"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Went to bed early last night. Early for this time zone anyway. Early for me. Just before I went, I checked the List. You know, the List. New Poems. Today's new Lit Poems. Didn't expect any. Too early. But lo, seven of them. Ran a quick check, a cursory glance. But I wasn't in the proper frame of mind... proper... there is no such thing as a 'proper' frame of mind. And 'frame of mind'. What the fuck does that mean? It don't mean nothing.

Let's try again.

Decided to call it an early night. Yeah last night. An early retirement night. Or hour. Went to bed early. Checked for New Poems. Lit Poems. Friday Lit Poems. That's today. Friday. I didn't expect New Lit Poems but they proved my expectations wrong. Or, they disproved my expectations. Or, they exceeded my expectations... nah, you know what I mean. Seven of them. Seven poems. Funny because several people have said several things the least several days that have zigged and zagged and ricocheted and snapped and crackled in this old cavernous noggin, and I sort of hoped to use this Poem Platform to express a few thoughts that those several thoughts are all but forcing me to express.

But I'll get to those later. Maybe. The point: It only took a short or brief or quick perusal or glance or gander of those seven poems to realize my Poetry Reception Dials hadn't been adjusted since last Friday. Couple of them stood out but a couple others I knew I just wasnt in the... sumbitch! Okay... wasn't in the proper frame of mind to give them fair... fair... c'mon what's the word... a fair... you know what I mean.

So just went to bed. Figured, "ah, seven measly poems tomorrow. What's the big deal? Piece o'cake." Or Piece O' Cake. Slice of Pie.

So then what happens? Well sometimes I snore but I'm not the only one who snores. So, I just got up early. Checked the New Poems, expecting those same seven. Or, 7. Glance over them again. But what happens? Now there's fourteen of the fuckers. While some of us were dreaming, sleeping, snoring, others... other beings... other existences, other Things, were fruitful, and multiplied.

So we got us a helluva a Poetic Adventure awaiting us. And maybe I've only done this for two Fridays (this makes my third/3rd Friday, for reviews) but I know one thing if I know not another thing: Poetry Reception Dials are really sensitive instruments. Of course you know that. Everybody knows that. But with fourteen poems, it can take awhile to find the right Dial Settings.

So hang on. We got poetry coming. Oh boy we got poetry. And that's not all.
hmmnmmishness, you make me smile.

I look forward to your review.
Some definite chin-scratchers today. But tis early, barely 7 rocky mountain time. Got all day.
Hello Tihmmnmm, Not to be critical or anything, (you know I'm going to say something a tad constructive now, don't you?) could you keep your review to just one, concisely phrased post about the poems posted today? I love your writing and your humour, it's just that the poetry gets lost in your verbose posts.

Thanks for doing the reviews, doll. You're a treasure, but like chocolate chips in a cookie, a balance in the cookie to chocolate ratio needs to be maintained, too many chips and I may as well be eating a chocolate bar. :)
Hello Tihmmnmm, Not to be critical or anything, (you know I'm going to say something a tad constructive now, don't you?) could you keep your review to just one, concisely phrased post about the poems posted today? I love your writing and your humour, it's just that the poetry gets lost in your verbose posts.

Thanks for doing the reviews, doll. You're a treasure, but like chocolate chips in a cookie, a balance in the cookie to chocolate ratio needs to be maintained, too many chips and I may as well be eating a chocolate bar. :)
And then she ripped his arm off and gnawed on it! And she didn't even read any of the poems he suggested! :D
Oh the Poetesses and their impossible demands!
One wants more meat, another likes the cozy sweaters and going mushrooming, another waits with a smile, and now another wants more cookie and fewer chips.
What's a willing sensitive barely virginal reviewer to do?
Oh the Poetesses and their impossible demands!
One wants more meat, another likes the cozy sweaters and going mushrooming, another waits with a smile, and now another wants more cookie and fewer chips.
What's a willing sensitive barely virginal reviewer to do?
:kiss: Please yourself, I guess. I've forgotten how much fun it is to review and that is why, as a jaded reviewer, I passed the torch on. Don't rein in your enthusiasm, on account of anything I may say.

A bit of my experience follows:

I tried to focus on the main purpose that drove me to review; the original reason we began a daily volunteer roster; to ensure that each poem posted to Literotica was read, at least once, by someone other than the poet.

