Sappy Romantic Chain Story Idea - Medieval Theme


Darkniciad said:
Finished the layout of the cover while I was stepping back to let these critical scenes percolate. ( attached )

Now I have James Purefoy *and* Julian MacMahon on my head at the same time.

Gotta go ... write.

Oh god, I can see it now if Evie called him Benny, biting his tongue because she's queen and then fuming to Muriel...Hehe.
slyc_willie said:
It's gonna be a good one, Dark . . . readers will love and hate you, I'm sure. :p

I know *laugh* I probably scare people with how easily I'm able to dismiss human life and morals when I step into some dark character's shoes.

The forge burns white-hot. The question is; will Evie, Cedric, and the rest emerge with the temper to stand against the darkness, or shatter when the hammer falls?
Darkniciad said:
I know *laugh* I probably scare people with how easily I'm able to dismiss human life and morals when I step into some dark character's shoes.

The forge burns white-hot. The question is; will Evie, Cedric, and the rest emerge with the temper to stand against the darkness, or shatter when the hammer falls?

The intervening chapters will tell . . . but I know where I am. And I don't think I have ever looked forward to the downfall of one of my characters.

I have to admit I've enjoyed writing Bags, as evil as he is. But I suppose it will be a form of catharsis to see him go down.

It'll be a hot time in the old town that night, for certain. ;)
slyc_willie said:
The intervening chapters will tell . . . but I know where I am. And I don't think I have ever looked forward to the downfall of one of my characters.

I have to admit I've enjoyed writing Bags, as evil as he is. But I suppose it will be a form of catharsis to see him go down.

It'll be a hot time in the old town that night, for certain. ;)

That's how I felt about Zoraster in Danica, even though I knew he wasn't actually dead at the end of Book I. He'll get his in the end, an ultra-powerful madman experiencing one final moment of clarity so that he can go to Hell with the full weight of his deeds and his defeat crashing down upon him.

600k words down, Only a little shy of a million to go :p
I'm looking forward to all of the upcoming chapters. :)


1. Because each one is a new one and I love to see you guys blending and working this story. :D :kiss: :D

2. Because I have a couple chain story ideas that I want to put out there and see if you folks as well as others are interested... and I can't do that till this story is almost over. lol... (Why overstress my already overstressed muse? ) :rolleyes:
deathlynx said:
Grrr, some inspiration but not much...plodding through...:(
*hugs* No rush. You know that. We can rearrange the order, or extend the date of your submission if it needs to be done. No forcing yourself to put out something you are going to look back on and not like. Just let me know if you need either one of those options.
If I have any ideas, I'll toss them to you, DL. There's emotional tension in the air after my chapter. I expected it to post this morning - maybe it will pop up later, as not as many stories posted early.

I did also leave a body lying in the woods that looks as though it has been blasted with magic. There's a possible starter I left dangling for someone that is minor enough to let fade if nobody wants to run with it.
Darkniciad said:
If I have any ideas, I'll toss them to you, DL. There's emotional tension in the air after my chapter.
Oh, I'm deffinately going with that, never's going a little better now...I should be done on time, never fear...just one more section to go...Oh, and Slyc, I'm going with John finding the mill that you had suggested...should give you something to play with too :D
Darkniciad said:
:: Stares at the NEW list and wrinkles his nose ::

Dagnabbit... Still not up.

Think about it that way - it will come up in the weekend!


Can't wait to see what you did with it.

maharat48 said:
Think about it that way - it will come up in the weekend!


Can't wait to see what you did with it.


Knowing my luck, it will somehow sit in the queue until Dead Day, aka Sunday, when absolutely nobody is around *laugh*

I only made a few small changes from the draft everyone has seen.
:: Muttering under his breath as he scowls at the New list, waiting most impatiently ::

I do believe they spoiled me with that 4 day turnaround for a while there *laugh*
Darkniciad said:
:: Muttering under his breath as he scowls at the New list, waiting most impatiently ::

I do believe they spoiled me with that 4 day turnaround for a while there *laugh*

I keep wanting to be the first to spot them, but no luck.

I should be posting mine in a few minutes :eek:

Posted...And Dark, you had a spell of 4 day turn around? Lucky! Aside from Contest stories (which only took about a day or two each) and my audio poem (which took over a month and looks like the same for the edit) everything I've submitted has taken exactly a week...:(
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Yep, the last two or three things I posted before this hit in 4 days.

Better go up tonight, or I'm going to scream. I *HATE* having things post on Sunday. You may as well post them on the bulletin board of a closed down grocery store for all the readers that are around on Sunday :p

deathlynx said:
I should be posting mine in a few minutes :eek:

Posted...And Dark, you had a spell of 4 day turn around? Lucky! Aside from Contest stories (which only took about a day or two each) and my audio poem (which took over a month and looks like the same for the edit) everything I've submitted has taken exactly a week...:(
Well, a date just showed up on my chapter, so this link should work shortly after midnight. I'll pop back in and add a little notation to this post when I notice that it's up, if nobody catches it before I do ( I'm writing and putting another story in the queue, so I might miss the pop when it goes live )

The link is now live :)
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Newest Chapter added to the first post. :D

Side note...

Slyc is currently unavailable to the net, so until then your use of Bags will have to be approved by me. If you use him, which I have feeling some of us may since we are reaching a conclusion and we'll see Bags a bit more throughout these chapters, please keep the "magic" elements to a minimum. Do your best to keep his personality the same: cocky, arrogant and just plain evil. ;) :D

Hopefully Slyc can touch base with us soon.


~ Red
Got inspired, have good idea and footwork for my chapter done, going to work on it some now. *does a little dance cause she got inspired*