"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Um. I've bowed out of the discussion on the various comments and votes being made, but... you think Jay and I are the same person?

I'm a sleuth, Corinna, I find commonalities in language and link them up. You and James have very similar phrasing in your poems, same imagery. Your comments also have a very rare use of --. The first can come from writing with someone a lot, I write with two other people so we've come to nic imagery and such from each other. But the second, your non-structured writing on this messageboard is not something that can be shared easily.

Posts #4671 and #4672 were what made me look over your poems again to find similarities. You can post a picture of Corinna holding a sign that says "This is me, Bflagsst" and I'd just think James got some girl to hold up a sign to cover his tracks. It's okay, you don't have to cover your tracks, we like reading poems regardless of the name you post them under.
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I'm a sleuth, Corinna, I find commonalities in language and link them up. You and James have very similar phrasing in your poems, same imagery. Your comments also have a very rare use of --. The first can come from writing with someone a lot, I write with two other people so we've come to nic imagery and such from each other. But the second, your non-structured writing on this messageboard is not something that can be shared easily.

We do, yes. We're partners who have known each other for over ten years, and began our friendship in a text-based gaming environment where -- was used by most of the players to establish pauses in poses. We write our poetry together as well, we've been doing so for over five years, and are each other's muse and editor.

But... okay. Take care. :)
Well, it's good to know who the "gold standard" poets are. Thanks for that. When I wrote about my impression that this forum had circled the wagons, this is sort of what I was talking about.
May I please be excused from the wagon circle? The only gold in my poems is from the arches on a Quarter Pounder with Cheese wrapper.
May I please be excused from the wagon circle? The only gold in my poems is from the arches on a Quarter Pounder with Cheese wrapper.

Tzara has waived his gold-standard order before the board of Bflagsst, he's now just a measly silver-standard practitioner.

If you write poems like it's your duty and don't think you can compare yourself to the greats ala yeats, then what's the point of taking anything in poetry seriously? Anyone who writes poems all the time isn't going to think every poem they write is poem of the year, but they should have some amount of conviction in looking back and saying "That one right there might be the best poem written this year or this decade and I wrote it."

For reals, James et Corinna, Corinna James, only Annaswirls and Epmd and a couple others actually like me here that's why I prefer my time spent on the new poems page. Males don't really last here, they either die off or disappear as far as I can tell.
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Tzara has waived his gold-standard order before the board of Bflagsst, he's now just a measly silver-standard practitioner.
Actually, I'm more like Zimbabwean currency--worthless, but colorful.
(This is directed to J. Ciriacao.)

..... But I do wish people wouldn't get so hung up about voting here. Angsting and arguing about votes wastes more time here (for the individuals who get sucked into its whirlpool) than anything else. Votes don't matter. Comments matter. ......

Actually I don't really notice what 'number' have gone up beside my poems which shows how much I care.

I learnt the hard way years ago and turned the votes option off. It feels good. I agree comments are useful - voting not so much.

May I please be excused from the wagon circle?

Me too, I am insulted. Why, when the stuff we write is well recieved, are we tarred with the clique brush?
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I'm a sleuth, Corinna, I find commonalities in language and link them up. You and James have very similar phrasing in your poems, same imagery. Your comments also have a very rare use of --. The first can come from writing with someone a lot, I write with two other people so we've come to nic imagery and such from each other. But the second, your non-structured writing on this messageboard is not something that can be shared easily.

Posts #4671 and #4672 were what made me look over your poems again to find similarities. You can post a picture of Corinna holding a sign that says "This is me, Bflagsst" and I'd just think James got some girl to hold up a sign to cover his tracks. It's okay, you don't have to cover your tracks, we like reading poems regardless of the name you post them under.

Wow. So, let's review.

You know, objectively, what love is and how it must be presented in poetry.

You are a better poet than the young Yeats.

And now you have deduced, on the basis of some poems, that my companion of many years doesn't actually exist.

You're right, it's a shame that more people don't come here to learn at your feet. I wonder why that is.

