the annoyances of being trans and interested in bdsm

What was the question?

Oh, yeah, prior to all the sandbox bullshit.

In the real world as I've experienced it, there are a lot of transfolk in the scene, integrated to a pretty high degree. I know a lot of MTF folks who are pretty well viewed and accepted as the destination F gender without a lot of hype and fetishization, by both men and women.

Of course I know MTF's that get off on being fetishized and hyped as "chick with dick" and there are endless opportunities for that within the scene too, if you dig that. I'm guessing you probably don't.

I didn't have my head totally up my ass at 20, and I was working on the dual issues of liking other women AND wanting to beat people at the same time without any major trauma. Between 20 and 23, till I actually got a chance to eat pussy and whack men, I'd say I was pretty bored and treading water.

Fuck, I can still empathize at 30 now.
Johnny said,

Oh, and don't forget "hyperbole", while you are at I need to teach Humor 101 here? Watch a couple of Monty Python movies and listen to a David Cross CD, and get back to me...

But Johnny, your postings are a kind of Humor 101 in themselves; I've always appreciated the Herr Doktor Onanismus sex adviser routine! {Jacking furiously, speaking in heavy German accent:} Vee mahst Kont-trol ourselfs! Vee are naht Ahnimaltz!)

MissTaken said:
Have you checked the yahoo chat groups and munch groups in your area? I know is at least one active munch group with a nice cross section of lifestylers.

i am currently attended various bdsm events, munches and etc where i am.

as for yahoo...currently part of some, but there is not all that many intereresting ones, and have the problem of not knowing to say or start up...other than reply to some things i feel i could. i am not always the best to start up conversations :p

Pure said:
OR, if you want to quiz mellian on his motives for a posting with...

if your going to use pronouns on me, use HER and SHE.

Johnny Mayberry said:
Oh, and don't forget "hyperbole", while you are at I need to teach Humor 101 here? Watch a couple of Monty Python movies and listen to a David Cross CD, and get back to me...;)

you are no monty python.

Johnny's Song,
I'm a Cyberdom
by Monty Purethon

{to be sung to "I'm a lumberjack, and I'm OK."}

{Barber} I'm a cyberdom
and I'm just right.
I sleep all day,
and I type all night.

{Mounties}: He's a cyberdom and he's just right.
He sleeps all day, and he types all night.

I type commands,
I eat my snack,
and whack in the dear old john.
On Wednesdays I go shopping,
then cookies and milk with mom.

He types commands, he eats his snacks, he whacks in the dear old john
On Wednesdays he goes shopping, then cookies and milk with mom.

I type commands,
Give wise advice,
Develop iron will.
I put on my black vinyl pants
and cyber as a FemmeJill.

He types commands, gives wise advice; develops iron will.
He puts on his black vinyl pants, and cybers as FemmeJill.

I type commands.
I wear high heels
I stretch my nips, la-la,
I wish I'd been a girlie,
Just like my dear Papa.

He types commands, he wears high heels; and stretches 'is nips—la,la.

{talking, shocked} He wants to be a girlie?
Oh my, I though you were so macho! Subbie!

{singing}He's a cyberdom and he's just right.
He sleeps all day, and he types all night.

(all rights reserved)
Pure said:
Etoile said,

mellian, I have a question for you.

What response were you hoping for when you posted this thread? What was your motivation for posting it?

Etoile, I have a question for you:

What was your motivation is posting the following more than 500 times?

//I choose to label myself a submissive dyke slutgrrl. I might also be called pansexual or omnisexual; I am in a long-term relationship with my girlfriend of six years, and I also have a multi-year relationship with my Daddy, who lives in another town. //

Turning to another important issue ;)

Johnny Mayberry in 12-29-02 posted,
12-29-02 Thread: "Someone please explain the male mind." {on guys who try to get laid, first date}


No, I'm really one of those nice guys, I swear!!! Actually, I'm just so used to not getting any sex that i usually masturbate twice before a date...imagine my horror when a woman is actually willing to give me sex, and I'm trying for my 4th orgasm of teh least I don't go off immediately!