I would open a notepad window and as I read the poems, I'd write titles and impressions into that notepad in a split screen sort of way. With those notes to refer to, I'd then make a public comment to the poet, regardless of a mention in my review. On the thread I would review only my idea of exceptional poetry, for there are people who read only recommendations since they don't have the time to digest all the poems that are posted. Via the PC feature though, I could still pass on my thoughts directly to the poets.

I found I eventually could define my own preferences in poetry. This was useful since I learned to look beyond personal taste and find excellence in poems I would never have read before. It's a really enriching experience to review the new poems but unfortunately it can become a chore rather than a joy, over time. That's why I needed to let someone new take over the reins.

You do the job well. I just was hoping for a little more direction for my reading, being the lazy wanker ;) that I am... Spank me.
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:kiss: Please yourself, I guess. I've forgotten how much fun it is to review and that is why, as a jaded reviewer, I passed the torch on. Don't rein in your enthusiasm, on account of anything I may say.

A bit of my experience follows:

I tried to focus on the main purpose that drove me to review; the original reason we began a daily volunteer roster; to ensure that each poem posted to Literotica was read, at least once, by someone other than the poet.

I would open a notepad window and as I read the poems, I'd write titles and impressions into that notepad in a split screen sort of way. With those notes to refer to, I'd then make a public comment to the poet, regardless of a mention in my review. On the thread I would review only my idea of exceptional poetry, for there are people who read only recommendations since they don't have the time to digest all the poems that are posted. Via the PC feature though, I could still pass on my thoughts directly to the poets.

I found I eventually could define my own preferences in poetry. This was useful since I learned to look beyond personal taste and find excellence in poems I would never have read before. It's a really enriching experience to review the new poems but unfortunately it can become a chore rather than a joy, over time. That's why I needed to let someone new take over the reins.

You do the job well. I just was hoping for a little more direction for my reading, being the lazy wanker ;) that I am... Spank me.

A) I'll admit I get nervous. Or have got nervous. Then start having fun. Then start getting into the variety of today's poetic expressions. Then there's about seven posts. And to me it would be immoral to go back and try to shove them back into their wombs. I do notice that the focus on a poem is different as a casual clicker/reader than as a reviewer. It's a great mental exercise and as you say, one can gain an appreciation for a work or worker you might have otherwise overlooked.

B) There's spankings and then there's spankings. Whenever I sit or stand today and tonight, I'll feel that vestigial sting and think of you. :heart:

C) I did sense in the cybersphere that the verbosity might be a bit much. The plan was to work them down gradually. Try to keep to five posts today. Then four, then three. It was a secret plan. But now you know.

D) Had the conspirators not multiplied the poems on today's List, today would've probably been a one or two poster post. Except I wanted to do a little Lit cheerleading. As it happened, live4passion's work happened to illustrate what I'd hoped to... to... say.

E) Actually, this is just as well, because last week Safe Bet seduced my inner lesbian (now there's someone who needs a spanking) to join her as a NaNo writing buddy. I so far have 00,000 words, but also have an idea. And time is not a NaNo participant's friend right now.

F) I had some ideas of different approaches - to the reviews. For example, today was going to be "If I was Buying" for pure personal reasons; imagining I had a limited budget and wanted to purchase poems for my home, which might appeal to me today. Which ones would appeal less, and why.

G) I propose widespread misbehavior just for the spankings. :kiss:
virgin here...will someone review?

i'm brand new here and just had my poem posted. If you have the time I'd appreciate
your feedback on my poem work(shop) in progress. Thank you for your time and

not THAT big

The main perpetrator of this conspiracy is live4passion who coincidentally (? coincidence. Right. I ain't that stupid) gives us 4 poems.

lol I dont believe in coincidence either, but that wasnt planned... or was it ;)
"helluva stream.." Thanks, really made me smile..
Actually I am posting to apologize for the "flood" in the number submissions on a single day. I find it a bit too much myself but it is decided entirely by an automated function or an editor. Now suddenly poems are getting slated helter skelter. The one that suddenly appeared out of nowhere?, was submitted the same day.. surprised me too. Several others suddenly got added to todays list making a total of 7! Those also just submitted.. they shouldn't have appeared before a week or more ahead in time. Embarassing. My ego is not THAT big.. or is it ;)

Seriously though.. it is the site. I would have chosen otherwise.