Needless to say, you don't actually have an objective understanding of love and its artistic expression. You have a subjective understanding of which you're very fond.

There's nothing wrong with being proud of one's work, but there's a difference between that and believing-- largely on the basis of your own conviction-- that you've just written the best poem of the decade. It's called perspective. Or, failing that, modesty.

I'm not sure how I would go about convincing you that Corinna is her own person. Perhaps someone could check and tell you that we come here from different IP addresses. Or one could look at the other websites where we've both established ourselves. At this point, however, it's really not worth the effort.

To the rest of you, I can honestly say that my time here has been educational, if not perhaps in the way that bflagsst has in mind. I've enjoyed several of your poems, and as a group you're obviously dedicated to your work. I can't really see staying somewhere where my partner isn't even conceded personhood, and I have less acrimonious places to post and workshop, but most of you have been kind.
I learnt the hard way years ago and turned the votes option off. It feels good. I agree comments are useful - voting not so much.
I've always found the votes interesting, but not especially useful. They're kind of fun to look at, but meaningful? Not so much.

They aren't, at least in my opinion, anything to get unhappy over, as they are too easily manipulated, either for good or ill.
Me too, I am insulted. Why, when the stuff we write is well received, are we tarred with the clique brush?
I certainly wasn't insulted, but I think any "these poets are good, these poets are bad" dichotomy is largely meaningless and often leads to hurt feelings, not only for those poets labeled "bad," but also for people left off the list entirely.
To the rest of you, I can honestly say that my time here has been educational, if not perhaps in the way that bflagsst has in mind. I've enjoyed several of your poems, and as a group you're obviously dedicated to your work. I can't really see staying somewhere where my partner isn't even conceded personhood, and I have less acrimonious places to post and workshop, but most of you have been kind.
I'd hate to see you leave, as I've enjoyed your writing, but if you find the atmosphere cliquish and acrimonious, then I can certainly understand why you might drift this place. It works for some people, but not for everyone.

As for "somewhere... my partner isn't even conceded personhood," I think you're damning everyone with one person's crank opinion, but that is your business as well, I guess.

Sorry I didn't comment more on your poems. I meant to, but I'm lazy. :)
Pushkine has risen from purgatory with the Greeks in "How Things Are Written on the Wall". I like Pushkine's yesterday poem about TS Eliot, everyone likes TS Eliot for good reason.

RamonaThompson has also returned from limbo with "First Kiss", it actually seems honest, maybe I'm just missing a tongue in a cheek. Good Job, Ramona.

CalYPygia is very rhymey today, I can't read all the poems so I'll mention yesterdays:

Back to the tight cocoon of my dreams!
The ballet dancer in his skin-tight tights!
Maneuvering across the ice!
The comatose woman’s eyes!
Suddenly wide and gasping!
Like twin mouths with lashes in lieu of teeth!
Barracuda feet wet and sleek!
And they can’t wait to pull the (butt) plug on me!

Forgiving the exclamations, there are many quality lines in her/his poem "Lucid Moments".

Laurambell wrote one of the longest poems I've seen on here. I dare someone to read every word in "Round Two".

This is pretty much every Lawrobbur poem in one stanza:

do you enjoy releasing your sperm
on your puggie woman's face
she's eaten everything else
why not give your cum a taste

Boxlicker has graced our side of the literotica with his/her poetry with audio. It's silly, maybe go and read it, download it if you're so inclined.


Thanks glad you liked it. I actually wrote 'First Kiss" spur of the moment for another website challenge and came up with it in 5 mins. lol it's actually not one of my favorites
..."these poets are good, these poets are bad" dichotomy is largely meaningless and often leads to hurt feelings, not only for those poets labeled "bad," but also for people left off the list entirely.

Yeah. What he said. I'm thinking of people like Vampire Dust, PandoraG; Champ, The Fool; on and freakin on and freakin on ( yeah and Sena Jawa and Normal Jean too - those two are killing me, ya know, but they deserve to be on any "I Write Great Poems" list)

P.S. Tzara, bitch as you might, but you do too (so shut the hell up, sit down and take it, boyo!)


