when the responses we return with are no more respectable or less ignorant.
Lighten up Quiet_Cool, you take yourself to seriously. My quote "How about we make that intelligent, well endowed men! I can dream, can’t I?" was tongue in cheek humor.

Don’t you get it, the stereotypical black male is well endowed. It’s not a stereotype perpetuated by women, at least not those of us who have looked beyond the color of a man skin, but one perpetuated by men, some of them just like DubaDuba. Even if it were true, very few of us women would pick a man based on the size of that thingy hanging between his legs, we pick a man because of what’s between his ears, it’s there that the person lives.

If you have a hang up about penis size, it’s yours not mine. To tell you the truth, at this point in my life I don’t much care for a penis regardless of whether it’s big or small. Before you jump to some other unwarranted conclusion, I better add, just because I don’t want or need a penis, I'm not a man hater.

Originally posted by Quiet_Cool
We're all just human, and we all have flaws. Some of us are racists, some of us are less than intelligent, some of us aren't so beautiful. Ignorance is part of our make-up, part of who we are as humans, not something that is newly being introduced, but something that has always been there, and no matter how many smart men and women go forth and multiply, will always exist.
Unlike you I am of the opinion that humankind can overcome their flaws and someday learn to love rather then hate. I thank God that others, both past and present, have chosen a path wiser then yours. They too saw a flawed world, a world full of racism, prejudices and ignorance but instead of saying "it always has and it well always exist", they stood up and shouted NO, they have changed the world, it’s not perfect but it’s better.
Originally posted by Quiet_Cool
I'm not saying all racists are good people, but some are, regardless of thier weakness in that area. And let's face it, we all have our ignorances, and we're no better for them just because they aren't in terms that are less socially acceptable.
I’m sure I have flaws, I’m not sure about ignorance’s(do I need to stick my tongue in my cheek), and prejudices but that is not the same as discriminating against someone based on the color of their skin, their national origin, their religious beliefs, or their sexual orientation. Doing so has nothing to do with being socially acceptable or politically correct, it is just wrong. Hating someone for the same reasons is even worse. I for one well try to reach those who feel that way with the intend to change them, if I fail, hopefully I won’t fail to reach their children.

I’ll end with the following quote from Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
As a black writer in America...

I define myself as a son of Adam, and Eve, whether God put them here or they dropped in from another planet, or were the evolutionary by product of something else. As such I am well aware that I am of the human race, species, whatever...

Whenever I think of racial impurity I am reminded of my uncle Jimmy who married my aunt Wanita, and the stir it caused in the family. Jimmy is of Chinese decent, and their daughter Sandy was, and is one of the most beautiful female's of the human race I've ever had the priviledge to meet. She ended up married to some German fighter pilot ace, and their son is an All American at OSU currently engaged to a native american.

The thing is, bigotry is just another word for fear of the unknown. We, meaning the whole human race fear what we don't know, and believe me, we don't know very much about anything until we become confronted with it face on. True, in this day and age we can eliminate most fear of the unknown by just doing a little research on the subject, but we have to make the effort. Therefore bigotry can only flurish for those who are too lazy to do a little research to alliviate their fears, or they are what I call fear freaks who like those who go to every horror flick just enjoy being scared to death on purpose.

Predjudice has really gotten a bad rap these days in that the word is lumped in with bigotry, and it shouldn't be. Predjudice just means that I am more comfortable with this, than with that as I am more familiar with this than with that. In example, I love my children more than I love yours. But then that's as it should be, right?

Do I blame the entire white race for the slavery of my ancestors?
No, I blame those who perpetuated, and started it in the first place, but then they are dead, and have to deal with their own guilt. Nor should any white man blame me for the slaves that my decendents took from their forefathers, as is sometimes over looked by my own culture.

Indentured servitude here in America didn't start with black slavery, it actually started back in England with white people who couldn't pay their legal debts being made to work it off. The debt could be sold to others who were looking for cheep labor, not the person sold, but the person in debt was who they were talking about and so it became a disgrace to be an indentured servant, and thus was born slavery in the new world. And that includes a few that came over on the Mayflower. So basically bigotry based on the slave ethic is perpetuating a class distinction due to monetary worth.

