"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Though I don't put much stock in votes, I do wish people who gave 1's would give a reason. That way, I could consider their criticism and improve my poem if necessary. Of course, if the reason is utter nonsense, then there's no need to change the poem or even consider making a change.

Oh, well. Someone hated my haiku today or just hates me. LOL
I really wish names were automatcally attached to votes - and comments, come to that. I bet anon wouldn't be so quick to leave unconstrucive and abusive comments or single votes.
Though I don't put much stock in votes, I do wish people who gave 1's would give a reason. That way, I could consider their criticism and improve my poem if necessary. Of course, if the reason is utter nonsense, then there's no need to change the poem or even consider making a change.

Oh, well. Someone hated my haiku today or just hates me. LOL

I gave it five but I didn't leave a reason why. I guess that's almost as bad. It wasn't a 1 poem!
I gave it five but I didn't leave a reason why. I guess that's almost as bad. It wasn't a 1 poem!

Well, thank you. I think 5's are pretty self-explanatory.. especially from several people from the forum, because I know that if they had suggestions for improvement, they would mention it.

Not that I ever have a chance at a monthly contest or anything like that. I never get nearly enough votes. I'd just like to know the meaning of a 1. Oh, Tristesse, I think your idea is a good one.. though the National Nude Day contest is coming up, so the 1 will probably be lost in sweeps anyway.
Name might help, as Trisstesse2 suggests. It might also help if the commenting process were simpler - you have to type in the code & preview, not just send. I usually try to make a comment (sometimes without much substance) rather than just vote. But sometimes I'm just lazy and read the poem without providing feedback. And looking at my submission control page I see a lot more views than votes or comments.
Though I don't put much stock in votes, I do wish people who gave 1's would give a reason. That way, I could consider their criticism and improve my poem if necessary. Of course, if the reason is utter nonsense, then there's no need to change the poem or even consider making a change.

Oh, well. Someone hated my haiku today or just hates me. LOL

I've just looked at today's poems. Anon seems to be singling you out - didn't see any others get that treatment. Some comments on garden path poem are potentially constructive, but hostilely expressed. Nothing of value in tornado poem comments.
Well, thank you. I think 5's are pretty self-explanatory.. especially from several people from the forum, because I know that if they had suggestions for improvement, they would mention it.

Not that I ever have a chance at a monthly contest or anything like that. I never get nearly enough votes. I'd just like to know the meaning of a 1. Oh, Tristesse, I think your idea is a good one.. though the National Nude Day contest is coming up, so the 1 will probably be lost in sweeps anyway.

Do you read anything but these basically worthless chit-chat threads, Lady? :)

" Like you have a chance..." <------ YOUR own words....

YOU ARE nominated for January, in the illustrated category. Cannot get much closer than that. Some people here bust their asses for years to get that and still never do.

BTW, Normal Jean posted a thread and listed them.

Nominees for January poetry Categories-

Erotic Poetry - The Ballad of Bob Darrell / UnderYourSpell
Illustrated Poetry - Bound Wrists / LadynStFreknBed
Non-Erotic Poetry - Test Tube Daddy / Safe_Bet
Poetry With Audio - TIE: Black and White, Spotted / Middleagepoet and Our Little Plan / bflagsst


I think I will remain sidelined until the damned whining stops...
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I've just looked at today's poems. Anon seems to be singling you out - didn't see any others get that treatment. Some comments on garden path poem are potentially constructive, but hostilely expressed. Nothing of value in tornado poem comments.

It looks like ANON slung a 5 at her as well.... no one is fussing about that.

typical :(
Do you read anything but these basically worthless chit-chat threads, Lady? :)

" Like you have a chance..." <------ YOUR own words....

YOU ARE nominated for January, in the illustrated category. Cannot get much closer than that. Some people here bust their asses for years to get that and still never do.

BTW, Normal Jean posted a thread and listed them.

