Short poems: examples + discussion

Hillocks like breasts
mouse ears like breasts

perspective--prison corridor

10,000 ways to right 'em, 10,000 ways to read 'em
10,000 potential customers, and this one ain't buyin that one, there is a huge play in most two letter combinations, three potentially more, and so on and so forth
as an image, concept, good
as a poem, how inviting is it? does it entice? does it generate further interaction?

no quarter
mouse ears like breasts

perspective--prison corridor

10,000 ways to right 'em, 10,000 ways to read 'em
10,000 potential customers, and this one ain't buyin that one, there is a huge play in most two letter combinations, three potentially more, and so on and so forth
as an image, concept, good
as a poem, how inviting is it? does it entice? does it generate further interaction?

no quarter

Your dime
mouse ears
10,000 ways to fuck 'em up
mouse ears like breasts

perspective--prison corridor

10,000 ways to right 'em, 10,000 ways to read 'em
10,000 potential customers, and this one ain't buyin that one, there is a huge play in most two letter combinations, three potentially more, and so on and so forth
as an image, concept, good
as a poem, how inviting is it? does it entice? does it generate further interaction?

no quarter
Mouse likes breasts
Bites , suckles
Nipples .......
The Stanley Fish experiment is this:
Students are told a list is a poem (inference)
a list is
Noun (or noun phrase)

reader thinks it is a poem, thereforth...

Senna's poem is
Noun--Noun phrase noun (+inference)
So how is this different?

Because the two are carefully chosen, I give him that
writer creatses, reader thinks it is a poem, thereforth...

but the same can be appied to everything in New Poems also, now, Senna I am sure put a little more thought into his than most of the people in new poems put in theirs (conjecture on my part) but lets take his poem and re-order it as a noun lists




etc., there should be a slight meaning shifts as some of these can be collapsed into one Noun phrase (prison corridor perspective) and some can't be understood with out the implied insertion of other words.

Here he asks you to the insertion by the "--", what he is doing, whether he knows it or not is asking you to think like a chinese reader, his poem is now
Character Character,
and the meaning "poetry" is how the two fit together.

The limitations of this should be obvious, but the most likely one, is that is does not sustain great interest.
^ a poem or a mistake?

sorry, i can answer that question myself.

wrong place

a moment, a tardis thing, but not a poem.
news in in


a kind of rip off in thought from a neoneurotic poem I saw in the old passion thread, but I think that one word works as a poem. Any other thoughts? this has been an interesting exercise to get the brain thinking in terms of maximum poetic value in minimalism. Thank you Senna for this thread

as a single word, it's too open-ended; with its title, though, it's a sucker-punch. is it a poem? works for me - says . . . no, allows the reader to infer everything and so makes use of that e-space: what the readers bring to the piece completes the poem in their own minds. they only bring what they do, though, because of those four words. you steer. we fill. voila. it lives, todski.
Senna's in the house? Let me sharpen a pencil and open a fresh notebook!