*thread etiquette...?*


It's an 'acronym'.


Good one! Do you mind if I pass that on to a few of my warped friends?

Have a great day,

just like a woman

Recovering slightly from her agony, she was able to shape her pouting lips into the words she so desperately needed... "LUBE, THOR, BABY. LUBE! YOU FORGOT THE DAMN LUBE!"


*laughing* I think you have summed up many male/female relationships....

HE thinks that he has rocked her world and forever changed the universe. HE just can't understand her pickiness.

SHE won't walk for a week and resolves to not be taken in by another guy with a big war hammer but no brains. SHE will be back next week after the soreness fades...

I knew it was an acronym hehe, that much was obvious, what isn't obvious (to me at least), is why you would want an acronym that spelled out "bitch".

Personally, I think all women are flowers, but some flowers can be dandelions just as easily as roses. And I would have as much desire for a dandelion, as I would have for a gal that didn't mind the label "bitch".

Even in humour, I don't care for some labels. I think for instance, the term "slut" is entirely incapable of being used in any manner that is acceptable. So it is unlikely a woman will ever be called one by me.

I hope you really don't actually WANT the label "bitch".
DVS said:

I am always smilin', but just don't always show it.

Why not?

I bet that is your meaning, damppanties!

Sure it is... :p

I will never be totally OK. That is just a fact of life. Will any of us ever be totally OK? Think about it. But, that is part of the fun of life, isn't it? :D
(damn smilie sneaked out)

Oh oh... you're getting philosophical? I wonder if I can handle this!

-DP. :):):)
the_bragis said:
Good one! Do you mind if I pass that on to a few of my warped friends?
Well, I just continued what WSO started. I just couldn't resist the temptation. She started that little sexual thought and I just rode it to a climax.

Originally posted by bridgetkeeney
SHE won't walk for a week and resolves to not be taken in by another guy with a big war hammer but no brains. SHE will be back next week after the soreness fades...
Ah yes, my kind of woman. She hides out, until she is all healed, but then returns to be empaled once again. Interesting...introduce a little lube and she may never leave.
Hello Leslie,

I feel 'that' word has offended you. I am sorry; it is never my intention to offend anyone when I post here. I really thought it was just a silly back-hander, that may make a few people smile.

I see you are in Canada. You have to bear in mind, I'm in Australia, where an 'old bastard' is a term of endearment between men, and 'bitch' is often bandied around rather loosley.

Dandelions and rose... that's a nice analogy. (All that and a bag of chips?) :)

Have a good day now,
is this news?

Interesting...add a little lube and she may never leave...


Did you not know this fundamental truth of life: Lube = Love? As the old song goes, "can't have one without the other". *smiling*

The reason SHE always comes back, or, if well lubed, never leaves, is the other foundational truth: raging hormones = stupidity.*winking*

the way to a woman's .......

*Giving in to the urge to use smilies*


The three little words to melt every woman's heart...."I have Astroglide." ....definitely the way to my.... heart?;)

:kiss: bridget
bitch, slut, bastard, fuck...

it's interesting the emotional tangle those words can purvey to the unsuspecting.

bitch - female dog, female fox, otter, wolf; sly or spiteful woman or girl; unpleasant or difficult thing.

it sure is interesting how our english language is an ever evolving one.

I used to think the word 'fuck' was a nasty one... hurtful 'fuck off', 'get fucked' etc... now i realise it's just a word. the tone of use can totally change it's meaning.

bastard - this too has many meanings, somehow child born out of wedlock doesn't seem to matter as much to my generation as it still does to my parents generation. not that the word by itself is used by my generation to say anything other than 'nasty person'... if there is an adjective in front of it the meaning obviously changes as in the australian endearment 'old bastard'.

i do have to say however that the word slut is one that sends shivers down my spine. i loathe the word. i hate hearing it and will not put up with reading it in stories. but then i have an unnatural loathing of the word and i doubt i'll ever learn to hear it without horrific thoughts.

all in all WORDS ARE JUST WORDS. though i do recall telling kids about 10 years ago that if you have a brain you'll be able to think of other words to use instead.
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the_bragis said:

You have to bear in mind, I'm in Australia, where an 'old bastard' is a term of endearment between men, and 'bitch' is often bandied around rather loosley.

Any country that invents such elegant slang phrases as 'Poo Tickets' for toilet paper is a country worth emigrating to as far as I'm concerned.
To anyone who was offend by my use of the 'b' word,

I swear I will never to use that word in this forum ever again. I realise now, it simply was not appropriate.

To Wildsweetone,

though i do recall telling kids about 10 years ago that if you have a brain you'll be able to think of other words to use instead.

