"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thanks for the mention in todays review. :kiss:

I am not a poet, as anyone can tell by My writings. But, to Me, what they lack in correctness, they show emotion in abundance. :rose:

Almost everything I have written is based on the realities in My life. I only share them here thinking someone else might read them and see they are not alone in their feelings, in their pain, or their sadness. :rose:

Have a great day everyone. :)
Thank you Chris for the mention and to all who read and commented
That one felt good to write

( and thanks for being a nitpicker ange :p :D :heart: )
Tathagata said:
( and thanks for being a nitpicker ange :p :D :heart: )
I'm visualizing a girl monkey and a boy monkey, grooming... :rolleyes:

It's wonderful to see you sharing poetry, Mr T.
champagne1982 said:
I'm visualizing a girl monkey and a boy monkey, grooming... :rolleyes:

It's wonderful to see you sharing poetry, Mr T.

I equate poetry editing with picking fleas off chimps. Cleanliness and all, you know. :p


(And you're welcome, T. I only nitpick poems I love.) ;)
Angeline said:
I equate poetry editing with picking fleas off chimps. Cleanliness and all, you know. :p


(And you're welcome, T. I only nitpick poems I love.) ;)
... and all?

I'm innocent. I don't know. Please explain :cool: . :devil:
Angeline said:
I equate poetry editing with picking fleas off chimps. Cleanliness and all, you know. :p


(And you're welcome, T. I only nitpick poems I love.) ;)

fleas gotta eat too ya know
champagne1982 said:
... and all?

I'm innocent. I don't know. Please explain :cool: . :devil:

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. See? I'm innocent, too. :cool:

Personally, I think poetry is next to Godliness, but what do I know? I'm just a poor Jew from New Jersey.
Is anyone reviewing today? Doesn't look like it--I've read all the new poems today, so I'll be back shortly with recommendations.

Thank you

I would like to thank unapologetic for the kind review of my poem She who Shapes the sacred land. I would also like to thank all who commented on it. While not perfect I felt the need to post it so others may come to know the pain Holly and other cutters feel which results in their disease. So thank you all for reading it and being so kind.

I would like to mention that I felt the poems of Tristesse on Thursday were fantastic works that need to be read. They talk to the heart and open one's mind so please go give them a read.

du lac

Thanks, duckiesmut, for mentioning my little poem. I felt the same way about the word "ungulate." It's such an odd word, but it fit.
wildsweetone said:
Rhyme Fairy's Tasting Flesh contains lots of alliteration and a little rhyming. it's certainly an apt poem for Literotica. i'm not sure about some of the line breaks here. in my reading i stumble a little around line 12 - it might be because the comma is not necessary...? i like the sounds in the last couple of lines too.

Please note that these are my opinions on poems. It is up to you as a reader to form your own. Go read, go comment and keep writing!


Thank You Sweets for the mention and the great review. I have been working with writers block and it's kickin' my booty. :eek: I had to submit this poem. I know it still needs some work and I appreciate your commentary. I still am working on the comas and line breaks. :eek:

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read and comment .... :rose:

Also ... a big Thank You to all the reviewers. :nana:

Everyone is doing an awesome job and I am learning a lot ~

Angeline said:
And since there were so few new poems today, here’s a great golden oldie from the archive. I got it on my first spin: Eve’s Red Shoes, a tribute to the scarlet tootsies of Wicked Eve by that delightfully pervy poet, neonurotic.

:rose: I remember that, Eve's AV of her red footies. I never thought I had a foot fetish, but I have since then looked down more often rather than breast level.
Why is the text so big on that poem. Suddenly all the older poems, 1999-2003 have larger text. Weird. I kind of like it though.
Thanks for the mention VD.

Also, let it be known that the winner of the "comment that made me laugh hard enough to send my cat darting from my lap to under my bed in two seconds flat" goes to WE, I needed to smile this morning, thank you. :)
RisiaSkye said:
Sorry, y'all. I keep forgetting to hit that button when I submit. Back in the olden days, it didn't exist. :eek: It's fixed now.

S'Ok. We'll take your poems any way we can get them. :)

LeBroz said:

Thankfully another light load this humpday — only 9 posted — though not much got my engine running.

templeminded has a delightfully light and innocent fun piece in Little Fishes. Just look at these lines to which I'm sure many women can relate:

I sat down
and enjoyed every bite
Then thought to myself
these pants are getting tight​

vampiredust has a different take on biblical history in Madame Moses. Charlton Heston will never look the same parting the Red Sea after reading this:

She parted the waters
of her body with the tip
of my penis.​

Though penis sounds so clinical {maybe it's a cultural thing}. I'd think cock sounds more fitting.

skittles_lm has three rather down poems posted today:

Words lets you feel what happens when words fail and the house develops a chill.