JamesCiriaco/CorinnaParr - Repeat after me: I am going to stay here and write the good poetry that I have been writing so SB (and hundreds of other people who like your work) can keep enjoying it.... and y'all can kiss my ass if you don't like it!

Illegitimi non carborundum, K???
Yeah. What he said. I'm thinking of people like Vampire Dust, PandoraG; Champ, The Fool; on and freakin on and freakin on ( yeah and Sena Jawa and Normal Jean too - those two are killing me, ya know, but they deserve to be on any "I Write Great Poems" list)

P.S. Tzara, bitch as you might, but you do too (so shut the hell up, sit down and take it, boyo!)


JamesCiriaco/CorinnaParr - Repeat after me: I am going to stay here and write the good poetry that I have been writing so SB (and hundreds of other people who like your work) can keep enjoying it.... and y'all can kiss my ass if you don't like it!

Illegitimi non carborundum, K???

Dear Suzy-

Thank you for that sorta back-handed praise and I welcome being in a group with SJ. I always wanted his approval more than just about anyone's here..I think it has something to do with men who seem unapproachable to me.

I was thinking, about what you said, that "those two are killing you..." Hon, I havent posted here in so long, I seriously doubt he or Corinna know who I am and most of my decent work is long gone from here and, AND, LOL, my muse is dead, I buried him months ago. I just pop in to lurk and enjoy the poetry.

As for you and I, I never meant to hurt you, I swear to goodness, but so much hurt was going on between so many good people. I regret my part, as I have stated before and have done my best to not let that bitch loose again.

Unfortunately, some of you might be annoyed with my presence, seeing as how I am currently temporarily disabled and have little to do but watch the soaps and paint my toenails as I curse my foot. It hurts and all the pain pills do is numb it, it still feels like one of those smashed cartoon toes, ya know? The huge blimp-y ones that throb and throb...

anyway, JamesC, I don't want you or your partner to go and I don't even know you. I am just now getting back into reading all of the poems and that includes poets I do not know yet and you and C. are among those. I doubt that I will be posting any poetry...it dun up and lef me.... oh well, lol.

Suzy, think good thoughts, smile. And for goodness sake, please, it's been months and it seems bizarre that you would still be carrying that chip...chips get so heavy after a while.

I wish you all the best, ALL of you.

JamesCiriaco/CorinnaParr - Repeat after me: I am going to stay here and write the good poetry that I have been writing so SB (and hundreds of other people who like your work) can keep enjoying it.... and y'all can kiss my ass if you don't like it![/COLOR]

Illegitimi non carborundum, K???

James and I both recognize that there are some incredible people on here, and he wasn't just being diplomatic when he said there were a lot of pieces here that we've enjoyed. We've taken from the prompts threads as well, even if we haven't posted there. It may simply be that we're too old and set in our ways to mesh well in an established bulletin board setting. We'll still be on the other side-- reading, writing, voting and commenting as we feel moved to. There'll always be poetry. ;)
Tzara has waived his gold-standard order before the board of Bflagsst, he's now just a measly silver-standard practitioner.

If you write poems like it's your duty and don't think you can compare yourself to the greats ala yeats, then what's the point of taking anything in poetry seriously? Anyone who writes poems all the time isn't going to think every poem they write is poem of the year, but they should have some amount of conviction in looking back and saying "That one right there might be the best poem written this year or this decade and I wrote it."

For reals, James et Corinna, Corinna James, only Annaswirls and Epmd and a couple others actually like me here that's why I prefer my time spent on the new poems page. Males don't really last here, they either die off or disappear as far as I can tell.

I can't believe I am reading this, and aren't you a grown man? And you are upset that people don't LIKE you? Golly gee, tell me who they are and I will whup'em for ya ( not.) seriously, I learned this in kindergarten, Not everyone will be liked by everyone else. It's a universal truth, no matter how great you think you are, there are those who won't agree for whatever reason.

