So, you really, really, really hate Trump

Trump has finally got the permanent deferment he always wanted. He earned his spurs initially in the doctor's surgery and then in court.

A felon cannot join the military (although it appears that a felon can be the commander-in-chief).
Source? The source is Trump. These are all documented quotes over time. These aren't secret. Unless of course you're not paying attention.
Actually, I am paying attention. But you can't post a link to support your statement? Prove it or STFU. Sorry to be crude, but I hear this crap all the time with no backup. Prove it or STFU. Links... you know those URL thingies that go to support your position?
Trump has finally got the permanent deferment he always wanted. He earned his spurs initially in the doctor's surgery and then in court.

A felon cannot join the military (although it appears that a felon can be the commander-in-chief).
Ehhh... Biden? Oh wait... sorry...
Right, because we all know that Trump has weaponized racism, stupidity, and narcissism to recruit a legion of MAGAts.
So how do you explain all the BLACKS who are supporting trump? And his long history of supporting and HIRING minorities? You are the racist, how does it feel...
So how do you explain all the BLACKS who are supporting trump? And his long history of supporting and HIRING minorities? You are the racist, how does it feel...
Most polling shows Trump losing the African American vote. He's on record using derogatory slurs to refer to black people, and in the 1980's he took out a full-page ad in the New York Times trying to get innocent black teens executed for a crime they didn't commit.
So how do you explain all the BLACKS who are supporting trump? And his long history of supporting and HIRING minorities? You are the racist, how does it feel...
Narcissists and stupid people come in all colors. Your anecdotal "evidence" holds no water statistically.

And appealing to the worst reptillian instincts of the human mind is nothing new. Autocrats have been doing that for millennia.
So darlin', how old are you? When I was younger I could put up with the bull shit longer. As I get older, not so much. Trump does better than I would, I would just say "fuck you." Strong message to follow. So yeah, he is keeping it together pretty good.

You have remarkably low standards.

Beyond his obvious mental decline, his message of hate, revenge, tax cuts and going along with the religious freaks regarding abortion are beyond problematic.

If you consider that "pretty good" that says more about you than you likely realize.

Old enough to see through you.
Actually, I am paying attention. But you can't post a link to support your statement? Prove it or STFU. Sorry to be crude, but I hear this crap all the time with no backup. Prove it or STFU. Links... you know those URL thingies that go to support your position?

don't hurt yourself

Good to know you're inept. I'll treat you accordingly into the future.
If you're a Trump supporter, you should be praying that they put Trump in jail/prison. Because then either one of two things happen:

A) Trump is incarcerated and Americans protest, but nothing much happens. Maybe you get another Jan 6 incident of guided tours around the capital, but for the most part American colours are shown. The government realizes it can do absolutely anything it wants, and Americans won't do a thing about it except whine a bit.

B) Americans actually get a fire lit under their ass and they finally decide to actually do something about their broken country.

Personally, I suspect it'll be A. That it has gotten this far is beyond belief, but hey, all empires die sooner or later and perhaps it's America's time.
You are probably right, but if they show back up to the Cap it won't be holding cell phones for selfies...

President Biden isn't a felon.
Yet... ya' see, that is the problem. Please whine when the shoe is on the other foot..

Sounds like you're confused, maybe you should have been paying attention last few years. Stop asking dumb-fuck questions.
I like asking dumb-fuck questions, they require you to have an answer, which I see you do not. I admit that I was asleep like most until 1992. That was my WTF moment, ya' see I knew old Billy Boy personally, they nominated that fucking crook? Really? And me having voted for Jimmy Carter I was like what the hell? I have been paying attention ever since...

Most polling shows Trump losing the African American vote. He's on record using derogatory slurs to refer to black people, and in the 1980's he took out a full-page ad in the New York Times trying to get innocent black teens executed for a crime they didn't commit.
Do you mind proving that with links?

Narcissists and stupid people come in all colors. Your anecdotal "evidence" holds no water statistically.

And appealing to the worst reptillian instincts of the human mind is nothing new. Autocrats have been doing that for millennia.
Do you mind proving that with links?
You have remarkably low standards.

Beyond his obvious mental decline, his message of hate, revenge, tax cuts and going along with the religious freaks regarding abortion are beyond problematic.

If you consider that "pretty good" that says more about you than you likely realize.

