"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Just wanted to drop in and Thank Eve for the heads up on the New Poem reviews, for my newest addition. I also appreciate the commentary and the interest. Thanks everyone ...

As always you're far too generous, LadyS. That was a case of over-excitedness, and perhaps a premature submission. But I like the feel and the mental picture. Definitely could stand another look. Could even consider offering it up for a gang bang. Rough it up.
As always you're far too generous, LadyS. That was a case of over-excitedness, and perhaps a premature submission. But I like the feel and the mental picture. Definitely could stand another look. Could even consider offering it up for a gang bang. Rough it up.

hmmnmmishness, you don't give yourself enough credit.
hmmnmmishness, you don't give yourself enough credit.

the erotic is really tough because it's hard not to fall back on the same words to evoke the same parts and acts, and there's the feeling that the Just Right word is close, but dances an inch from your fingertips.
Oh yeah, the morning out there, it's a poem. They all are though aren't they? This one's a blend of illustrated and audio, maybe without words... hey! Anybody messed around with something like sound poetry? Like, not really music but no real words either? I think that'd be interesting.

Eve, funny you mentioned what you did. There were pronouns. Just one or two. Took them out. For that reason, to leave it open to interpretation. Tutor was also something else, Private something. I like the first and the third stanzas, but the middle one bugs me a bit. Last line or two specificially.

Well, and another wonderful awaits. What could happen today?

That's not a review, it's a sick literary hurricane, (speaking metaphorically of course).

Betcha Eve is pissed she didn't sign you up with a "two more times" renewal clause. Or did she? Better check the fine print with an electron microscope.

Watch where you're pointing that thing!

Thankyou Eve for the wonderful comment left on my poem, Ghosts Remembered. It turned into a pretty deep metaphor, maybe I should have had ghouls hiding in the Bushs.
Went to the store, took the dog, made more coffee, pondered posers, contemplated connectives... but no new poems yet. Maybe there will be no poems. Yeah I think they're out in neighborhoods, getting candy, scaring people, or they went to parties last night, don't feel like being looked at. And maybe they're right.

Gonna go back out. If any poems pop up and someone feels like doing them, why just step on up here and tell us about it.



Ha. Knew it. You know them poems are out there. Somewhere. But they know you're looking. So you just say, "hmmm, yeah, looks like no poems today." You know, make like you're going home. Pack up your vienna sausages and velveeta and crackers, and your mufflers and sweaters and porn magazines. Walk a ways, then hide behind a tree... then they come out. Ha.

There's a big bag of 'em for sure. Go round 'em up, rough 'em up, feel 'em up, load 'em up, and return with full reportage and maybe a sweet poetic trophy for the pine walls.

Got alllll day...


WickedEve gives us a multifaceted vision in Cruel Avenue. It's a natural slice of life that is both simple and profound.


WickedEve offers up a must read in The Igors that is perfect Halloween fare. You'll want to read it several times to really appreciate the fun she must have had in writing this. There's gaudy gaunts, mangled metaphor, poetic perversions, and arterial alliteration, and that's just a quickie sample to whet your appetite for all the creativity in this fun form. This is the sort of easy read that makes the study of poetry such fun.


All's well so far. Except the powers who post poetry would have to put a Wicked Eve work near the top on the very Friday that the reading begins at the top. Because Bruise Theory is a doozy. If on first and then second read I can get away with blending literal and symbolic/metaphorical interpretations, that would be wonderful. However, this little insane scene doesn't allow the reader off that easy. Is the dentist a real dentist? Surely the dentist's name is not Dr. Zomb. Or is there a real Dr. Zomb and the 'dentist' is symbolic of something else? A monster the poet was forced to be with? Or is it a real visit to the dentist and the gas they feed her creates these visions of cold slabs and evil assistants. No. Eve has made sure that we will not get off so easily.... and she must be laughing at this moment. .

Thanks you guys! :rose:
weirdest thing just happened.
You're a goober.

