"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thankyou LadynStFreknBed for including me in you review I have written another that explains a bit who 'she' is but I worry about submitting because it's like two poems and maybe the first bit doesn't belong with the second bit but I like it and it's how I wrote it but I don't think it's strong enough to stand alone ... don't mind me I waffle n worry lot lol perhaps I should ask someones opinion before I submit it
Let me know when you get ready to use the feather duster. I am SO there!

It does have a rather interesting handle.

The last two poems she submitted left me blown away. Without a doubt, she's one of the best poets I've read here and we've had some good ones.

Particularly coming from you, this means a great deal. Thank you.

I have a bunch of reviews to read, but it will be a while before I get caught up. September is always a marathon for me. A good marathon, but still.

What little I've read around the board so far is stellar. There is, as usual, some stunning work being posted here. Yum.

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There are five new poems posted today.

Our Yesterdays is a compact poem from Equinoxe that you must read. I believe "intertwine" is the key to this poem with (for me) an almost double helix suggestion of our past twisting us to our present and beyond. Always a treat to read how much meaning Equi evokes with so few well-chosen words.

And do not miss either of the two little treasures from Wicked Eve. Her tongue-in-cheek Tiny Epitaph is a not so tiny narrative that will make you giggle and perhaps stop to consider how our fleeting, perhaps thoughtless, human actions can rock another, smaller world. a poem, simply is simply masterful writing and damnit where's the E? This poem cries out for an E, but it didn't get one, so here's a big old A. Means about as much. :cool:


The above is but a partial quote.

Angeline, thank you so much for your mention and comments on my poem! Intertwine was, for me as well, a key word in the poem and much of the time spent writing was figuring out how best to make use of it. I shall have to think more on the and-to issue.

Thank you, also, Safe_Bet and inlovewithyourghost, for your comments on the poem. It is always wonderful to know that something resonates beyond oneself and I have been exceptionally pleased to read the responses to the poem—it has really made my day.

This space reserved for later thanks and comments on comments.

Been away with work and poor health for quite some time and I'm still two weeks away from the present on this poetry discussion board and we all know that you cannot rush with good poetry.

Angeline, I enjoyed your comments on these poems and was much stimulated by what you had to say. "Our Yesterdays" is quite a treasure that echoes beautifully in the quieter parts of my mind, the part hiding from the hurly burly of the world outside my window.

Equinoxe, I feel somewhat abusive discussing the "and" as I did on the comments to your poem but, if it is any consolation, you should understand that I would have remained silent had I not thought your poem exceptional.

Wicked Eve, you continue to astound me with the perfection of your word architecture.

:rose: :kiss: :)
Been away with work and poor health for quite some time and I'm still two weeks away from the present on this poetry discussion board and we all know that you cannot rush with good poetry.

Angeline, I enjoyed your comments on these poems and was much stimulated by what you had to say. "Our Yesterdays" is quite a treasure that echoes beautifully in the quieter parts of my mind, the part hiding from the hurly burly of the world outside my window.

Equinoxe, I feel somewhat abusive discussing the "and" as I did on the comments to your poem but, if it is any consolation, you should understand that I would have remained silent had I not thought your poem exceptional.

Wicked Eve, you continue to astound me with the perfection of your word architecture.

:rose: :kiss: :)
I haven't seen you on the poetry forum in awhile. Welcome back. I saw your comments on my poems. I was going to send you an email, but since you're posting here, I'll say it now. Thank you. :rose:
Hope you're feeling better!
I haven't seen you on the poetry forum in awhile. Welcome back. I saw your comments on my poems. I was going to send you an email, but since you're posting here, I'll say it now. Thank you. :rose:
Hope you're feeling better!

Well that's no reason not to cheer up an old man with a private message. But seriously, it's you who has to be thanked for the joy that I derive from your poems.
There are 9 new poems today.

Thanks again Champ. You are a real, well, Champ. :heart:

The above is but a partial quote.

Been away with work and poor health for quite some time and I'm still two weeks away from the present on this poetry discussion board and we all know that you cannot rush with good poetry.

Angeline, I enjoyed your comments on these poems and was much stimulated by what you had to say. "Our Yesterdays" is quite a treasure that echoes beautifully in the quieter parts of my mind, the part hiding from the hurly burly of the world outside my window.

Equinoxe, I feel somewhat abusive discussing the "and" as I did on the comments to your poem but, if it is any consolation, you should understand that I would have remained silent had I not thought your poem exceptional.

Wicked Eve, you continue to astound me with the perfection of your word architecture.

:rose: :kiss: :)

Lorencino! I am very happy to see you here and more hale than you've been. :kiss:

Okay. Back to the book. Whoosh.
I just wanted to echo lorencino's thanks to those who review each day's submissions. I've learned so much in a short time from some amazing talent. I do appreciate the feedback and comments - especially those that make me re-think what I wrote.

Y'all are awesome for doing this for us. *golf clap* Bravo :)

Equinoxe, I feel somewhat abusive discussing the "and" as I did on the comments to your poem but, if it is any consolation, you should understand that I would have remained silent had I not thought your poem exceptional.

