*thread etiquette...?*

Re: has a little prick

bridgetkeeney said:

lol...will have to remember the hand gestures is there a concise slur to say "you have a little dick?"...

another slur my friends and I use is DWE.... Dick with Ears... but some guys might take this as a compliment...
Well, personally, I have enough confidence that such remarks don't bother me. But, I also never would call someone a bitch, unless they truly were one. Such names are saved for those deserving people.

But, calling one a dick is probably going to be considered a compliment. But, if you add the word little or tinny or small or teensy-weensy, along with the hand gestures, you can get even the most dense guy to understand. And, if you say this loud enough, his friends hear too
Peer pressure is always a good thing.
itsy bitsy teeny weenie

So... itsy bitsy teenie weenie?

Just couldn't resist...


*I need to sleep more...*
Re: on the dining room table

bridgetkeeney said:
after dessert or with dessert?

Not WITH or AFTER dessert. It IS dessert!
food fetish


I know that I will always be seen as fixated on food, but my point was sex and dessert intermingled... whipped cream, chocolate mousse... ;)... multitasking, so to speak...


The milky bars are on me!

*chuckling and shaking head*

you are a wickedly clever woman

"one dip or two?" (refers to icecream in US)


*I have got to sleep! I am no longer safe to drive motor vehicles*
There is nothing more thrilling that dipping a girls tits in chocolate and turning them into giant Hershey's Kisses.

And man do I like Hershey's Kisses.

Of course we also have a treat called Dunkeroos where you dip something fun to eat into some chocolate. And I certainly like being a Dunkeroo heheh.

Of course we also have a treat called Dunkeroos where you dip something fun to eat into some chocolate. And I certainly like being a Dunkeroo


I cannot get the image of you as the cartoon character kangaroo with a chocolate frosting covered "tail" out of my mind.... *shaking head and laughing*

hmmm... anyone for fondue? I guess I should take this to the new "dessert thread"

Dunkaroo Leslie, man that sure has a tingle about it...

Oh, and you may be interested in the origin of the 'f' word. Well, I found it kind of interesting anyway. I 've been told it dates back to days when permission was need to consumate a marriage. It stands for forication under consent of the king. A notice placed on the door would read - F.U.C.K.

Alex, do you know any more about this? What era, what country? i may do a little research myself.
wildsweetone said:
Alex, do you know any more about this? What era, what country? i may do a little research myself.

I have heard this, too. Of course, every word in our language has some reason for existing. Maybe it was the land of Yor? That is where things tend to start.

And, if you believe that, ther is this bridge...
Hello Sweetwildone,

I'm sorry but that little piece of invaluable information was sent to me by a friend via email with a whole of of other silly stuff, so I can't tell you anything more about it.

I believe in Dutch a breeder of horses is known as a 'foker' (I think that's how it's spelt), so that's another interesting thought.

If you're interested in the origin of words and expressions, may I suggest The Cat's Pyjamas by R. Brasch, published by Harper Collins. (I check the inside cover, and it is available in New Zealand.) It's one of a whole series of books he has written. That Takes the Cake, How did it begin? and How did Sex Begin? are just a few.

It's a purrfectly entertaining read. :)

Have a great day now,

Alex (fem)
Thanks Alex, I've written The Cat's Pyjamas down (yep added it to another 'list' lol) and will have a look around on Saturday for it, thank you.

I'm not sure about "How did sex begin" book, but if i see it i'll grab that one too. I'd be mighty interested to see what his theory is.

Oh Alex, may I also mention... I like your attire (insert smilie)

DVS is that american spelling for Yor? Should it have a 'u' in it for those of us of english descent?

calm down dear, i'm just kidding... i can see you getting your hopes up that i really am that thick. i only thought Yor existed for maybe all of ten seconds. wondered how close it was to Oz.

flip i need a strawberry
Hi, All. Been checking around on the web for the answer to this question about the origin to the word FUCK. No, I am NOT the answer man, but sometimes I can get in contact with him. Don't confuse this with being able to contact Batman or Superman, or as being 'in the know'. That is my disclaimer, OK?

I don't know the answer, but I did find a link to someone who says they know.

I had also heard about the origin being Fornification Under Consent of the King, but these guys say it isn't so. They spew a lot of info to their credit, so I will leave all of this spewing to them.

But, if you are slightly old at all, you might remember the song (sorry, I don't remember the band's name) that was a little sneaky and didn't get the word, but got the initials in lyrics. The lyrics were 'If you see Kay, tell her I love her / If you see Kay, tell her I need her...etc.

You get the idea, right? If You See Kay. A little chincy, if you ask me. It only works if you say it.

But, an even older song, 'Won't Get Fooled Again' by The Who had the actual spoken word in it. At the end of the song, they are singing before the fade and Roger Daltry says (more than once) 'who the fuck are you?' OK, I know it isn't much, but back then it was. And, it is a great song, too. And this was a tasteful use of the word, where the other was more blatant, in your face, and just plain stupid (my opinion)

OK, back to the point! The link is below, so to find out what they spew about, go there. And, for the record, I have considered snopes.com to be a good and honorable site for information.