Embrace is my favorite of the three as it portrays the feeling of dreams dying:

Distant, clinical,
I note that they
were pretty,
like butterflies
nailed to a board,
devoid of life
where once they flew.​

Broken Goddess also comes across as a rather depressing write as old beliefs/gods die off.

That'll do it for today. It's such a light load, you can run through 'em all yourself real quick and see if any rev your engine. And remember, read, vote, comment ~ it's the least you can do. Above all, comment ~ a fair exchange for the pleasure of reading free poetry.

Enjoy ~~ soon the weekend will be here.


Can't be happy all the time, I suppose. Thanks for the mention, love. Always perks my day up!
Thank you

to all who read, voted, and commented on A Morning Outing on May 1. It really is a blow-by-blow description of our morning yesterday. Unaplogetic, I have to think on those last two lines because of what they mean for us: eagleyez and I mt on this forum, so we communicated first in poems to each other, then spoke on the phone, then finally met. So it describes a very real progression of us coming together. We've written a few things together before and no doubt will again.

Thanks again from both of us.


PS It already got 1-bombed, but what else is new? :D

PSS I haven't read the Carter interview yet, but we bought the magazine today because there are so many good interviews in it!
Angeline said:
Unaplogetic, I have to think on those last two lines because of what they mean for us: eagleyez and I mt on this forum, so we communicated first in poems to each other, then spoke on the phone, then finally met. So it describes a very real progression of us coming together.

Sorry if I was unclear about which lines I'd chop - here they are:

"It's true, we're in love,
we're in like. The best of both worlds!"

I actually love the last two lines of the piece, by the way, especially the last one - "Now us, and still the lilacs waiting to bloom." - even though I'm allergic to lilacs. ;) I thought about mentioning that, and I think I did in the review my computer ate. (I'm imagining a self-satisfied burp from my Dell, right about now.)
unapologetic said:
Sorry if I was unclear about which lines I'd chop - here they are:

"It's true, we're in love,
we're in like. The best of both worlds!"

I actually love the last two lines of the piece, by the way, especially the last one - "Now us, and still the lilacs waiting to bloom." - even though I'm allergic to lilacs. ;) I thought about mentioning that, and I think I did in the review my computer ate. (I'm imagining a self-satisfied burp from my Dell, right about now.)

Thanks for the clarification--it makes good sense to me to lose those lines.

annaswirls said:
Illustrated poetry is a lot more difficult than it might appear. Take a look at these two, if you have not already done so, see how the text and the image compliment each other? How the image does not render the text illegible? How the poem could stand on it's own, it is not just decoration for the image? Yes, these are two of my favorite litsters but that is not why I am recommending that you check these out.... some people do not like illustrated poetry, if you are one of them, go read these anyway, because they poems stand alone.

I love the first line in Jamison's, and Angeline's repetition is perfect here.

Cheers you two! I feel fortunate to have seen your progression in illustration!


Between the Bars -
Submitted by Jamison (Illustrated Poetry) 05/03/07

Open Tuning -
Submitted by Angeline (Illustrated Poetry) 05/03/07

Miss Swirly girl, thank you for the mention/appreciation and for the highlight on finer viewing of Illustrated Poetry. :rose:
neonurotic said:
Miss Swirly girl, thank you for the mention/appreciation and for the highlight on finer viewing of Illustrated Poetry. :rose:

I'll echo that sentiment! After waiting for weeks to see it posted, I thought my poor illustrated poem was going to sink into oblivion without a single notice. Doing illustrated poems is a labor of love for me, so I really appreciate your taking the time to appreciate it!

And thanks also to PoeTess for her comment on the poem and to Neo, whose illustrated work never fails to inspire me.

Angeline said:
tungtied2u is my dear friend. We talk a lot, discuss poetry, our jobs, our woes but he’s my friend yknow, I don’t really think of him “that” way. Until I read Boilerman, which he originally posted in the “Not Sure How Many Words” thread a few days ago. Good gosh Amighty, this is one steamy poem! The extended metaphor doesn’t miss a beat, and I defy you to read this poem without feeling like you need a cold shower afterward. If you only read one poem today, make it this one. It should have gotten an E (or maybe an S for Sexy). Well done, T!


I second that, word for word .. :eek: ;) *fans self*

I even added it to my Favorites list. I don't know if anyone else reads those (Favorites lists) but I sure do and I find a lot of great writes and recommendations from them.

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