The official "blurt it out" thread...BDSM Style

this has nothing at all to do with BDSM

...but my day as a parent sucks...:(

and i'm hoping that by admitting that i am a shit parent today will change my day back to if not wonderful and beautiful, then to at least decent...
Re: this has nothing at all to do with BDSM

spankableBelle said:
...but my day as a parent sucks...:(

and i'm hoping that by admitting that i am a shit parent today will change my day back to if not wonderful and beautiful, then to at least decent...

some days it is impossible to be anything but a shit is what is known as not will get past it because you care..if you did not you would not be hurting now.
Re: Re: this has nothing at all to do with BDSM

Shadowsdream said:

some days it is impossible to be anything but a shit is what is known as not will get past it because you care..if you did not you would not be hurting now.

Thank You, Shadows...i needed that...:rose:
Re: this has nothing at all to do with BDSM

spankableBelle said:
...but my day as a parent sucks...:(

and i'm hoping that by admitting that i am a shit parent today will change my day back to if not wonderful and beautiful, then to at least decent...

My daughter used to regularly tell me she hated me.
It used to bother me until I realized that she was still alive to be able to hate me. So being mean, shitty, cruel etc. saved her life.

When she gave birth to my grandson she took them all back and said thanks.

It will pass, we are after all only human.

Re: Re: this has nothing at all to do with BDSM

Ebonyfire said:

My daughter used to regularly tell me she hated me.
It used to bother me until I realized that she was still alive to be able to hate me. So being mean, shitty, cruel etc. saved her life.

When she gave birth to my grandson she took them all back and said thanks.

It will pass, we are after all only human.


Thank You, Eb...~smile~
Re: Re: Re: this has nothing at all to do with BDSM

spankableBelle said:

Thank You, Eb...~smile~

Welcome. Being a parent is hard and important work. We need to support each other.

A few weeks ago, my 10 year old son became angry at me for my insisting he do a particular chore he didn't want to do, so he called me the usual Evil Parent names kids use sometimes, packed his knapsack and proceeded to walk back to the city, some 125 km away.

I found it mostly funny, partly infuriating, but I was also proud at the backbone he was showing....even though he was 100%, once he was off the property and on his way down the cottage road, I went up and yelled out to him "Don't MAKE me get in my car to come drag you back!" in my very loudest Authoritarian Father Voice, which I'm pretty sure was heard around the whole lake and I don't think I've ever used on him before....but it stopped all wildlife in the area, I think.

He stopped, paused, then came stamping his size 9's back.

Later , he apologized.

Then I made him clean the outhouse as a Bonus Chore.


Kids are a blast.
Lancecastor said:
A few weeks ago, my 10 year old son became angry at me for my insisting he do a particular chore he didn't want to do, so he called me the usual Evil Parent names kids use sometimes, packed his knapsack and proceeded to walk back to the city, some 125 km away.

I found it mostly funny, partly infuriating, but I was also proud at the backbone he was showing....even though he was 100%, once he was off the property and on his way down the cottage road, I went up and yelled out to him "Don't MAKE me get in my car to come drag you back!" in my very loudest Authoritarian Father Voice, which I'm pretty sure was heard around the whole lake and I don't think I've ever used on him before....but it stopped all wildlife in the area, I think.

He stopped, paused, then came stamping his size 9's back.

Later , he apologized.

Then I made him clean the outhouse as a Bonus Chore.


Kids are a blast.

Yep. I never had a gray hair until I gave birth.

Ya'll are making this girl feel so much better...i needed this so badly...i was tired of crying...
spankableBelle said:
Ya'll are making this girl feel so much better...i needed this so badly...i was tired of crying...

Sweet Jeebus!

Try not to let them see you cry!

That's like dragging chum behind a canoe!

Good deal, Lance.

I think I'll have to set up an outhouse in the back yard solely for purposes of behavior modification. I wonder if the downwind neighbors will mind much.

Lancecastor said:
A few weeks ago, my 10 year old son became angry at me for my insisting he do a particular chore he didn't want to do, so he called me the usual Evil Parent names kids use sometimes, packed his knapsack and proceeded to walk back to the city, some 125 km away.

I found it mostly funny, partly infuriating, but I was also proud at the backbone he was showing....even though he was 100%, once he was off the property and on his way down the cottage road, I went up and yelled out to him "Don't MAKE me get in my car to come drag you back!" in my very loudest Authoritarian Father Voice, which I'm pretty sure was heard around the whole lake and I don't think I've ever used on him before....but it stopped all wildlife in the area, I think.

He stopped, paused, then came stamping his size 9's back.

Later , he apologized.

Then I made him clean the outhouse as a Bonus Chore.


Kids are a blast.
You're in New England, fergawdsake....they'll get all misty-eyed!

(uh, from the nostalgia, as I'm sure your shit doesn't smell.)

Nothing like a little trip down the shitter to straighten out a spoiled suburban Nike-wearer, I say. :)


monster666 said:
Good deal, Lance.

I think I'll have to set up an outhouse in the back yard solely for purposes of behavior modification. I wonder if the downwind neighbors will mind much.

Um, my wife would disagree. We built a three bath house for the two of us, just so she could get a breath of fresh air, I think. She is from the bottom-left corner of CT, she's nearly a new yawka, so she's most likely never even seen an outhouse, let alone ventured into one. I, on the other hand, grew up spending summers at a camp in northern Vermont my folks owned. Without indoor plumbing.

Lancecastor said:
(uh, from the nostalgia, as I'm sure your shit doesn't smell.)
My outhouse is an hommage to my ancestors....but it also makes a wonderful discipline tool with the kids. Built it before I plumbed the place.