Dude, not everyone likes everyone else and sometimes, people like you then learn Not to. Either you are here to write or not, but this place has never been a true blue shot of a place to find your BFF or maybe it is, ( an angel just popped into my mind) but we are not all that lucky.

Try to realize that you might not be liked everywhere you go and especially, if you muddle about moping all the time.

peace, smile, write, whatever makes you happy

Wow. So, let's review.

You know, objectively, what love is and how it must be presented in poetry.

You are a better poet than the young Yeats...

Bflaggy is comparing himself to an old Yeats, actually, but the pre-war and not as great as even older Yeats. Yeats is great after experiencing the first WW. You have a problem with reading, along the lines of a SafelyBetty.

I don't think you can posit Bflag's objective argument for how love should be presented artistically, so how can you say that it's wrong? <-- This is my imitation of Senna Jawa and Homburger. They've both disappeared.

Normal Jean, we're secretly buds, I know your poems from a couple years ago. You write any new ones?

Yo, I'm not on the gold standard list, but I know I've written some excellent poems, some are posted. Everytime someone mentions a couple names someone else gets sad that they weren't mentioned. I'd mention Jamison and Bill Dada, but they aren't around. Senna Jawa writes good stuff and he's one of my internet arch nemeses.

JamesC, CorinnaP, Literotica is one of the few places in poetry universe where people actually read and comment on your work over years. There are very few places on or off the internet where you can get feedback week by week on your development. Yes, if there was a biggest baby for literotica poetry message board a bunch of us could be in the running, but that's cuz we get our feelings hurt then come back and keep writing poems - not post some poems, argue over a comment, then take our ball and go back whence we came.
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James and I both recognize that there are some incredible people on here, and he wasn't just being diplomatic when he said there were a lot of pieces here that we've enjoyed. We've taken from the prompts threads as well, even if we haven't posted there. It may simply be that we're too old and set in our ways to mesh well in an established bulletin board setting. We'll still be on the other side-- reading, writing, voting and commenting as we feel moved to. There'll always be poetry. ;)

I've commented on your work I believe, I've confused you with CrystalGem, she sort of disappeared. Anyone know where Crystal Gem went?

Anyway, I like all your poems better than James' poems. So I think you and James are separate entities. But then, I might say, 'Oh, boy, Corinna, what if James is holding you back from greatness in poetry?' And then James might fly off the handle because he's gone on and on over one comment on a mediocre poem. No one's telling the two of you to go away, the people you think are beating you down or whatever are explicitly saying, "Continue writing and submitting poems here."

On a different issue, could people stop posting comments in the Recommendations thread? This thread exists precisely for thank yous and I hate yous.

Back to the old issue, this didn't start with me and SafestofBetties, this was an entirely brand new nonsense argument. The two overlapped at some point, this isn't my fault or Betty's, she has plenty of faults that she's expressed to me in private, but this isn't one of them. boohoo
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Could I possibly ask a question in here as I'm not sure where else to ask it? Would you say that writing that a car purrs along is ok ? If someone could find the time to answer I would be much obliged
Could I possibly ask a question in here as I'm not sure where else to ask it? Would you say that writing that a car purrs along is ok ? If someone could find the time to answer I would be much obliged

We'd need a line or two for context, because at face value a car purring is all too common. I'd rather not say the C word, but it could be considered that.
I like thinking up poetry books titles. "A Beat-up on Capulet" and "The Albedo Bright of the Id" are my two favorites right now. And since everyone's here caught up in all the excitement, why not post a poem? 'Read' rhymes with 'head', tell me if it should be 'has' or 'had to die again'. Other notes are welcome too.

The Karenina That You Read

Upset troika wheels
from the Karenina
that you read,
where Frou-Frou
has to die again
and Jesus wail,
but for Pushkin's
and your bare

I'd never write
a ghazal
for your eyes
or irides,
for your sclera
opposed to pupil-black,
for any tear
over a Kitty
or pious Varenka.
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We'd need a line or two for context, because at face value a car purring is all too common. I'd rather not say the C word, but it could be considered that.

What's the C word got to do with cars?!!!!! *innocently sits back in amazement*
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