"To keep the review thread clean..."

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I'm trying to solve this brand new mystery of the mysterious commentator. I might have given odds too soon, my assumption was that is was a. somebody who has recently been insulted in their own poetry here b. somebody we all know and had conflicted specifically with LadynSt c. someone who was told they have to give criticism to their peers

So I thought about who was arguing with LadynStreet, and it was only a couple people. I accused CalYpygia, because he/she fit all the criteria well, but then I think: "Wait, I haven't posted anything, most of us haven't posted in the last week, maybe we would of all gotten the same treatment." So I can't be as certain of dear old Cal. I apologize if it wasn't Cal, and am actually disappointed in believing that it might be someone we all know and love, someone who's usually positive but for whatever reason feels very angry. I don't have a name in mind, I'm hoping to gather more data from anon.
I'm too new around here to get a good pulse on who it might me, I just hope that this and other assaults come to an end soon.
Additionally, on my last case I solved the mystery of the multifarious James. I now concede that it's possible that Corinna exists independent of James, solely based on the fact that Corinna's poems are all frankly better than his. Then again, how hard is it to write your best poem of the day and then a middling poem the next? Then again again, I don't think said poet would realize which was the more middling and always post the more middling poem under one name and the superior under another...but then I look back at the first couple of James' poems posted and they're superior to his later postings, I even comment on them in nice ways. I believe that case is closed and it would be pointless in re-investigating. But these cases are linked, because whoever commented on Ladynstreet may have commented on Corinna's poem. Could it really be the same person?

I'm going to use Occam;s razor and assume they are two different people.
The gather.com websites indicate likewise. Could be two persona's there as well. but again, I'll take the simple interpratation
I'm up I'm up! But am redfaced with something I let through on my poem that posted today! Don't know why my spell checker did not notice, how many times do we read through and still miss the obvious?! Sorry it was from the first rough draft and it slipped past
Hey, Lady S, I realize, from reading the posts that you dont see the value in the monthly nominations, but its one of the few perks that Lit gives us poets. I think it's a good thing to be nominated, shoot, I would say gimme yours, but it wouldnt be the same, ya know? It's a silly thing to argue about, isn't it? I'm almost sorry I posted the thread with the winners. I call them winners because they are. They were chosen above the rest, that means a little something at least to me anyway.

It's not that I don't value nominations, NJ. What I said was that a nomination for a monthly contest that you can't win is pointless. It just seems kinda silly to be nominated for a contest you can't win. You know what I mean? Perhaps, I should have worded it better-- like the monthly contests are pointless for poetry, not the nomination. I didn't mean that I think nominations are worthless. It's nice to see your name every once-in-awhile and it does make the poem a possible contender for the annual readers' choice awards.
Big up to Corinna Parr on the H, that's a very rare sight in a day or two. See James, you are appreciated here in one way or another, that whole hissy fit over my definition of a quality poem didn't have to happen, especially since I never did get to explain the way in which I was making a value judgement. It was all 'no, no, no[stomp your feet] you can't be making an objective statement, it's not even possible in this universe!'

flagstaff, that actually irritated me for a couple seconds, NormalJeans. I wish you would write about your negative feelings in a poem or two. I wasn't being ageist when I said "I want to share my youngness and fun-ness with you through poems." I wasn't even asking you to share your age, just your poems. I've asked some of the old men to share their old age with me, but they've mostly disappeared. I was being ageist toward some of them, cuz they were writing poor poems about youth when they could be writing diamond poems about failing health, retirement boredom, divorce, and death of friends.

I don't think Lawrobbur and Ramona write the same, Ramona is interested in a different sort of graphic. Lawrobbur's main interest is silly porno rhymes.
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thanks Logan for the mention of my poems~ and for taking the time to read and give recommendations.
hey :)

I'm too dumb to know when I am being teased, insulted or picked on, so I'll just go long with it. I got nothing against being pals with anyone, but I don;t eat breakfast, how about an early burger?

I'm with you guys on hoping the meanness goes away. I just wanna have some fun and its been hard because I just havent felt like writing in so long. I feel like the reason to write left when we lost our home and my garden along with it. Seriously. I have spent hours and days trying to figure out what happened and that makes it worse.

I miss my frogs and flowers, it sucks, it really does and were trying to save enough to get another place, but us old folks have lots of obligations, ya know, 2 kids in college and stuff, lol.

