The Scolding

MTVM said:
Oh my. We are bringing into this bad John Boorman movies, is we? Sean Connery in a posing pouch? I hope not.

Although I am always up for Charlotte Rampling

Yes, yes, I know. Wrong movie, wrong kink. So fucking sue me.

No kinks are wrong, darling. But yes, I don't remember her in a nazi hat in Zardoz. Guess I'll go watch it again.

I offer apologies for not putting music on the music thread, so I went and put some up on the meatieveetie thread instead.

It's not so much the pouch. Though that's amusing too. It's the long hair. Just got a thing for the hair.

And the accent. Duh.
TMV said:
I figure to start a thread that has all the principles of the majority of comments on this forum. So submit, you might make a dent in poetic symmetry.

I gave and I received as was the mask, that the bane wore.
Loath and grimace at the slight pause, announced.
It rose ungainly, sore to the fury and viscus roar.
The eye's, foul slit. Acid shotgun upon me flounced.
Could I have been aggressively passionate?
Was I remotely, mindlessly dissonant.
Maybe again, I was vunerable and fair.
And so then it would suffer, that you dare.

The Mystery Valiant

I spat and spewed inside the mask, that had been worn
by sloth and sneering in caesura, pronounced.
Awkward stood and aching in the storming innards shout.
The orb's foetid lids. Ascerbic Winchester upon me leapt.
Where lies the furious lustful energy?
could I be isolated and thoughtlessly cacophonous?
Nay I say I am most sensitive and jurous.
Thus then the mask cracks, that others judge.
I've got a thing about men with bald heads ... very kissable
If verbal BJs are allowed does that let me out of another chore or is that too much to swallow?
UnderYourSpell said:
I've got a thing about men with bald heads ... very kissable
If verbal BJs are allowed does that let me out of another chore or is that too much to swallow?

Despite your terrible pun, I will randomly set myself up as an authority figure for no particular reason. I decree hereby, forthwith, heretofore, wherewithal and other formalized compound words: if you give someone on this board a verbal blowjob, you may exempt yourself from at least one heinous household task. You now have official permission from the Evil Grand Vizier of Nymphomania/Shenanigania.

For what it's worth...

champagne1982 said:
I spat and spewed inside the mask, that had been worn
by sloth and sneering in caesura, pronounced.
Awkward stood and aching in the storming innards shout.
The orb's foetid lids. Ascerbic Winchester upon me leapt.
Where lies the furious lustful energy?
could I be isolated and thoughtlessly cacophonous?
Nay I say I am most sensitive and jurous.
Thus then the mask cracks, that others judge.

It's grammatical, but I still don't get it. What's a thoughtless cacophony? Like the orchestra forget to tell you it's tuning up? The traffic didn't let you know in advance it's jammed? And how many fetid lids does that one orb have? Even when you clean up all the errors, it's still nonsense. It reminds me of Noam Chomsky's transactional grammar. You can have a sentence that's perfectly grammatical and still makes no sense, like "my toothbrush is alive and is trying to kill me." Ok that makes sense, but it doesn't happen unless you're um one taco short of a combination plate, as they say. :)
unpredictablebijou said:
Despite your terrible pun, I will randomly set myself up as an authority figure for no particular reason. I decree hereby, forthwith, heretofore, wherewithal and other formalized compound words: if you give someone on this board a verbal blowjob, you may exempt yourself from at least one heinous household task. You now have official permission from the Evil Grand Vizier of Nymphomania/Shenanigania.

For what it's worth...


Eeeeeeer I did mean the real thing lol as opposed to any other chores
UnderYourSpell said:
Eeeeeeer I did mean the real thing lol as opposed to any other chores

Sorry, my completely imaginary authority has jurisdiction only over completely imaginary things. Whatever the "real thing" is, I can't tell you anything about it. No authority there. I don't even have a current passport.

The more of the world you find illusory, the more to which my imaginary authority can apply, so for example if you become a complete Buddhist, you believe that NOTHING is real, and that means I can be the Evil Grand Vizier and decree stuff that actually means something. Or nothing. I forget which now.
* opens the Tao, remembers she can't read ancient Chinese ideograms, closes it*

I hope that clears it all up.

