The Travel Thread

I've only ever been outside the UK once sadly, and never even really travelled around it despite wanting to.

Places I'd like to disappear to are all probably-not-coincidentally wildernesses. I like the look of cities but really dislike actually being in them. I.e. Lapland, the Highlands and the Hebrides, Hokkaido, rural Alaska, Northern Canada, Mongolia.
I've only ever been outside the UK once sadly, and never even really travelled around it despite wanting to.

Places I'd like to disappear to are all probably-not-coincidentally wildernesses. I like the look of cities but really dislike actually being in them. I.e. Lapland, the Highlands and the Hebrides, Hokkaido, rural Alaska, Northern Canada, Mongolia.

It has been interesting during the pandemic.
Hiking and visiting more remote and less populated places has become more popular.
Here we have had problems with poorly prepared hikers in Lappland, totally unaware about what is a reasonable distance to plan(especially with kids in tow), about weather conditions and gear needed. In the Alps the mountain rescue has had to inform people that the cost for a rescue can be steep and that it is generally not free.

We had to change plans a couple of times when we found the locations we are used to having essentially to ourselves on roadtrips overcrowded like never before.
It has been interesting during the pandemic.
Hiking and visiting more remote and less populated places has become more popular.
Here we have had problems with poorly prepared hikers in Lappland, totally unaware about what is a reasonable distance to plan(especially with kids in tow), about weather conditions and gear needed. In the Alps the mountain rescue has had to inform people that the cost for a rescue can be steep and that it is generally not free.

We had to change plans a couple of times when we found the locations we are used to having essentially to ourselves on roadtrips overcrowded like never before.

Reminds me of the queue to reach the summit of Everest.
My son is getting married at a beach resort in Mexico one week from today. I'll be spending a week south of the border.
I really miss traveling, making travel plans and talking about the trips first in anticipation and then as a lovely memory. Do you? Here's a thread for you to talk about traveling, post your plans, real or imaginary, and maybe find some nice new places and fresh ideas from other people's posts.

Some questions to hopefully get the conversation going. No need to answer all of them, but you may if you so wish! :)

Do you have any travel plans? Is there a place you travel to over and over again? Is there any trip that's been especially memorable, one way or another? Do you maybe have a dream destination you'd love to visit one day? What are some things that someone visiting your area (defined as broadly as you wish) as a tourist shouldn't miss?

I have tentative travel plans to visit a friend & her family in the summer, either in Manchester, UK or Geneva.... it's been about 6-7 years since I've gone anywhere besides day trips around New England and it feels nice to have possible plans again!

I guess the only places I've returned to a few times are London, Montreal, and NYC. Oh, and Hampton Beach, NH, but that's a literal second home, not really a trip.

All of my trips have been memorable somehow... but going to China was especially memorable as it was only my second time out of North America and the first time had been England. I had a lot more culture shock in China! And Denmark because it was my first time traveling alone.

I have a few dream destinations, especially South America & New Zealand.

For anyone coming to my area, I'd say don't just stay in Boston. Go to the small coastal towns in Massachusetts like Salem, Rockport, Gloucester. Go up the NH & Maine coasts... go to the mountains and lakes in NH.
I think I'll embark on my first crossborder trip before the year is over. Two (at the moment very tentative) plans are afoot. Fingers crossed!

Well, looks like this won't happen. I was planning to go to Germany in two weeks, but right now the covid situation there doesn't look too tempting, so I'll put the plans on hold.

The other plan was even less ambitious than that, but it's already been pushed until next year for work reasons. Looks like 2021 will become the first year in quite a while when I haven't left the country at all.
Well, looks like this won't happen. I was planning to go to Germany in two weeks, but right now the covid situation there doesn't look too tempting, so I'll put the plans on hold.

The other plan was even less ambitious than that, but it's already been pushed until next year for work reasons. Looks like 2021 will become the first year in quite a while when I haven't left the country at all.

I’m sorry, that really sucks 😕
The border with the US just re-opened after 18 months, but I am in no hurry to head to the sunny south this winter. Maybe next winter.

I travelled by train from Toronto to Montreal last month. That is the only civilized way to travel that distance. The flight (I have taken it many times) is always packed, and it is too much (too long and too short). The train takes five hours, but I arrived rested, fed and ready to take on Montreal drivers. Plus I got some work done on the train on an actual table.
Well, looks like this won't happen. I was planning to go to Germany in two weeks, but right now the covid situation there doesn't look too tempting, so I'll put the plans on hold.

The other plan was even less ambitious than that, but it's already been pushed until next year for work reasons. Looks like 2021 will become the first year in quite a while when I haven't left the country at all.

Ugh, I’m so sorry Seela.
I really hope the situation calms down with the pandemic. They are starting to talk vaccine passes here now to keep us from following along with the wave.
I am off to Spain, a week on Saturday... Just a tourist resort, so not much culture... Just some winter sun, cheap Brandy and tapas!
Well, looks like this won't happen. I was planning to go to Germany in two weeks, but right now the covid situation there doesn't look too tempting, so I'll put the plans on hold.

The other plan was even less ambitious than that, but it's already been pushed until next year for work reasons. Looks like 2021 will become the first year in quite a while when I haven't left the country at all.

