SCOTUS Hands Trump's Taxes to Congress

Bullshit. People are going after Donald Trump because he is a corrupt, criminal, con man, fraud, white nationalist, racist, rapist, traitor. He doesn't have everyone by the balls as he does fools like you.
Bullshit. People are going after Donald Trump because he is a corrupt, criminal, con man, fraud, white nationalist, racist, rapist, traitor. He doesn't have everyone by the balls as he does fools like you.
You have a Justice System equipped to do all of that.

Since when are Politicians involved in policing and prosecuting?
You have a Justice System equipped to do all of that.

Since when are Politicians involved in policing and prosecuting?
Did you notice the absolute assertion of guilt before the investigation is conducted?

No bias there at all...
Twice impeached failure con man blindly supported by Fascist traitors

The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But don’t you be saying that as if the Democrats are an example of good government!
I laughed. The Republicans haven't bothered to try to govern at all on the national level for years. Even now, as they are primed to take control of the House, they are only talking about engaging in vengeance for Donald Trump. They haven't said a damn thing about governing. Meanwhile the Democrats continue to push out whatever actually needed governing legislation that "just say no" Republican politicians let them.

Who do you think you're fooling? It's all happening right out in the open. We all can see it.