SCOTUS Hands Trump's Taxes to Congress

That's no answer at all. Is the English language a struggle for you? Or perhaps you're just not capable/bothering to think this through.

NONE of the individuals on the subpoenaing committee are 'tax experts.' That means that they are going to have to turn that material over to some entities (favorable to their goals) for review. Given the complication of the returns they, in turn, are going to involve a host of drones to aid in the review and given the truncated time allowed probably a LOT of drones. Each and everyone of those made privy to the data are a source of leaks to the press, and undoubtedly one or more of them will. And when that happens federal law is violated and the fallout from that violation begins.

Now, if Trump was legitimately engaged in tax fraud and the evidence is such that the new congress persue's the matter, fine, prosecute the bastard.
no. The people on the committee can easily compare what he called income on taxes, and what he reported to the bank to secure loans. That’s not gonna take an accountant.
Sooooo, what are they going to do with this info? Whatever it is they have damn little time to do it.

Quite frankly this is as dangerous to them as it is Trump. If for some reason those returns become public they do so in violation of federal law and if you don't think the republicans are going to be all over that come Jan., you're living in a dream world.

Trump's returns, and anyone in that same position in life, are going to be complicated. And at that level there is always negotiations that take place between the IRS and the tax filer. Hell, I've been through that more than once in my life and I was no where near Trumps level of complication.

What I expect is a series of allegations made with no specific supporting evidence. In other words just another political hit job. Congress has no power to bring charges, only the ability to make referrals to the appropriate administrative agency and that agency is the IRS. From there the IRS can make referrals to the DOJ and by then a new congress will be in place. Considering that ALL of Trumps returns over the past several years are already in the process of audit, no final determination can be made.

Just hypothesizing here what the IRS can do is to accept all returns as filed, meaning to cease the audit/negotiation phase and then take any referrals from congress and say, "Yup, he's committed tax fraud" and then refer to DOJ. The problem with that tactic is that it will be seen as the superficial political operation that it would be.

So congress got a win on this one but in more of a real sense of the word than not, they've merely got an alligator by the tail.
you have zero knowledge that there has been an audit at all let alone an ongoing one. The only referral to that has been made by one person. And we know he’s a liar. Secondly, calling it a political hit job is total nonsense, considering the man took it clear to the SC to stop anyone from seeing it.

not what people who have nothing to hide do.
you have zero knowledge that there has been an audit at all let alone an ongoing one. The only referral to that has been made by one person. And we know he’s a liar. Secondly, calling it a political hit job is total nonsense, considering the man took it clear to the SC to stop anyone from seeing it.

not what people who have nothing to hide do.

Do 4th Amendment Rights to privacy in your person, house, papers, and effects only attach when you have something to hide?

Or do those Rights exist whether you do or don't have anything to hide?

Do 4th Amendment Rights to privacy in your person, house, papers, and effects only attach when you have something to hide?

Or do those Rights exist whether you do or don't have anything to hide?
😂😂😂 my 4th amendment rights are light years away from the topic of this conversation. Ad hominem bullshit all you got?

Take a breath, refill your sippy cup, and hit replay on Puss n Boots….. I’m sure someone will be along help you change your poopy pants.
"Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

As the president wages a re-election campaign that polls say he is in danger of losing, his finances are under stress, beset by losses and hundreds of millions of dollars in debt coming due that he has personally guaranteed. Also hanging over him is a decade-long audit battle with the Internal Revenue Service over the legitimacy of a $72.9 million tax refund that he claimed, and received, after declaring huge losses. "
😂😂😂 my 4th amendment rights are light years away from the topic of this conversation. Ad hominem bullshit all you got?
It's not Ad Hom because there was no personal attack. The fact that you think it is only shows that you have no real understanding of how any of this works.



Do you believe that 4th Amendment Rights to be secure in your person, house, papers, and effects exist whether you have anything to hide or not?

