The Scolding

TMV said:
Vapid vitriol vain-glorious void.
Underdone with pyrite puns.
Demi-dungeon and demon dwarf.
And the mud doth swallow.

Nova nadir, nebulous never.
Spirit spite and denuded Sif.
Refitted foil and never tight.
And everything emptying, into white.

Where does sin boil, Wraith?

The Mystery Valiant

Oh pingy toed and limped tongued
we faced the wild bore
and dood the thing what must be dunced
we put him on ignore

~ Helmut Schtinkle~
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Tathagata said:
Oh pingy toed and limped tongued
we faced the wild bore
and dood the thing what must be dunced
we put him on ignore

~ Helmut Schtinkle~

I thought that dood
had styled himself as bog
and Stevie Smith was man
(until I read the fine print)

What is the world coming to?
When bog-styled doods
can simply be ignored

Oh, ye emasculated gods
of yesteryear,
Where are your buttered rolls now?
That my Second Helping is forthcoming
Slow melancholy

If I cannot have a space, then space will I command.
I see what you defecate, and what there sits in hand.
I need not your eyes to mark, I need not an ounce of your land.
For as you come to obfuscate, is too broad for you dim dam.

The Mystery Valiant

It becomes rather hard to find humor, when faced with so many butt's!
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TMV said:
If I cannot have a space, then space will I command.
I see what you defecate, and what there sits in hand.
I need not your eyes to mark, I need not an ounce of your land.
For as you come to obfuscate, is too broad for you dim dam.

The Mystery Valiant

It becomes rather hard to find humor, when faced with so many butt's!
It's not nice to poke through someone else's scat.
me thinks that he hath claimed this space
with subtle use of scourilous crace
he stabs yet beckons, our chicled face
and sorts through scat with burgled pace
Jamison said:
*cries* g_g's writing forced end rhymes.

yeah, llife as we know it is pretty much over, it actually, physically hurt my body to do that, hehe

well, just my fingertips, they are pretty easily injured, especially with an overuse of of useless adverbs...usually...

ghost_girl said:
yeah, llife as we know it is pretty much over, it actually, physically hurt my body to do that, hehe

well, just my fingertips, they are pretty easily injured, especially with an overuse of of useless adverbs...usually...


i just realized, that is about the way I feel about rhyme, it takes a poem about scat to bring out my own rhyming crap, tee hee
Angeline said:
He's psychotic, right? I think he's psycho.

It would be sad if it were true. I doubt it though. I think he's just a lonely youngster who gets an attention fix from pretending he has a delusional disorder. Strange, but not exactly crazy, in the clinical sense of the word. Acting like a megalomaniac brings the person behind TMV closer to you all, who he undoubtedly admires, in a more immediate and direct way than he feels would be possible by presenting himself as himself, as the person he feels himself to be. That person, the one behind TMV, is plagued with self-doubt, with feelings of inadequacy. In his mind it would better to be recognized and despised as TMV than potentially be passed over as himself. The construction of the TMV persona is what old skool psychologists call a defense mechanism.

Or maybe he's just fucking nuts.
Picodiribibi said:
It would be sad if it were true. I doubt it though. I think he's just a lonely youngster who gets an attention fix from pretending he has a delusional disorder. Strange, but not exactly crazy, in the clinical sense of the word. Acting like a megalomaniac brings the person behind TMV closer to you all, who he undoubtedly admires, in a more immediate and direct way than he feels would be possible by presenting himself as himself, as the person he feels himself to be. That person, the one behind TMV, is plagued with self-doubt, with feelings of inadequacy. In his mind it would better to be recognized and despised as TMV than potentially be passed over as himself. The construction of the TMV persona is what old skool psychologists call a defense mechanism.

Or maybe he's just fucking nuts.

He has a perverted sort of intelligence. Some of his malaprops are almost poetic. And you know it's not easy to write in that voice unless you do something like run your text through a few languages in Bablefish. And even then he has a sort of prissy indignance that is quite amusing. I'd like him more if he weren't so meanspirited. He has some pretty nasty insults couched in that jabberwocky.

And at the very least he's neurotic. And really paranoid. :cool:
ghost_girl said:
defense mechanisms in animals

I looked for his, but couldnt find anything close to Darth Vader if bred with Sir Lancelot and on acid....

but Tath might like the pic of the baboon in a headscarf, that would surely drive something away!!

The baboon in a headscarf is creepy. Reminds me too much of Jesus Christ depicted in early Christian iconography, the two fingers of his right hand raised in blessing. I really hope someone photoshop'd that pic; if God delivered us up again our savior in the body of a monkey I would be very disappointed (but impressed by His infinite sense of humor).
Picodiribibi said:
The baboon in a headscarf is creepy. Reminds me too much of Jesus Christ depicted in early Christian iconography, the two fingers of his right hand raised in blessing. I really hope someone photoshop'd that pic; if God delivered us up again our savior in the body of a monkey I would be very disappointed (but impressed by His infinite sense of humor).

I dont worry about God being a primate, I worry about him being a chicken. I can see me now, " umm sorry"... while munching on a chicken sandwich.

yeah, Im doomed now..

Picodiribibi said:
The baboon in a headscarf is creepy. Reminds me too much of Jesus Christ depicted in early Christian iconography, the two fingers of his right hand raised in blessing. I really hope someone photoshop'd that pic; if God delivered us up again our savior in the body of a monkey I would be very disappointed (but impressed by His infinite sense of humor).

"I can walk like an ape,
talk like an ape
I can do what monkeys do.
God man man
But monkeys applied the glue"

Devo - Jocko Homo
And then.........

Fodder daughter, family retch.
Melodious methane and devil's cum.
Modern dago's and lurching stain.
The people mudder famine vain.
The pong of pain which musters a vortex.
More or less,
this concussion confusion.
Other perception mist to perplex.

The Mystery Valiant

T'would be nice..., if you, "scat".
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*staggers in, caffeine-hazed*

It came to me in a fever-dream last night.

I know who this is that we're dealing with. I am quite sure of it now.

It's Spiro Agnew.

*wanders out, bumping against doorframe *

unpredictablebijou said:
*staggers in, caffeine-hazed*

It came to me in a fever-dream last night.

I know who this is that we're dealing with. I am quite sure of it now.

It's Spiro Agnew.

*wanders out, bumping against doorframe *

Anagrammatically, "Spiro Agnew" is "groan I spew" . . .

I think you're onto something there, bijou.

P.S. Sorry to hear about the hospital thing. I'm sure everyone here is wishing your loved one a speedy recovery.
Now that was good!

I liked that..., it was cute!
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Gregarious Galaxy

Would that I mind, that I spin,
that I spirit.
I heard and turned, to learn,
a cold moment.
I knew that you hoped I would forget.
And you said that here that you're free.
But it is the blink of an eye.
Eternity waits for you to bleed.

The Mystery Valiant