I respect and understand what you are saying, however I use use all kinds of colourful language in my stories, and on various other occassions. I find certain, otherwise offensive words, really exciting when the mood is right. I won't go into unnecessary details, but it 's like in the dining room, I might say, "Please, would you mind passing me the salt sweetheart," but then three hours later in the heat of the bedroom, it's not exactly, "Darling, I'm so sexually aroused right now, would you mind pressing your penis inside me please?" It's all to do with the vernacular isn't it?

Yes, language is evolving. I use the word cute, to mean sweet and nice, I think many people do, but it actually means something ugly but interesting, according to the 'Oxford'. I'm sure there are many more.

Oh, and you may be interested in the origin of the 'f' word. Well, I found it kind of interesting anyway. I 've been told it dates back to days when permission was need to consumate a marriage. It stands for forication under consent of the king. A notice placed on the door would read - F.U.C.K.

To sub joe,

Thanks china.

Have a great day,

Alex (female variety) :)
Hi Alex, no i wasn't offended... see how hard it is to relate thoughts, impressions, feelings and emotions without using emoticons... gee i sure need more practise i think.

"Darling, I'm so sexually aroused right now, would you mind pressing your penis inside me please?"

this is sure going to keep me giggling for days, thanks dear... in fact, i think it should be added to a story.

anybody willing to take up the gauntlet?
"etiquette" observed in the bedroom

this is sure going to keep me giggling for days, thanks dear... in fact, i think it should be added to a story.

WSW-- we will be giggling together... I can't imagine how I'll explain my laughter to the kids when they use their best manners to ask for the salt today....

Think it would be a riot to do a humorous erotica using the quote... don't think i'm talented enough, but someone needs to...

Always "serving from the left" and "removing from the right"... pinkies extended...."oh, that is quite delightful"..... "thankyou for your hospitality"....

Any other ideas for decorous bedroom behaviour? (british spelling, of course!)

how about:

"And take your elbows off the table!"

"Yes, dear," eyes suitably downcast.

"Don't speak with your mouth full!"

"No, dear," gulps quickly.

"For goodness sake, use your napkin!"

"Yes, dear," mischevious grin as said napkin is dabbed gently against richly glowing skin.

"You're such a bad example to the kids," sigh. "I really don't know why I bother. But," the eyes twinkle, "Thank you for having me."
league of your own


I am obviously not nearly in your league... I think that the story is definitely yours to write...*chuckling over image of very formal dining room table with William muff diving Gwendolyn*

A few more :

"Smacking lips is simply vulgar dear."

"You may not be excused until everyone is finished."

"Haven't you forgotten something?"

"Oh, no, after you."

"But Father always told me that a gentleman never hits a girl."

and of course:

"That was delicious, I'm sure if I ate another bite I would burst."

Thanks for brightening up my day! :)

"May I pass you the cream, dear?"

"Would you like mayonnaise with that, sweetheart?"

"Dinner was delicious, darling."

"Anyone for seconds?"

"Rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub."

oh gee, where did that come from?


help! i can't stop!

Miss Manners does Dallas

"May I pass you the cream, dear?"

I am crying....

"What a divine sauce."
"Please extend my compliments to the chef."


You have to write the story now....


could someone fill me in on the culinary twist to this thread? I am at a loss.

Sorry, DVS, WSO and I got tickled by the_bragis' quote:

"Darling, I'm so sexually aroused right now, would you mind pressing your penis inside me please?"

and got carried away (at least I did) thinking up other "polite" expressions to be used in erotica that would be funny.

I do agree with the_bragis on whether the expression is being used to demean someone... I never say the F word to blast someone and find it fairly offensive, but in the heat of sex I may have said "fuck me! yes! fuck me!"-- once or twice. ;)

Slut and bitch are two words that have some pretty heavy emotional baggage attached... my friends and I may say, "A little on the bitchy side today?" and laugh... heaven help the guy who calls one of my friends a bitch in front of me to demean her... I'd just have to call him a prick. :)

Re: tangent

bridgetkeeney said:
heaven help the guy who calls one of my friends a bitch in front of me to demean her... I'd just have to call him a prick. :)

Actually, call him a little prick. This doesn't mean he is a little bit of a prick, but a 'little prick'. And, hold up your little finger as you say it. A picture is worth a thousand words.
easy dear,

thread etiquette,
bedroom etiquette,
dining room etiquette...

or was it the other way around...? lol
wildsweetone said:
easy dear,

thread etiquette,
bedroom etiquette,
dining room etiquette...

or was it the other way around...? lol
I think it is fun to fuck on the dining room table. Of course, that is usually after dinner. Dessert, you see.
has a little prick

Actually, call him a little prick. This doesn't mean he is a little bit of a prick, but a 'little prick'. And, hold up your little finger as you say it.

lol...will have to remember the hand gestures is there a concise slur to say "you have a little dick?"...

another slur my friends and I use is DWE.... Dick with Ears... but some guys might take this as a compliment...