And if that's true, then why am I bothering to socialize with some; "Po white trash like you?" in an environment such as this?"
Well, I suppose it's because I enjoy getting to know various people so that I can add their character to those characters I make up in my literary work. If nothing else a person like Duba duba, hubba bubba, or Tommy Joe adds a little color to any good story I think.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

PS: I'd like to take a moment to thank all of those here at Literotica for their open mindedness inparticular, and to their mostly unbiased, unbigoted responces to this thread over all. I was especially amussed by the weather anecdotes. LOL And the injection of Repulican, Demecratic history. And while we are being open, and opinionated on bigotry, I'd like to address another civil war in the making, and the one I'm talking about here is between men and women(No color required). May it die aborning in a bed wet with left over passions. "We find these truths to be self evident. That all men/women are created equal." Save for the plumbing.
Re: As a black writer in America...

Dirt Man said:
"We find these truths to be self evident. That all men/women are created equal." Save for the plumbing.
Only because ours is better than yours. ;):D:rose:
We're all human and we all have flaws...

That's my basic point, though it seems to have been overlooked. What I was and am trying to say is that one flaw, even one so disapproved of as racism, doesn't create a bad person. It merely creates a person with one flaw. In my viewpoint, this DubaDuba character (who's most likely a troll with a new persona, anyway, given the singular dimension of his posts) is being viewed as a simple racist, one trait with no other traits. Doing that is every bit as wrong as viewing a black man/woman as merely black, and not caring or nurturing or whatever other traits they may have. Viewing him in that manner is every bit as ignorant as the behavior of a racist, in fact, they are parallels, exact behaviors with a different focus.

I'll respond to svenskaflicka first, at least on the points where she's being replied to alone:

Svenskaflicka said:
Uhhh-key, we have a misunderstanding here.

When I talk about prejudiced little white boys with a fear of competition, I am not trying to say that all white men are boys.
I am not trying to say that you have to be black to be manly.

Simply put, that's all you had to say...now that it's cleared up, we can let that go. We'll have to agree that your reasoning wasn't as clear to me at first as it was to you and possibly others and leave it at that. Fair?

Some white women like white men, some white women like black men, some white women like asian or Jewish or indian men, some white women don't like men at all.
The point is, that white women, as a group, do not BELONG to white men

I get the impression that this is directed toward DubaDuba and not me. The words you wrote are clearly in response to statements representing the "purist," as we are calling it, perspective, and I didn't make any statements supporting him in that perspective.

Diane Marie said:

Lighten up Quiet_Cool, you take yourself to seriously. My quote "How about we make that intelligent, well endowed men! I can dream, can?t I?" was tongue in cheek humor.
It was your statement I took seriously, not myself, to be blunt about it. And the reason I quoted it wasn't because of your reference to penis size, per se. In a way it was, but it had nothing to do with black/white stereotypes, merely that, like race, penis size isn't a telling factor to who we are as people. It's no different than weight, nationality, religion, etc. My point was that, in response to one ignorance, you threw out another, and neither was warranted, or correct, or more or less ignorant than the other. I was trying to make it clear that ignorances and prejudices and unnecessary judgments are passed everyday on things every bit as trivial to who we are as people as the color of our skin, or our gender or religion.

Before you jump to some other unwarranted conclusion, I better add, just because I don?t want or need a penis, I'm not a man hater.

Would never have implied that, nor do I care about your interest or lack thereof in penises...It sounds to me like you've read just as much into my statements are you're telling me I read into yours.
You're jumping to conclusions about me and we've never even met. Already, based on one statement that it sounds as though you misread, you feel you can make assumptions about who I am and what I'll do. Is it really less reasonable to use race as the excuse to make assumptions?
I'm not someone who'll call you a man-hater for a reason such as that, in fact I've never called anyone a man-hater. Truth is, penises were only mentioned a second time because you mentioned them the first.

Unlike you I am of the opinion that humankind can overcome their flaws and someday learn to love rather then hate.