If they exist, then the idea that "people with nothing to hide" should be treated differently than anyone else, is where the bullshit lies.
It's not Ad Hom because there was no personal attack. The fact that you think it is only shows that you have no real understanding of how any of this works.



Do you believe that 4th Amendment Rights to be secure in your person, house, papers, and effects exist whether you have anything to hide or not?

If they exist, then the idea that "people with nothing to hide" should be treated differently than anyone else, is where the bullshit lies.

No. Your directing a comment to me as opposed to addressing the topic. That is well within the definition.

What I believe about that is not relevant to the issue in any way, shape or form.

Here’s what is relevant. We’re talking about somebody who’s committed more crimes than China has rice, would not voluntarily hand over something that anyone with legitimate returns would gladly do.

You had better step it up, I’m gonna get bored real quick with that pedestrian nonsense.
No. Your directing a comment to me as opposed to addressing the topic. That is well within the definition.

what I believe about that is not relevant to the issue in any way shape or form.

Here’s what is relevant. We’re talking about somebody who’s committed more crimes than China has rice, would not voluntarily hand over something that anyone with legitimate returns would gladly do.

You had better step it up, I’m gonna get bored real quick with that pedestrian nonsense.
I'm directing a question to you because I want to know what you believe. Merely ASKING YOU TO CLARIFY what you said isn't an Ad Hominem attack.



Do you believe that 4th Amendment Rights to be secure in your person, house, papers, and effects exist whether you have "something to hide" or not?

Furthermore, since we all seem to "bore" you, I suggest you find the exit and leave the forums. It'll probably be much better for your mental health than staying.
I'm directing a question to you because I want to know what you believe. Merely ASKING YOU TO CLARIFY what you said isn't an Ad Hominem attack.



Do you believe that 4th Amendment Rights to be secure in your person, house, papers, and effects exist whether you have "something to hide" or not?

Furthermore, since we all seem to "bore" you, I suggest you find the exit and leave the forums. It'll probably be much better for your mental health than staying.
I’m touched by your concern. LMFAO
That, however, does not excuse your disingenuous deflection. Are you stuck in a basement in the bad part of Saint Petersburg or what?
I’m touched by your concern. LMFAO
That, however, does not excuse your disingenuous deflection. Are you stuck in a basement in the bad part of Saint Petersburg or what?
No deflection, just seeking answers I can respond to.

The fact that you keep harping on how Trump is guilty of some unstated, at this point, crime while professing to know that "people who have nothing to hide" wouldn't object to an adversary gaining access to confidential information is telling.

Especially when you refuse to answer the question presented. Which is:

Do you believe that the Right to be secure in your person, house, papers, and effects exists whether you have anything to hide or not?

It's really a simple question and can be answered with a yes/no response.
No deflection, just seeking answers I can respond to.

The fact that you keep harping on how Trump is guilty of some unstated, at this point, crime while professing to know that "people who have nothing to hide" wouldn't object to an adversary gaining access to confidential information is telling.

Especially when you refuse to answer the question presented. Which is:

Do you believe that the Right to be secure in your person, house, papers, and effects exists whether you have anything to hide or not?

It's really a simple question and can be answered with a yes/no response.
It certainly could. But since it’s not relevant, I’m not going to play your semantic rhetorical ring around the Rosie bullshit. I tell you what. why don’t you just fuck off. And when you get there, fuck off some more. i’ve known polychaetes with a higher IQ and greater critical thinking skills. You’re a fucking knuckle, dragging mouth, breathing, empty headed cretin. not worthy of your existence. Ciao Felicia.
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it certainly could. But since it’s not relevant, I’m not going to play your semantic rhetorical ring around the Rosie bullshit. I tell you what. why don’t you just fuck off. And when you get there, fuck off some more. i’ve known polychaetes with a higher IQ and greater critical thinking skills. You’re a fucking knuckle, dragging mouth, breathing, empty headed cretin. not worthy of your existence. Ciao Felicia.
Accounting firm partner testifies about how trump lost close to $1B over the course of 2009-2010:

As a partner in Mazars USA accounting firm, Bender worked as Trump Org's accountant until early this year when Mazars cut ties, citing the unreliability of the president's finances.
“Do you recall in 2010 Donald Trump had losses of almost $200 million on his personal tax returns?” Susan Hoffinger, the Manhattan Assistant District Attorney, asked the accountant on Tuesday.
“I believe so,” Bender answered.
“Do you recall in 2009, Donald Trump’s personal tax returns had losses around $700 million?” Hoffinger also asked.
“Sounds about right,” Bender again replied.
Bender also claimed he was unaware the Trump Org allegedly paid certain executives at the company millions of dollars in off-the-book perks that included rent, utilities and Christmas bonuses.
When asked why, as the company’s accountant, he was unaware of the of the alleged off-the-book compensation for certain executives, Bender responded: “Because I probably would’ve had a heart attack.”
"This case should be dismissed immediately, and the large, highly paid and 'prestigious' accounting firm that we relied on to do their job, but didn’t, should pay us a fortune in damages," Trump said.
As he often does, he labeled the investigation "a total witch hunt!"

Two minutes later, he returned to Truth Social to post the quote, "Give me freedom or give me death."


sounds like he's channeling his inner mel gibson
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Each and everyone of those made privy to the data are a source of leaks to the press, and undoubtedly one or more of them will. And when that happens federal law is violated and the fallout from that violation begins.
There will be no fallout from whatever violation you claim to discern. It will be leaked but America has moved on from Donald Trump; sure there is a hard core of supporters, but increasingly he is "yesterdays man," the core is diminishing." Even the cowards in the GOP are beginning to sense this. He will holler and bawl, and shout, and froth at the mouth a while longer, but the reality is that America no longer gives a damn.

Donald Trump's future is only as an embarrassment to his former associates, even his own daughter has realized that. No one will give a rats ass if his tax files are leaked.:)
That's no answer at all. Is the English language a struggle for you? Or perhaps you're just not capable/bothering to think this through.

NONE of the individuals on the subpoenaing committee are 'tax experts.' That means that they are going to have to turn that material over to some entities (favorable to their goals) for review. Given the complication of the returns they, in turn, are going to involve a host of drones to aid in the review and given the truncated time allowed probably a LOT of drones. Each and everyone of those made privy to the data are a source of leaks to the press, and undoubtedly one or more of them will. And when that happens federal law is violated and the fallout from that violation begins.

Now, if Trump was legitimately engaged in tax fraud and the evidence is such that the new congress persue's the matter, fine, prosecute the bastard.
I would think the IRS is much more capable of finding fraud in a return which brings us back square one. THIS IS A FUCKING WITCH HINT!!
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I would think the IRS is much more capable of finding fraud in a return which brings us back square one. THIS IS A FUCKING WITCH HINT!!
One of the hallmarks of a witch hunt is that the supposed witch gets to hand pick those who will preside over the hunt, :sneaky::rolleyes:
Too bad they don't magically disappear in a fire...

so you’re no, he’s guilty that you don’t give a fuck ……. anybody wonder why we can’t have anything nice?

I am absolutely sure one thing. You don’t know shit. And if you’re going to make a ridiculous claim about assumptions, at least put up some weak ass example of your claim.

Just for you. That....was interaction. Who made the assumption first?
It bears repeating. Lost in all the "Trump Hate" is the fact that the democrat establishment is going after Trump to damage his electability.

If the IRS has a beef with Trump, that's who should be going after him...just like any other American Citizen.

Being good at defending yourself from the Tax Man isn't a crime. And if he's overstepped, they'll catch him and deal with it, as in the 72 Million re-assessment, for example.

This thing where Democrats and Republicans investigate each other to death at the political level is what creates anti-establishment anti-democratic candidates like Trump in the first place.

Let the Justice System and the Voters decide.

The Politicians need to get back to the business of representing their constituencies and governng the country.