"To keep the review thread clean..."

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So I googled "glowabouts" because I had never seen this word before today. The fourth item in the google listing was a link back to your poem here on literotica. All the other items that came up seemed to be typos where the space was missing between the words "glow" and "about" as in " . . . casting an eerie glowabout the room." It looks, therefore, as though this word is a coining by WickedEve exercising her poetic licence. Congratulations.
I did make up that combo word, but many times I come up with new words and google them and find that thousands of other people have made up the same word. lol
I should have the nerve to do that one word I particularly wanted in my halloween poem was slung out of spell check and every other dictionary I tried
I should have the nerve to do that one word I particularly wanted in my halloween poem was slung out of spell check and every other dictionary I tried
Leon, thanks for the review on my poem.

UYS, some "new" words come across as being silly, but others can be a delight to read. So go for it. You'll know if it works or not.
Thanks Lorencino. You're too kind.

And Eve, look what you went and did.
pillaging produced a real pleasure. something about the oomphiness, the blockiness, sweet but crunchy like jawbreaker candy. It's like it opened up a whole new little world to explore. A simplicity but endless possibilities with those simplicities. If that makes sense. And I really doubt it would have happened had you not given those little nudges.
Thanks Lorencino. You're too kind.

And Eve, look what you went and did.
pillaging produced a real pleasure. something about the oomphiness, the blockiness, sweet but crunchy like jawbreaker candy. It's like it opened up a whole new little world to explore. A simplicity but endless possibilities with those simplicities. If that makes sense. And I really doubt it would have happened had you not given those little nudges.
Ah, new worlds to explore. Love those. Do what I do and keep experimenting. Never be afraid to explore. Even if it doesn't work, at least you tried. Only way to grow. Yeah, it sounds like a pep talk but I believe in it. ;)
Ah, new worlds to explore. Love those. Do what I do and keep experimenting. Never be afraid to explore. Even if it doesn't work, at least you tried. Only way to grow. Yeah, it sounds like a pep talk but I believe in it. ;)

It's good to hear your pep talks again. I mean it, even though I say it as I trudge off to the 30/30 thread, with a toothache and no idea what to write. But I'll keep your recommendations in mind. :D
It's good to hear your pep talks again. I mean it, even though I say it as I trudge off to the 30/30 thread, with a toothache and no idea what to write. But I'll keep your recommendations in mind. :D
I can't seem to finish the 30/30 right now. Too much going on. I hope to start again the 1st of Nov.
I hate toothaches. Hope it stops hurting soon.
I can't seem to finish the 30/30 right now. Too much going on. I hope to start again the 1st of Nov.
I hate toothaches. Hope it stops hurting soon.

I can't believe I started it again. I'm praying I won't poop out on it. So to speak.

And yes. Thank you. I really don't feel like paying hundreds of dollars to have my mouth tortured. :cool:
Thank you, Equinoxe, for your kind words about my (and NJ's) poems. The ones that posted this weekend were all edits from ages ago, that needed work and probably still do. Maybe you didn't notice, but one of them is an acrostic ;)

Your words are high praise , I'm not sure I have met but a couple of people here with the vast knowledge and the intelligence you have. I read most of your posts in amazement. Thank you. :rose:

ps, to anonymous- the comments were supposed to be on, my panel says they are. Maria's sub page is screwed u p....and she doesn't know how to fix it...

Equinoxe said:
It is Saturday once again, and hence there are new poems for me to review. There are twenty one new poems today by my count, many of which are quite interesting, but two of which stand out to me in particular. They are, I must admit, amongst my favourite things I've read at Lit. I would share lines from each which especially struck me, but I would not wish to spoil them by taking them out of their natural place.

First, there is Hope by Maria2394. There is a sadness to the poem with its inevitability, but it has a certain softness and captures the bittersweet emotions that accompany the passing of time and era. I wholeheartedly recommend that you read it.

And second only in number, crow bait by normal jean. It is a short, sorrowful, but quirky little poem with a story—reminiscent almost of the character of a fable, yet without its didacticism. I think that you should read it—and read it aloud to yourself to hear the sounds of it.
Thankyou Eve for your kind mention in the poems review
Sorry that I was three days late with the review. I felt bad about it but couldn't get online long enough to do it.
And this past Thursday was a very good day for poems. Hope everyone gets a chance to read and comment.
Thank you, Equinoxe, for your kind words about my (and NJ's) poems. The ones that posted this weekend were all edits from ages ago, that needed work and probably still do. Maybe you didn't notice, but one of them is an acrostic ;)

Your words are high praise , I'm not sure I have met but a couple of people here with the vast knowledge and the intelligence you have. I read most of your posts in amazement. Thank you. :rose:

You are most welcome.

