The Annual Halloween Contest Is Coming!

Re: How to grease the skids?

bitslinger said:
This is more of a general question, but having submitted a Halloween story on Monday that hasn't made it yet ...

The contest page says that it can take up to 72 hours for a submission to appear. Is there any particular format that makes things go faster or is this just a general result of the volume of stories submitted to Literotica in general?

In my case I submitted a .txt file that I had edited in 'vi' (yes, I'm a unix geek). It had line breaks on each line, and two line breaks denotes a paragraph. The post is still pending, and I saw that it looked terrible in the preview window.

I went back and put the file into word and removed all of the line breaks. I copy-pasted the results into the update-submission page and saved it. The preview looks good now.

Does this help whomever takes care of submissions or is it all autmated anyway?

Impatiently yours ;)
Bitslinger, I don't aim to set myself up as an expert (he says, effectively doing just that) but your re-do in Word was the way to go, preferably in plain ol' .txt. Your vi (or EMACS, or whatever) file would have been okay without the 'each line line-break'. The double line-break for new paragraph should be okay as Lit stories end up formatted this way. If your re-do looked okay in preview it should post okay.

Colleen Thomas said:
from the looks of things gauchie you may still be in the running for some of the other prizes. Baring last minute heroics (or anti-heroics?) on someones part it seems rumple is positioning himself to doom us all to mediocrity.


Personally, my favorite position is on the horizontal. To quote from the musical, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, "Remember, mediocrity is not a mortal sin."

My current totals seem to be premanently mired in the messy muck of meaningless mediocrity: 4.43, 49. 3300. Actually, scores in the 4.40's are becoming a tradition with my stories. Of the 14 I've submitted, five are in that range.



Courage. Be steadfast and perserver. Like a kidney stone in the urinary tract of life, this too shall pass.



You done did good. The method you used was the fastest available. You did help Laurel and that's a good thing because, as I understand things, the process isn't automated.


Rumple Foreskin
Re: Ouch

PierceStreet said:
My story posted last night. When I first saw it this morning I had two votes and a 4.5, so a four and a five vote.

Now I have three votes and a 3.33. I know it isn't the greatest piece of literature ever, but a one??


slinks back to work...

Don't worry Pierce,

Laurel seems to be monitoring the votes. A one thrown on a story that dosen't deserve it will most probably get removed. I think all of us have benefited from the removal of a vote or two so far.

Could we all agree or somehow publicly exclaim that high scores and popularity on Lit. have little to do with writing quality? Unless one is referring to the mediocrity of stroke, I see no merit in the system here. I only joined this silly contest to be part of the gang, and have had fun following this thread, but I know who I think the best writers are and I doubt the best will "win" (very personal opinion).

Pierce, a 'one' for any of your stories should only tee you off, not make you doubt yourself.

Totally agreed, 'dita = This whole thing in the AH is really nothing more than a bit of fun, I think =)

Raph, whose story shouldn't even have been in the competition, hehe.
perdita said:
Could we all agree or somehow publicly exclaim that high scores and popularity on Lit. have little to do with writing quality? Unless one is referring to the mediocrity of stroke, I see no merit in the system here. I only joined this silly contest to be part of the gang, and have had fun following this thread, but I know who I think the best writers are and I doubt the best will "win" (very personal opinion).

Pierce, a 'one' for any of your stories should only tee you off, not make you doubt yourself.

I second the member from San Francisco!

perdita said:
Could we all agree or somehow publicly exclaim that high scores and popularity on Lit. have little to do with writing quality? Unless one is referring to the mediocrity of stroke, I see no merit in the system here. I only joined this silly contest to be part of the gang, and have had fun following this thread, but I know who I think the best writers are and I doubt the best will "win" (very personal opinion).

Pierce, a 'one' for any of your stories should only tee you off, not make you doubt yourself.


Hear, hear! A few more in agreement, and I think the motion should pass.

Lou - The Chief Whip.
perdita said:
Could we all agree or somehow publicly exclaim that high scores and popularity on Lit. have little to do with writing quality? Unless one is referring to the mediocrity of stroke, I see no merit in the system here. I only joined this silly contest to be part of the gang, and have had fun following this thread, but I know who I think the best writers are and I doubt the best will "win" (very personal opinion).

Pierce, a 'one' for any of your stories should only tee you off, not make you doubt yourself.


The system is quite subjective. Some might even argue it's arbitrary. That said, it's as good a system as I have seen. I don't think anyone here takes their scores very seriously. It would be a hard row to how if you let your scores bother you. I don't think anyone really feels the scores reflect the quality of their work either. Your rating is a tool, it is just one of several things that gives you a clue as to how your works are being recieved.

PierceStreet said:
I'm a guy. I keep silent score when I am playing catch the ball with a two year old. :)
That is so telling and soooooooo honest. I love that you said that, Pierce. It's just the type of thing women need to know.

with even greater regard,

Tatelou said:
Lou - The Chief Whip.
Loulabelle, that is so you. I think you should have business cards with that title.


Purrditta :eek:
But on the other hand, I'm a guy. I keep silent score when I am playing catch the ball with a two year old.

Pierce, that is far to cute for words. Heh!

And such a damned good point :)

Nik :p
Point taken. I do write for fun. In the past 6 years I've put a grand total of 3 of my stories out to the world, the rest were fun but for whatever reason I kept them private. I guess having the world look at my work is still "new enough" for me that I'm a little sensitive and protective of my fledgelings.

Having said that, I also noticed that a suspicious number of the top stories are incest stories ... sort of makes me wonder about the average person giving the ratings.

Anyway, this probably belongs in another thread (then again, this one turns into a pumpkin pretty soon anyway).
Tatelou said:
Hear, hear! A few more in agreement, and I think the motion should pass.

Lou - The Chief Whip.

add me to the " yeas"

i'm, just in it to get attention:eek:
PierceStreet said:
But on the other hand, I'm a guy. I keep silent score when I am playing catch the ball with a two year old. :)
Okay, but as one guy to another, who usually wins? :)

I'll second whatever emotion has been moved concerning whatever it is we're discussing.

Votes are nice. I'd like to ring up a high score and maybe have a big "W" after one of my titles--but I'd much rather get an "E" from Laurel. For me, feedback, especially that from the AH irregulars and other writers is what I really value.

Rumple Foreskin said:
For me, feedback, especially that from the AH irregulars and other writers is what I really value.

Okay, pardon the newbie question ... where exactly does feedback go to? I tried to send feedback to myself, but dipped if I know where it went to. It's not in my hotmail box and not in my lit cp.

I'd hate to think that I'm missing out on any words of praise.

Edited :
Bummer. I thought that maybe hotmail was junking the e-mail, and it was (even tho it was addressed to me). The problem was that my settings automagically deleted junk mail ...

Oh well, It's probably egotistical to think someone would have written to me anyway :rolleyes: Live and learn.

I'll take sympathy feedback, btw. I'm not proud.
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Since this thread kinda wanders all over theplace, can anyone tell me how I can put my page with my stories in my posts?

I tried cut and pasteing the link but it didn't work.

