The Annual Halloween Contest Is Coming!

The voting over the weekend has been weird. Numbers up and down all over the place. I think my humourous piece must have been in contention for a high placement. It got bombed, unbombed then bombed again, twice.

Oh well. The 'serious' story is in contention for the lower orders. And amusingly it's been 5 bombed by at least two people (naming no names)

gauchecritic said:
Oh well. The 'serious' story is in contention for the lower orders. And amusingly it's been 5 bombed by at least two people (naming no names)


It wasn't me. Honest. I didn't punch that hanging chad and I sure as hell didn't get it pregnant.



You asked, "Catherine Harris, are you out there?" We could use that, uh, person. But in atonement for her partisan stand, the Cruella DeVille look-alike and former Florida Sec. of State was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.

Rumple Foreskin
Who needs a vote?

Hate to se anyone not have 25. Warning though: I vote em as I like em.
I need votes

Unashamed plea: Maids-in-Waiting is well past the 25 vote limit but the other two need votes.

Even 1s will help towards the goal of coming last.

Links in my signature below.

I already voted on hannah, but gave viking a vote. I'll ask any of my regular respondants to vote too if I get feedback from them ogs, So far three have said they would. Hope that helps.

best of luck,

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Thank you, Colly

Halloween Viking is in need of votes because I kept it very bland.

Tonight, when I have more time, I intend to finish voting for all the contest entries.

Some don't need votes but there are so many in the Halloween Contest that some must be like Viking and languishing below the 25.


I was working on a story, dropped the ball for a while, came up with a better idea, never started writing it, and now it's too late. So, I guess I'm like everyone else.
I just looked at all the entrees again. Haven't done it for a while. Wow, even more than last time I checked! I really want to read them all, but not sure I'll make it. Well, not in the near future anyway. :(

Oh, but of course I read the AH author's contributions and voted. :D
Re: I need votes

oggbashan said:
Unashamed plea: Maids-in-Waiting is well past the 25 vote limit but the other two need votes.

Even 1s will help towards the goal of coming last.

Links in my signature below.

Well, I've got my principals. I only grovel for sex. :)

Og, I've now voted for everything you've written-at least once. RF
Congratulations to the Winners

The winners are posted on Lit's Home Page.

"* 2003 Halloween Contest Winners *

Top Rated Story ($100 Cash Prize Winner):
Sons of the Dragon
by sarahhh

Runner Up Story ($75 Cash Prize Winner):
The Girl With Golden Eyes
by DarkLit

Second Runner Up Story ($50 Cash Prize Winner):
Gangster's Ball
by Colleen Thomas"

Congratulations to the winners.

The standard of stories for this competition and the number of entries was amazing which makes the winners' achievement even more significant.

My entries aren't bad enough to be in the running for last place.

Thanks to my unashamed pleading for votes, two got past the 25 vote barrier. The longest one, Hannah and Kay didn't.

For the record, as of now, my ratings are:

Halloween Viking Rating 4.07; Votes 29; Views 3530
Hannah and Kay Rating 4.68; Votes 22; Views 7419
Maids-in-Waiting Rating 4.55; Votes 31; Views 4532

If the other AH contestants can reveal their scores as well we can decide the race for honourable last.

Thank you to all who wrote, read, voted and sent feedback. I appreciated all the feedback I recieved.

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Congratulations Colly! That is wonderful news, and well deserved. :D

For the record, here's my story's rating:

The Triple Treat Rating 4.56; Votes 50; Views 10338.

I'm happy with that. Thanks to all who read, voted and provided feedback on my story.

Tatelou :kiss:

to all the winners and especially Colly, whose Gangster's Ball is such a good read. :)

My story, Pyewacket Days, did extremely well:

Final Score



This is great, considering I submitted it at the absolute last minute. Thank you all who read, voted, sent feedback, and said such kind things here. I really appreciate it. :) :rose:

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Mediocrity, as forecast

I ended up with 31 votes for a 4.35 average which probably puts me well in amongst the 'also-rans'. Not good enough to be good, not bad enough to be bad.

I slink away and lose myself in the crowd. At least I enjoyed writing it and I know some of you enjoyed reading it. I can live quite happily with that.

Sincere congratulations to the winners.

Monster Mash

40 votes
15847 votes

I'm pleased by this result- one of my highest scores, a lot of votes in a short time, # of views typical of my other well read stories. Still waiting to see if this sparks interest in my catalogue of existing trash.
Well congratulations to all three winners. This has become a tough competition.

Congratulations and hearty thanks to Laurel, for her judicious fairness across the board.

Doomed to mediocrity and ready to relinquish the crown of last place my stories finished as follows:

Tricks & Treats: 22 votes, 8639 reads, 4.41 average (I was a cinch for last place with 26 votes and 3 point something or other average)

Fairy Story: 27 votes, 4233 reads, 4.59 average. (just realised that gives me a H.

For the next competition will someone please slap my face and shout "PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER" at regular intervals, because I was getting quite hopefull in the middle of last week about a decent placement for the humourous effort.

Muchissimas felicitaciones!!! Colly, you must know I am excitedly happy for you.

Pierce, I am honored to be one of your 10 votes. Glad you made the scary part KLG, that really was more shocking than W getting re-elected :rolleyes:

For the record I voted on all AH "author" stories, and quite a few others.

"Ofrenda" is at 4.07 w/27 votes and the unbelievable to me 34730 views (probably 99% back clicks).

I am very glad and satisfied with this experience and hope to join again. You are all such fine company.

Gauche, I volunteer to give the first slap. ;) (but then I'd feel bad and have to kiss 'it' to make it all better :eek: )

Perdita (who is home w/a pinched nerve in her back, ow ow ow!!!)
Thanks to all.

I am sorry none of you won, I feel Lou's story was the best of the ones I read and hoped she would win it all. I didn't think gauvhie had a chance at a repeat, both of his were great.

I am thrilled to have places, but sorry that others didn't whose stories I felt were much better.

-A very thrilled Colly
perdita said:

"Ofrenda" is at 4.07 w/27 votes and the unbelievable to me 34730 views (probably 99% back clicks).

Perdita (who is home w/a pinched nerve in her back, ow ow ow!!!)

Commiseration on the back. I suffer as well. Physiotherapist beat me up yesterday and I know where he was working.

I'm jealous of all those views but that is the point of entering the contests. The Halloween stories will probably be on the separate list for all of November so you should get many more views.

Gangsters ball as of now : 4.71 108 21245

Throughout the contest I carried a 4.75 to 4.78, but got a few bombs dropped right near the end. I think the first 60 or so votes were from my regular readers and they gave me a real boost to hold off the trolls.

Ogg and Alex, I think it was my blurb that garnered the views, "Grieving lover finds solace with stranger on Halloween". But then I'm sure I lost votes as readers began to note the focus on death and grief, not too appealing for erotica, haha.

I call it a pinched nerve but don't really know what it is, comes regularly and I know I'll be fine by this evening. Sometimes I think it's just an odd sleep position, or I forgot to put the vibrator away. :eek:

Perdita (having fun in bed with my 'lapdog')

p.s. edit: I am 17th among 40 in illustrated stories. Doesn't mean much but maybe that accounts for views. Again, clickbacks as they see my "muertita" Catrina ;) .
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