I have an outdoor solar heated Gilligan style shower there too, near the lake, which is fun on hot days, because it's also a wee bit exhibitionistic. It's also great at dawn.

monster666 said:
Um, my wife would disagree. We built a three bath house for the two of us, just so she could get a breath of fresh air, I think. She is from the bottom-left corner of CT, she's nearly a new yawka, so she's most likely never even seen an outhouse, let alone ventured into one. I, on the other hand, grew up spending summers at a camp in northern Vermont my folks owned. Without indoor plumbing.

That whole outhouse cleaning as a bonus chore thing doesn't work around here. My daughter loves to clean the outhouse. "Look, Mommy more spiders!" I wouldn't put in an outhouse jsut to torment your kids. Put in an outhouse so you have somewhere dry to hide when they make you crazy.

I meant clean out the outhouse.

Minout said:
That whole outhouse cleaning as a bonus chore thing doesn't work around here. My daughter loves to clean the outhouse. "Look, Mommy more spiders!" I wouldn't put in an outhouse jsut to torment your kids. Put in an outhouse so you have somewhere dry to hide when they make you crazy.

Here's a Fuckin BLURT!

I am sick and tired of all the all of the "blame the moderators" crap going on here. Instead of just reading Lances' Moderator spam (which, by the way is a welcome relief from Artful's Crusade spam) I thought I would give my thoughts on the moderators:

1) What they do is a service to the forum. They do not get paid. They donate their time, which is often far more valuable than money.

2) They get little thanks and they get picked on all the time for trying to make this a better place for the rest of us.

3) They are not above making mistakes. Who among us is?

4) I may not agree with all of their posts, but they have NEVER tried to stop me from posting. Or anyone else that I have seen. The whole Freedom of speech fighters thing is out of place here.

5) They are posters here as well, subject to the same rules. Just because they have the title moderator doesn't allow them any special privelages as far as I have seen.

It's not about freedom of speech, and it's not about bullying - it's about picking on a target because they are their. It is about making something a crusade for the fun of it. It has been disruptive and it is obviously going to continue for a while.

So be it!
Last edited:
No one is two words, not one. I mean look at it. Does noone even like right? NO! Why? Because it isn't.

no one
no one
no one
no one

See...two words damn it.
lilfrk said:
No one is two words, not one. I mean look at it. Does noone even like right? NO! Why? Because it isn't.

no one
no one
no one
no one

See...two words damn it.

Noone does not like right. That is for sure.
Re: Here's a Fuckin BLURT!

zipman7 said:
I am sick and tired of all the all of the "blame the moderators" crap going on here. Instead of just reading Lances' Moderator spam (which, by the way is a welcome relief from Artful's Crusade spam) I thought I would give my thoughts on the moderators:

1) What they do is a service to the forum. They do not get paid. They donate their time, which is often far more valuable than money.

2) They get little thanks and they get picked on all the time for trying to make this a better place for the rest of us.

3) They are not above making mistakes. Who among us is?

4) I may not agree with all of their posts, but they have NEVER tried to stop me from posting. Or anyone else that I have seen. The whole Freedom of speech fighters thing is out of place here.

5) They are posters here as well, subject to the same rules. Just because they have the title moderator doesn't allow them any special privelages as far as I have seen.

It's not about freedom of speech, and it's not about bullying - it's about picking on a target because they are their. It is about making something a crusade for the fun of it. It has been disruptive and it is obviously going to continue for a while.

So be it!

personally ,I find the Moderator & Crusade of my Master's to be a helluva lot more entertaining" than all the Damn "flaming' that some of we regular posters ' have to contend with day after day,but then again thats' just MY honest opinion...and I OWN IT..
my problem with all of this is....

there are WAY too many threads here, about the Moderators, and how someone is feeling slighted, GET OVER IT PEOPLE!! This is a place to exchange points of view, and learn about BDSM.... leave all the trivial crap out of it...

There are so many threads being kept alive at the top of page 1, that have to do with "she said this to me" and "i can't believe the Moderators did that", that any new people that come to this board are naturally going to read those first, and then what?? they are going to see all the hostility here, and who would want to become part of that??

This is supposed to be a warm, comfy place for likeminded people to come to and feel that they can share anything that is on their minds, dealing with BDSM.... there aren't too many places that we can talk about things like that, without being judged by the rest of the world. So, why are we judging each other?? we are supposedly in this forum for a common goal.. to talk amongst each other without letting shit get in the way. Let's get back to that... can we????
Re: Re: Here's a Fuckin BLURT!

Artful's dream said:


personally ,I find the Moderator & Crusade of my Master's to be a helluva lot more entertaining" than all the Damn "flaming' that some of we regular posters ' have to contend with day after day,but then again thats' just MY honest opinion...and I OWN IT..

Exactly what do you find to be entertaining about reading the same post over and over again???????? The point is it never changes. I am not talking about a dialogue about those TOPICS, which might actually invoke discussion on them, which is what this forum is meant for. To simply repeat the same thing over and over is annoying and meaningless. I am honestly surprised that anyone could find them in the least bit entertaining!

For the record Dream, I know it's your opinion. I was simply voicing mine. And it's your choice to play the Martyr again and again. You consider any and every post that questions your thoughts as a flame or as an attack on your relationship with Artful. They are not. I've seen one post directed to you that I think constituted a flame. Period. And while I think it was said harshly, I honestly can't disagree with most of the content.
Re: Here's a Fuckin BLURT!

zipman7 said:
I am sick and tired of all the all of the "blame the moderators" crap going on here. .........It has been disruptive and it is obviously going to continue for a while.

So be it!

If you are sick of it, why did you type a full page of repetitive stuff about it?

In doing so, you share equally in the very misery you say you want ended.

Hey....How bout those Yankees?
