"To keep the review thread clean..."

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I've been trying to submit a poem but the submit page is demanding a URL and when I offer it one (I am guessing based on what is now appearing under my submissions) its telling me that its unavailable and I can't submit. Lauren what is going on?

Yes, same here, no go. I noticed today that they've changed the way the urls for the poem/story pages look so I'm guessing they're updating or trying something new out--but it doesn't seem to be working, does it?
damn thing won't let me vote or leave comments sorry guys n gals I will try again tomorrow :mad::confused:
I may be getting the same thing - still spinning towards preview.
But it also took a long time before I could respond here as well.
I did see the URL field, but didn't have anything to put up at the time - do you have to put it in? The tags don't seem to be useful, at least for poems.
I agree that whatever they are doing is not working. It did occur to me that the site might be having technical difficulties due to someone fucking with it. There's been a spate of weird spammers lately, I am wondering if they were the vanguard of something else but until we hear from on high, we're kind of in the dark.
Hey Guys,

I figured it out with the help of this thread . Basically you put the title of the poem etc like this:


in the url panel. Add a number if it doesn't help.

I wish they had made this clearer and more user friendly.
Same here.

If you by "damn thing" mean my brain. I will rest it and be back.

I meant damn site lol I was trying to comment on Bogusagain's Yorkshire Hike

Hey Guys,

I figured it out with the help of this thread . Basically you put the title of the poem etc like this:


in the url panel. Add a number if it doesn't help.

I wish they had made this clearer and more user friendly.

Am lost completely now helppppppppp
I just submitted a poem and left a comment on one of the few that made it through for today. I did it the way I always have and had no problems. So whatever buggy thing was going on yesterday seems to have been fixed.

Merci, Laurel & Manu!

There are weird things afoot on my submissions page all I get is a series of links that say '(change) no list of poems or anything else
sorry, Annie. I think that's my fault. I posted a poem and the system was like, "What the fuck are you doing here again?"
I ignored its abusive rants and posted. When I submitted, it said, "I'm just gonna fuck with everyone now and they'll hate you for it."
...unless that wasn't the system talking
I must be stupid but what is the point of this new option?

What I really think is needed is a faster more convenient way of editing submitted works. So many of the comments on my poems point out glaring short-comings that leave me kicking myself but it's such a hassle to put them into use.
I must be stupid but what is the point of this new option?

What I really think is needed is a faster more convenient way of editing submitted works. So many of the comments on my poems point out glaring short-comings that leave me kicking myself but it's such a hassle to put them into use.

I sure don't know! I'm thinking it's related to the new url, with the poem name instead of a number. That's a good thing, I guess, but it sure has screwed things up.

Tess, you shouldn't kick yourself about typos and such because what is feedback for but for us to help each other see other possibilities? We may not agree with them, but they give us options. I know that for me it's nice, of course, to be told "I love this poem," but I get more from the comments that show me what I've missed or other directions that might improve the poem, even if I do sometimes feel like an oaf for missing whatever I might have missed.

Also I have always seen submitting here as the first step in deciding whether I want to go further with a poem, try to revise it and then attempt to publish it elsewhere. I feel pretty confident that if the poem isn't working at least one person will give me clues why and then I can revise and make that decision about publishing. And I think that attitude colors the way I comment on others' poem. Maybe I shouldn't be so forthright sometimes but I do feel that I know who the people are here who will read the straight up critique and not take it personally. That's what I want from someone willing to comment on my stuff.

I have a poem that I think should post tomorrow that people may hate. I was trying something a little different with it and I'm a bit fluttery inside about hearing if it doesn't work, but I'd rather know if that's what a reader thinks, you know?

Sorry for going so far off track. Your comment got me thinking. :kiss:
Also I have always seen submitting here as the first step in deciding whether I want to go further with a poem, try to revise it and then attempt to publish it elsewhere. I feel pretty confident that if the poem isn't working at least one person will give me clues why and then I can revise and make that decision about publishing.


