Sappy Romantic Chain Story Idea - Medieval Theme

RedHairedandFriendly said:
Newest Chapter added to the first post. :D

Side note...

Slyc is currently unavailable to the net, so until then your use of Bags will have to be approved by me. If you use him, which I have feeling some of us may since we are reaching a conclusion and we'll see Bags a bit more throughout these chapters, please keep the "magic" elements to a minimum. Do your best to keep his personality the same: cocky, arrogant and just plain evil. ;) :D

Hopefully Slyc can touch base with us soon.


~ Red

Hey, guys! :D

I do not suggest Internet withdrawal for anyone . . . worse than a bad hangover. :p

I am back in a limited capacity for the next few days, until I get setup with AT&T highspeed. Until then, I am surfing in slo-mo via free dial-up through MSN. Hey, I'll take what I can get. ;)

But, at the least, I can check my PMs and email now, so I'll be able to answer any questions regarding Bags. Hope I'm not too late for anyone's story.
slyc_willie said:
Hey, guys! :D

I do not suggest Internet withdrawal for anyone . . . worse than a bad hangover. :p

I am back in a limited capacity for the next few days, until I get setup with AT&T highspeed. Until then, I am surfing in slo-mo via free dial-up through MSN. Hey, I'll take what I can get. ;)

But, at the least, I can check my PMs and email now, so I'll be able to answer any questions regarding Bags. Hope I'm not too late for anyone's story.
w00t! Takes advantage of this moment with a quick molestation and then runs off..... :nana: :nana: ;) ;)
slyc_willie said:
Hope I'm not too late for anyone's story.
Well, I submitted mine, but I only used something we'd discussed, and no sighting of him in my chapter anyway...
No worries about me using Bags, I got my own ideas that are going to kick arse, hehe.
MrsDeathlynx said:
No worries about me using Bags, I got my own ideas that are going to kick arse, hehe.

I don't doubt it. ;)

Yeah, DL, if you're going with what we talked about, I've no worries. Of course, now I need to get to work on my own chapter.

If it hasn't been done already, could you email me your chapter, DL?
slyc_willie said:
I don't doubt it. ;)

Yeah, DL, if you're going with what we talked about, I've no worries. Of course, now I need to get to work on my own chapter.

If it hasn't been done already, could you email me your chapter, DL?
Do you want me to get in touch with you on the basics of mine so you know what i'm doing so it's easier?
Everyone keep me up to date with general sequences of events ( or even detailed outlines if you have that ) as you go along as well. I think part of what slowed me down last time was not having that extra little time to digest the previous chapters and let them swirl around in my head. Waiting for the chapters to post just didn't give me enough time, even getting the immediately preceding one early.
MrsDeathlynx said:
Do you want me to get in touch with you on the basics of mine so you know what i'm doing so it's easier?

That would certainly help. Even if your story doesn't concern Bags, knowing what is going on with Benedict and Muriel will be helpful. Benedict is an important figure in my story already.
I'll also chime in here.... REMEMBER -- IF you think there is something in your chapter that NEEDS to be in the cheat sheet, tell me! Especially referring to characteristics and deaths :p . Your job is to get in touch with me and my job is to translate that into a cheat sheet post. ;)

~ Red
I'll get an outline to everyone, give me a few to type it up and then I'll PM it to people. Got the first of three sections written tonight and should be able to get second done. Though I'm doing it the old fashioned way: writing it by hand in a notebook, lol.
MrsDeathlynx said:
Though I'm doing it the old fashioned way: writing it by hand in a notebook, lol.
OMG.... Is that legal?!

Do you know my handwriting sucks now! I type so much it is almost painful to write out longhand for a long period of time. lol... I have to practice before writing out a letter. This is sad!
Sent the chapter off to Slyc...Only one truly important thing in my chapter...
RedHairedandFriendly said:
OMG.... Is that legal?!

Do you know my handwriting sucks now! I type so much it is almost painful to write out longhand for a long period of time. lol... I have to practice before writing out a letter. This is sad!
Lol, I started doing it because I don't like typing on the laptop. Since I started it there I decided to work on it there.
Before I got the laptop, I did most all of mine on paper. When I went to type it, half the time I changed the story by the third paragraph. lol
deathlynx said:
Sent the chapter off to Slyc...Only one truly important thing in my chapter...

I'll check tonight. ;)

And I will get to your chapter, Dark, and be sure to RVC.
Okay, RVC'd Dark's chapter. ;) I've also read through DL's Ch. 15. Love every bit of it. His story pretty much galvanized some of the ideas I've been having concerning my next addition.

Let me know when you have something to show me, Mrs. DL :p
I'm going to need an extension on mine, should be able to get it done by some point on monday but no guarentees. Everything is pretty much fleshed out but the next few days will be hectic so not sure how much I'll get done. I'll do my best to get it done ASAP.
MrsDeathlynx said:
I'm going to need an extension on mine, should be able to get it done by some point on monday but no guarentees. Everything is pretty much fleshed out but the next few days will be hectic so not sure how much I'll get done. I'll do my best to get it done ASAP.
No problem. I'll adjust the schedule. :rose:
RedHairedandFriendly said:
No problem. I'll adjust the schedule. :rose:
As I said I'll get it done ASAP, but the thing is that it doesn't fit in unless it goes in now if that makes sense. Basically it takes place right after an event in hubby's story, already over halfway done, then I gotta type it up but that won't take long. Sorry it's going to be late, with the other lateness I got a bit of a late start...
MrsDeathlynx said:
As I said I'll get it done ASAP, but the thing is that it doesn't fit in unless it goes in now if that makes sense. Basically it takes place right after an event in hubby's story, already over halfway done, then I gotta type it up but that won't take long. Sorry it's going to be late, with the other lateness I got a bit of a late start...
I told you... no worries, so stop apologizing. Besides, mine is due the day I fly out to Florida. It benefits me to have your date extended. :)

* MrsDeathlynx - Oct 8
* RedHairedandFriendly - Oct 15
* slyc_willie - Oct 22

possible final chapters for each writer and the chain...

*marahat - Oct 30
*Darkniciad - Nov 7
*deathlynx - Nov 14
*MrsDeathlynx - Nov 21
*slyc_willie - Nov 28
*RedHairedandFriendly - Dec 5