"To keep the review thread clean..."

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High praise, bluebell7, and it makes me a little embarrassed to admit that I've been posting my old pieces for the most part. I took a long hiatus from writing poetry and have only recently come back to it. I think the new poems I've posted (I won't admit to which they are! ;) ) show the rust I'm still working to scrub away.

Thank you so much for your review. It's encouraging to receive such feedback, and I will keep at it.
High praise, bluebell7, and it makes me a little embarrassed to admit that I've been posting my old pieces for the most part. I took a long hiatus from writing poetry and have only recently come back to it. I think the new poems I've posted (I won't admit to which they are! ;) ) show the rust I'm still working to scrub away.

Thank you so much for your review. It's encouraging to receive such feedback, and I will keep at it.
Hi Corinna. Please don't feel that way; old or new your pieces are stuffed with talent and I love reading them. I say take your time and enjoy easing back in. I'm sure you'll find your groove again. :)

Thank you bluebell - that has made my day :D

I will have to find time to read around on here; there's some beautiful stuff posted on this thread.
I'm getting there! Thank you for mentioning "Vault of Heaven" in the review thread. To answer your comment question, it is one of my new pieces, written on Friday. :)

I completely agree with you on your review of Firebrain's poem too. That was good readin'.
this is probably my favorite from the last week, his first poem on here I believe. I could care less if it's pulled word for word from a story, as long as it wasn't already a poem.

From 1001 Arabian Nights
by KingRichard923©

and if the wine you drink
and the lip you press
ends in what all begins
and ends in yes
think then today
what yesterday you were
and tomorrow
you shall not be less
Thank you bluebell - that has made my day :D

I will have to find time to read around on here; there's some beautiful stuff posted on this thread.
You are so welcome! I'm glad you shared- please keep on. I will goad you. :D

I'm getting there! Thank you for mentioning "Vault of Heaven" in the review thread. To answer your comment question, it is one of my new pieces, written on Friday. :)

I completely agree with you on your review of Firebrain's poem too. That was good readin'.
New! Well. It was perfect! So what do you say to that, darling? ;)
Thanks to Eve and Lady for comments on 'A mother's years' I was trying to portray a naughty little boy that should have been sleeping but was bouncing and giggling instead! I must pay more attention to commas etc! I'm just glad of this challenge that has pushed me to write when it's the last thing I have felt like with this illness and stuff!

Since Lawrobbur and Exacta make up most of this week's poems, reviewing is pretty easy.

vrosej10 has a quality prose poem named "The Lust Triangle" that I'd prefer in structured stanzas, but I can't get everything I want.

LadynSt has multiple poems this week, my favorite is her most recent:

There once was a toy under cover.
It hummed to the moans of its lover.
After rubbing her clit,
he threw quite a fit
when she tossed him aside to recover.

"The Roses" is another one worth mention, an illustrated poem.

I have one up, but I'm missing some commas, so don't read that one. Bflaggy has three up, "SUSY" and a "Basis for Proceeding" are dynamite. The former is about physics I assume, maybe they both are.

Tristesse's albums have already been mentioned.

CalYpygia has one up recently, very good "Semen Drips"

MissSenses has some spacing issues, but her poem "Keep Still..." is worth a read.

sapphosSister made an appearance. Don't know how I feel about the poem.

There's a zillion more besides for Lawrobbur and Exacta, the form ones I passed over. I don't like the porno poems too much.
What he said. ;)
There's no "ego" in Recommendations

I am the first one to admit that I don't like every poem that is posted on Lit. Some conflict with my preferred kinks and others could be improved in varied ways, IMO. All of them, however, are the work of a person who is trying to do their best and are the sharing of that person's heart, mind and soul. That in itself merits respect and courtesy from the "recommender".

Saying someone's poetry belongs in a "How to" section, or even worse, saying "To bad there's nowhere to push" something that is shared with you is pure unadulterated asshated arrogance. Leave your fucking ego at home next time, dude!
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as always, you've no interest in poetry, Safe_Bet, just like sticking your nose where it don't belong in hopes of starting a confrontation. It's sunday, Safe_bet's bored, let's check the poetry board and see if someone's making value judgements on poetry. Lawrobbur isn't baring her soul, she's spamming the new poetry page with insulting porno garbage. And I reviewed that non-poem as if it was a poem.

Why do you get to determine how poetry is recommended in the recommendations thread? You're a blockhead, elitist, rubbish poet as is.
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as always, you've no interest in poetry, Safe_Bet, just like sticking your nose where it don't belong in hopes of starting a confrontation. It's sunday, Safe_bet's bored, let's check the poetry board and see if someone's making value judgements on poetry. Lawrobbur isn't baring her soul to us, she's spamming the new poetry page with insulting porno garbage.

Why do you get to determine how poetry is recommended in the recommendations thread? You're a blockhead, elitist, rubbish poet as is.

Not even going to bother to respond to you stupid little insults, asshat. Instead, I'd refer you to Cal's comments in the Recommendation thread. They zero in on your condescending bullshit rather nicely.
Not even going to bother to respond to you stupid little insults, asshat. Instead, I'd refer you to Cal's comments in the Recommendation thread. They zero in on your condescending bullshit rather nicely.

I read his or her comments, I think he/she is either referring to the poet or just misunderstood what I said. You just responded, didn't you?