Boo. :D

Oh, and I just had a small revelation about you, my friend. As I was reading your cozy-flirted, scalloped-and-lacy-around-the-edges, frosted glass, rolling-in-the-leaves, favorite sweater, enjoying-the-weather-type reviews from yesterday. Want to hear?
I always thought of you as the sort of person who is visited during your creative forays. The whims and the words, when you review, when you write, when you sing or record. But there were three specific things you said that made me go "Duh."

Ha. Knew it. You know them poems are out there. Somewhere. But they know you're looking. So you just say, "hmmm, yeah, looks like no poems today." You know, make like you're going home. Pack up your vienna sausages and velveeta and crackers, and your mufflers and sweaters and porn magazines. Walk a ways, then hide behind a tree... then they come out. Ha.

Okay, another break, and start popping blouse buttons.
(Love this one, by the way.)

These three one might think, "oh yeah, somebody new, somebody with more woe-is-me-you-sorry-two-timin-fuck stuff" so you click on it, and skim over it... but then! Whoa! Hold up! Then you come back. Go back. Read it again. Little nuggets hidden under pockets of foggy gauze.

You're not visited. You visit.
You're perpetually waiting at the bus stop to go out and find The Stuff. Which is super beautiful of you. I don't know whether it's just because you are that way naturally, or your writing requires that people exert that same effort themselves, but either way it's beautiful of you. You're out, mushrooming quietly with your basket and then you bring back the good ones, dust them off and show them to us, saying "See?"

You do that with your own work as well. Go out to meet it. Sometimes lasso it; sometimes wrangle it or break it like a colt. All with real patience and frustration. And for the sheer idiotic joy of Making Good Stuff. Makes me want to bounce off the walls. You know why? Because, besides being beautiful of you, it makes me think of this video that Nellie McKay made when NPR drafted her for Project Song. It's seventeen minutes (and I had it on my blog, which you've read some of, so maybe this is old to you) of pure creative process and it views like heroin. It's so exhilarating to watch someone be creative. And I get the sense from watching that she goes out to visit and search for her subjects, too, and then tackles making the finished product as a sculptor would a raw chunk of limestone.

What a gift you give, Tim. And all of the reviewers.

In the words of Colonel Pickering, "Well, I'm dashed." Reviewing the reviewer. How very rude of me. ;)

Well keep it to yourself I've had enough weird for one day
Bwahaha. My day's just starting but I can already tell it's going to be crammed full of weird, too. I don't know whether to sigh or yawn and go with it (and then eat a chocolate chip cookie). Probably the second. Mostly because it involves chocolate.
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I forgot. Because I'm indulging my verbosity today, I had also wanted to tell you, Tim, that there's this little part in Kate Bush's Running Up That Hill that makes me think of you, too. It's kind of a longish clip (though I think beej [and myself] would say it's worth it any day of the week), but the part I'm after starts at about minute 3:40. She says "Let's exchange the experience."

Was listening to the whole album the other night while making cheese tarts and that line suddenly came to me when I pictured you at the bus stop.
Haha, what if we called it the "bust stop" for when you're doing the erotica? :D
blueb, you make an obscure corner a pleasant place to be.

And I'll just go ahead and share the weirdness of yesterday now. There's certainly a perfectly natural explanation...

So, we have dog. It used to be my dog, but I got married and it became our dog. Took a while to accept that part but you know, you're really wasting your time if you argue with nature.

Anyway, if me and my wife exchange a couple smooches or embraces, we are not allowed to do that alone for very long. The dog - our dog - has some special radar that detects romance. He might be in another room, in deep sleep. But the radar wakes him and tells him what's going on, and he quickly appears. Somehow must be involved or must break it up or something. It's a fifty-fifty split between cuteness and frustration.

But, if things escalate and there is momentary retirement to address that escalation, then the dog - our dog - knows that too. Just kind of slinks away real quiet-like. Waits in another room.

Upon our emergence, then it's like we returned after a long absence and there's all this happiness, overwhelming joy at reuniting, just happy happy happy... and then... something about our skin, something that's been released? Don't know what it is. But he'll start like, licking. Legs mostly. Just lick lick lick lick can't getenough, yummyyummymmmm, like he's getting high or something.