Can I start again as I feel completely overwhelmed by aforesaid Bijou lol Does a verbal BJ let me off the chore of a real BJ? One swallow does not a summer make .. but it sure makes someones night.
And if Buddhists are against killing anything does that mean they never take antibiotics etc when they are ill?
UnderYourSpell said:
Can I start again as I feel completely overwhelmed by aforesaid Bijou lol Does a verbal BJ let me off the chore of a real BJ? One swallow does not a summer make .. but it sure makes someones night.
And if Buddhists are against killing anything does that mean they never take antibiotics etc when they are ill?

That's not Buddhists as such. That's Jainists, among others. But I don't know; you'd have to find one and ask him. her. herm.

sorry to overwhelm.

I like that: one swallow does not a summer make.

let's have an end-that-poem contest.

one swallow
does not a summer make
but a whole flock
dipping at sunset
over a small lake
will last a lifetime.

one swallow
does not a summer make
but it's a damn fine start.

have I put any "dents in the symmetry of poeticals," or whatever, yet? This thread's been going on for days and I've been trying and trying...

one swallow
does not a summer make
but they can make
an awful mess over the porch
when nesting above.
UnderYourSpell said:
one swallow
does not a summer make
but they can make
an awful mess over the porch
when nesting above.

one swallow
does not a summer make
but you
can make
me swallow
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unpredictablebijou said:
one swallow
does not a summer make
but you
can make
me swallow
Swallow Nest

It's true that one summer does not
pure wallow make. But I like mud.

Nestle near at solstice, honey,
we'll make the birdies chirp above.
Remember November,
the killing frost,
beckoning the still-suckling shoat
to the knife:

Swallow hard,
your days grow short.
Summer Swallow

One swallow on a summer's day,
When you, when asked, refused to play,
May compensate for careless drips,
For tiny, mindless, brain-dead slips,
Or, so a fool might say.
manipulatrix said:
one swallow
does not a summer make...

but a hand cupping a
breast familiarly sleeping
spooning in the sun
by docks that
belong only in the movies
but are being generously real
for us today...

is a damn fine start.

hand cupping ooooooo .. I can see that now .. and feel it ..
UnderYourSpell said:
hand cupping ooooooo .. I can see that now .. and feel it ..

Oh yes. Very nice. And look, it even generated a 30/30 submission.

Perhaps we're making a dent after all.

manipulatrix said:
One hand cupping
the fallen swallow
that portended summer
flying by,
what does it mean
when summer
crashes dead
to the earth?
Your words draw from me
and I want to spill
words with you,
I want to climb
into your sorrow
and eat your pain.

Pain so bittersweet
the juice runs down
your chin and seers
with such acidity
to burn your soul.
Autumnal fires
create pyres
and leave us
ashen and forgotten
among the dead leaves.
Angeline said:
It's grammatical, but I still don't get it. What's a thoughtless cacophony? Like the orchestra forget to tell you it's tuning up? The traffic didn't let you know in advance it's jammed? And how many fetid lids does that one orb have? Even when you clean up all the errors, it's still nonsense. It reminds me of Noam Chomsky's transactional grammar. You can have a sentence that's perfectly grammatical and still makes no sense, like "my toothbrush is alive and is trying to kill me." Ok that makes sense, but it doesn't happen unless you're um one taco short of a combination plate, as they say. :)
I am so relieved to hear that my toothbrush confrontations are due to hunger. Taco Bell is a terrible value for your buck, more empty plate than generous bean dip. Could a mindless whale sing a cetaceous blues riff without consideration for the humanity it disturbs with its whistles and clicks?
champagne1982 said:
Could a mindless whale sing a cetaceous blues riff without consideration for the humanity it disturbs with its whistles and clicks?

Isn't that the sequel to "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
Amazingly dull..........

Vapid vitriol vain-glorious void.
Underdone with pyrite puns.
Demi-dungeon and demon dwarf.
And the mud doth swallow.

Nova nadir, nebulous never.
Spirit spite and denuded Sif.
Refitted foil and never tight.
And everything emptying, into white.

Where does sin boil, Wraith?

The Mystery Valiant
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okay, kids.

Fun's over. Let's let him have his thread to himself again.

Anyone who wants to play can wander over to the "you jey" thread, where there is no such thing as threadjacking. This whole "swallow" poetry thing has legs. Bring it over, and let's play.

And we're still taking applications for a village idiot, by the way.

Who will be in charge while our Grand Nymph is on diplomatic missions in the frozen north?