I see, Cal Y Pygia, you believe I'm saying exclamations don't belong in poetry? I don't read what Cal said as against me, but the author who wrote the original non-poem. I think Caly is in agreeance with me, that the non-poet is an idiot. Safe_bet, you've got to learn to read before you go off the handle, I don't think you read. The 'poem' is a list of three things about exclamations in writing.

"Asshat" "Dude" -played out, homegirl; hey it's the 90s, whatever, come over to my crib and we'll chill and listen to Toad the Wet Sprocket.
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A poem about cussing dedicated to safe_bet

You've given me
the serrated desire
to find,
every one of the faded
and saw-toothed words,
in the archaic briery
of senses.

(Oh, how you inspire me with your naughty personal messages.)

Check out this line: "At your planting or potter's field..." it's gonna be the first line of the hottest poem since Horton Hears a Who!
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You've given me
the serrated desire
to find,
every one of the faded
and saw-toothed words,
in the archaic briery
of senses.

(Oh, how you inspire me with your naughty personal messages.)

Check out this line: "At your planting or potter's field..." it's gonna be the first line of the hottest poem since Horton Hears a Who!

Now THAT had a lot to do with poetry recommendations now didn't it! Personal attack much?

P.S. I'd guess that most of the people that know me are not quite believing your bullshit about me sending you "naughty" PMs either, DUDE! :rolleyes:
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sound familiar?

"...Okay, we can go down that road.

Listen you egotistical twit. You can take your "keep your nose out of it" and stick it up your ass. I sent you a PRIVATE MESSAGE to keep from splashing even more shit all over the public board, but if you want to get in a public pissing contest you will be doing it pretty much by yourself and I GUARANTEE that you will end up looking like an ass..."

Sounds pretty heated to me, sweetheart. You should check your pulse when you're writing me back those sassy little quips. Naughty enough for me too...
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I don't want to get caught in the crossfire, but:
I agree that "notes to self: exclamation points" isn't a poem.
And given that a submission has to be previewed prior to submission its hard to argue that an off by 1 selection should get through. My wife has lots of notes to self files (each month ?) but that's where they stay.
It takes a long time to go thru all the poems sometimes, such as today.
I'm not reviewing, so skipping lawrobbur and Exacta (he has one today that's not about drugs) is easy for me.
To me, Cal is suggesting that exclamation points have been used by well-respected poets. Not that I'm in that category, I've used them on occasion.
Lets just go on. Don't like all the poems, but the poet may have something to share, some internal release.
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Tess: thanks a bunch, and I'll certainly note your suggestion. The audio is one of the more attractive sections here. Oh and that anon a while back? That was me. Kept meaning to tell you then I'd forget. I didn't realize I was signed out when I wrote it.

vjrose: Much much much appreciate the FB. Actually I was going for something. Won't say here what it was/is. Your confirmatory note is extremely encouraging, and shall proceed as planned. I need to do some reading and feedbacking; it's one of those things where the mood and situation should complement a reading session. I will and so will it. Thanks again.
I don't want to get caught in the crossfire, but:
I agree that "notes to self: exclamation points" isn't a poem.
And given that a submission has to be previewed prior to submission its hard to argue that an off by 1 selection should get through. My wife has lots of notes to self files (each month ?) but that's where they stay.
It takes a long time to go thru all the poems sometimes, such as today.
I'm not reviewing, so skipping lawrobbur and Exacta (he has one today that's not about drugs) is easy for me.
To me, Cal is suggesting that exclamation points have been used by well-respected poets. Not that I'm in that category, I've used them on occasion.

It's best to ignore anything between two people on this messageboard, usually it's not about poetry at all but passive-agressive passion and personal desire.
Cal Y Pygia, ellynei probably won't read or get the point of your poem, she's from the other side. Your exclamations are silly, good Aztec image with the toothed vagina though. Turn on your public comments. It's odd you respond to some perceived slight about ! in poetry with a thesis and a grand poem but won't comment on the poetry of your peers. Favoriting all your own stuff also bums me out, I don't even think Safe does that.

Edit: I was wrong, she does.
I want to thank bflagsst for the following comment on my poem entitled "Galatea Goes Back." I don't get many, so the feedback is appreciated:

it's difficult writing dominant positioned poetry
06/08/09 by bflagsst
because you'll almost always come off sounding solipsistic. CParr's poem is sweet and loving, so I think she wrote a far better poem.

First of all, I think Corinna's poem is great, so I'm glad you liked it. Second, because my poem is almost entirely about the Galatea of the title, I would probably not use the word 'solipsistic' to describe it. There's certainly a degree of egoism in it, but then there is a degree of egoism in dominance itself; that's part of its appeal for both parties. To say that Corinna's is "a far better poem" because it is "sweet" is to critique on the basis of subject matter rather than execution; without making any claims for my own poem, I think we can agree that there exist good poems-- even good erotic poems-- that aren't sweet.
I'll add my thanks for the comment-- one of these days, I'll break that ten comments mark-- as well as note that those two poems are companion pieces, intended to be read together. Deciding which one "wins" is somewhat against the spirit of the exercise. Of the two, I also believe mine deserves the "solipsistic" title far more. Because, you know, it's all about me, baby. ;)
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