No need to worry, I certainly don't mind at all; I appreciate your comments greatly. Thank you. I am still not quite decided on the and/to issue: I see them as a bit different in connotation and I'm not sure which I prefer.
From the review thread:

hello hello hello hello hello...

My hello echoes in the emptiness.
I'm pouting, people! Few of you read the reviews or comment on poems anymore! This must stop or I will have a fit. Seriously. I'm throwing a fit down and that baby is ready to go off! So go read some poetry. Now! :mad:

There is the other side to this as well. When I comment on a specific poems under the poem itself I ensure that anything critical is constructive and that the overall tone of my comment is positive. I only comment if I like the poem. I take trouble to be insightful before I begin a comment. I make sure I understand what they are saying.

Now some people seem to take offence at the mildest of criticisms. I'm talking about the odd few who have deleted my comment from their work's commentary section. I hope that they understand that I will never trouble to comment on their work ever again.
From the review thread:

There is the other side to this as well. When I comment on a specific poems under the poem itself I ensure that anything critical is constructive and that the overall tone of my comment is positive. I only comment if I like the poem. I take trouble to be insightful before I begin a comment. I make sure I understand what they are saying.

Now some people seem to take offence at the mildest of criticisms. I'm talking about the odd few who have deleted my comment from their work's commentary section. I hope that they understand that I will never trouble to comment on their work ever again.

Well, I wecome anyone's comments any time.
It's rare for me to delete a comment. I have deleted a few ignorant comments from my stories. Now, I usually just leave them because other readers will comment about that comment. Sometimes, I get a nice litte debate going...
Bonehead comments that either don't even pertain to the story or are jibberish can be humorous to look at on occassion.
Thank you Champ for the mention of my poem, "Grief Like a River" and your kind comments and suggestions for it. Also much thanks to those who did the same with their kindness as well. :rose:
Thank you Champ for the mention of my poem, "Grief Like a River" and your kind comments and suggestions for it. Also much thanks to those who did the same with their kindness as well. :rose:
:rose: It means more to me that you take my kindness when you can use it than to forget it's there when you need it.
There's some wild beast
demanding to be the victim of a firing squad
whose left his mushy bananas
splattered about the last page
of the new poems review thread
There's some wild beast
demanding to be the victim of a firing squad
whose left his mushy bananas
splattered about the last page
of the new poems review thread
Yeah, I saw that. I hate the bananas. Bananas shouldn't dance. A little wiggle, but no dancing.
a rose by any other name

Strange by MickNasty
Since Mick is writing some wonderful poetry, I think he needs a more dignified name than Nasty. Though I do have a taste for nastiness.

I'm not that dignified. Just been on a non-nasty streak lately ;)

I'm sure I'll get over it!

And thank you, sincerely, for all the helpful words of critique and encouragement.
lorencino, sweetie, do you need to borrow my mirror? There's something on your nose. Is that chocolate???

I felt that you were trying to placate everyone in your comment on Eve's poem. I know that us poets tend to be on the sensitive side, but I think we can each handle the occasional dissenting opinion. Sometimes when we are concerned with cushioning our responses, we end up saying nothing at all. I'm not saying that your comment fell into that trap. Just encouraging you to stand firm on your opinion, unless I disagree, of course. ;)
lorencino, sweetie, do you need to borrow my mirror? There's something on your nose. Is that chocolate???

I felt that you were trying to placate everyone in your comment on Eve's poem. I know that us poets tend to be on the sensitive side, but I think we can each handle the occasional dissenting opinion. Sometimes when we are concerned with cushioning our responses, we end up saying nothing at all. I'm not saying that your comment fell into that trap. Just encouraging you to stand firm on your opinion, unless I disagree, of course. ;)

I am not sensitive! How DARE you call me sensitive! Even if I was, you have NO right to call me "sensitive"... You, you "sensitivity" basher, you! *Huh!*
lorencino, sweetie, do you need to borrow my mirror? There's something on your nose. Is that chocolate???

I felt that you were trying to placate everyone in your comment on Eve's poem. I know that us poets tend to be on the sensitive side, but I think we can each handle the occasional dissenting opinion. Sometimes when we are concerned with cushioning our responses, we end up saying nothing at all. I'm not saying that your comment fell into that trap. Just encouraging you to stand firm on your opinion, unless I disagree, of course. ;)
Which poem? What comment? What did I miss... again?!
Oh, I saw the comment. I admit that I didn't read it all because it's long. I will read it later when I'm able to concentrate. I have a short attention span.
I did see this part, though: "a vivid image of the naked Eve's spirit-torso curling up from the floor away from the prone body with full, bare spectral breasts thrusting forward proudly." I feel dirty! :D
Quoted from the New Poems Reviews thread
I want to second your recommendation of Eve's poem. It is fascinating and the comments it has prompted so far are just as intelligent. I am truly glad that Tzara and lorencino and so many others take the time to teach me on a volunteer basis. This is a good place.


I only teach because I am learning so much here. This place is proof positive that copyright is ultimately a farce because we only produce excellence when we bathe in this communal sea of ideas contributed by those who are present here as conduits to the shared wealth of 150 generations of human thinkers.:)
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