The Official Authors' Hangout Halloween 2023 Contest Support Thread

I know this is an incredibly daft question

Erotic Horror or Non Human for my ghostly story?

Is it frightening? Does it make the reader feel a sense of dread? Then you should probably stick it in horror. Otherwise, Non Human. Personally, I think the horror category has more to do with how you approach the story than which type of characters (or otherwordly entities) you put in it. It has to read - and feel - like a horror story, at least partly.
I think a bit more info is needed before a decision is made.
The characters jump, but I don't think the reader will.
Is it frightening? Does it make the reader feel a sense of dread? Then you should probably stick it in horror. Otherwise, Non Human. Personally, I think the horror category has more to do with how you approach the story than which type of characters (or otherwordly entities) you put in it. It has to read - and feel - like a horror story, at least partly.
Thank you. Non human is probably the better place. The reader will not be hiding behind the sofa reading it.
I know this is an incredibly daft question

Erotic Horror or Non Human for my ghostly story?
I used Erotic Horror for my ghost story, I always considered Non-human for things like werewolves and tenticale monsters
I used Erotic Horror for my ghost story, I always considered Non-human for things like werewolves and tenticale monsters
I was leaning that way until I read the Non Human thing

"Aliens, ghosts, androids, and more."

Which is why I asked the question :)
I was leaning that way until I read the Non Human thing

"Aliens, ghosts, androids, and more."

Which is why I asked the question :)
In the end its all up to you, how do you want the reader to feel? Which option helps that expectation? I chose erotic horror for A Krissman Karole because I wanted the readers to be scared more than I wanted them marveling at the struggle with the ghosts.
In the end its all up to you, how do you want the reader to feel? Which option helps that expectation? I chose erotic horror for A Krissman Karole because I wanted the readers to be scared more than I wanted them marveling at the struggle with the ghosts.
Thanks @Duleigh I will think on it a little more.
Wow, treasures from the past. A story I wrote back in 2017 popped into my mind over the weekend and sure enough, it's perfect for Halloween. Just needs a little work on an ending that's kind of lame and punctuation. I'm in!
Wow, treasures from the past. A story I wrote back in 2017 popped into my mind over the weekend and sure enough, it's perfect for Halloween. Just needs a little work on an ending that's kind of lame and punctuation. I'm in!
A shining example of Duleigh's Demandment #8

8. Throw nothing away, ideas are forever useful but oft times forgotten

I don't know how many times I've reached into the Dumb Idea file and dug out something I could use differently. Good Job!
Major Snag in my attempt at a second Halloween story. I can't sink my teeth into what's wrong with She-Wolf: Groan, what a dreadful pun.
The story isn't, just my pun is. I actually just wrote a flash story for the contest, A Voyage on an Ethereal Cloud, about three men and one woman picking an abandoned house for sex and drugs and the demons that live there taking over the fun and turning it into TERROR! Love that kind of story. Now I should get back that Bitch-Wolf, I mean She-Wolf.
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It's falling into comedy territory.
three men and one woman picking an abandoned house for sex and drugs and the demons that live there taking over the fun and turning it into TERROR!
one of my favorites was a halloween story of a hedonistic couple that went to a house for a swingers party, and got their brains fucked out. They woke up the next morning on the lawn of the house, it had been abandoned for decades. The story is no longer on LitE

Also on the wild side - I got a vote tonight on a fifteen year old story! Man, that never happens for me!
Is it frightening? Does it make the reader feel a sense of dread? Then you should probably stick it in horror. Otherwise, Non Human. Personally, I think the horror category has more to do with how you approach the story than which type of characters (or otherwordly entities) you put in it. It has to read - and feel - like a horror story, at least partly.
See, now I want to try a funny demon story...
First! I must finish editing the one I've been working on for three years.
But it did, so doesn't never happen to you.
one of my favorites was a halloween story of a hedonistic couple that went to a house for a swingers party, and got their brains fucked out. They woke up the next morning on the lawn of the house, it had been abandoned for decades. The story is no longer on LitE

Also on the wild side - I got a vote tonight on a fifteen year old story! Man, that never happens for me!
See, now I want to try a funny demon story...
First! I must finish editing the one I've been working on for three years.
Good luck. i've also got a halloween story that's been marinating unfinished for three years. This is the year it gets published, dammit!

My first attempt at a halloween story had a funny demon (Damned Dumb Demon). Scored low, but a few readers enjoyed it.
Phantom Flings is very nearly ready...
Genuinely intrigued if I will confuse more than please. We shall see!
I'm working on two stories at the same time for the competition now. One uses Mwambwa, an African Goddess, is her area of expertise, Desire and Lust. There is literally no more information about her than that. She is morally ambivalent, you can be a good person or a bad person, Mwambwa doesn't really care. She inspires both desire and lust and is a sexual deity but not a goddess of fertility. It can be assumed, or at least I do, that she's a playful goddess who can use her powers for good or evil as any whim inspires her. I'm calling it Mwambwa, Goddess of Lust and Desire.