And now I am blushing—thank you!
Cowering? no no no no... ponderous.
Voluntary? quickest rewrite of history in history already.
Cowering? no no no no... ponderous.
Voluntary? quickest rewrite of history in history already.
Bwah ha. :D

You'll be fabulous, Mr. Hmmnmmish. Capital F-abulous. All purple and such. With lovely ropy thoughts.
And if you don't believe me, I'm sure I can find a way of making it so. :cool:
Very Bad Limerick Thingy (in honor of) (him...hmm?)

There once was a Hmmnmmish who pondered,
his thoughts strolled around in a wander.
'Til Friday came 'round
and he had to expound
on whether new poems had been squandered.

(which they might hadn't)
There once was a Hmmnmmish who pondered,
his thoughts strolled around in a wander.
'Til Friday came 'round
and he had to expound
on whether new poems had been squandered.

(which they might hadn't)

Ah, now see. First thought was use 'round where you used around. But then I see the next line you did exactly that. So there ya go. Or maybe X that around. Lolled or rolled or strolled. I think the rest of it is just F-ine.

But limericks. They could be fun. Hm?
The main cause for ponder was the wonder if this was one of those societies, you know, where they make you pass through harrowing rituals of initiation. You know, secret doors and dark rooms. Swearing oaths of allegiance. Stuff like that.
Ah, now see. First thought was use 'round where you used around. But then I see the next line you did exactly that. So there ya go. Or maybe X that around. Lolled or rolled or strolled. I think the rest of it is just F-ine.

But limericks. They could be fun. Hm?
F-ine. Me likey. Say more!
Limericks are decidedly not a specialty of mine. Or, really, it's not the poor limerick's fault, it's just that I am terribly horrible with rhymes. I am the anti-rhyme-slayer. A rhyming opportunity sees me and runs away screaming because it knows if I mess with it it'll just end up on rhymey welfare blubbing about the good old days in Dictionopolis.
So keep that in mind, dear friend. A rhyme almost died to make you a little limerick.

The main cause for ponder was the wonder if this was one of those societies, you know, where they make you pass through harrowing rituals of initiation. You know, secret doors and dark rooms. Swearing oaths of allegiance. Stuff like that.
I think, most times, we subject ourselves to those sorts of rituals because we believe they're there. I don't think they're here, although I will say that every time I venture a second post I feel awfully stupid about whatever I've just said. But, I tend to feel that about any first posts I make, too. Which again, is me, not the society.

But to keep pushing on with the topic even though the little "over-garrulous" alarm is beeping in my head, I think eventually you come to a point with posting where you have to decide that you're just gonna put it out there. And stop beating your brains in about it (which I know we both do). It's your voice. And it's okay. :rose:
Don't some of you think that we get a little too highbrow about this at times? Not all poetry need to be philosophical or existential or any of the other $30 words.. Sometimes it should be just plain fun or nonsense...

Have a Pint

A pint for me
A pint for you
A pint for all the rest of the crew

Fill your cup
Lets drink it down
Our troubles today we'll commence to drown

Lager or stout
dark or ale
Come on lads step up to the rail

Raise your glass
your stein or mug
Have a belt with the rest of the pub

Lets celebrate this wondrous brew
A pint for me
And a pint for you
EQ, your honesty, your pointed way with it... I respect the hell out of it, and you.
Mark, for me it's all about moods and phases and trying not to get too cozy in one, yet if you stumble into one that feels like you, a sweater that you could wear every day and the more worn it is the better it feels... then you glance at the others hanging there, recall they were comfortable too. And the question of throwing any of them out is out of the question. Or, the universe is a huge box of toys. All kinds of toys. Every toy imaginable. Or something... oh and I put away a few happy pints in my day. Pints and shots. Quite a few. But it became excessive and less fun. I'm not a strict teetotaler these days, but not far from it. Save one of those pints. Maybe for New Years.
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