"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thank you, Eve, for the kind mention and the compliment, even if you didn't quite get it. Fact is, neither did I. Wrote it very late at night. Also, pasted the wrong version into the Submit box--only thirteen lines. I have made the correction, hope the editors pick it up and make the change before too long. Maybe the extra line (line 12) helps, maybe not. The tyranny of the 30/30, you know. They can't all be gems.

Also, thanks for the mention and the kind comment to Tzara for Saturday's hookup.
Thank you very much, Angeline, for your wonderful reviews and comments (as well as your exhortations for more comments from the rest of the community, which I would greatly appreciate).

In answer to your question in the lovely public comment you left on the one, it is a traditional form, although somewhat different from its common conception in English. Both of today's submissions (and two of tomorrow's upcoming submissions) are rather traditional Tanka in the best analogue I can create in a language so different in phonotactics from Japanese as English. Like with the Haiku I've written, I have tried as much as possible to keep with the general length of the form in Japanese in both sound and depth of meaning; a 5-7-5-7-7 syllable poem in English will often be twice the length of a Tanka in Japanese and sometimes even longer.

And a thank you to everyone who has commented on my poems so far, it is wonderfully encouraging.
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Thanks, Leon. But "cranking?" I obsess. I regurgitate. I ooze. I feel. I am...I said (oops).
Champagne, thanks for the mention in the review. Trying to do this every day for 30 is daunting. I hope the quality doesn't suffer, and I know (hope) I'll hear it if it does. I appreciate your pointing them out.
Well, that was fun. Thanks to El for creating the 5/5 thread, so I end up gnawing my fingernails with anxiety only one-sixth as much as in that sadist Neo's thread.

Thanks to the recent reviewers who mentioned my poems: Champie, Evie, Angie, and (*cough*) LeBrozzie. ;)

Thanks also to those various commenteers who left me little notes: Angie, Anonymous, Champ, Eve, KOLKORE, and LeBroz. A poem without comments is always a little sad. You all cheer me up, even when you tell me (politely) that my head is up my ass.

A few of the comments raised points or asked questions that deserve a response.

To Ange, re "Water Music": The water images were all deliberately chosen and ordered. The sound of the poem was probably influenced by Chopin, which I was listening to when I edited it.

To KOLKORE, re "Three Dreams About Sex": I did intend wistfulness, which means "full of yearning or desire tinged with melancholy." Coupling that with pain is not, in my mind, out of line. I'm very possibly wrong.

Finally, Min says to say "Hello," "Thanks," and "Angeline is probably right." I'm not sure what she means by that, but she's been elliptically terse lately.

Bye, all.
Finally, Min says to say "Hello," "Thanks," and "Angeline is probably right." I'm not sure what she means by that, but she's been elliptically terse lately.

Bye, all.
Silly man, Angeline is probably right suits every situation. I use it whenever I need to decide anything... chicken for dinner -- Angeline is probably right, blue or pink teddy -- Angeline is probably right, to cut or expand --Angeline is probably right.

See? It is a multiple use phrase.
Silly man, Angeline is probably right suits every situation. I use it whenever I need to decide anything... chicken for dinner -- Angeline is probably right, blue or pink teddy -- Angeline is probably right, to cut or expand --Angeline is probably right.

See? It is a multiple use phrase.

If I give you the number, will you call my children and tell them this? :p
Silly man, Angeline is probably right suits every situation. I use it whenever I need to decide anything. . . blue or pink teddy -- Angeline is probably right. . .
Open or shred teddy? Angeline is probably right. :rolleyes:

She probably is right though, dammit. Maybe she should start a Web 2.0 biz: AngelinesRight.com. Kind of like Dear Abby for us connected folk.
Open or shred teddy? Angeline is probably right. :rolleyes:

She probably is right though, dammit. Maybe she should start a Web 2.0 biz: AngelinesRight.com. Kind of like Dear Abby for us connected folk.

Can I have a vote?
Only if you vote correctly. ;)

Like for shred, right? I knew it. Mandate. We have a mandate!

