*thread etiquette...?*

please excuse me for the deviation, but...



A = have an opinion
B = voice it without respect
C = lose the respect of others...

A = bad attitude toward jobhunting
B = use only half the effort required to get a job
C = stay in the unemployment ranks

A = be a positive thinker
B = act positively, seek out a job
C = have an income, buy new socks *wink*

Okay thanks for letting me work through that. I feel much better.
A Canadian phrase, or more universally known, eh?
Nah just playing with ya all.

It was just where my fingers were resting at the time hehe, I often just freely tap my fingers at random when creating file names:)

I see strings of letters meant to be sentences and yawn, I could care less what they mean.:)

If you want me to know what ya said, write it out.
rwerwetr - It was just where my fingers were resting at the time hehe, I often just freely tap my fingers at random when creating file names

uh huh and i'm not asking the foremost question in my mind right now, having just figured out where those particular keys are...

I see strings of letters meant to be sentences and yawn, I could care less what they mean.

If you want me to know what ya said, write it out.

i'm not too sure about this one though... a kind of doomed if i do and doomed if i don't. oh darn, was going to put a wicked wink there.

for me, not using smilies is somewhat akin to having my arms tied, though perhaps a little less pleasant...

quick! lead me to a thread where i can stick a quick wink!!!

DVS how's ya toe, dear?
Language barrier??


I am new to this and only just started writing, I have s tory I would like to submit, but there is a wee bit of the 'F' word in it...I can of course remove these words!! But is it okay for them to be left in??

Thanks!! Awaiting a reply

Doll Face
Doll Face it depends on what you are writing and for whom.

Erotica is written for horny people that like to get excited and then jack off (or for ladies finger off I suppose).

So writing....

She waited to see the glazed look on his face. As his legs trembled she rythmically slid her tongue along the shaft of his cock feeling it pulse.
Suddenly his movements altered slightly. He griped her head slightly and began to thrust mre agrressively into her mouth.

"Ooooohhh dear I am close" he stammered unable to speak calmly.

She prepared herself by relaxing as much as possible. Then he abruptly forced his cock straight into her mouth.

"Awwwwww yess ooohhh fuck god yes, ooohh unnhhh"

She sputtered and chocked in spite of her best efforts. He held her head firmly now resting his weight on her head as he let a burst of warm salty cum flow into her mouth.
It erupted with force and poured till he exceeded her ability to recive more. Then his fluid escaped her lips and drizzled onto her chest is sticky splatters.

Several moments passed as his movements calmed. Finally he was under control enough to look upon her. His white gooey cum had spilled out of her mouth all down her chest flowing between her breasts and down to her moist fur that has already be savaged to satisfaction earlier by his own tongue.

It had been a pleasant exchange.

Just made that up for this post eh.

Now if I wanted it more romantic and maybe less intense, I could have used flowery terms or more vague words.

Of course if I was writing a war novel, it would have a lot of foul language, with no inclusion of any real sex in the process.
Science fiction, hmmmm I would not likely have any foul language or sex at all (that's just the way I want my scifi though).

When using a word, additionally, ask yourself if you have been repetitve, and whether something else more fun or original sounding might have been more interesting.
*fanning myself profusely thanks to Leslie*

Hiya Doll Face and welcome to the world of erotica!

If your writing feels right to you dear, leave it as you've done it. Have a quick look through some of the stories already here and you'll find a myriad of differing writing styles.

This thread was begun with humour and has mostly continued that way... it started with regards to comments authors post in threads and how they can be misunderstood, misread, etc. Kind of a light hearted look at language and smiley faces.

Actually I seem to recall the odd comment about frogs in here somewheres too... *gribbit*

Have fun!

Oh Leslie, I read something a little while back, guys Jack off and gals Jill off. How about that eh...? Sure sounds funny to me.

Just made that up for this post eh
nice thread to choose to add it to, dear. thank you *she says with her lips curling in a wide smile*
(see, still no smilies or winks)


Sorry, I couldn't resist the challenge. But, you know, it could be the theme of this thread...:rolleyes:

My favorite TLA (three letter acronym) is NWJ'-- I had a professor who would put this on the bottom of bull shit answers to his ridiculously difficult exams-- No way, Jose'. At least, that's what my friends told me was on their papers... ;)

You knew that you were not going to pass thermodynamics when he put YGTBK! on your page-- You've got to be kidding.

But at least you would fail with a smile. :) Note to its Leslie, I used both just for you-- sort of like using closed captioning when you can hear.... I write this with a slight smile on my face and holding you in high esteem.;)
Thanks fro your replies...I think the words I have used express how the person was feeling...so I shall leave it as it is!

Will post my story for you all to read, let me know what you think...be gentle....its my first time!!!

Doll Face
posted by Doll Face
...be gentle....its my first time!!!

Doll Face, some of us aren't too gentle, because we like it rough (refrained from including a smilie here). And, being rough with a virgin is fun (sexually speaking, of course).
Literally speaking, I can be gentle.

posted by Wildsweetone

In my neck of the woods, 'ribbit' is what frogs sound like. But, maybe in kiwiville, your frogs speak a different language?


I read something a little while back, guys Jack off and gals Jill off. How about that eh...? Sure sounds funny to me.