I said I don't have faith in mankind to overcome thier flaws? I don't remember saying that. What I said is that everybody has flaws, and that those flaws don't necessarily make them bad people. Actually, if you think it over, I took a group of people who have shown themselves to be flawed (in this case, racist rednecks--implying only the racist ones, not that all rednecks are racist) and pointed out that they are not all bad. I think I'm showing great faith in humanity just by looking beneath the surface, past the racism, to see the human being beneath. Maybe, when you're feeling better, you should re-read what I wrote in my first post, Diane .
And as far as people standing up and changing things...we can't change others--period. They have to change themselves. Change begins and ends within, which is also part of the reason why I posted.
Even if it were true, very few of us women would pick a man based on the size of that thingy hanging between his legs, we pick a man because of what?s between his ears, it?s there that the person lives.

originally posted by svenskaflickaAnd give women some credit, will ya? Do you REALLY think that the women who have mixed relationships fall for black men because of penis sizes?

I'm not going to reply directly to this, since penis size is not the issue here, racism is. I'm just going to say this: I didn't imply anything negative about women (at least not intentionally) any more than i did about black people. The penis size issue has been posted at least three dozen times of the GB since I've been here, and I don't even read them any more. I won't allow a discussion on something more important be high-jacked by a side-issue that really isn't even an issue. I mentioned it for reasons I believe I addressed earlier in this post
It seems I'm a bit sloppy with addressing my posts to the right person. Yes, the bit about white women were not directed to you personally, Quiet_Cool. It was a statement for everyone.

However, Quiet_Cool (and everyone else who is reading), I do think that penis size and racism have something to do with each other. Atleast when penis size is used as an argument to enforce racistic propaganda. When someone describes a black man as not a human being with thoughts and emotions, but an animal with a big dick, a high libido, and a great talent for running and dancing, both non-intellectual talents, then that's racistic. And if someone then says that women who like black men do so not because of any possible intellectual compatibility or mutual interests/values, but simply out of admiration for the big dick, then that's sexistic.

I don't like isms. My motto is "that depends..."

Sorry Quiet Cool, but rascism is not a "flaw", it is quite simply hate, unpleasant and evil and not something to be tolerated at all.
Got that HubbaBubba :rolleyes:
You all are speaking truth... unfortunately only your own opinions, that's okay... but as man apparently developed and moved out from Africa the people either changed in type and color to adapt to different enviroments, or there was a begining to humankind on Earth that we don't know about... seems to me the history is clear... Black in Africa, a bit lighter skinned in the middle east... and the Asians and Eskimos.. the Incas, Mayas and all the others that moved into South America are dark, slant eyed and very much like the Bering Straight crossers... .

The humans that moved from the middle east to upper latitudes are very "White".... at a point in history the "Races" were indeed very different in color and culture.

Now, White.... (Northern) moving races of women are for some reason giving up on there history... and sexually mixing their genes back in time... .. seems that "Black" women are not doing it, and Asians are not for it... only the white women seem to be doing it...

You only need to question why.? I question why? As a white man, I can tell you it is very difficult to understand this.. . .
Pookie puts on her zoo cap. She walks over to where the crowd seems to be gathered. She quickly assesses the situation and knows exactly what needs to be done. She finds what she is looking for quickly, as this situation seems to occur often.

Walking quickly over, she hangs the sign at the end of this thread ...

"Please Don't Feed The Trolls"

Thank you,

Svenskaflicka said:
It seems I'm a bit sloppy with addressing my posts to the right person. Yes, the bit about white women were not directed to you personally, Quiet_Cool. It was a statement for everyone.

However, Quiet_Cool (and everyone else who is reading), I do think that penis size and racism have something to do with each other. Atleast when penis size is used as an argument to enforce racistic propaganda. When someone describes a black man as not a human being with thoughts and emotions, but an animal with a big dick, a high libido, and a great talent for running and dancing, both non-intellectual talents, then that's racistic. And if someone then says that women who like black men do so not because of any possible intellectual compatibility or mutual interests/values, but simply out of admiration for the big dick, then that's sexistic.

I don't like isms. My motto is "that depends..."

This might be a good representation of many of the interracial stories here at Lit. now that you spell it out. While you do have somewhat of a point, I don't think it directly (or in any strong indirect way) applies to anything that I've said. I agree that it objectionalizes to a point, and that it is a collection of stereotypes, and that makes it prejudiced, so I guess we're technically on the same page now?