But maybe, just maybe, muse is on extended vacation.

Hey, Lady S, I realize, from reading the posts that you dont see the value in the monthly nominations, but its one of the few perks that Lit gives us poets. I think it's a good thing to be nominated, shoot, I would say gimme yours, but it wouldnt be the same, ya know? It's a silly thing to argue about, isn't it? I'm almost sorry I posted the thread with the winners. I call them winners because they are. They were chosen above the rest, that means a little something at least to me anyway.

I've never even been nominated...well, Maria was a long time ago, but I felt sort of embarrassed about it and pulled the poems before they even had a chance for the annual contest, except for one and I pulled it because it was accepted by Clean Sheets.

So I have never won and been here for years. I know it would make me smile at least. You have to realize that the stories are the bread and butter here and the poems are like an after-fart, I mean, afterthought, we're here, but we don't attract horny people that click on the paying links like the stories do.

anyway, you guys, ignore the assholes, I mean really, its so not important. I read over the comments and yeah, the low-ball score was hateful. None of the poems deserved less than a 4, but that's my opinion. I am just curious though as why some of you think whoever left the bad comments couldnt possibly leave a 5 as well... seems like it could swing both ways.

I was glad to see Corinne get an H, its been a long time since I saw an H on a new poem.

I do have a question though, maybe someone here knows, is " Lawrobber" Ramona with a new name? The poems are sort of similar.

It sure is quiet in here, I thought Annie at least would be up because of the time differences.

I also will volunteer to do reviews if someone is caught short, but just while I am out with my foot. Send me a PM the night before, okay? I have at least 2 more weeks...shhh, I hope flagstaff doesnt read this, he will fuss at me again, this aint no retirement chat board, lol.

sweet dreams y'all


Nope Lawrobber isn't yours truly. Only name I post under is this one.


Just wanted to clear up any confusion. Have a great day.
I wasn't being negative, but silly. I try to make up ways to remember people's nicknames when they are unusual to me and I do that by association to similar sounds and or words.

Normal Jean, we're already buddies from a couple years ago. The era of Bill Dada, Jamison et al. I've been wondering where Wildsweetone has gone? Bill and Jamison and all the people I remember from a few years ago have made appearances in the last six months, I don't think she has though. That period of time was a positive experience, it's strange that there's been so much conflict pretty much the last few months of this year. I brought Bflag back with me around thanksgiving, but something occured before we got here and I'm curious if you've any idea? Who's left in the last year?

As far as I've seen no one has told anyone to go away, but to write poems. Ladynstrfrknbd, the douchebags won't stop saying douchebaggy things just because you preface your recommendations. There's only two or three of them anyway, it's not worth pandering to them. You know they've become obsessive when they do it more than a couple days, imagine trying to get back at someone via messageboard or text comment on a poem or two?

At least the nastiness here usually has something to do with poems, usually about criticism. The other forums here make my skin crawl, just read one page of that Scouries Thread over in the main forum...
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Thanks Lady for mentioning my poem for a 5 year old poem, which I thought was pretty flippin awful, and thanks to UYSun for leaving me a comment to tell me that it isn't :)

and for encouraging me to get back into Survivor.

there's actually more than one scouries thread that I've read, he's the ringmaster of the worst of the worst. The disease has spread into the soft tissues by now, amputation of limbs is likely.
there's actually more than one scouries thread that I've read, he's the ringmaster of the worst of the worst. The disease has spread into the soft tissues by now, amputation of limbs is likely.

Remember the museum at antietam? haha, gnarl and knob.
there's actually more than one scouries thread that I've read, he's the ringmaster of the worst of the worst. The disease has spread into the soft tissues by now, amputation of limbs is likely.

hey Budster ;)

I think I am glad I haven't a clue what you are talking about, lol.

1201 sent me a message a couple months ago when I asked about one of his poems, he's got some poems up at Mannequin Envy. You know about his poem "Undo Ki"? Best poem on this website.
there's actually more than one scouries thread that I've read, he's the ringmaster of the worst of the worst. The disease has spread into the soft tissues by now, amputation of limbs is likely.

Who is Scouries? Is it a group of overly oppinionated people? The Scouries profile says he's in the amazon......so who's this Poobah person who seems to have replaced him? (I'm seldom in the author/story section, I just wondered.)