Contemplate this...
What if men Doms Masturbate and women subs subberbate? Too far out there for ya?

BTW, the toe is much better, today. My limp is not as prominent. Thanks for asking. It was touch and go for a bit, but I think I will live after all.
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DVS said:
(refrained from including a smilie here).

You've sworn off smilies too? It's catching!!! :(

DVS said:
In my neck of the woods, 'ribbit' is what frogs sound like. But, maybe in kiwiville, your frogs speak a different language?

Maybe she meant *grabbit* lol.

DVS said:
BTW, the toe is much better, today. My limp is not as prominent. Thanks for asking. It was touch and go for a bit, but I think I will live after all.

Does this mean all your problems - phobias and toes and whatever - are finally over, ur totally okay?

(scene a pastoral setting smileys everywhere (cause damn post won't let me insert multiples eh)


"aaahhHHHHHHHHHHh !!!"

Screaming panic ensues smileys dying in droves some bursting in flames others mysteriously just bowing up!!!!

Grinding them into the dirt treds mulching burnt pulped remains into fertilizer.

"Hmmmm one seems to have escaped":D

Bang!!! "Good got him too".

Ok so I am in a wierd mood:D

Bang!! "Sheesh they just don't stop do they?"

"Shit the place is crawling with them!!"

"PBR streetgang this is almighty, I have the coordinates"

"Ok get down this is going to be a big one"


"Yeah man, they won't even hear it coming"

"Oh the humanity!!!"

"They're just fucking smileys dummy"
oh heck if smilies aren't allowed, then should onomatopoeia be?

"They're just fucking smileys dummy"

you know, i have to own up to you all... i've never seen one of those. wonder what their favourite position is...?

Maybe she meant *grabbit* lol.

nah... grabbinit it is just for the common folks eh. sounds too much like a quick move to me.

What if men Doms Masturbate and women subs subberbate? Too far out there for ya?

now that's sure given me food for thought DVS... subberbate hmm sounds too much like bubbles and dribble methinks.
wildsweetone said:

now that's sure given me food for thought DVS... subberbate hmm sounds too much like bubbles and dribble methinks.

OK, I can find berate and Beirut and submarine in my dictionary... But what the F is subberbate???
Subs hmmm

Well they are long hard and have seamen in them.

But Canada doesn't seem to have much interest in them hehe.

But I have nothing to say about Russians though.
took the words right out of my mouth...

"Well they are long hard and have seamen in them."

Leslie, you took the words right out of my mouth....*chuckle*
Well they are long hard and have seamen in them.

gee i should have seen that coming... no the pun is not intended either.

i sure hope there's some sunshine around outside tomorrow, i think the rain and cold and hail are beginning to get at me. time to go looking for that little cabin in the woods i reckon...
I must say, a woman gladly calling herself a "bitch" even if the letters spell out something useful, is like me calling myself an asshole, and then making something useful out of the letters:)

Oh, and no I won't be making something out of the word, I would never call myself an asshole hehe:)

My two favourite definitions

Feminist....... a woman the resents not being a man.
Macho.......... a man that should have been born a feminist
Thor stood, raging; His angry footsteps an avalanche rumbling across a scarred sky. Daggers of blinding light tore through charred cumulus stairways, striking statues of misused wealth.

Rain plastered her long brunette hair against her body as she walked the path naked, sharp needles of pain stabbing her body. At long last she was alive. She lifted her face to Thor, opened her eyes and watched as His anger vented itself against the selfish species.

Gusting wind howled between officious fronts of importance, smashing, grinding, destroying...

She ran to the clearing, willing Him to come. Her back against the hard rough concrete, she lay, waiting...
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Thor stood, raging; His angry footsteps an avalanche rumbling across a scarred sky. Daggers of blinding light tore through charred cumulus stairways, striking statues of misused wealth.

Rain plastered her long brunette hair against her body as she walked the path naked, sharp needles of pain stabbing her body. At long last she was alive. She lifted her face to Thor, opened her eyes and watched as His anger vented itself against the selfish species.

Gusting wind howled between officious fronts of importance, smashing, grinding, destroying...

She ran to the clearing, willing Him to come. Her back against the hard rough concrete, she lay, waiting...

As the rumble of thunder, Thor approached her waiting frame, lust quickly filling his thoughts.
He grabbed her around the waist and flipped her, with striking ease, she thought.

His blood gorged muscle danced in waiting, until his aim was true, and he plunged into her.
Birds went to wing, as she screamed in pain, his lustful moans increased as did his thrusts.

Her shrieks continued with increased volume, but he had her on all fours and empaled. In complete control, he used her, his lust overtaking.

Recovering slightly from her agony, she was able to shape her pouting lips into the words she so desperately needed... "LUBE, THOR, BABY. LUBE! YOU FORGOT THE DAMN LUBE!"
damppanties said:
You've sworn off smilies too? It's catching!!! :(-DP
I am always smilin', but just don't always show it.
damppanties said:
Maybe she meant *grabbit* lol.-DP
I bet that is your meaning, damppanties!
damppanties said:
Does this mean all your problems - phobias and toes and whatever - are finally over, ur totally okay?-DP

I will never be totally OK. That is just a fact of life. Will any of us ever be totally OK? Think about it. But, that is part of the fun of life, isn't it? :D
(damn smilie sneaked out)