An afterthought... I have the distinct impression it is an editor who is deciding which poems are submitted together and when. They have done a Wonderful and Thoughtful job in choosing and juxtaposing styles, lengths content .. Or else.. that is one Veeeeery intuitive piece of code. Coincidence? :)
I've said it before and will say it again I must stop composing poetry in my head just before I go to sleep whence it slips away forever
I've said it before and will say it again I must stop composing poetry in my head just before I go to sleep whence it slips away forever
I've composed masterpieces (well, I have!) on the edge of slumber. I get so mad the next morning! Keep paper and pen by the bed.
G) I propose widespread misbehavior just for the spankings. :kiss:

:dons a short skirt and looks furtively down the hallway, holding a wooden paddle behind her back just in case: (is there an emoticon for this? Oh, this will be close enough, I guess. Not quite the same, though. :caning:)
:dons a short skirt and looks furtively down the hallway, holding a wooden paddle behind her back just in case: (is there an emoticon for this? Oh, this will be close enough, I guess. Not quite the same, though. :caning:)

I have amassed a pile of spit wads. All soaked overnight in adverb and adjective syrups. What'cha gonna do about that?
Did you know these Fluevogs are secretly boomerangs? :D
:touches the secret button on her heel and sets its butt-seeking device to on:
Well I was given quick education about this too. 'Stories' or Prose pieces take longer to go on. When I first pondered exploration in Poemland, and submitted a first hesitant one, I mistakenly believed I'd have a couple days to prepare for disaster. That's when I learned they do not allow disaster preparedness in Poemland. Sometimes I like to make a game of it. Put something in that little box that I know is very subject to edit/alteration/touchup, and see if I can make it better before they take it away and prepare it for public display. So you gotta be careful where you put your hands in Poemland.

lol I dont believe in coincidence either, but that wasnt planned... or was it ;)
"helluva stream.." Thanks, really made me smile..
Actually I am posting to apologize for the "flood" in the number submissions on a single day. I find it a bit too much myself but it is decided entirely by an automated function or an editor. Now suddenly poems are getting slated helter skelter. The one that suddenly appeared out of nowhere?, was submitted the same day.. surprised me too. Several others suddenly got added to todays list making a total of 7! Those also just submitted.. they shouldn't have appeared before a week or more ahead in time. Embarassing. My ego is not THAT big.. or is it ;)

Seriously though.. it is the site. I would have chosen otherwise.

Did you know these Fluevogs are secretly boomerangs? :D
:touches the secret button on her heel and sets its butt-seeking device to on:

Just learned something. Didn't know what a fluevog was or is. Performed brief investigative research. Now I know what fluevog is. But now, most of the pictures showed fluevogs with heels that narrowed then flared at the very bottom, but a couple of them appeared wider and thicker without the narrow middles or flared bottoms.

Either way I think your behavior with these butt-seeking fluevog boomerangs... well, it's very bad.
I've composed masterpieces (well, I have!) on the edge of slumber. I get so mad the next morning! Keep paper and pen by the bed.

That would be the ideal solution but lifes not like that. Since Ron has had a bad leg we have swapped sides of the bed and the lamp is now on his side (it was on mine because I'm the one who reads in bed!) and blundering around in the dark to find a light and a piece of paper to write down masterpices is rather a no no now lol
Just learned something. Didn't know what a fluevog was or is. Performed brief investigative research. Now I know what fluevog is. But now, most of the pictures showed fluevogs with heels that narrowed then flared at the very bottom, but a couple of them appeared wider and thicker without the narrow middles or flared bottoms.

Either way I think your behavior with these butt-seeking fluevog boomerangs... well, it's very bad.

I am a good girl with bad-girl tendencies.

(Mine are narrowed then flared, by the way--better for buttock smacking.)

That would be the ideal solution but lifes not like that. Since Ron has had a bad leg we have swapped sides of the bed and the lamp is now on his side (it was on mine because I'm the one who reads in bed!) and blundering around in the dark to find a light and a piece of paper to write down masterpices is rather a no no now lol
extension cord and small spotlight reading lamp = masterpieces in bed. You'll also be able to read, too.
extension cord and small spotlight reading lamp = masterpieces in bed. You'll also be able to read, too.

excuses excuses.........................


Oh - and many thanks to D'maas and Eve for fingering ..........

.... my poems in today's reviews.
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That would be the ideal solution but lifes not like that. Since Ron has had a bad leg we have swapped sides of the bed and the lamp is now on his side (it was on mine because I'm the one who reads in bed!) and blundering around in the dark to find a light and a piece of paper to write down masterpices is rather a no no now lol
You can't move the lamp? Is it like really heavy or bolted down?
Candle? Write poetry by candlelight.
A jar of fireflies, maybe.
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