The Travel Thread

Beautiful! There is so much I want to see but never had the opportunity when I was younger. I've lost so much time and covid certainly didn't help.

No time like the present to start anew! :) If/when you start traveling again, where would you start?

A general question for everyone: what is one (or two or three) of the top places on your travel bucket list that you most want to go to if/when the opportunity arises?

Mine include Mongolia, Tanzania/Kenya (though I've been before), South Africa, and the Maldives for some reason...
No time like the present to start anew! :) If/when you start traveling again, where would you start?

A general question for everyone: what is one (or two or three) of the top places on your travel bucket list that you most want to go to if/when the opportunity arises?

Mine include Mongolia, Tanzania/Kenya (though I've been before), South Africa, and the Maldives for some reason...

I would love to spend a few weeks in Ireland and Scotland.
Last place we visited, a few months pre-covid, was Vietnam...we loved that country so much that we're discussing a lot whether we'd go back there again next, with so many other places yet to see. All subject to when borders open up again and whether we have the money anyway.

Fun fact for you; Vietnam is where the majority of outer ski clothing/thermal jackets and pants are made.

Best market is Saigon Market in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City). It is amazing watching stall holders wrapping a jacket down to a size just slightly larger than the palm of your hand.
I've traveled all through but I've done it carefully. Renting private homes, well cleaned, taking my groceries, getting take out, double masking, getting vax-ed. Mainly to places near enough to me I can drive and see various beaches as I plan to buy in the next 5 years and retire.

I'd love to travel more widely again and hope to do so soon.

As for international travel, I have plans for Poland, Germany, the UK (England and Wales) and Canada.

The Canada trip was originally planned to take place right about now, but obviously I'm not there. :( I doubt the trip will happen any time soon, because my partner starts a new job later this year (which is yay!) and sadly that means he won't have very many vacation days next year. It was supposed to be a 3 week trip.

At least some of the European trips will likely happen next year, but I think I'll stay mostly domestic this year.

My a little more concrete travel plans for this year are all domestic. I had plans to go to Åland at the beginning of my vacation, but looks like the entire country has decided to go there, because last summer everyone was in Lapland, so I'll have to think about that a little more. My vacation isn't until August and schools start the second week of August, so maybe if I go after that, it'll be a little less crowded on the isles. I'm also planning to visit Lappeenranta, which is a town by the biggest lake in Finland. I've never been there before and know next to nothing about the place or the area in general, so I figured I'd go check it out. I know there's at least one nice cafe there and lots of lindens, so it can't be all bad. Maybe I'lll luck out and see a Saimaa ringed seal there. Doubt it. But you never know. :D
I'm afraid I never was much for travel, although I certainly kicked up the dust from pretty much Arizona to Georgia and from the tip of Texas up to Michigan in my younger years. I just don't sleep well out of my own bed and was pretty well infamous for going without for a week or more until our return when I would hibernate for another week.

And these days... well, even just a twenty-minute car trip to the store can leave me pretty well exhausted and hurting for the next day or more.

But, I truly wish for those that need to see those places other than right where you are, that you will get to sooner rather than later.

May you have all that you need, enough that you want, and little enough that you don't, that you can mark this a good day.
No time like the present to start anew! :) If/when you start traveling again, where would you start?

A general question for everyone: what is one (or two or three) of the top places on your travel bucket list that you most want to go to if/when the opportunity arises?

Mine include Mongolia, Tanzania/Kenya (though I've been before), South Africa, and the Maldives for some reason...

In the wishful category, I’d love to see Japan.

In the hopeful category, we were planning to go to London and then visit with friends living in GB and do some touristing while we’re at it. Life got in the way and then Brexit and pandemic, but it’s still on the list.

The plan for this summer is domestic. Cabin booked and plans are being made to take a detour with a couple of hotel nights on the drive home.
In the wishful category, I’d love to see Japan.

In the hopeful category, we were planning to go to London and then visit with friends living in GB and do some touristing while we’re at it. Life got in the way and then Brexit and pandemic, but it’s still on the list.

The plan for this summer is domestic. Cabin booked and plans are being made to take a detour with a couple of hotel nights on the drive home.

Were would you like to go in Japan?

I have Central Asia and Iran in my wishful category. And Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Maybe one year, eventually.
Were would you like to go in Japan?