So, with that being said...

You get the idea, right? If You See Kay. A little chincy, if you ask me. It only works if you say it.

duh *smacks self on forehead*

okay i get it now... it must have been my accent (brushing aside complete ignorance) that took me so long to click.

thanks for the link dear... it makes interesting reading. i never would have thought the word was around 750 years ago - gee what a sheltered life i had.

i've often been interested in the origins of words... does anybody have a good recommendation for a book i could purchase?

(dvs - i'll have a play around with www.snopes.com to see what else it has, thanks)
I've often been interested in the origins of words... does anybody have a good recommendation for a book I could purchase?

"A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue" compiled by Frances Grose (London 1785) can still be found, sometimes updates as "Buckish Slang, University Wit, and Pickpocket Eloquence" (London 1811) also, "Lexicon Balatronicum" or the "Jester's Lexicon" with various credits to "a member of the Whip Club" or "Hell-Fire Dick".

A Few examples:

ADMIRAL OF THE NARROW SEAS: One who from drunkenness vomits into the lap of the person sitting opposite him. [Sea phrase]

ANKLE: A girl who is got with child, is said to have sprained her ankle.

BASKET-MAKING: The good old trade of basket-making; copulation, or making feet for children's stockings.

CLINK: Gaol, from the clinking of the prisoner's chains or fetters; he is gone to clink.

DUSTMAN: A dead man; your father is a dustman.

FART-CATCHER: A valet or footman from his walking behind his master or mistress.


HORN COLIC: A temporary priapism.

TO SHOOT THE CAT: To vomit from an excess of liquor, also called catting.

WOODEN HABEAS: A coffin; a man who dies in prison is said to go out with a wooden habeas.

Ah! No wonder modern society finds the Georgian and Regency Eras so romantic. :rolleyes:
A Swedish stand-up comedian quoted an English couple having sex:

"Oooh! I'm coming! I'm coming!"
"I didn't realize that you had gone anywhere..?"
I've participated in them myself... the 'white' comment or 'black' comment threads...

When I first saw them, I was angry that someone would want to specifically shut out the rest of us from giving our opinions on whatever topic was under discussion. I also thought, in my ignorance, that those threads would cause major disruption

I have come to learn that we adult writers on Lit. can show respect for each other, we are even capable of showing respect for our differences.

How much better can it get? We can open threads designed for asking specific questions of specific people and we can feel safe in the knowledge that we won't automatically be judged by our peers.

I feared the worst, and am very pleasantly surprised at the pathway both those threads have travelled.

So the new 'WILDSWEETONE AWARD FOR THOSE SHOWING RESPECT' goes to all participants in those two threads.

Well Done!

Okay I am done, and fully expect a smack over the back of the head... get it overwith.
Nah I won't smack you in the back of the head Sweetone, but if you bend over and lift your shirt I will give you YOUR award now heheh.

I have enjoyed those two mentioned threads (I think I might have helped start the wandering off of one though).

I am wondering though, if I have lost track off where this one has gone though heheh.
this thread has wandered a little too, but it's still hanging in there i reckon... thread etiquette covers almost everything lol

oh wow I get an award!? what's it for Leslie?

*grinning in anticipation*
The award is just for being you sweetone:)

(for those that don't know, I am biased where sweetone is concerned heheh).
wildsweetone said:
I've participated in them myself... the 'white' comment or 'black' comment threads...

When I first saw them, I was angry that someone would want to specifically shut out the rest of us from giving our opinions on whatever topic was under discussion. I also thought, in my ignorance, that those threads would cause major disruption

I have come to learn that we adult writers on Lit. can show respect for each other, we are even capable of showing respect for our differences.

How much better can it get? We can open threads designed for asking specific questions of specific people and we can feel safe in the knowledge that we won't automatically be judged by our peers.

I feared the worst, and am very pleasantly surprised at the pathway both those threads have travelled.

So the new 'WILDSWEETONE AWARD FOR THOSE SHOWING RESPECT' goes to all participants in those two threads.

Well Done!

Okay I am done, and fully expect a smack over the back of the head... get it overwith.

Awww... being the one who started the first one, "A question for all black men", I'm so glad you liked it, WST! :rose:
Thank you Leslie for the award - nice warm fuzzies for the day, and a tingly ........

and Thank you too Svenskaficka for the rose... good luck with keeping your thread on an even keel!

I don't think I fully realised how much of an 'innocent/ignoramus' I was until I was nudged into Lit.
wildsweetone said:
I don't think I fully realised how much of an 'innocent/ignoramus' I was until I was nudged into Lit.
Nope, not touchin' that one. No Sirrie, not me. Nope...uh uh...not a chance. No, by golly, NO! (resisting the temptation, and it is terrible)
Well...AHEM! NO, I said NO, and NO means NO! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!
here i sit, finally getting my act together and doing some more writing and i couldn't control the urge to check the threads again and WHAM! DVS hit's me with his "No by golly, No!" speech...

have you been reading that kiwi slang site again dear? i truely thought 'by golly' was a kiwi thing...?

by the way, please don't hold yourself back on my account lol