Originally posted by bjewl

Sorry Quiet Cool, but rascism is not a "flaw", it is quite simply hate, unpleasant and evil and not something to be tolerated at all.
Got that HubbaBubba

This statement is entirely untrue...sorry if you don't like to hear that. Racism is a flaw, it's an ignorance. You can believe otherwise if you like, but that's the case. Period. What it truely comes down to is this: Racism, or the projection of any stereotype or objectionalization of any individual, isn't always perpetuated by hate, as svenskaflicka has already pointed out, though perhaps not intentionally. If you check out the post I quoted above, you'll see that.
If you say to a guy, "Jerry Rice is an excellent athlete" and he replies, "Of course he is, he's black," then the man has made a racist statement. That doesn't mean that he hates blacks, he just believes thier superior athletes. The belief that blacks are superior athletes is a stereotype based on race, and that makes it racist. That man may be Jerry Rice's number one fan. If you assume otherwise, then, frankly, ou're stereotyping him, saying that he's hateful just because he made a prejudiced statement. In that case, your actions are no better than his, or the actions of any other racist.
Basically, racism comes down to a simple thing, a simple thing that it is based on, and that thing is called assumption. When we assume things about another based on superficial ideas, or traits, then we support racism, and though we would like to feel otherwise, we all make some assumptions based on things like this. Some times we catch ourselves; sometimes we don't. Truth be told, DubaDuba hasn't made any less respectful statements here than the rest of us have, he's just made statements that we disagree with. Many of the people who responded attacked him for his viewpoint, with statements like your's bjewl, and very few actually made a point in thier responses, they just came in, bashed, then headed out the door.
While I disagree with DubaDuba, I'm an American, and I have to support his right to state his viewpoint. I'm displeased if anyone is offended by my responses to this thread (though i will not apologize for anything I've said), and I meant no ill will, but the truth is, he has every bit as much right to make statements as the rest of us, regardless of the viewpoints of others. I was mostly trying to defend that right.

Your name says all we need to know... you leave, and the world will better return to normality.

You with the twin black guys icon: ... come on, you are doing me and all a service by being gay!!

"Girl from mixed parents".... are you treated well in public, life, and schools and work places?? NO... . you have a right to exist, but for all the wrong reasons!!!

Everyone needs too look up the definition of racist.... if you are able to find a dictionary. Same for the Purist definition.

Racist: Believes he/she is better than some other race (I do not)
Purist: Believes he/she is wanting to maintain the person/blood line that they represent.

Case closed.... let's all just stop this thread.
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DubaDuba said:

"Girl from mixed parents".... are you treated well in public, life, and schools and work places?? NO... . you have a right to exist, but for all the wrong reasons!!!

Are you talking about me? Because it if you are, the answer is I'm treated fine. I got into a good university, I've gotten high paying jobs, I have lots of friends of many ethnicities, I get asked out... what makes you think I don't?
Re: "I have a dream..."

Svenskaflicka said:
My dream is to have only one race, consisting of all the ones we have now, mixed up into one happy mixture. The Rainbow People.

My child will be a Rainbow Child (black/white). I'm gonna teach him/her to be proud of both his/her inheritages.

My husband will not stop being black, nor will I stop being white, just because we have a mixed child. Our child will not loose either ethinicity, it will get twice a s many.

As for black women's feelings about black men choosing white women before black women... The way you put it, you make it sound like the black men of the world "belong" to the black women of the world. News flash, little one, this is 2002, no-one can own another person anymore. It's every man's right, and every woman's right, to choose a partner of whatever colour/religion/culture/gender/etc, he or she wants!!!

You read my mind! I think it is a beautiful thing when I see mixed race couples. If I see a black and a white woman on the bus and a dark skinned child between them, I don't assume that the baby belongs to the black lady.

