Reelect Biden!

This many be the exact proof we've needed of the existence ot the Deep State. you needed "proof". 🤣

I think President Joe Biden should issue a presidential pardon to his son Hunter on his last day in office, on his way to President Kamala Harris' inauguration. Kismet!
".... man of integrity dropped out of the race to tilt the political scale away from electing a convict."
Joe? Integrity? Bwaaaaahahahahahahahaha

"Dropped?" Bwaaaahhahahahahaha. You think so. Goes off into peals of laughter and rolls around on the floor. you needed "proof". 🤣

I think President Joe Biden should issue a presidential pardon to his son Hunter on his last day in office, on his way to President Kamala Harris' inauguration. Kismet!

It won’t happen, because Joe has already given his word on the matter.

It would definitely make the MAGAts go apoplectic, though - which would be funny.

Joe? Integrity? Bwaaaaahahahahahahahaha

"Dropped?" Bwaaaahhahahahahaha. You think so. Goes off into peals of laughter and rolls around on the floor.
Lame and boring attempt at trolling.

Get back with us after the RWCG issues your new MAGAt talking points. I realize you're just groping in the dark at this point.
Lame and boring attempt at trolling.

Get back with us after the RWCG issues your new MAGAt talking points. I realize you're just groping in the dark at this point.
Trolling? LOL. I was snorting my coffee. That was hilarious, in the best Daily Mail use of the word