Confused in the Cowichan valley
Thankyou to bflagsst for your mention today I bow to your greater knowledge of transporter/transport as it's not my subject at all! I had to go to a website about Mars to glean all that I did have!

Funny how people immediately jump to conclusions they are being talked about without their name being mentioned almost as if ........ but there I digress have a good day poets :)
Who is Scouries? Is it a group of overly oppinionated people? The Scouries profile says he's in the amazon......so who's this Poobah person who seems to have replaced him? (I'm seldom in the author/story section, I just wondered.)

Confused in the Cowichan valley

Scouries is a incest writer who is delusional. He claims to get paid royalty for hit (buys) of his Lit stories. I did a Ghost Hunters story that featured Scouries in a sense that he was said in the story to have lived in the brothel being investigated and there was still his hoard of monopoly money royalties and his blow-up doll, Gabby.

Scouries, Grand Poobah, and Gabby are the same person. From what I gather, he's in Florida. He likes to construct these lists of highest votes received and so forth. I've learned to love him like a cartoon character and at times be fascinated with him like a train wreck. When they were doing the reader's choice awards, he did a bit of promo posts as his choice for illustrated poem. lol
Thankyou to bflagsst for your mention today I bow to your greater knowledge of transporter/transport as it's not my subject at all! I had to go to a website about Mars to glean all that I did have!

Funny how people immediately jump to conclusions they are being talked about without their name being mentioned almost as if ........ but there I digress have a good day poets :)

yeah annie, its funny, isnt it, lol. Its sort of like blondes who are uber-sensitive about their intelligence and people have to walk on eggshells around them because they take everything as a slur on them. oh well, theres no counting for paranoia. just good to not be part of it, right?


ps, I enjoyed your poems today.
Scouries is a incest writer who is delusional. He claims to get paid royalty for hit (buys) of his Lit stories. I did a Ghost Hunters story that featured Scouries in a sense that he was said in the story to have lived in the brothel being investigated and there was still his hoard of monopoly money royalties and his blow-up doll, Gabby.

Scouries, Grand Poobah, and Gabby are the same person. From what I gather, he's in Florida. He likes to construct these lists of highest votes received and so forth. I've learned to love him like a cartoon character and at times be fascinated with him like a train wreck. When they were doing the reader's choice awards, he did a bit of promo posts as his choice for illustrated poem. lol

I laughed at your ghost hunter story, monopoly money and blow-up doll etc. If we say his name too many times we might summon him here, which would be a catastrophe for this board. I've only read a few pages of his different threads, where he claims to make money like you said, and the greatest hits of literotica legends of the universe ones. I read one of his halloween stories for one of the contests, so I can't exactly say I know how he writes, other than the niche he writes in.

Before the author who shall not be named, there were only a couple of really popular authors that I can remember like WM sexspear and Tryanything, but they wrote mostly incest stories, so I guess the trend hasn't really changed. I remember coming to this site and being able to scan through entire categories of stories in like fifteen to twenty minutes, that was when people only posted a couple stories then disappeared or came up with a new name because I guess it was more taboo writing sex stories eight, nine years ago. Now people like mr. monopoly money exist and all they do is write incest or cheating stories, whatever's the nastiest and most aggressive thing they can think of. I haven't read many stories on this site in the last couple years.
Thankyou to EroticOrogeny,greenmountaineer,normal jean and Anonymous for your kind comments on Ares Vallis Log 2623 dust storms much appreciated

Anonymous sorry the 'u' in Hopeful conversation jarred your sensitive nerves it did mine too when I noticed the mistake as I mentioned in an earlier thread about the rough copy slipping past the spell checker. It was taken from an actual IM and that's the way a lot of people spell 'you' in such circumstances
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Thank you Anna and Tzara for recommending my fruity poem.

I knew the second strophe wasn't just right and I believe Anna got it just right. I guess I can just delete the "I" and it would be better?

I appreciate the feedback very much.

yeah annie, its funny, isnt it, lol. Its sort of like blondes who are uber-sensitive about their intelligence and people have to walk on eggshells around them because they take everything as a slur on them. oh well, theres no counting for paranoia. just good to not be part of it, right?


ps, I enjoyed your poems today.

I enjoyed yours too and said so
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