What do you suppose his motivation was? Was it more a desire to be liked? or perhaps a desire to brag? or just to type something in the refractory period before his 6th jerkoff? :)

It seems to me posters have a number of motives: attempting to make friends, sometimes to inform, sometimes to complain, sometimes to seek advice, sometimes to draw attention, maybe sympathy.

We can never know the motives. So unless there's evidence of malice, of trying to break lit rules, e.g., by making threats, it seems pointless to inquire into them. OR, if you want to quiz mellian on his {correction: 'her'}motives for a posting with possibly a bit of a desire for understanding regarding some difficulties, why not also inquire into the motives of Mayberry who's posted a dozen "funny" provocations in reply?

And incidentally, what was your motivation for inquiring into mellian's????? :)
To your first question: it's my signature. It's actually been posted more than 2500 times (to date) and this post makes it one more. I chose to include that in my sig so that people who read any random post of mine will get some idea where I'm coming from.

To your second question: I was curious. mellian is fairly new here and I don't know her too well. Johnny I have more experience with and can "hear his voice" better when I read his typed words. I don't know mellian, so I was curious.

And if this entire post was supposed to be humorous and I'm responding seriously, well, sorry, but I missed the humor. Maybe I'm not hearing Pure's voice too well either. ;)
Johnny Mayberry said:
Let me ask you...don't you think it would be funnier if you were like half-Jewish and half German-Irish Catholic? I mean, you have to have some sort of real contradiction going on, or else there's no joke. I mean, the retard example that bridgeburner gave isn't funny, since racial stuff is sort of arbitrary anyways, especially if you are biracial.(I know, I'm the world's whitest Puerto-Rican...the closest I get to Hispanic culture is Taco Bell, which is actually worse than no culture at all, since that is fake-Mexican...)

Actually, now that you mention it... :D My adopted family is German, and my biological mother, I found out some time ago, is Irish.. not sure if she was catholic, but since she was from northern Illinois, my guess is yes. That does make the joke far better. ;)

And what's with Pure stalking you? I've been on this board for months and I can't get -one- stalker. I'm so jealous! What do you have that I don't have? Other than the obvious penis thing.
sunfox said:
Actually, now that you mention it... :D My adopted family is German, and my biological mother, I found out some time ago, is Irish.. not sure if she was catholic, but since she was from northern Illinois, my guess is yes. That does make the joke far better. ;)

And what's with Pure stalking you? I've been on this board for months and I can't get -one- stalker. I'm so jealous! What do you have that I don't have? Other than the obvious penis thing.
LOL, ok, sure...see, humor is fun!!

As far as Pure stalking me, I think he has a crush on me...but he quotes me out of context so you don't get the full brunt of my humor. Like where he quoted me above...what was the topic of that thread? Excessive masturbation? Recovery time between orgasms? !9th century Austrailian dental techniques? Nope, it was about getting laid the first date, I guess...and I just thought it was funny to say that I jack off twice before a date, and I never expect to actually have sex. If I had thought about it more, I would have posted about how after the 17th Scotch and water(hold the water), sex on a first date is a moot point...

...ummmm, what was this thread about again? Chicks with dicks? How can that NOT be funny?
JM: //As far as Pure stalking me, I think he has a crush on me...//

The last to stalk the Babbling Onanist suffered death by hilarity. I'm deterred also by exhaustion; his 6300 posts, 13 months.

That's 16 nuggets of humor per day, from lonely vanilla whacker to cyberdom spoof. Take care, Sunfox; applauding each, may run you ragged. That's a hosanna every hour and a half, 24/7, 365 days a year. A helluva job-- I suppose someone's gotta do! ;)
You should check the meaning of "cyberdom" while you are at it, Pure...your thinking seems to be a bit skewed on many subjects when it comes to me...'s ok, I don't mind you having a crush on me, its cool...creepy, but cool.

(BTW, that was sort of funny, with the "Lumberjack Song" thing...weak flame, but I'm flattered that you put out so much effort.)
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Sunfox said,

And what's with Pure stalking you? I've been on this board for months and I can't get -one- stalker. I'm so jealous!

I prefer to think of myself as a parttime Archivist of Humor, both intended and unintended. ;) My sporadic peeks at Mayberry's dom spoofs are a sometime diversion.

