The official "blurt it out" thread...BDSM Style

I like cheesy. You don't see a great deal of sophistication in a man in a tub full of cornflakes, do you?

WillowPuss said:

I have to warn you ... they are cheesy!
monster666 said:
I like cheesy. You don't see a great deal of sophistication in a man in a tub full of cornflakes, do you?


here or shall I PM 'em?

shall I give you an example?
Well, here, the cheesiest first, but here's your task: relate it to BDSM somehow. A really weak association is okay. It's cheese, afterall.

WillowPuss said:


here or shall I PM 'em?

shall I give you an example?
Last night somebody broke into the local Police Station and stole all the urinals and toilets.
A police spokesman says they have nothing to go on ....

(BDSM bit) and are now exploring someone to go on?

(OK - the BDSM bit is not as good as yours ... will have to work on that.)
it's perfect! Keep 'em coming!

WillowPuss said:
Last night somebody broke into the local Police Station and stole all the urinals and toilets.
A police spokesman says they have nothing to go on ....

(BDSM bit) and are now exploring someone to go on?

(OK - the BDSM bit is not as good as yours ... will have to work on that.)

[Edited to add: I forgot to tell you I laughed!]
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I guess this is the place to put this

Hello Everyone

I'm still pretty new to this forum, not to the lifestyle however, I've been doing alot of reading and lurking about since I joined and I have something that I'd like to ask about. I looked around and this seemed the best spot for this.

There seems to be, from some people on some of the threads, a complete lack of basic civility and politeness. Why is this? Of course, its not just in this forum that I've noticed it, it seems to be a common problem with online discussion groups in general. Is it the annonimity of the computer? Do we treat others with such disrespect in r/l as we do here? I understand that people are going to disagree and sometimes tempers will boil but, I don't see why it has to become ugly. There is a consensus that everyone here is an adult, why is there so much snipping and name calling?

I've been thru the discussions of "respect - earned or not" and while I agree that someone has to earn my respect, I can treat them respectfully and politely even if I can't stand them. From personal experience, I've found that even if someone is lambasting me, if I keep my half of the discussion polite and respectful I feel better about myself and no one can ever come back and talk about what a bitch I was. The other thing that will never happen is, my Master will never read one of my posts and be embarrassed about my lack of control or regret that he has given me such a free hand. That's very important to me.

Just the thoughts of someone still looking in from the outside, so to speak.

Re: I guess this is the place to put this

Hello, Beany.

It's as good a place as any, I suppose.

By and large, folks here try to get along. But I think you are right, it's easier to get nasty and impersonal here in cyberspace than it is in RL when you are having a bad day. I've been guilty of it.

But I think that once you look around for a while, and dig between flame wars we are experiencing here, you'll find something different from most boards; a group of caring people that really try to make a difference in the lives of others here, even as their ability to do so limited with such a forum. I think you'll be surprised at how effective they are, all things considered.


MasterKensbeany said:
Hello Everyone

I'm still pretty new to this forum, not to the lifestyle however, I've been doing alot of reading and lurking about since I joined and I have something that I'd like to ask about. I looked around and this seemed the best spot for this.
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I like the way you think, beany.

After having been gone for the weekend, I returned adn started reading threads.

Over and again, I wondered, "Why does this or that need to be made personal?"

OH well....

off to be tied and gagged.

Catch ya later!

Dear Monster

You're right, of course and I should have addressed the positive as well as the negative in my original post but, I was being rushed off to a concert and had just been reading a number of, not so pleasant posts. My apologies.

I have indeed noticed the caring and consideration shown by most posters towards one another and its that generosity of spirit that has kept me reading and makes me want to become a part of this community.

I have to tell you, when I was first involved with the lifestyle, things were very different. It was so closed and secret and underground, every bit of knowledge I gleaned during those years was from a very few intimates. What an eye opener it was when I first got my comp to find places like this where those totally new to things could get wisdom and advice and knowledge from people with tremendous amounts of experience and also talk to others who are on the same path and going thru the same places. I applaude everyone who extends themselves here to help make all our journeys richer and fuller.

Again, I apologize for focusing only on the negative in my previous post and thank you kindly for the warm welcome.

Ebonyfire said:

Give her an inch and she takes a mile of rope!

That MissT, gotta luv her!


This summer saw a disasterous drought in the northeast.

However, as autumn rolls in, there appears to be hope for the barren turf in New York.

So, while the price of lettuce is rocketting, fortunately, nylon rope remains stable.

Ack...silly me.....

Thanks are somewhere on my crush list that I never posted :D
8pm I'm asleep, this is unheard of for me. I'm liking it, Im having *good* dreams.

10pm the fuckin phone rings. I roll over and go back to sleep.

12pm the fuckin phone rings AGAIN!

Now...Guess what? I'm AWAKE! I got my first test tomorrow and I'm awake goddamn it.

When I get my hands on that bitch I'm going to strangle her...really I am. If she could hear I'd call her every hour on the hour and wake her up. But she's deaf so I can't, strangling will have to do.
I'm sorry LTR. I really really am.

BTW...I wish I could pee standing up like the chic in your AV. I've tried to do it and I can't.
monster666 said:
it's perfect! Keep 'em coming!

[Edited to add: I forgot to tell you I laughed!]

well - you can't say you didn't ask for it ...

A ship carrying a cargo of red paint recently crshed into a ship carrying a cargo of blue paint.

The crews of both ships have been marooned.

(BDSM ending ... and a sub was dispatched to clean up the mess)
MissTaken said:

This summer saw a disasterous drought in the northeast.

However, as autumn rolls in, there appears to be hope for the barren turf in New York.

So, while the price of lettuce is rocketting, fortunately, nylon rope remains stable.

Ack...silly me.....

Thanks are somewhere on my crush list that I never posted :D

Let us all repeat:


Ebonyfire said:

Let us all repeat:



Please ... can we have it tying the breasts instead?
I know it loses the rhyme then ... and I will say 'behind' but can I think breast?
WillowPuss said:

Please ... can we have it tying the breasts instead?
I know it loses the rhyme then ... and I will say 'behind' but can I think breast?

I think the global behind includes breasts! LOL

Eb <am I reaching or what?>