We already are a "rainbow race" I don't know why no body can see it. We are not different colors, only different shades of brown. Black people do have there own culture because they where excluded from the culture of the "mainstream" for so long they had to form there own. Now some whites think they should just abandon all that and act like "the rest of us"-- for pete's sake!
DubaDuba said:
You all are speaking truth... unfortunately only your own opinions, that's okay... but as man apparently developed and moved out from Africa the people either changed in type and color to adapt to different enviroments, or there was a begining to humankind on Earth that we don't know about... seems to me the history is clear... Black in Africa, a bit lighter skinned in the middle east... and the Asians and Eskimos.. the Incas, Mayas and all the others that moved into South America are dark, slant eyed and very much like the Bering Straight crossers... .

The humans that moved from the middle east to upper latitudes are very "White".... at a point in history the "Races" were indeed very different in color and culture.

Now, White.... (Northern) moving races of women are for some reason giving up on there history... and sexually mixing their genes back in time... .. seems that "Black" women are not doing it, and Asians are not for it... only the white women seem to be doing it...

You only need to question why.? I question why? As a white man, I can tell you it is very difficult to understand this.. . .

Moving back in time? What on earth are you talking about? I am not trying to attack you, but this makes no sence.

The middle east- and africa has and always has had both dark and light skinned people. We in the US think of the middle east as one race. Over there, they have many races- Jews, Kurds, Ainu, Greek, Arab ect.

Its only pigment. Are you really all white? Can you trace your lineage back 100 generations with no non-white ancestors? Do you have any freckles????

White less than any thing else is not a race at all anyway. As was stated earlier, there are celts, anglos, saxons (they where once different and waring countrys), norse and many others. This White Race is all a fabrication.

No matter how much "interbreeding" (what are we racehorses) takes place, I don't believe that we will ever all look the same. And if we did, it really wouldn't be that big of a deal anyway. Just like blue eyes, even though its a recessive trait, will not disappear. Am I selling out my heritage if I as a blue eyed woman marry a (white) man with brown eyes? Will I destroy blue eyes in my line? My brown eyed children will carry a blue eyed gene, and if i have a couple kids, one of them will probably have blue eyes. If blue eyes do die out, its not the end of my heritage! My eyes are nice, but they have very little to do with who I really am.

If racial purity is so great, do you only enjoy primary colors? (Red, Blue and Yellow, Black and White) What about silver, purple, green???? does the existance of green nullify the existance of Blue and Yellow? Colors are on a wheel, because they blend into each other, it is quite literally a spectrum, just as human skin tone is. I am not attacking you, just hopefully giving you something to think about.

Everyone here has devoted way too much brain power to coming up with coherent arguments for DubaDuba's points. The only responses worthy of this guy are grunts and fart noises. I'm sure he's quite happy that he's been able to waste everyone's time. :rolleyes:
medjay said:
Everyone here has devoted way too much brain power to coming up with coherent arguments for DubaDuba's points. The only responses worthy of this guy are grunts and fart noises. I'm sure he's quite happy that he's been able to waste everyone's time. :rolleyes:

cool avatar!
DubaDuba said:

You can't honestly tell me that Black men are more attractive than White men.. if so, then why?


HMM, those thick lips, that dark culy hair, that rich chocolaty skin.....

er-uh, no of course not.
You are white because thousands of couples have interrelated to produce you.. and you give it all up in one generation for the mating with others outside your race.


1. One drop of "non-white blood" makes you no longer white

guess I'm not white; my blood is red
Dubba Dubba said:

It has taken thousands of years to create each of us.. in our colors and such.

It has taken thousands of years to create the beautiful mixed baby as well.

There is no such thing as the White Race. Anglo's, saxons, kelts, sweeds, arabs, jews, spaniards, ect are all White, some were once separate races, some probably still fight over minute differences in pigmentation and facial features.

No racial mixing at all would mean no anglo-saxons, no mexicans, who knows what else.

also, if the white race is so strong and so great then why is that one drop of non-white blood destroys it. that doesn't sound strong, it sounds week. Threatend much? Do you really think that the goal of black men is to pollute the racial purity of whites? In that case why where all the black slave owners so keen on raping there black slaves????????

Women are deep.
You are too shallow to understand us.
MissTaken said:

IF you believe in purity of race, reflect back about 60 years, do some studying and you will find that you and a guy by the name of Adolf Hitler may have had a lot in common.

Yea, he wasn't a racist either......