Nominees for January poetry Categories-

Erotic Poetry - The Ballad of Bob Darrell / UnderYourSpell
Illustrated Poetry - Bound Wrists / LadynStFreknBed
Non-Erotic Poetry - Test Tube Daddy / Safe_Bet
Poetry With Audio - TIE: Black and White, Spotted / Middleagepoet and Our Little Plan / bflagsst


I think I will remain sidelined until the damned whining stops...

whining? I really didn't think I was whining.. just wishing that I had gotten actual feedback on the poems. How else am I suppose to learn and improve? And yes, in response to Anon's comment on my poem, I AM learning. I have never considered myself as a master poet or even remotely close. Even when I agreed to do reviews, I pointed out that I am just learning and that doing the reviews will help me learn more.

As far as the nomination for the monthly contest... that is completely pointless for poetry. When is the last time a poem won? I don't think I have ever seen a poem win a monthly contest. According to the rules, an entry has to have 50 votes to be eligible to win the monthly contests. I'm lucky if I get 5, but that's fine. My goal is not to win a contest. My goal here is to improve my writing, which was my whole point about wishing for feedback.

To Anon: I do not attend University of Phoenix any more. I go to The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I apologize for mistaking your 2 vote for a 1. I never claimed to be a math whiz either. I am an utterly right-brained person. I sincerely appreciate the tip about gerunds. As for the other comments, I don't think you have to get nasty to make a point. Why not practice the art of critical, yet polite communication? But, thank you for taking the time to comment at all.
btw, Anon, perhaps the reason you believe the reviews are too congenial is that they no longer are "reviews." They are now "recommendations." I'm gonna take a stab in the dark here and say that the reason that "reviewers" only say positive things is because they are merely recommending their favorite poems of the day. When they were reviews, I did my best to point out things that could be improved, and occasionally I still do so. I SERIOUSLY doubt any "reviewers" are holding their tongues out of fear of retaliation.
Do you read anything but these basically worthless chit-chat threads, Lady? :)

I take offense to your calling hmmnmmish's thread a "basically worthless chit-chat thread." There have been many times that our conversations have sparked an idea for a story, poem, or painting.

I do not regularly post poetry on the board and the people here who know me know why. I am, however, involved with both Survivor contests as I have time.

So, what crucial, informative threads have you started that I should be participating in? Are you going to construct an itinerary for me? Should I notify you whenever I read a thread but do not participate in it? How will I be graded on my forum participation? I would not want this to fuck up my A average.

I don't know why I feel like I have to fuckin' justify every fuckin' word I say to everyone these days.

Here's an idea for everyone who has recently bitched about my reviews and posts--- Get a life and write some poetry.
Note to reviewer:

Last night I posted a cluster of poems that will probably show up Sunday or Monday, please feel free to ignore them, I just posted the survivor ones I have been doing en masse and did not think of the reviewer until after I had already done so. It is a tough enough job to have to wade through a mucky river of multi-posts :eek:
My one vote came in just after I'd posted here about the comment, so I found the timing suspicious. It could just have been a coincidence, I suppose.

You should really stay away from watching votes materialize. It will make you cross-eyed and grow hair on your feet.

Seriously. You will need to buy a trimmer.

I write what comes to me and am very proud of every single word. Anyone would be happy to have such a creative and different mind. At least I'm never boring.

If I had your mind I would submit myself to electroconvulsive shock therapy.:D

as far as the baby poem, I was originally very putt off by the subject, but I did not get the message that you were condoning the attitude of the selfish mother, but that you were condemning it.

But lady, you are boring to others, I am glad you amuse yourself, because that is what really matters in the long long run of things.
I gave it five but I didn't leave a reason why. I guess that's almost as bad. It wasn't a 1 poem!

Neither is bad.

people do what they can do, what they want to do in the comments section. It has nothing to do with the poet's intention or desires for feedback. It is 100% reader's prerogative. The writer does not own the comment section, the reader does.

I myself prefer to comment on a poem that is wonderful but could, in my opinion, make a simple change to make a big improvement. Some stuff posted here is just such crap in my opinion, and the people who write it Like it that way. They do not want my opinion because to them, the mirror shows precisely what they painted on it.

Why bother telling them what they do not want to hear and will not even consider? And Lady, I don't mean you. Although I think people should be able to leave whatever score on your poetry as well, without some explanation for it.

