"To keep the review thread clean..."

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"Mesothelioma" is a lung cancer that can take 20-30 years to develop, which is implied in the poem. It's also a word unknown to many until the litigation lawyers got wind of it and started to use it in their cable TV informercials.

It's a popular cancer in Australia. We had a lot of asbestos mines (and in one case, there is an open cut asbestos right next to a town blowing the dust in one the wind) and fibro cement was a popular building material hear right up to the late 1970's.
I was wrong. That review was written by 'hmmnmm'. My apologies to Wicked Eve, although she has reviewed and commented on several of my poems before.
Perhaps this will help clear things up. I was under the impression that this user name was long ago deleted, but apparently not. I wish I had checked to see, before ever creating a new name. I'm upset by the drama I've caused, but I do wish I had been given the chance to prove myself before being accused of plagiarism. I do apologize for the role I've played in this.

The End?
Perhaps this will help clear things up. I was under the impression that this user name was long ago deleted, but apparently not. I wish I had checked to see, before ever creating a new name. I'm upset by the drama I've caused, but I do wish I had been given the chance to prove myself before being accused of plagiarism. I do apologize for the role I've played in this.

The End?

I vote that since misphit and illustratorrr r the same person, white trash christmas is likely the same poem as the one submitted recently.
Perhaps this will help clear things up. I was under the impression that this user name was long ago deleted, but apparently not. I wish I had checked to see, before ever creating a new name. I'm upset by the drama I've caused, but I do wish I had been given the chance to prove myself before being accused of plagiarism. I do apologize for the role I've played in this.

The End?

I'm satisfied with this answer and I'm sorry you've had to feel you must prove yourself. People here can be very opinionated. Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes not so helpful. People here also are sensitive--some of them--about the plagiarism thing because some of us have had our poems lifted. Anyway you were upset, I thought, because you knew you were being wrongly accused. No need to feel bad about that, not imo.

The best antidote to all this is, of course, to write more poetry. Via con Dios, Misphit/Illustr8rrr. :rose:
Perhaps this will help clear things up. I was under the impression that this user name was long ago deleted, but apparently not. I wish I had checked to see, before ever creating a new name. I'm upset by the drama I've caused, but I do wish I had been given the chance to prove myself before being accused of plagiarism. I do apologize for the role I've played in this.

The End?

I vote that since misphit and illustratorrr r the same person, white trash christmas is likely the same poem as the one submitted recently.

I'm satisfied with this answer and I'm sorry you've had to feel you must prove yourself. People here can be very opinionated. Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes not so helpful. People here also are sensitive--some of them--about the plagiarism thing because some of us have had our poems lifted. Anyway you were upset, I thought, because you knew you were being wrongly accused. No need to feel bad about that, not imo.

The best antidote to all this is, of course, to write more poetry. Via con Dios, Misphit/Illustr8rrr. :rose:

i love it when a plan comes together :cool:
This is a curious case. Hmmnmm, you're probably in the best position to say if you've read misphit's disputed poem before.


well my short-lived stint as a poetry reviewer was about 2 years ago, so that wouldn't be too hard to check out - so if I reviewed it then I surely read it.

tell ya though, it was strange feeling, reading that excerpt, thinking, "my god who the hell wrote that thing?" then a couple sentences later, "uhhhh, omg, I think I wrote it."

can't do much but chuckle a nervous lol

but yes, if illustr8rr and Misphit are indeed the same person, as it appears to be the case, then the dispute appears to have come to a happy resolution.

well I just got some new ideas so....

Happy Holidays all!
"Mesothelioma" is a lung cancer that can take 20-30 years to develop, which is implied in the poem. It's also a word unknown to many until the litigation lawyers got wind of it and started to use it in their cable TV informercials.
As subpoenas and settlements would
Years later when they learned the word.

OK, it may have been better at the elsewhere, my gut feeling is where it is at it pulls in two directions.

I make no apologies for seconding it. Good stuff.
On a lighter note...

One of my poems was posted on a Kid Rock fan page! Ahh success...it's a very heady thing.

