"To keep the review thread clean..."

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<snip>...before I even realized it was a new submission for today that today's reviewer had left neglected thus allowing me the honour of rescuing it)...<snip>
Ok, I know you likely meant nothing quite so pointed or accusatory as this statement seems, but I would like to caution readers and reviewers alike that the daily New Poems Review is really a matter of personal taste and decisions. In this instance, perhaps the reviewer chose not to mention this poem since it obviously wasn't languishing unread in some unspoken corner like so many other worthy poems do or because she'd written it, it's very difficult to be gracefully smug ;) y'know. It's easy to mention the obvious, not so to ferret out the worth in the day's harvest when you slog through a lot of fertilizer on a regular basis.

You, lorencino, did exactly what we ask people to do through contributing a review on a poem you felt worth mentioning, thankyou.
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Ok, I know you likely meant nothing quite so pointed or accusatory as this statement seems, but I would like to caution readers and reviewers alike that the daily New Poems Review is really a matter of personal taste and decisions. In this instance, perhaps the reviewer chose not to mention this poem since it obviously wasn't languishing unread in some unspoken corner like so many other worthy poems do or because she'd written it, it's very difficult to be gracefully smug ;) y'know. It's easy to mention the obvious, not so to ferret out the worth in the day's harvest when you slog through a lot of fertilizer on a regular basis.

You, lorencino, did exactly what we ask people to do through contributing a review on a poem you felt worth mentioning, thankyou.

pointed? accusatory? You're making me blush.

For me there was an attempt at humour given that the person who did the leaving out was leaving out her own work. It was unfortunate that such a fantastic poem had to appear on the day that Wicked Eve was reponsible for the reviews.

If it were me reviewing on a day that my own poem appears, like Eve, I would make no mention of my own poem. It's not a review if you are talking about your own poem.

If the poem left out had not been the reviewer's there would have been no occasion for attempting tongue-in-cheek humour and I would have just referred to the poem without suggesting that someone had neglected or missed it.

However, I have no objection if you were merely using my words to remind people of what gives here and, on reflection, that does seem to be what you were doing.
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Champ, thanks for the mention in Friday's review. Your feedback, as always, is helpful. Likewise, to others who left comments as well. Thank you. :rose:
I have two submissions that were dated today, yet they don't show up on the New Poems list for today's postings. I'm not sure if this is normal and that they'll appear tomorrow or if they were skipped.

Watch Me Pretend


No Mick, they just sucked so everybody ignored them. :D

Just kidding, dude! :devil:

I don't know why that happens. It happened to one of mine, where it showed, but not under new, and I sent a message to the "powers that be" and it got put in a few hours later. You might want to try that.

(yeah, I know, I REALLY can be a smart ass bitch sometimes :) )
I have two submissions that were dated today, yet they don't show up on the New Poems list for today's postings. I'm not sure if this is normal and that they'll appear tomorrow or if they were skipped.

Watch Me Pretend


It does happen occasionally and they usually show up later in the day—sometimes they even appear in the new poems list, disappear, and then reappear again later.
No Mick, they just sucked so everybody ignored them. :D

Just kidding, dude! :devil:

I don't know why that happens. It happened to one of mine, where it showed, but not under new, and I sent a message to the "powers that be" and it got put in a few hours later. You might want to try that.

(yeah, I know, I REALLY can be a smart ass bitch sometimes :) )

wouldn't have you any other way! As for the suck factor of my submissions, all the poetry I've ever written (with the exception of my very first) are posted. I'm unashamedly all over the place - even my ugly children are my children. :)

so now - the one that I've never posted - something I wrote for a specific person "Apprilpie" on a cam web site after she told us about her latest camping trip.

