So, you really, really, really hate Trump

Yeah, I will have to give you that one, I have been a user here for 20 years.
...and have probably posted countless times, under countless different names. Which of them were you?

Saying the justice system is "Weaponized" and "Taking Away Our Freedoms" when a person is lawfully convicted of a crime by a citizen jury, after hearing ample evidence, is basically saying you don't believe in law and order.

Are you, by chance, an anarchist then? Would you prefer that everyone be above the law? Or that the laws should apply to everyone but Mr. Donald Trump?
Because that's how things work in a banana republic. That is not how things work in a free democratic society.

One of these days, HISARPY (because I am guessing this is probably you, after all you have been a user here for 20 years) I pray you will grow up intellectually and learn to understand that.
You are probably right, but if they show back up to the Cap it won't be holding cell phones for selfies...
At this point, I don't see the Rightwing/Conservative Americans having the balls to do anything except cry and whine.

I can easily see Trump going to jail and possibly being assassinated. And the Right will still do nothing, they'll just roll over and cry like they always do.

The leftist/democrats openly call the Right traitors, deplorables, nazis, and many other names that have one thing in common: dehumanizing a group of people of a particular trait that need to be 'permanently removed' from society. Members on this forum have actively called for killing others who do not share their leftist views, and they make no secret or apologies about it. And not a peep from the rest about how that kind of thinking is too far or violent, because they endorse it. They're just not saying out loud themselves...yet.

And the Rightwing just keeps chugging along, pretending that kind of mentality can be 'reasoned' with.

I've read my history, I know how this goes. The Rightwing isn't fighting back and the leftist/democrats are just becoming more emboldened by how pacifistic the Right is.

And honestly, I have no sympathy for the Right anymore. You've let it go this far and I see little or no evidence of any actual attempts to stop it. Just the usual crying and whining while doing nothing of real substance.

The Rightwing/Conservative Americans are going to get what's coming to them, and they will have no one to blame but themselves.
Sorry, I was in the process of posting links to blacks supporting Trump when my lovely wife came home with sushi and the system timed out on me. I will look them up again...
At this point, I don't see the Rightwing/Conservative Americans having the balls to do anything except cry and whine.

I can easily see Trump going to jail and possibly being assassinated. And the Right will still do nothing, they'll just roll over and cry like they always do.

The leftist/democrats openly call the Right traitors, deplorables, nazis, and many other names that have one thing in common: dehumanizing a group of people of a particular trait that need to be 'permanently removed' from society. Members on this forum have actively called for killing others who do not share their leftist views, and they make no secret or apologies about it. And not a peep from the rest about how that kind of thinking is too far or violent, because they endorse it. They're just not saying out loud themselves...yet.

And the Rightwing just keeps chugging along, pretending that kind of mentality can be 'reasoned' with.

I've read my history, I know how this goes. The Rightwing isn't fighting back and the leftist/democrats are just becoming more emboldened by how pacifistic the Right is.

And honestly, I have no sympathy for the Right anymore. You've let it go this far and I see little or no evidence of any actual attempts to stop it. Just the usual crying and whining while doing nothing of real substance.

The Rightwing/Conservative Americans are going to get what's coming to them, and they will have no one to blame but themselves.
One group respects democracy, freedoms, equality, free and fair elections, woman's rights, civil liberties, a system of checks and balances, and a functional and effective government.

One group does not.

Most Americans side with the first group, thankfully. Originally, so did the majority of the Republican Party. But now, sadly, they fall into the second group.

The Rightwing group will fail, because the majority of Americans find their views abhorrent and will do everything in their power to stop them- simple as that. Americans fought for their freedoms abroad in World Wars 1 and 2- fighting against the very thing that the Trump-led Republicans stand for today- and they are prepared to fight for their freedoms at home as well. So please remember that.
...and have probably posted countless times, under countless different names. Which of them were you?

Saying the justice system is "Weaponized" and "Taking Away Our Freedoms" when a person is lawfully convicted of a crime by a citizen jury, after hearing ample evidence, is basically saying you don't believe in law and order.

Are you, by chance, an anarchist then? Would you prefer that everyone be above the law? Or that the laws should apply to everyone but Mr. Donald Trump?
Because that's how things work in a banana republic. That is not how things work in a free democratic society.

One of these days, HISARPY (because I am guessing this is probably you, after all you have been a user here for 20 years) I pray you will grow up intellectually and learn to understand that.
You mean the “fair” trial? The one who was presided over by a judge whose daughter was a fund raiser for Harris? When does Bill Clinton go to trial for paying hush money?
Here's two: Trump's main idol & pal Roy Cohn, in addition to being human scum in so many other ways, always referred to every African American as a "n****r".

His second-biggest idol, William Levitt, was quite possibly the most racist businessman in the country in his prime, and did more to hurt African Americans in terms of denying them access to property than any other individual in American history.

Thanks for playing. 😘
One group respects democracy, freedoms, equality, free and fair elections, woman's rights, civil liberties, a system of checks and balances, and a functional and effective government.[/quote/
Personally I don't respect democracy, I respect the Republic. Democracy is 3 wolves and a lamb discussing who is for dinner..

One group does not.

Most Americans side with the first group, thankfully. Originally, so did the majority of the Republican Party. But now, sadly, they fall into the second group.

Ahhh.... not so much, but run with it, that is what Democrats do...

The Rightwing group will fail, because the majority of Americans find their views abhorrent and will do everything in their power to stop them- simple as that. Americans fought for their freedoms abroad in World Wars 1 and 2- fighting against the very thing that the Trump-led Republicans stand for today- and they are prepared to fight for their freedoms at home as well. So please remember that.
Your sample sizes are probably a bit off, but ok, you are obviously the world renowned expert on this... Is this where we are all supposed to bow to you and say we are not worthy? Asking for a friend...
Here's two: Trump's main idol & pal Roy Cohn, in addition to being human scum in so many other ways, always referred to every African American as a "n****r".

His second-biggest idol, William Levitt, was quite possibly the most racist businessman in the country in his prime, and did more to hurt African Americans in terms of denying them access to property than any other individual in American history.

Thanks for playing. 😘

Well, I have to admit that I have never heard of those two. But I will bow you your expertise when you provide some links so that I can rightfully inform myself to the correctness of your statements...
Well I'd like to see some statistics, not what a "somebody" on the internet posted. You do understand the type of proof required for your claim, don't you?

(I'm beginning to think he doesn't, he's too caught up in the minuet)
Actually, I have enjoyed this, but the only poll that counts is on November 5th. The rest is just statistics, and when I took statistics in college well, they can say what you want them to say. So I will acknowledge your ignoring anecdotal evidence. After all, we don't have any Obamaphones for the press to report on.
Then you now have two fascinating biographies to read up on. And critical ones re: history of the 20th century.

Let us know what you learn. 😉
I will do that, but they aren't Trump so not critical to this discussion unless you want to bring the KKK Grand Master Senator Berg who Biden swooned over when that asshole finally left this mortal toil...