I have a poem that I think should post tomorrow that people may hate. I was trying something a little different...

I am a huge fan of different.
I sure don't know! I'm thinking it's related to the new url, with the poem name instead of a number. That's a good thing, I guess, but it sure has screwed things up.

Tess, you shouldn't kick yourself about typos and such because what is feedback for but for us to help each other see other possibilities? We may not agree with them, but they give us options. I know that for me it's nice, of course, to be told "I love this poem," but I get more from the comments that show me what I've missed or other directions that might improve the poem, even if I do sometimes feel like an oaf for missing whatever I might have missed.

Also I have always seen submitting here as the first step in deciding whether I want to go further with a poem, try to revise it and then attempt to publish it elsewhere. I feel pretty confident that if the poem isn't working at least one person will give me clues why and then I can revise and make that decision about publishing. And I think that attitude colors the way I comment on others' poem. Maybe I shouldn't be so forthright sometimes but I do feel that I know who the people are here who will read the straight up critique and not take it personally. That's what I want from someone willing to comment on my stuff.

I have a poem that I think should post tomorrow that people may hate. I was trying something a little different with it and I'm a bit fluttery inside about hearing if it doesn't work, but I'd rather know if that's what a reader thinks, you know?

Sorry for going so far off track. Your comment got me thinking. :kiss:

Oh please don't you, or anyone, ever stop pointing out anything awry or improvable in my work. I appreciate ALL feedback, particularly others views on how to improve a poem - with a piece of visual art looking at it in a mirror or holding i upside down helps to pinpoint weaknesses - you all are my mirror, holding me upside down so that I see a poem through fresh eyes, from a new angle.

Oh please don't you, or anyone, ever stop pointing out anything awry or improvable in my work. I appreciate ALL feedback, particularly others views on how to improve a poem - with a piece of visual art looking at it in a mirror or holding i upside down helps to pinpoint weaknesses - you all are my mirror, holding me upside down so that I see a poem through fresh eyes, from a new angle.


You always understand both what I say and what I don't. :)
There are weird things afoot on my submissions page all I get is a series of links that say '(change) no list of poems or anything else

I get a list of my poems and the usual associated info below, along with a slew of 'change' links.
I suppose the links are to change from a number id to a string & perhaps parent folder ('p' for poetry, I guess?)
Didn't play with anything there.
Well unless my submission page goes back to something like the norm I shall be most peeved! How the hell do I check if a poems still pending or if it's got comments on it if I can't see the names of any of them?
I just submitted a poem and left a comment on one of the few that made it through for today. I did it the way I always have and had no problems. So whatever buggy thing was going on yesterday seems to have been fixed.

Merci, Laurel & Manu!


Seems like your mileage may vary - I'm having just as much trouble leaving a comment today - never get to preview
Whilst fiddling I have found out how to see recent comments ..... cunningly entitled 'Recent Activity' but the other bit's a shambles still
Hey Guys,

I figured it out with the help of this thread . Basically you put the title of the poem etc like this:


in the url panel. Add a number if it doesn't help.

I wish they had made this clearer and more user friendly.

Suprised nothing in the announcements etc. pages
I'm not having any problems with my page--is that weird, or have the problems been fixed?

Meanwhile, and belatedly, thankyou to vrosej10 for the recommend (how did you get back in the saddle so quickly? Serious kudos there for someone so recently in danger:rose::rose::rose:), and for all those kind people who have commented on my poems recently. I'm not sure about rewriting stuff that is so old--it feels more like archaeology to me, a surprising insight into how I once thought, felt and wrote. Are there things worth preserving there? I'm not sure, as I cast for other poems in the now.

Your thoughts are, nevertheless, precious.
Waited more than 1/2 hour and still no progress on review!
Just checked on voting - at least there see no response right away.

Thanks vrosej for recommend.
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