The fire roars the whiskey flows
Apprilpie dances in the moonlight
Summer moon glimmers on naked skin
She dances in the bright night

Eyes burn hot with carnal lust
Apprilpie beckons in the sunlight
Bare feet prance over virgin snow
She dances in the cold white

Blue white glow and webcam show
Aprrilpie teases in the false light
Our hearts and souls are given up
She dances for us every night

Now they're *all* posted in they're nekkid glory, unabashed and submitting to the slings and arrows of this tawdry group. :)

now... writing a note to powersthatbe@literotica.com

wouldn't have you any other way! As for the suck factor of my submissions, all the poetry I've ever written (with the exception of my very first) are posted. I'm unashamedly all over the place - even my ugly children are my children. :)

so now - the one that I've never posted - something I wrote for a specific person "Apprilpie" on a cam web site after she told us about her latest camping trip.

The fire roars the whiskey flows
Apprilpie dances in the moonlight
Summer moon glimmers on naked skin
She dances in the bright night

Eyes burn hot with carnal lust
Apprilpie beckons in the sunlight
Bare feet prance over virgin snow
She dances in the cold white

Blue white glow and webcam show
Aprrilpie teases in the false light
Our hearts and souls are given up
She dances for us every night

Now they're *all* posted in they're nekkid glory, unabashed and submitting to the slings and arrows of this tawdry group. :)

now... writing a note to powersthatbe@literotica.com


My favourite poem of the day is Intimate Friends by sassynyc. It is powerful and with wonderful lines like "and converse dread in foreign joy" and "I wear hard times like a threadbare frock", it captures and illustrates the emotions of the poet without overstatement or melodrama. I strongly suggest that you, whomever you are, read this poem.
Thank you.
Dear LadySt/Sheila,
You do wield a please meanly.
I did the 5 in 5 once, and it was good, and more a challenge than I'd expected. 30 in 30? That's a little more imposing. So if you miss a day you have to go back and start over? A poor unsuspecting poetic fellow could end up in that place for a long time. Trapped. But with a please like yours? Maybe it isn't a bad entrapment.

that could only benefit us both

trapped? I won't tie you to my bed too tightly...
oh, sorry. are we still talking about 30 in 30?

I smell some kinda story in that.

Actually, if I may risk destroying the mood (like that would be a new thing:rolleyes:), my humble passions have been mostly pointed at places other than poetry. Once in a while something will awaken, arise, and squirt out, like the specimen you so kindly commented on (if it has a meaning it is not conscious, but that's between you and me, please). Then again, July and August are just not naturally made for poetics, at least we don't seem compatible. But September is. And October and November. Which means that while five or six consecutive daily poetic specimens are approachable, seven or eight stretches a poor poetic fellow's endurance. Which means that a poor wanderer poetic fellow could be entrapped and coerced to produce poetic specimens until... ?
Which means that a poor wanderer poetic fellow could be entrapped and coerced to produce poetic specimens until... ?

sounds like fun...
For some reason, my mind went right to feathers... like I was going to tickle and tease the poetry out of you.

Seriously though, the 30/30 is not a prison. You could choose to walk away from it at any time. You could attempt it. If it gets to be too much, you can take a break before you start over.
<snip> Which means that while five or six consecutive daily poetic specimens are approachable, seven or eight stretches a poor poetic fellow's endurance. Which means that a poor wanderer poetic fellow could be entrapped and coerced to produce poetic specimens until... ?
Silly, until they write 5 wonderful poems and post them in the five in five thread. You don't need to write a new poem every day in that thread, you have to post a nearly perfect poem each day (preferrably a different one). Just read the opening post on the thread and you'll see I'm being truthful.

Any of the challenges are just that, a challenge, you'd be best to make it personal. So if you cheat or quit, then that makes you a masturbator... you're only fucking yourself --- poetically.
How could I forget you :heart: those raw days when we first learnt to masterpaint together watching each others techniques describing the all consuming passion of the art

Oh, meant to tell you I read and enjoyed the uganda mini skirt work. It was uganda right?
Thankyou it was a little bit of nonsense I wrote after reading a news snippet online about mini skirts in Uganda BTW I still claim title of the week with that one!
Thank you for reviewing my poem, Liar. I think your opinion is accurate. I appreciate it.
From Sunday, 21SEP08 New Poems Reviews

Cal Y. Pygia starts us off with two conversational, almost instructional pieces both set to blur certainties around sexuality and gender. Our Capistrano waxes on a thought experimwent, while Half-Life is brutally autobiographic. If nothing esle, they are an interresting peek into a not run-of-the-mill perspective.