The other story is the She-Wolf story. Mwamba isn't going to be a long story, just a quick tale. In contrast, She-Wolf is longer and more complicated.

I'm feeling quite creative today. So, I should get busy writing.
I'm working on two stories at the same time for the competition now. One uses Mwambwa, an African Goddess, is her area of expertise, Desire and Lust. There is literally no more information about her than that. She is morally ambivalent, you can be a good person or a bad person, Mwambwa doesn't really care. She inspires both desire and lust and is a sexual deity but not a goddess of fertility. It can be assumed, or at least I do, that she's a playful goddess who can use her powers for good or evil as any whim inspires her. I'm calling it Mwambwa, Goddess of Lust and Desire.

The other story is the She-Wolf story. Mwamba isn't going to be a long story, just a quick tale. In contrast, She-Wolf is longer and more complicated.

I'm feeling quite creative today. So, I should get busy writing.

Well, are you just so special? LOL
The titles often shine brighter than my stories. I am not sure She-Wolf will make the contest; Amy refuses to follow the plot I have laid out for the bitch.
You come up with great names, mine is May - the bitch witch. Names are hard. My "love goddess" is Wendy, but she had the help of an Okefenokee swamp witch named Grandma Noah to win her man back
I just submitted Ex Exorcism
Well, it's September, and the Summer Lovin' contest is in full swing. That can mean only one thing - it's time to start cranking out that Halloween story that you've been dying to tell! Let's kick off Autumn 2023 in the northern climes with a new support thread -

Halloween (Oct 31)

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Themes: scary stuff, costumes, Halloween traditions (trick-or-treating, etc.), etc.

You can begin submitting on (or before): October 2

The last day to submit is October 23

Winners Will Be Announced:
October 30

The author must copy and paste the phrase "HALLOWEEN 2023" to the "Notes to Admin" field of the submission (without the quotation marks).

And please add the tag "HALLOWEEN 2023" (without the quotation marks)

Read Laurel's notice of the start of the contest sticky at the top of the Authors' Hangout (when it magically appears), before submitting and follow the instructions in that thread. I will keep an eye out for that information and update this page as soon as I see it (or as soon as someone points it out to me).

This thread is to SUPPORT and ENCOURAGE authors to enter stories in the 2023 Halloween Contest. For you new writers, this thread is a great place to meet your fellow authors and share ideas, tips, and tricks of the trade.

As the recently departed Ogg always told us, there is an advantage to entering stories in one of Literotica's themed contests. Apart from the possibility of winning, your story gets far more exposure and attention than it would normally do.

Some of that attention might be unwelcome, some abusive, but this thread is a good place to vent after getting that kind of attention. Some of that attention could be appreciative and helpful and this thread is a great place to come and share those accolades.

It's that time! Bring out your masks, candies, and creepy accessories, and prepare to put a spell on your readership.

Oh, and as an added bonus - Season 4 of The Amorous Goods Anthology is running at the same time, which will give you even more exposure! See here for details -
Amorous Goods - a Literotica anthology series - season 4
I’m in. Belatedly so, but still time.

I know this is an incredibly daft question

Erotic Horror or Non Human for my ghostly story?

I got slammed by a few readers for putting ghost stories in Erotic Horror. That seems ridiculous to me, but it's the convention of the category, so I'm sure it cost me some votes.

I've got another ghost story this year (Actually, the one that I had planned for last year. I lost the final draft when I had a computer glitch, and have been reconstructing it from earlier drafts). I'll be putting it in Non-Human, even though the theme of it is pretty much that ghosts are still human...
I got slammed by a few readers for putting ghost stories in Erotic Horror. That seems ridiculous to me, but it's the convention of the category, so I'm sure it cost me some votes.

I've got another ghost story this year (Actually, the one that I had planned for last year. I lost the final draft when I had a computer glitch, and have been reconstructing it from earlier drafts). I'll be putting it in Non-Human, even though the theme of it is pretty much that ghosts are still human...
I'm going to put Phantom Flings in Erotic Horror as I think there is (hopefully) enough jumps and scares to categorise it as Horror.

I am sure someone will complain!

I got slammed by a few readers for putting ghost stories in Erotic Horror. That seems ridiculous to me, but it's the convention of the category, so I'm sure it cost me some votes.
WTF? Where else would a ghost story go?

I posted my one ghost story Recall in Erotic Horror and got no blowback. Maybe that was before any gatekeepers of that category appointed themselves.