Sorry you've had to cancel. I'm reading that a few states are picking back up again, schools having to close, etc. I really thought we were on the downhill slide on this with a few million holdouts. Sigh.
The border with the US just re-opened after 18 months, but I am in no hurry to head to the sunny south this winter. Maybe next winter.

I travelled by train from Toronto to Montreal last month. That is the only civilized way to travel that distance. The flight (I have taken it many times) is always packed, and it is too much (too long and too short). The train takes five hours, but I arrived rested, fed and ready to take on Montreal drivers. Plus I got some work done on the train on an actual table.

I really want to do some train touring. I've never been on a train. I've been on mass transit
systems but its just not the same experience.
For anyone coming to my area, I'd say don't just stay in Boston. Go to the small coastal towns in Massachusetts like Salem, Rockport, Gloucester.

I've vacationed in Rockport many times. I love the fact that it hasn't changed much over the years, and they still prohibit fast food places and neon signs. Love the art galleries, rocky shoreline, and lobster in the rough, among many other wonderful characteristics of the area. :)
Well, looks like this won't happen. I was planning to go to Germany in two weeks, but right now the covid situation there doesn't look too tempting, so I'll put the plans on hold.

The other plan was even less ambitious than that, but it's already been pushed until next year for work reasons. Looks like 2021 will become the first year in quite a while when I haven't left the country at all.

Im sorry. Germany is not a place you want to be now.

I’ve brought forward my planned Christmas trip to see my parents. I’m afraid if I wait until Christmas it won’t be possible to fly. I leave in 10 days instead.

Fuck you Covid 😩
Im sorry. Germany is not a place you want to be now.

I’ve brought forward my planned Christmas trip to see my parents. I’m afraid if I wait until Christmas it won’t be possible to fly. I leave in 10 days instead.

Fuck you Covid 😩

I'm sorry Darlin... Hope you get there and back, safely and with the minimum of fuss...
Im sorry. Germany is not a place you want to be now.

I’ve brought forward my planned Christmas trip to see my parents. I’m afraid if I wait until Christmas it won’t be possible to fly. I leave in 10 days instead.

Fuck you Covid 😩

Yeah, there aren't that many places where things are a-ok at the moment, sadly.

I was really looking forward to visiting Germany though. It's been several years since I've last been, and Germany has always been so good to me. I even miss speaking German, dammit. :D

I'm sorry your Christmas plan didn't work out. I hope this trip will make up for it. And that you'll still be able to fly in 10 days.
I'm sorry Darlin... Hope you get there and back, safely and with the minimum of fuss...

Thank you dear. I hope you had a great time in Spain.

Yeah, there aren't that many places where things are a-ok at the moment, sadly.

I was really looking forward to visiting Germany though. It's been several years since I've last been, and Germany has always been so good to me. I even miss speaking German, dammit. :D

I'm sorry your Christmas plan didn't work out. I hope this trip will make up for it. And that you'll still be able to fly in 10 days.

Thank you. I hope it will work out. I’m going to bring my work lap top in case I am stranded. Eek!

Take care of yourself. I share your love for Germany. It’s my home now ❤️
Im sorry. Germany is not a place you want to be now.

I’ve brought forward my planned Christmas trip to see my parents. I’m afraid if I wait until Christmas it won’t be possible to fly. I leave in 10 days instead.

Fuck you Covid 😩

I’m sorry! Hope you get a nice trip anyway.



Just got back from my week of winter sun... First time abroad in exactly two years!

They call Benidorm "Blackpool abroad," (Only the Brits will get that reference), but I certainly wasn't complaining!
Planning winter hiking in central PA, one of my favorite places. Last year we did big pieces of the Appalachian trail over the winter. Due to safety in the winter, I only like to stay on pretty well travelled parts. Found some excellent winter hiking last year and looking forward to more of the same.

Been trying to get to England for the next Rebellion festival for the last few years. My wife doesn’t want to go due to COVID but I’m willing to give it a shot to see some of the best punk bands ever. Last got there for rebellion in 2012.
Well, looks like this won't happen. I was planning to go to Germany in two weeks, but right now the covid situation there doesn't look too tempting, so I'll put the plans on hold.

The other plan was even less ambitious than that, but it's already been pushed until next year for work reasons. Looks like 2021 will become the first year in quite a while when I haven't left the country at all.

same. only it was both 2020 AND 2021.
I miss traveling. I miss Canada - my usual out of country haunt. Hoping to actually leave the country at some point in 2022. For the first time in 2 years, we finally left the state yesterday! woooo hooooo!!!!
same. only it was both 2020 AND 2021.
I miss traveling. I miss Canada - my usual out of country haunt. Hoping to actually leave the country at some point in 2022. For the first time in 2 years, we finally left the state yesterday! woooo hooooo!!!!

Yeah, it’s so strange to just not go anywhere.

Congrats of getting to broaden your horizons at least a little bit!
Making plans for Alaska 2022 and then back to Rome in 2023 (hopefully) with a 3 days stay over in Malta.
I try to travel somewhere at least twice a year, but this past year it's been mostly a week at the beach somewhere on the east coast USA.
Not nearly as much fun as international travel, but getting away is getting away, wouldn't you agree?