Not all 5's are self explanatory. Some have as little to do with the poem as the 1's do.

You should really stay away from watching votes materialize. It will make you cross-eyed and grow hair on your feet.

Seriously. You will need to buy a trimmer.


Sometimes when a rubbish or mildly mediocre poet says something rubbishy about how subjectively subjective they are and objectively untouchable there poem is, I'll give them a one for one's sake. The only time I give people ones is when they get too mouthy, have outgrown their being-an-adult-britches. Usually I leave a comment telling them that too though, cuz what's the fun in giving someone a one if you can't own it and celebrate it?

Ideally the commentator would own the comment board, but we can go in and erase anything and everything we don't like and post our own silliness. This is mostly about that one pal who spoke broken english and made up like four different characters that would comment on his poems and stories. Can't remember his name now. JamesCiriaco was just bummed out that bflaggy solved his mystery before someone else did. There was nothing wrong with his mystery either, he just wasn't very good on the masculine voice of the poetic pair.
I'm trying to solve this brand new mystery of the mysterious commentator. I might have given odds too soon, my assumption was that is was a. somebody who has recently been insulted in their own poetry here b. somebody we all know and had conflicted specifically with LadynSt c. someone who was told they have to give criticism to their peers

So I thought about who was arguing with LadynStreet, and it was only a couple people. I accused CalYpygia, because he/she fit all the criteria well, but then I think: "Wait, I haven't posted anything, most of us haven't posted in the last week, maybe we would of all gotten the same treatment." So I can't be as certain of dear old Cal. I apologize if it wasn't Cal, and am actually disappointed in believing that it might be someone we all know and love, someone who's usually positive but for whatever reason feels very angry. I don't have a name in mind, I'm hoping to gather more data from anon.

Additionally, on my last case I solved the mystery of the multifarious James. I now concede that it's possible that Corinna exists independent of James, solely based on the fact that Corinna's poems are all frankly better than his. Then again, how hard is it to write your best poem of the day and then a middling poem the next? Then again again, I don't think said poet would realize which was the more middling and always post the more middling poem under one name and the superior under another...but then I look back at the first couple of James' poems posted and they're superior to his later postings, I even comment on them in nice ways. I believe that case is closed and it would be pointless in re-investigating. But these cases are linked, because whoever commented on Ladynstreet may have commented on Corinna's poem. Could it really be the same person?
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Anon has been around a while popping up and dripping poison here and there, but then again could be a new anon with a nasty turn of phrase best ignored and as easily forgotten. Wonder if it's my turn next having said that, will I go on the rota?
I'm trying to solve this brand new mystery of the mysterious commentator. I might have given odds too soon, my assumption was that is was a. somebody who has recently been insulted in their own poetry here b. somebody we all know and had conflicted specifically with LadynSt c. someone who was told they have to give criticism to their peers

So I thought about who was arguing with LadynStreet, and it was only a couple people. I accused CalYpygia, because he/she fit all the criteria well, but then I think: "Wait, I haven't posted anything, most of us haven't posted in the last week, maybe we would of all gotten the same treatment." So I can't be as certain of dear old Cal. I apologize if it wasn't Cal, and am actually disappointed in believing that it might be someone we all know and love, someone who's usually positive but for whatever reason feels very angry. I don't have a name in mind, I'm hoping to gather more data from anon.

I'm gonna start calling you "Holmes." If you want to solve the mystery, by all means, have at it. If I find any clues, I'll pass them to you, but I'm not so concerned about the identity of imaginary friend/ Anon to put more time into it. I assume one of them is Cal, but that's not necessarily the case. For all I know, it could be a lurker who never posted before.

Oh, well. Have fun!
whining? I really didn't think I was whining.. just wishing that I had gotten actual feedback on the poems. How else am I suppose to learn and improve? And yes, in response to Anon's comment on my poem, I AM learning. I have never considered myself as a master poet or even remotely close. Even when I agreed to do reviews, I pointed out that I am just learning and that doing the reviews will help me learn more.