I'm curious to know why you used the adverb "brutally" to modify "autobiographic." I'm fascinated by both Cal Y. Pygia's contributions and other peoples reactions to him. He is certainly a most unusual poet besides being a very accomplished one.
I agree with you about the choppy line breaks. The suggestion came as intermittent whispers, even trying it in a prose-poetry form. Still could. Still might.
And yes, it is inspired by a true event. I was a street musician. I was trying/hoping to get some inside gigs, but I didn't have a following and/or I was too raw or not right, a risky draw. So I made a deal with one of them. I had a sort of log book that I turned into a guest book. I suggested if I could get x number of signatures from satisfied listeners (I played mostly my own material), then I'd get on the calendar.

And as the poem indicates, one guy came by, stopped and listened, and there was just something about him, but I didn't want to assume or be a pest. I think I introduced myself maybe as a sly way to get him to introduce himself, and that's when he said his name was Pat. Then when he started to leave I made him aware of the book I was having satisfied listeners sign. He signed it, (with a very very cool 'good job' kinda of encouragement), and went on his way. When he was gone I opened the book and looked, and noticed the initials... wait a minute. Nooo. Maybe?

Still don't know for sure.

Bugged me off an on ever since (it happened summer 1989). It's one the many Almosts, What ifs, and Unknowns that can rob a lot of valuable time in the present. Because in the note he said something about he'd come back soon. But the book indicates several days of inactivity, and I don't remember where I might've gone. Then the What Ifs can really start cranking. Did he come back and I wasn't there? Was I That Close to getting signed and rich and famous and? Or was it just somebody fucking with me?

And don't get me started on the Seymour Stein card somebody dropped in my case.

But that was long ago. Back to the present... 2008... 2008... poetry poetry poetry... life.
I agree with you about the choppy line breaks. The suggestion came as intermittent whispers, even trying it in a prose-poetry form. Still could. Still might.
And yes, it is inspired by a true event. I was a street musician. I was trying/hoping to get some inside gigs, but I didn't have a following and/or I was too raw or not right, a risky draw. So I made a deal with one of them. I had a sort of log book that I turned into a guest book. I suggested if I could get x number of signatures from satisfied listeners (I played mostly my own material), then I'd get on the calendar.

And as the poem indicates, one guy came by, stopped and listened, and there was just something about him, but I didn't want to assume or be a pest. I think I introduced myself maybe as a sly way to get him to introduce himself, and that's when he said his name was Pat. Then when he started to leave I made him aware of the book I was having satisfied listeners sign. He signed it, (with a very very cool 'good job' kinda of encouragement), and went on his way. When he was gone I opened the book and looked, and noticed the initials... wait a minute. Nooo. Maybe?

Still don't know for sure.

Bugged me off an on ever since (it happened summer 1989). It's one the many Almosts, What ifs, and Unknowns that can rob a lot of valuable time in the present. Because in the note he said something about he'd come back soon. But the book indicates several days of inactivity, and I don't remember where I might've gone. Then the What Ifs can really start cranking. Did he come back and I wasn't there? Was I That Close to getting signed and rich and famous and? Or was it just somebody fucking with me?

And don't get me started on the Seymour Stein card somebody dropped in my case.

But that was long ago. Back to the present... 2008... 2008... poetry poetry poetry... life.
That is really a great story and the kind of story made for poetry. :)
That is really a great story and the kind of story made for poetry. :)

Maybe it's the struggle? Wanting to believe but there's that shadow of doubt? The whisper of mystery? You know, like the PBS Antique Roadshow. Sometimes someone thinks they have something but turns out to be a fake. Once they know... the story's over?
Maybe it's the struggle? Wanting to believe but there's that shadow of doubt? The whisper of mystery? You know, like the PBS Antique Roadshow. Sometimes someone thinks they have something but turns out to be a fake. Once they know... the story's over?
Maybe it should stay a "what if."
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