You could well acquire an archivist by simply doing as follows:

1) Take a pretentious name, like Supreme Mistress Vulpes Dolorosa; lacking that make your postings more authoritative, like "In my ten years are domme,...."

2) Pick an area you know little about, let's hypothetically say, bondage, and declare yourself a specialist in it. Offer advice about it, freely.

3) Make 10 or more postings a day, without fail, not being deterred when a topic isn't known to you. When you draw a blank, just make your presence known with "I don't know anything about this, but i'd say...."

Note: I see you've got about 260 postings, or about one a day. So you can see a tenfold increase is required!

Your humor, like Johnny's, will likely attract at least a parttime archivist, someone impressed with your newfound vapidity and fatuous audacity. :)

It takes a lotta typing, but it's a straightforward and uncomplicated project with its rewarding notariety.

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Pure said:
JM: //As far as Pure stalking me, I think he has a crush on me...//

The last to stalk the Babbling Onanist suffered death by hilarity. I'm deterred also by exhaustion; his 6300 posts, 13 months.

That's 16 nuggets of humor per day, from lonely vanilla whacker to cyberdom spoof. Take care, Sunfox; applauding each, may run you ragged. That's a hosanna every hour and a half, 24/7, 365 days a year. A helluva job-- I suppose someone's gotta do! ;)

Now I have to applaud too? This stalking stuff is too time consuming for me to take up. Sorry, Johnny. All you get is Pure's affectionate serenades. ;)

But... just this once... *golfclaps*

Her Royal Subiness, the Infinitely Amusing,
Vulpes Solaris. :kiss:
sunfox said:
Now I have to applaud too? This stalking stuff is too time consuming for me to take up. Sorry, Johnny. All you get is Pure's affectionate serenades. ;)

But... just this once... *golfclaps*

Her Royal Subiness, the Infinitely Amusing,
Vulpes Solaris. :kiss:
Well, you could always take a cue from Pure, and just randomly show up and post quotes from someone, with absolutely no regard to the actual thread...:p

He's cute, but a little sad. There are actual cyberdoms he could be following around, but since I nailed him with some words in Latin a few months ago, he's occasionally showed up to quote my old posts(when he is not frantically editing his own).

Nice golf clap, by the way... :clap:
I gracefully bow out and leave the floor to you, mellian. ;)

My apologies for the hijack... you lot, get back to the subject! :eek:
mellian said:
i am currently attended various bdsm events, munches and etc where i am.

as for yahoo...currently part of some, but there is not all that many intereresting ones, and have the problem of not knowing to say or start up...other than reply to some things i feel i could. i am not always the best to start up conversations :p


I used to be a member of "thisgroup" in Ottawa.

There is also a BDSM group in Kingston.

Both seem to have their pros and cons and I am sure you would be welcome in either.

Some of us are putting our heads together to start some social activity where I am, in the US about 40 minutes drive from Kingston.

Let me know if you want any of the details or are closer to one area than another.

I was talking with a male trannie from the Ottawa area as friends. It seems likely that there may be some options for you.

Keep attending munches.
That is the best way to meet others and learn some stuff.
The Ottawa group has monthly discussion groups as well.

Take care
MissTaken said:
I used to be a member of "thisgroup" in Ottawa.

yes, but the email list got disbanded, and the new more popular, from what i can tell anyway, bdsm email list for ottawa is kudo. there is still thisgroupunder-35, and the thisgroupannouncements lists...which i am part of as well.

There is also a BDSM group in Kingston.

to far and no real way to get there from ottawa anyway.

I was talking with a male trannie from the Ottawa area as friends. It seems likely that there may be some options for you.

male trannie as in female to male? there is always options, i just have to find and seek them out.

The Ottawa group has monthly discussion groups as well.

yes, but they are hard to fit my schedule to attend those.

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mellian said:
male trannie as in female to male?
That's something that's hard to keep track of. Maybe I'll start a thread over in GLBT about it. Would you post if I did, mellian?
Etoile said:
That's something that's hard to keep track of. Maybe I'll start a thread over in GLBT about it. Would you post if I did, mellian?

of course.