Old enough to see through you.
Oh, I know that Trump is getting older, hell I am older, too old to deal with this bull shit. Religious? No, not really, I hate organized religion as a whole. So, if you are old enough to see through me, what do you see? Inquiring minds want to know...
don't hurt yourself

Good to know you're inept. I'll treat you accordingly into the future.

Oooooohhhhhhh Google, never heard of that before.... thanks. Now, you want to put up or shut up. Proof, ya' know that stuff... not just spouting bull shit...
I have been a reader on Lit for many years, I enjoy the stories in many categories. I am perplexed. So you have a government system that has been weaponized and reduces our freedoms. We want to have the freedom to explore our fantasies, our kinks, whatever. So we have a President who really doesn't give a shit what we do in our personal lives. Yet ya'll rally around someone that wants to use your fantasies, your kinks, to hold over you. Yeah, I'm mainly a libertarian, you do you, I'll do me, have a nice day.

Yet I see so many of you going "oh hell yeah, screw that fucker!!!"


Ok, I can see some getting upset that abortion was sent back to the states, I actually support legal abortion, it is a whole lot better than the ugly crap that my father as a doctor told me happened. So move or take a drive. As a father, I can't think of having aborted my 3 kids, but that is me doing me, you can do you.

You folks need to think about what you are cheering. Trump won't shut down Lit. The CIA and NSA under Biden and company will track you and use your fantasies and kinks against you if you step out of line. And yes, I worked for those folks for 30 years until I escaped. Don't doubt me, they have YOUR number. And yes, you might step out of line and may or may not realize that you did so. No worries, you will just be a greasy spot on the road of total government control.

On another front. As a combat vet myself, war totally sucks and is hell on earth. Trump didn't get us any new wars. Biden is just now saying that Ukraine can use our weapons in Russia? Are you fucking kidding me? I don't want my grandsons and granddaughters dying in some fucking war.

You peeps need to take out your soul and look at it....
Thanks for sharing, trumptard.
Do you mind proving that with links?

Do you mind proving that with links?
Opinions don't need links.

Can you source that? Ya' know, a link? My #3 granddaughter is 14 and is 5'10", so I don't really get your point...
Post like this get people banned here, after 20 years, one would think you should know that. Guess I was wrong?
Actually, I listened to him this morning. No teleprompter, no ear buds, sounded pretty sharp in that 30 minuet interview.
Yes, but it's not like I haven't seen this dance before.
Oh, I know that Trump is getting older, hell I am older, too old to deal with this bull shit. Religious? No, not really, I hate organized religion as a whole. So, if you are old enough to see through me, what do you see? Inquiring minds want to know...

Oooooohhhhhhh Google, never heard of that before.... thanks. Now, you want to put up or shut up. Proof, ya' know that stuff... not just spouting bull shit...

You're an idiot, with more arrogance than substance. You also think more of yourself than you'll admit.

Second link in the returned search had it.

I'm sorry that you never progressed beyond schoolyard bully debate status.
the links to all these things you are asking for have been posted ad infinitum over the course of years

why should any poster here bother to go do your homework for you just because you live under a rock?

kudos to anyone who can be bothered, but this smacks of the same old circular 'prove it' about things proven multiple MULTIPLE times here already—a pure waste of time in the end since they'll not even accept the truth even when shown the videos of trump bleating out all his inhumanity.

hate trump? no. hate's far too potent an emotion to waste on him. I DESPISE the slimy, piggy fucker.
You're an idiot, with more arrogance than substance. You also think more of yourself than you'll admit.

Second link in the returned search had it.

I'm sorry that you never progressed beyond schoolyard bully debate status.
Actually, you provided a link to a search engine, not anything else, so who is the idiot?
the links to all these things you are asking for have been posted ad infinitum over the course of years

why should any poster here bother to go do your homework for you just because you live under a rock?

kudos to anyone who can be bothered, but this smacks of the same old circular 'prove it' about things proven multiple MULTIPLE times here already—a pure waste of time in the end since they'll not even accept the truth even when shown the videos of trump bleating out all his inhumanity.

hate trump? no. hate's far too potent an emotion to waste on him. I DESPISE the slimy, piggy fucker.
Well, I don't make statements without being willing to back them up. Maybe you Trump bashers have been doing this here for years, and I will admit that it is my bad for ignoring this forum for this long. Have a nice day.
Well, I don't make statements without being willing to back them up. Maybe you Trump bashers have been doing this here for years, and I will admit that it is my bad for ignoring this forum for this long. Have a nice day.
We're still waiting with restless breath for those links to Trump's growing black support...