Here's the weirdness: Yesterday when I completed the forum community service of poem reviews, there was this sort of sensation of being... you know, drained. Just kinda staring blankly for a few minutes. Expression of logically collected thoughts was really not possible.

So guess what happens? the dog - our dog - comes up to me, and starts licking my leg, with the same fervor - that's the word - fervor - as Certain Other times. Exact same. I mean, you pull your leg away, and he follows, gimmegimmegimmegimme, licklicklicklick...

Didn't really make a connection until a couple minutes later... well that's interesting.

Weird what all goes on out there that we humans don't immediately perceive. But stuff's definitely going on. Fascinating huh?
I apologise for my recent absence, I missed last Saturday and hence there was no review—unfortunately I think that today will be little different. There are 18 new poems today, but nothing in particular appeals to me.

Nevertheless, I do encourage you to read the poems if you have the time, because perhaps something will be more to your liking.

That is a cop out.
It is almost as if you could not be bothered, as you had other things on your mind.
Did you even tead the 18 poems?
I doubt it.
And now poets who have labored, and worried over phrases and words get no encouragement at all from you.
Shame on you.

And what happened to the review of Sunday`s poems?
That is a cop out.
It is almost as if you could not be bothered, as you had other things on your mind.
Did you even tead the 18 poems?
I doubt it.
And now poets who have labored, and worried over phrases and words get no encouragement at all from you.
Shame on you.

And what happened to the review of Sunday`s poems?
Shame on you. Did you not read the 18 poems? If you didn't, why don't you? If you did, and did find any appealing to you, why don't you post your review?

This thread wasn't made to give encouragement to the poor poets who laboured and worried blah blah blah. Fuck the poets. We write because we want to write, not because we need encouragement. This thread was made for the readers who don't always have time to read every poem on the list and need to be directed to the occasional pearl amongst them. Where were you on Sunday?
I have saved Eve for last because she is wicked. Her poem A Conrad Dimple Poem III is an extended in-joke that requires Dimples I and II to make the reviewer's life easy. Alas, I have lost my early Conrad and am bummed at missing the joke. However all is not lost. If it were a painting, one could approach it as one might a work of Abstract Expressionism and chase meaning in its surface texture. It stands up to this quite well I think. It crackles with chaos and in the end I feel for Mistress Tweedy's loss to the poet's rampant phallic imagery.
Thanks darkness. :)
I'll eventually submit Conrad 1 & 2 and I think there's a 4 & 5 somewhere.
darkmaas, my dear poet, thank you so much for taking over the Tuesday reviews. I'd been feeling so burnt out on reviewing and needed a break, felt like I just couldn't do it justice. I'll make yours a double. :rose:
Thank you to darkmaas for mentioning my poem, Dirty Dreams, in the review yesterday. I must also add that I really enjoy darkmaas' review style, it makes for an interesting read.
I forgot. Because I'm indulging my verbosity today, I had also wanted to tell you, Tim, that there's this little part in Kate Bush's Running Up That Hill that makes me think of you, too. It's kind of a longish clip (though I think beej [and myself] would say it's worth it any day of the week), but the part I'm after starts at about minute 3:40. She says "Let's exchange the experience."

Was listening to the whole album the other night while making cheese tarts and that line suddenly came to me when I pictured you at the bus stop.
Haha, what if we called it the "bust stop" for when you're doing the erotica? :D

Indeed, that song, and in fact the whole album, is full of poetry.

as are the reviews lately.

Honor and gratitude to the folks who do that; it's one of the finest aspects of the Poetry Forum at lit.

The 11/5/8 group...

I would have been happy to review (with what minimal [read: nonexistent] experience I have) yesterday's submissions when I saw - late at night - that nothing had been posted. I did not because I have no clue how to insert links (except by copy/pasting the url) to postings or profiles that show as the submission's title or author's username. If someone could direct me to a place that would step me through that process, I'd be happy to write something on submissions that don't get reviewed if I happen to be around... assuming, of course, nobody minds a complete novice with no talent smacking the keyboard in their honor :D
Thankyou Eve for including me in your New Poems Review and for you comments, she may be a character I will pursue further
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