"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thank you twelveone and bflagsst for the really interesting comments on "The Anti-Beatitudes". I am really very grateful and have enjoyed your joust.
Thank you vrosej10 for the lovely and humbling comment on my poem "Emptying the Attic". I am really touched. And I apologise--the double-spacing is not my intention but some glitch in my software which I am trying to fix. :rose::rose:x10
PoetGuy thanks twelveoone for mentioning the poem "Joe Surrealism in Love" on the recommendations thread and thanks him and vrosej10 for their comments. In reading the poem again, he tends to side more with Vee's "hmmm," than not, thinking that he perhaps strained a tendon trying to stretch his style on that poem.

Poet Guy would also like to offer holiday felicitations, whatever one's chosen holiday might be, to the Literotica poet community. May you all be blessed in the love of your families and friends, and may you all score some excellent foodstuffs and gifts as well.

Thanks twelveoone for the recommend on Odette from Odessa. I liked that one myself. Once We Were the Same Age was just written as therapy. It's me whining about my life (actual facts in the poem), so fair call the other one is better.
yeh, yeh, thanks an all that.
My apologies to poetguy, tristess2 and vrose10 for not saying more in the recommendations - I was pressed for time, and I was afraid they would just slip by.
the quality of stuff in the recent week has been amazing - it is nice to see that again
vrosej10--I have to thank you again for the recommendation, even though you frankly said you didn't get the poem! I love that:) It is merely a descriptive poem of the photos of an Anglo-French household quivering between youth and decrepitude as I watch lives blink out and others replace them. Thank you for your ongoing kindness. :rose:
Thanks 12o1 for the mention of "What Would Jesus the Criminal Say?" and, yes, given the comments, the last stanza was a bit obscure.
BTW, it was my pleasure, but what in the hell was the last stanza about?

The death penalty.

Edited stanza:

But Monday through Friday nine to five
Incinerate trash behind prison walls
Whatever the cost to justify lies
We tell ourselves in our sanctified halls.
As far as I know, all US states have discontinued its use. Once people accepted the fact it was neither painless or quick, it was only a matter of time.
greenmountaineer may get a better poem if he has Jesus getting bored to death in an office, responding to CYA*memos
Cover your ass
which a goodly amount of time is spent, either drafting or responding
How ungodly
but it brings up the beauty of cut & paste
you can spend years responding with someone else's' reply
See folks there's a trick to everything

Next week how to extend your 15 minute breaks to 30
re: Susurrus by live4passion.
I concur with Poet Guy
I perhaps would have been a bit blunter
both a little too florid, too overdone
greenmountaineer may get a better poem if he has Jesus getting bored to death in an office, responding to CYA*memos
Cover your ass
which a goodly amount of time is spent, either drafting or responding
How ungodly
but it brings up the beauty of cut & paste
you can spend years responding with someone else's' reply
See folks there's a trick to everything

Next week how to extend your 15 minute breaks to 30

Death by a thousand paper cuts is not the stuff of martyrs.
Thanks guys,

To all those who posted on my poem, Before He Was Him; I was trying to go for a piece about age but I think you lot are right that might have taken too long to get to my point or been too obscure. i am kind of in love with that poem and I think that clouded my judgement a bit. Thanks for giving me a boot up the butt.
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Thanks guys,

To all those who posted on my poem, Before He Was Him; I was trying to go for a piece about age but I think you lot are right that might have taken too long to get to my point or been too obscure. i am kind of in love with that poem and I think that clouded my judgement a bit. Thanks for giving me a boot up the butt.
thanks for buying me the boots
I hope you don't mind
I took the spurs off
Thank you to twelveone for starting 2011 for me in the nicest possible way.
Well I didn't exactly rave, but it was the best. There is something that bothers me. It is a slight timing difference, and expectations of where it should go. Then I remembered you're from the UK. I'm hearing countryside. That changes everything!
Best wishes! Look forward to more!
Tanks for the recommend on Raspberry Delight. It is just a bit off fun and nonsense but I loved the way it sounded.
Thank you vrose for the comment on my self serving poem to my partner. I was rewarded nicely a few minutes ago... ;~D

tsk, tsk, tsk...imabadgal...teeheehee
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