I have Central Asia and Iran in my wishful category. And Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Maybe one year, eventually.

I went down a Central Asia rabbit hole a few years ago and have been thinking about it ever since. There was an article in a food magazine that got me started:

I started reading more and looking at various tours that might be doable. The melons of Turkmenistan have also been an attraction! Maybe you see a trend here!

In any case, would love to go.
Were would you like to go in Japan?

I have Central Asia and Iran in my wishful category. And Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Maybe one year, eventually.

Regarding central Asia and Iran, I thought Johanna Lumley's series travelling the silk road was very good and it certainly piqued my interest in that area of the world.

A bit before covid hit, I happened to meet two different gay couples, unknown to each other, who happened to have recently travelled to Iran. I guess I'm pretty ignorant and like a lot of people can tend to form views based on news and what in each case I was kind of in Iran, how did that go? In both cases (and both couples were very well-travelled folk) they replied along the lines of, possibly the most beautiful, fascinating place they'd ever been.
I went down a Central Asia rabbit hole a few years ago and have been thinking about it ever since. There was an article in a food magazine that got me started:

I started reading more and looking at various tours that might be doable. The melons of Turkmenistan have also been an attraction! Maybe you see a trend here!

In any case, would love to go.

I know someone who moved to Kyrgyzstan last year and that’s been the final confirmation for me that I need to go to that neck of the woods eventually.

Regarding central Asia and Iran, I thought Johanna Lumley's series travelling the silk road was very good and it certainly piqued my interest in that area of the world.

A bit before covid hit, I happened to meet two different gay couples, unknown to each other, who happened to have recently travelled to Iran. I guess I'm pretty ignorant and like a lot of people can tend to form views based on news and what in each case I was kind of in Iran, how did that go? In both cases (and both couples were very well-travelled folk) they replied along the lines of, possibly the most beautiful, fascinating place they'd ever been.

Yup, Iran is very beautiful. I had an Iranian roommate years ago and have been fascinated with the country ever since. It has changed a lot along the way, but it really is a gorgeous country with an incredible and long history.

I’ve seen some glimpses of Lumley’s travel series, but I find the shows difficult to get into, I think I just don’t like her style of presenting. Maybe I’ll check out the Silk Road one, because it is an area that I find interesting.
Were would you like to go in Japan?

I have Central Asia and Iran in my wishful category. And Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Maybe one year, eventually.

Ah yes, that is as always my problem - a little bit of everything. More realistically, I’d say Kyoto and Tokyo including surroundings.

I have a friend who spends a lot of time in Georgia for work and has fallen in love with the place. It looks and sounds interesting.
Ah yes, that is as always my problem - a little bit of everything. More realistically, I’d say Kyoto and Tokyo including surroundings.

I have a friend who spends a lot of time in Georgia for work and has fallen in love with the place. It looks and sounds interesting.

Yes, I feel you. It’s very difficult to decide on what to see when you have a limited amount time and have come a long way to visit a place. :)
I used to travel a lot in the past and finally I'm planning to visit Spain this summer. Barcelona is my favorite city, it's gonna be awesome journey

It’s a great city! I wonder how it would be there now before the big masses get there. Probably magical, getting all the beautiful sights all to yourself.

The same goes to all other places that get large tourist crowds, too.

I’ve started to see small tourist groups here, too. It looks so strange now, after all this time of barely seeing a single tourist. So familiar, yet so strange.
It’s a great city! I wonder how it would be there now before the big masses get there. Probably magical, getting all the beautiful sights all to yourself.

The same goes to all other places that get large tourist crowds, too.

I’ve started to see small tourist groups here, too. It looks so strange now, after all this time of barely seeing a single tourist. So familiar, yet so strange.

While Spain is getting a mention, I can recommend Valencia (Balenthia to the locals). I have been to the 3rd largest city in Spain on about 12 occasions, primarily due to falling in love with the football team and attending a match on each visit. The tapas there are very good, mostly concentrated on seafood and very enjoyable. The Cathedral there is around 900 years old and contains the bones of several saints, some of which are on display inside glass cases.The most interesting thing there, is a small side chapel which contains, what the local people claim to be, the actual Holy Grail, from the last supper. Believe in it or not, but I guarantee the hairs on the back of your neck will stand up when you enter the place...
It’s a great city! I wonder how it would be there now before the big masses get there. Probably magical, getting all the beautiful sights all to yourself.