As far as the nomination for the monthly contest... that is completely pointless for poetry. When is the last time a poem won? I don't think I have ever seen a poem win a monthly contest. According to the rules, an entry has to have 50 votes to be eligible to win the monthly contests. I'm lucky if I get 5, but that's fine. My goal is not to win a contest. My goal here is to improve my writing, which was my whole point about wishing for feedback.

To Anon: I do not attend University of Phoenix any more. I go to The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I apologize for mistaking your 2 vote for a 1. I never claimed to be a math whiz either. I am an utterly right-brained person. I sincerely appreciate the tip about gerunds. As for the other comments, I don't think you have to get nasty to make a point. Why not practice the art of critical, yet polite communication? But, thank you for taking the time to comment at all.

I did not mean to offend you, and YES, poems DO win. But you did not read all the rules. Poems only need 10 votes to make it in, and if no poem has 10 votes, the one with the most gets the nomination. Stories need 50 votes, except special category stories like the Nude Day you spoke of.

That is why people were voting, to choose a winner from last year's entries.. Your poem has as good a shot as any, and if you are not nominated, you will definitely not win. I believe that most people who are nominated feel/see it as a win or at least an honor because your poem was chosen as the highest scored poem of that month.

I just do not see how you can take something good and turn it bad but you have managed to insult every poem that was ever nominated by those few words.

Also, I was not referring to the fireside chat thread as useless, but the others that you babble about on. I, too, enjoy this thread and it is far from useless. It is joyful, usually, and hope to see it continue.

My point is, if you had bothered to read beyond these type of threads you would have known you were nominated. If you don't want the nomination, ( which IS an honor) pull your poem. Otherwise, congrats. :)

ps, I am not anon, and find it funny that I have been accused. In a past thread, I explained that I was tired of showing up as anon, so that was why I joined and now have a "name" with which to sign my posts.

and, you, Mr. bflagsst, the "young an fun" guy who has so much time away from younging and funning to investigate the anon commenter.. Have at it! I just feel sorry for whomever is accused and incurs the wrath of the accusers and whoever else joins in.

I have a family reunion to attend.

I hope all of you have a lovely day as I will not be drawn into the furor over voting that is being instigated. everyone knows there are jerks, and meanies, and some people just have a shitty tone all the time, even when their reviews are kind. I suggest growing a thicker skin? It helps.


here is the list of poems that won from last go round- page three, in the awards and contests. The winning poems receive a W next to the poem that wins. If you look closely, you will see that you had a poem i n the finals. Congrats!! again ;)

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I did not mean to offend you, and YES, poems DO win.

I just do not see how you can take something good and turn it bad but you have managed to insult every poem that was ever nominated by those few words.

If a poem has ever won a monthly contest, then I apologize for my error. I've never seen it. It was not my intent to belittle a nomination, only to say that poems don't win monthly contests. A nomination is great, since then it makes the poem eligible to become a nomination for the annual reader's choice awards. Again, my words that a nomination is "pointless" is taken out of context. I meant that I could be nominated 413 times, but if poems don't win, it doesn't get me any closer to winning a monthly contest.

Also, I was not referring to the fireside chat thread as useless, but the others that you babble about on. I, too, enjoy this thread and it is far from useless. It is joyful, usually, and hope to see it continue.

My point is, if you had bothered to read beyond these type of threads you would have known you were nominated. If you don't want the nomination, ( which IS an honor) pull your poem. Otherwise, congrats. :)

I was not saying that it isn't an honor to be nominated. I merely stated that I do not have hopes of winning a monthly contest with a poem since I have never seen a poem win a monthly contest.

here is the list of poems that won from last go round- page three, in the awards and contests. The winning poems receive a W next to the poem that wins. If you look closely, you will see that you had a poem i n the finals. Congrats!! again ;)


psst... that's the winners and nominees for the ANNUAL contest.. not winners of a monthly contest

And thank you.
they are the same thing. Monthly winners are used to determine annual winners.

no. monthly nominees are used to determine the annual nominees.

For example, I had 3 nominations in the annual contest, but I never won a monthly contest. The year before, I had 2 nominations in the annual, no monthly wins. Not complaining! Just explaining.
NormalJ, I'm telling you, we could be pals. Who else could fit a poetry investigation into their Sunday morning pre-breakfast routine?
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