"To keep the review thread clean..."

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If you have the freedom of speech to write such mean spirited shit I've also got the right to say what I think of it and you can also shove that where the sun don't shine.
If you have the freedom of speech to write such mean spirited shit I've also got the right to say what I think of it and you can also shove that where the sun don't shine.

Then excuse me for saying this ....You're a bitch! What poem has you so upset anyway?

Why did you drag this out in public? You could just pmed me with any issues you had.
I don't think you're a criminal, but nor do I think over-writing song lyrics is art(or poetry), mona, sorry.....a skill perhaps. I don't know what you wrote that upset UYS so I can't comment on that. It's a matter of free speech, you write what you want to and UYS responds in kind and so it goes.

I have no idea myself what has UYS so upset. I also don't feel like she had to make this public. I've always told people if they have an issue with something I write that they can contact me directly to talk about it.

I'm not above having a decent adult talk about things. It's when people start slinging crap at me that I get mad.
Then excuse me for saying this ....You're a bitch! What poem has you so upset anyway?

Why did you drag this out in public? You could just pmed me with any issues you had.

You can call me what you want no skin off my nose but when you write about having no tears about getting rid of an unwanted baby then my blood boiled.
You can call me what you want no skin off my nose but when you write about having no tears about getting rid of an unwanted baby then my blood boiled.

It was fiction. Not even real. I can understand some people getting upset but this is just taking it to extremes and I think is being used just to get you some attention.
It was fiction. Not even real. I can understand some people getting upset but this is just taking it to extremes and I think is being used just to get you some attention.

Some subjects don't need to be aired and I could think of plenty in that category. Think what you like about my reasons I just felt it was wrong and I have every right to say so
Some subjects don't need to be aired and I could think of plenty in that category. Think what you like about my reasons I just felt it was wrong and I have every right to say so

And I have a right to post what I want and to write about what I want. The world ain't all puppy dog tails and rainbows no matter how much some of us would like to pretend that it is.

Unwanted babies and selfish mothers are a harsh reality. Just have to deal with it.
I do wonder what makes you want to write in a manner that upholds all these controversial subjects instead of deriding them. Just have to be grateful my mind doesn't work that way I guess
I do wonder what makes you want to write in a manner that upholds all these controversial subjects instead of deriding them. Just have to be grateful my mind doesn't work that way I guess

I write what comes to me and am very proud of every single word. Anyone would be happy to have such a creative and different mind. At least I'm never boring.
I forgot to mention ShadowLor's form poem "Little Dreamer's Lullaby" it's like a rondeau I'd guess without going to wikipedia to make sure. Done well, easy to read.

Maybe a sing unto my roundelay, I don't know, I'm off my form game.
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By all means, express yourself, but don't take as "hostile" the opinions of those who may disagree with you.

Putting this where it belongs...

If you will kindly look to the events of the day that I made the comment that sensitivities and hostilities were running high, there were many sharp comments bantering about the forum. None of these comments were from me or involving me, therefore my statement was just an observation not in response to any disagreement. When there is name-calling and alike on the board, I do not think that using a word like "hostile" is so very subjective. I think just about anyone who read the posts on the "To keep the review thread clean..." board on Monday would agree that there was some hostility there. So, I have no idea why you have taken such offense at my comment in Monday's recommendations that there was hostility and sensitivity in the forum. To me, that was just a basic observation.

I was neither condoning nor condemning the activity. I was merely tentative on writing a recommendation that may have been read during that heated time and misinterpreted. My only concern was that I did not want to add fuel to the fire, so to speak.

Personally, I can't believe we are still talking about a benign statement that I made 4 days ago. And though I was not passing judgment in my statement, so what if I had been? Isn't your point that people have freedom of speech? So, what are you complaining about?
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Today was a good review day, sorry Eve missed it.
Thank you, bflagsst. Sorry I missed it, too. I have a couple of busy (moving, house remodeling) months ahead of me and I won't be able to do every Thursday. hint, hint.
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