The same goes to all other places that get large tourist crowds, too.

I’ve started to see small tourist groups here, too. It looks so strange now, after all this time of barely seeing a single tourist. So familiar, yet so strange.

I was in Croatia in the early 90s when the war was still going on.
In the north the only sign of it was some shortages in supplies with the usual CocaCola, Heineken and Carlsberg dominance you will find under those circumstances and a strange calm. The big tourist facilities were ghostly all empty
Sightseeing was better without the hordes though.
While Spain is getting a mention, I can recommend Valencia (Balenthia to the locals). I have been to the 3rd largest city in Spain on about 12 occasions, primarily due to falling in love with the football team and attending a match on each visit. The tapas there are very good, mostly concentrated on seafood and very enjoyable. The Cathedral there is around 900 years old and contains the bones of several saints, some of which are on display inside glass cases.The most interesting thing there, is a small side chapel which contains, what the local people claim to be, the actual Holy Grail, from the last supper. Believe in it or not, but I guarantee the hairs on the back of your neck will stand up when you enter the place...

I had a similar experience at the cathedral containing the mortal remains of St. James’s in Santiago.
I had a similar experience at the cathedral containing the mortal remains of St. James’s in Santiago.

Spain is knee deep in these kind of amazing religious experiences. On a visit to Seville Cathedral I was astonished to learn that Christopher Columbus was entombed there.
I've been planning some little (domestic) trips for my vacation, which begins in 7 days, and I think the plan is slowly coming together at least for the first weeks of my vacation. Whoo! I'm so ready to be somewhere not-home for a change.

How's everyone else's summer been? :)
I did a little trip around the western part of the country at the beginning of my vacation and now I'm making plans to head to the east. Sadly the archipelago plans had to be scrapped.

The trip to the west was lots of fun. It was my first multi-stop road trip since I was a child and it felt very nostalgic but also novel at the same time. We don't have a car, so just being in a car is a rarity for me, let alone driving for longer periods of time.

-you can stop if you see something cool (like a harvester turned into an ice cream stand, a lake with a scary name or a place called The Bible)
-you can alter the route and drive the tiny gravely paths if you get bored with the views along the bigger road
-no fixed schedule

-I've learned that to me the destination is ultimately more important than the journey, so as much fun as it was to find the little spots to stop at, it was just incredibly boring to sit in a car for many hours. At least on a train (my favorite mode of transportation) you can stand up and walk around while also moving forward and getting closer to the destination
-finding parking was a hassle
I did a little trip around the western part of the country at the beginning of my vacation and now I'm making plans to head to the east. Sadly the archipelago plans had to be scrapped.

The trip to the west was lots of fun. It was my first multi-stop road trip since I was a child and it felt very nostalgic but also novel at the same time. We don't have a car, so just being in a car is a rarity for me, let alone driving for longer periods of time.

-you can stop if you see something cool (like a harvester turned into an ice cream stand, a lake with a scary name or a place called The Bible)
-you can alter the route and drive the tiny gravely paths if you get bored with the views along the bigger road
-no fixed schedule

-I've learned that to me the destination is ultimately more important than the journey, so as much fun as it was to find the little spots to stop at, it was just incredibly boring to sit in a car for many hours. At least on a train (my favorite mode of transportation) you can stand up and walk around while also moving forward and getting closer to the destination
-finding parking was a hassle

Road trips by car awesome! My wife and I have taken a lot of trips to New York state and Pennsylvania just driving around and getting lost with no teal destination other than our Airbnb or home. Been a lot of fun just finding wacky shit and beautiful scenery.

Have you been on a real vacation trip going away for a length of time since before Covid, but we’re going to Virginia Beach in September but should be awesome!
I think I'll embark on my first crossborder trip before the year is over. Two (at the moment very tentative) plans are afoot. Fingers crossed!
I think I'll embark on my first crossborder trip before the year is over. Two (at the moment very tentative) plans are afoot. Fingers crossed!

Woohoo, exciting!

I thought I might have to do the same, because of some family related business, but it will do with online for now.
Part of me is sad because I do long for people there, but it would have had to be short and it’s not the most fun thing to deal with. Perhaps better to get the less fun stuff done this way and have more time and a happier occasion when I get there.