"To keep the review thread clean..."

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I will give occassional applause to work I see posted on the challenge and suddenly threads here in the forum. I try to provide genuine critique to those poems offered in the circle or on the threads opened for indepth dissection and edit suggestions of specific poems posted to them. I find that many times my investment is appreciated and the poet rewards me with an opportunity to have taken part in producing a really wonderful poem. Sadly, there are times when I give honest and direct critique only to have my input go unremarked or rudely shoved off the table.

A poet who'd like more than an opinion and my quick, first impression needs to invite me specifically through private messaging or posting to the circle or a construction thread. It takes effort, interest and time to give a thorough critique and edit advice on a poem, especially when its a long or intensely personal piece. If I do decide to offer my time, I try to give it without expectation of reward but it does wear me down if reciprocation is never offered or given.

Sometimes, it would be lovely if a person, desirous of critique, opens the exchange; if they take that chance then it's very likely the more cranky and frequent posters to the forums will take notice and return the favour. For instance, if someone critiques an Angeline poem, offering constructive suggestions that really would make a difference in the poetry, then I'd feel very comfortable in handing that individual a thorough critique of a poem they offer for workshopping thereafter.

You gotta give a lot to get a bit around here. Kinda like paper training puppies.

Dearest Champ-

I have always appreciated every single word you took the time to spend on my work. You are a truly gifted poet and have taught me so much. I appreciate you and your time. You are a gift to this place, more people should realize that.


Dearest Champ-

I have always appreciated every single word you took the time to spend on my work. You are a truly gifted poet and have taught me so much. I appreciate you and your time. You are a gift to this place, more people should realize that.


Thank you. I get to take a lot away from the people here, too. We all help to make the planet a better place to be and I like to imagine it starts in our simple interactions in our day to day physical and virtual relationships.

I know there are moments when hurt overtakes the joy, but I look at those times as an opportunity to rebuild the happiness and get pleasure from watching it grow back. :) Just me being zen... I really need to work my way into a good state of being, or I think the anger at some of the injustices life's been handing around lately would make me an ill and bitter soul.

I seek tranquillity and acceptance, I doubt I'll achieve perfection, but heck; a girl can try. Making poetry and helping my friends find a bit of peace certainly boosts my effort. It's a snowball effect that I don't mind avalanching all over the place. :kiss:
Ange, thank you. And you're absolutely right. My punctuation sucks on both of them. You're not being nitpicky, you're a reviewer and most importantly you're correct.

That's why I hang around in here, after all.
Well, that and the nudity.

Ange, thank you. And you're absolutely right. My punctuation sucks on both of them. You're not being nitpicky, you're a reviewer and most importantly you're correct.

That's why I hang around in here, after all.
Well, that and the nudity.


Well the main thing is that they're both really good poems. The punctuation thing is just housekeeping. I really like Mothers and Daughters a lot. And totally understand it.

Well the main thing is that they're both really good poems. The punctuation thing is just housekeeping. I really like Mothers and Daughters a lot. And totally understand it.


Well anyway thanks. The next stuff I submit will NOT be in what I call the "Captain Bringdown" category of my work. Needed to get those out of the way and off of me.

I need to do more housekeeping, on so many levels.

Yesterday was a poemless day, but there are a number of new poems today. A few of which I cannot but feel were meant by Fate to post yesterday: alas, 'twas not so.

Bruised Thigh, in spite of the name, is actually quite gentle on the surface, while Reaping seems a bit darker—but underneath, perhaps, there is an edge to the former and a softness to the latter. Or maybe not. Perhaps I am making things up as I go: I feel like being difficult.

As always, read, if you should like, and comment, if you wish.
You don't seem to be in a poetry mood. I've been there. ;)
Thanks for the mentions. I like these two poems of mine. The Reaping is dark and odd. And yes, they should have been posted on Friday. Sorry you got swamped with poems.
Girl! Last time you flashed, I showed my hubby. He thinks you're HOT! and asks about you on occasion..I am not kidding, and am kinda glad he cant swim across that pond :D
She flashed? When? Where's the photo? Which parts were flashed?
You don't seem to be in a poetry mood. I've been there. ;)
Thanks for the mentions. I like these two poems of mine. The Reaping is dark and odd. And yes, they should have been posted on Friday. Sorry you got swamped with poems.

The parts of my brain that control higher level functioning decided to go to sleep hours ago.

It's okay. You are quite welcome for the mentions. I did rather like those two poems of yours, The Reaping in particular. I will have to re-read them when I am fully conscious.
The parts of my brain that control higher level functioning decided to go to sleep hours ago.

It's okay. You are quite welcome for the mentions. I did rather like those two poems of yours, The Reaping in particular. I will have to re-read them when I am fully conscious.
I've read poems when not in the mood and didn't really care for them one way or the other. The next day, I think they're really good. Sleep some more and you'll see that they're brilliant! :D
I'm sorry, but have to interject here. WTF do you get off saying that about your work? I read you, every poem you post. Your Mothers and Daughters was one of the best poems I have ever read on this site
The last two poems she submitted left me blown away. Without a doubt, she's one of the best poets I've read here and we've had some good ones.
Girl! Last time you flashed, I showed my hubby. He thinks you're HOT! and asks about you on occasion..I am not kidding, and am kinda glad he cant swim across that pond :D

Oh good lord you didn't!! Blushing at some strange man looking at my boobies is soooooo uncool considering I have been topless abroad many times! In fact just before the pic now on my AV was taken I had been doing just that for the very first time and everytime anyone walked by I would cover up quickly but I did notice a man was peeping from a higher room!

Well, while you're medicated, go ahead and flash yourself again. Really. Go ahead. :devil: You too, UYS.

I deleted the boobs Av from my computer as a certain person just would not understand! But he should be out next Weds so I will see what I can do!
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Liar said:
champagne2008 gives us Lanced, a strong phrasing for a well realized and poignant metaphor.
Thanks for the thoughts on this poem. It's a challenge response from editred. :) I think a couple of people have seen my stuff over there.

I was a little worried that I took it too far but then I stopped and considered all of the really awful metaphors about festered wounds... Let's just say I'm grateful I didn't go there.
Thanks for the thoughts on this poem. It's a challenge response from editred. :) I think a couple of people have seen my stuff over there.

I was a little worried that I took it too far but then I stopped and considered all of the really awful metaphors about festered wounds... Let's just say I'm grateful I didn't go there.
I made a comment in PC on your "Lanced". You didn't go too far. Nice self-editing, well done.
Liar, thanks for mention in today's review.
And thanks to those who left feedback. It's much appreciated. :rose:
Thankyou to Champ and Eve for their comments on 'The Reverend' I see him as some kind of zealot (hope that's the right word) who tries to deny his carnal desires by keeping the woman virgin (yes Eve virginal would have been good there) but doesn't succeed. I have something else of the same ilk in the pipeline when I have worked on it a bit more.
normal jean, thanks for the comment on Leaving The Funeral. I'm glad it made it you feel like it's okay to write about subjects that you otherwise wouldn't have written about.

Thanks, Carrie, for your comment and mentioning the surrealism. In one line I mention propping up their smiles on crutches. I was thinking of Salvador Dali when I wrote that. And thanks for the comment on model of henry dying. The title and poem were inspired by Ford's Model T.

Thank you to normal jean and Tzara for feedback on Bruised Thigh
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