It's weird when your poems develop a life of their own. I have had a couple of my haiku reappear around the internet. One in particular moved up the artistic food chain of its own accord, which I was pleased with and one of my regular poems from Lit got reprinted in a BDSM mag (the poem's name is Tsina).
oh, i think Epmd can stand the first round, after that they're e-free! :cool:

EPMD is feeling mean spirited this Christmas season and will pass around some addled egg nog.

Accepting that Misphit and Illustr8rrr are the same and that Unholy Night and White Trash Christmas are identical; I still think it was wise to investigate and am curious if I read the poem at Lit or on some other Internet site in the past few years. EPMD and elephants don't forget.
EPMD is feeling mean spirited this Christmas season and will pass around some addled egg nog.

Accepting that Misphit and Illustr8rrr are the same and that Unholy Night and White Trash Christmas are identical; I still think it was wise to investigate and am curious if I read the poem at Lit or on some other Internet site in the past few years. EPMD and elephants don't forget.
ha! bumhugs :p it'll be the best brandy and don't you be tight with the pourings, lol.

of course any suppositions of plagiarism need investigating; it protects others and ourselves... it would seem the well-known poem's been parodied so often, including Misphit's own version, that most of us will have encountered it someplace or another. those out there who aren't writers themselves rarely give a thought to citing authorship, which is a shame and just a little bit illegal. still, the nature of e-poetry means that one which gains attention for whatever reason is likely to be bandied about the erm bandwidth! you may even have read it posted by some unscrupulous cad citing it as their own on other sites!

let us just say you acted with the best intentions, but you of all people must realise how an unfair accusation must bite. still, hopefully all's well that ends well and just in time for Christmas, so stop sucking humbugs and be of good cheer, mr scrooge. stuff like this gets squirreled away by poets for the making of more poetry. oh so it does. :cool:
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EPMD and elephants don't forget.
have you seen that not so new advert about the kid tormenting the elephant with his bun? and then when the kid's a grown man and standing watching the passing parade, the elephant gives him a swipe with its trunk? that always makes me smile. :D

only it can't be a bun, the ad must be for some sugary/fatty foodstuff i don't even remember. just the look on the nasty boy's face and the look on the elephant's years later. :D
have you seen that not so new advert about the kid tormenting the elephant with his bun? and then when the kid's a grown man and standing watching the passing parade, the elephant gives him a swipe with its trunk? that always makes me smile. :D

only it can't be a bun, the ad must be for some sugary/fatty foodstuff i don't even remember. just the look on the nasty boy's face and the look on the elephant's years later. :D

This reminds me of a story I read in the Darwin Awards.

Somewhere in Thailand, this dude had tied up his elephants whilst he went inside some government building to fill in some form. This idiot came along and started teasing the animal with sugar cane (apparently an elephantine favourite). Now what kind of nimrod teases an elephant? Well I'll tell you; a dead one. The elephant got justifiably pissed and gored the idiot, thusly getting his sugar cane. Lesson in this; don't porvoke anything that could snap you like a twig....
This reminds me of a story I read in the Darwin Awards.

Somewhere in Thailand, this dude had tied up his elephants whilst he went inside some government building to fill in some form. This idiot came along and started teasing the animal with sugar cane (apparently an elephantine favourite). Now what kind of nimrod teases an elephant? Well I'll tell you; a dead one. The elephant got justifiably pissed and gored the idiot, thusly getting his sugar cane. Lesson in this; don't provoke anything that could snap you like a twig....
what a kunk. a dead one, now. why are some people all shades of stoopid? :eek:
what a kunk. a dead one, now. why are some people all shades of stoopid? :eek:

Like the Darwin Awards, I theorize it adds in natural selection. There's a bunch of these monkey humping nimrods living across the road from me, who tear out onto our street without look (this is a DANGEROUS road I live on and very busy). I figure this kind of stupidity is self limiting.
Thanks twelveoone. A Great Age is a problem child. Heavily worked but still not quite getting there. I love the damn poem but it resists fixing. I think it might be a 'murder your darlings' sitch.
Thanks twelveoone. A Great Age is a problem child. Heavily worked but still not quite getting there. I love the damn poem but it resists fixing. I think it might be a 'murder your darlings' sitch.

Hey, I like you. You're not shy when it comes to work. Go check out what we did with your simple porn in sunday clothes

Now, it's your title, it's your turn....
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