"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Nice review today Ange. I agree that Eve's poems were superb.

I also would like to give honorable mention to "My Butch" by Chewtoi. Must be a lesbian thing, but for me, that was one hot poem. I especially liked the lines:

"Jeans a little to big
Held up with the belt
That we picked together
A wife beater from
A three pack in

Now that DEFINITELY is a lesbian thing! :D
Thanks, Ange and thanks to everyone who commented. I'm still struggling to write the way I once did. Or maybe write differently, now that I think about it. ;)

You may be struggling but you've still got it, the poetry touch that is. I was thinking about that a lot this afternoon. You're still better than you realize!
Thanks, Ange and thanks to everyone who commented. I'm still struggling to write the way I once did. Or maybe write differently, now that I think about it. ;)

LOL. Eve - most of us hope someday to improve to the level where YOU groan in disgust and throw the poem away! Like Ange said - you are SO much better than you are acknowledging!

Who said I was?

WickedEve said:
I think I've mentioned all the new poems except for Remec's My Love.
Really lovely poem, Remec! But I have one question. Is this a particular form? It seems familiar but I'm not sure.

It's another triolet. I seem to like the form for some reason. *smile/shrug* I have several others onsite.

It's another triolet. I seem to like the form for some reason. *smile/shrug* I have several others onsite.

Aha! I should have known. Now I want to write one! :cattail:
Hey, it's a good poem, poet dude.

Good morning, lovely poets.

I have a new poem today and it's about underwear. That's all I'm saying.
Moving right along... (<--- ellipses for Ange)

There are four poems by ramonathompson and one is listed as illustrated but no image with it. Maybe it will be added later or it's in the wrong category.

Eargasm by sassynyc. I was hesitant to click on an erotic ear poem, but knowing sassy is such a dynamite poet, I ventured onward. Eargasm is a perfect example of how to write an excellent piece of erotica. It's smart and sassy, like the poet.

They wear me still, like fine perfume
and permeate your sensory gates.
I need neither lease, nor key.
Osmosis grants me your headspace.


Next is a poem by one of our new regulars by the name of Safe_Bet.
Surrender’s Victory
"I brutally rape your neck with butterfly kisses" is probably the most outstanding line of the poem. It's a nice enough piece of erotica. I believe this poet, with practice, will be writing better and better poetry.


38 Degrees Celsius by Chewtoi has one new poem today and only posted for the first time a couple of days ago. So go read and say hello.

That which holds me is not
The magazine elements of beauty
Or the way she flips her hair
But just how unknowing she is
Of her own sweet charms


Another sassynyc poem: Mon Homme
I've read many poems where the poet attempts to describe someone as a poem, or they're simply using poetry terms to describe some scene or whatever. Most aren't written very well, but Sassy's poem is extremely good and you should give it a read.

Infuse my words, with your au jus
and weave you into verse
Enrapture you with rhythm, move
the body of my text


I think I've mentioned all the new poems except for Remec's My Love.
Really lovely poem, Remec! But I have one question. Is this a particular form? It seems familiar but I'm not sure.


Edit: just realized I missed a new poem!
Wet Dreams
by Many Feathers
The first two lines are a good and interesting way to begin this poem.


And that's it for me until next Thursday. :rose:


Thanks for the mention sweetie. Haven't written much by way of poetry lately, so a bit rusty. But appreciate the notice.
Eve, thank you much for the review today. Thanks also, to SB for feedback.
I take your commentary to the bank, since you're both brutally honest. ;)
Why aren't I getting a reviews email ? everytime someone posts on all the other threads I get tons that fill up my mail box... perhaps if I stick my head round the door and say 'rubub' they will start arriving again
Why aren't I getting a reviews email ? everytime someone posts on all the other threads I get tons that fill up my mail box... perhaps if I stick my head round the door and say 'rubub' they will start arriving again
Under thread tools, you can subscribe to the thread and you should get the posts in your mailbox.
Thankyou I'll go do that I was getting them but then they stopped

Edited to add it say I am already subrscribed but I am still not getting them
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Have found the right thread for this post.
Sorry for my stupidity
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There are seven new poems today.

I enjoyed the short poem that Equinoxe shared which is titled Kwannon. This poem alludes to a statue of the goddess of mercy. Though I loved image Equinoxe provided, I can't help but wish this was either an illustrated poem or contained more description. It's a credit to the poet that I want to see more.

Shy slave pens a cynical criticism of the cliché in TIme Does Not Heal.

Twinskt the Hangers is a fun piece by Victoria_Lucas. I may have to add "twinskt" and "amound" to my personal lexicon.

There are my picks from today's new poems. Please take some time to read and comment.

Thank you for you comment on my poem.

I am very much a novice at writing poetry so all critique is welcome.

To have my poem commented on in this thread by someone who has such talent is something very special to me.

It was indeed intended as a cynical view of time healing after a death, and the poem does relate to a death, not to the losing of a lover.

It was written at a time when, almost three years from that death, I am sick of hearing 'Time heals,' from well-meaning, genuine, caring people who want to say something that helps; but there are some days when time doesn't heal.

It was written as a poem to recognise that there are those dark moments when you try to recall a lost memory and it sits at the edge of your mind, taunting you, daring you to remember the truth.

I know need to work more on the flow of lines in my poetry, but I need to have a clear unemotional mind set to do that.
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Dreaded double Post.

How to impress people, venture out of my own sandbox, come over to play and promptly make a mess everywhere.

I should return to lurking here and posting elsewhere
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Dreaded double Post.

How to impress people, venture out of my own sandbox, come over to play and promptly make a mess everywhere.

I should return to lurking here and posting elsewhere
No, don't be afraid of our laughter. We merely join you in poking fun at ourselves since we've all done it, too.

Welcome to the PF&D.
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