I just awoke and saw this on the way from the loo back to bed. I would have voted for shred. Just sayin. :)

*Yawn* Night night
Well, I've been taught that moms are flawless (only until they're out of the room of course).
Thank you, my dear, for the review. I didn't much like that one when I put it up, but I went back and read it today, and I like it a whole lot better. Am I already beginning to compensate?
Thank you dearly for your nice words today. Annie certainly rocks, and is WAY more sweet and sensitive than she wants us to see sometimes. It is an interesting pairing you mentioned with my Absent Heart. Check out my Indifferent in today's 30/30. It cuts even closer to the bone.
Thank you dearly for your nice words today. Annie certainly rocks, and is WAY more sweet and sensitive than she wants us to see sometimes. It is an interesting pairing you mentioned with my Absent Heart. Check out my Indifferent in today's 30/30. It cuts even closer to the bone.

It's sad and lovely in a raw, honest way. Keep processing; the chapbook is almost there.

It's sad and lovely in a raw, honest way. Keep processing; the chapbook is almost there.


It's ironic that you chose to pair my Lit post with Annie's Me, probably without knowing what I had written for today's 30/30. Coming to the end of my challenge (five more to go), I find myself running up against some pretty raw stuff lately. I guess that's the way therapy works too, the longer you go at it, the deeper you scratch the skin, the bloodier the result. I didn't actually expect to get quite that personal--maybe that's why I keep returning to South Beach themes (avoidance?). But as you know, the creative process isn't always easy or nice. You can tell I had a pretty fun time growing up, huh?
It's ironic that you chose to pair my Lit post with Annie's Me, probably without knowing what I had written for today's 30/30. Coming to the end of my challenge (five more to go), I find myself running up against some pretty raw stuff lately. I guess that's the way therapy works too, the longer you go at it, the deeper you scratch the skin, the bloodier the result. I didn't actually expect to get quite that personal--maybe that's why I keep returning to South Beach themes (avoidance?). But as you know, the creative process isn't always easy or nice. You can tell I had a pretty fun time growing up, huh?

Didn't we all sweetheart. If you read enough of my poetry, you get that themes of loss and talking to ghosts are ones I return to over and over. My best poems always come out when a) I'm not trying and b) I'm not censoring my feelings. I've often thought that I'd gladly trade whatever I've gained as a writer for not experiencing some of what I have, but that's not possible. That's why I keep writing on these themes. It's the only way I have left to make something good of all the bad that happened.
Thankyou so much Angeline for your kind words and as for 'Absent Heart' and 'Indifference' I wonder if a bit of empathy was going on there . I am a firm believer in things that are meant to be not everything can be coincidence. So Anschul from my sore heart to yours I wish you peace my friend
Thankyou so much Angeline for your kind words and as for 'Absent Heart' and 'Indifference' I wonder if a bit of empathy was going on there . I am a firm believer in things that are meant to be not everything can be coincidence. So Anschul from my sore heart to yours I wish you peace my friend

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, my dear. I am full of empathy for you and your wonderful Me. It had to be serendipity at work, or karma or something. I wrote those not having read your piece, but rather, I had spent some time reflecting on my childhood (not a great deal of youthful giddyness around that homestead). I do ache for you. My wife saved my life, but my kids (big one and small ones) keep me afloat.
LeB, thanks so much for picking me out of a very good crowd. Today's entries were whiz-bang--a lot of really good stuff. Seems like the rush before everyone vanishes for the weekend. Lots of audio. Fun. Reviewing is turning into a full-time job. Excellent work, and thanks again.
To Champagne1982 and Angeline,

Thank you very much for the ra-ras in the New Poems review, that was just outstandingly nice.

Also, LeBroz and Kolkore, thanks for the comments on my poems too; I had a great time absorbing your words.

So: what's the protocol for responding to a comment on the poem's page? If I comment, it makes me vote for my own poem, which seems sorta messed up. Is there an established guideline for this? I guess using THIS thread is the answer, right? Ya, duh, I know ... but not everyone who might see the poem will come to the thread is what I'm thinking.

OK thanks again.
To Champagne1982 and Angeline,

Thank you very much for the ra-ras in the New Poems review, that was just outstandingly nice.

Also, LeBroz and Kolkore, thanks for the comments on my poems too; I had a great time absorbing your words.

So: what's the protocol for responding to a comment on the poem's page? If I comment, it makes me vote for my own poem, which seems sorta messed up. Is there an established guideline for this? I guess using THIS thread is the answer, right? Ya, duh, I know ... but not everyone who might see the poem will come to the thread is what I'm thinking.

OK thanks again.

Hi F-David. Yes, you can respond on this channel, or you can click directly on the name of the commentor and send him a private message if you wish. By the way, I like your stuff too. Keep writing.
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