"To keep the review thread clean..."

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How do I find out if my poem's been accepted or is pending or what? I'm fed up with this!!!

You should be able to see your submissions page. Just go there like you always do, but keep arrowing down past all that change/change/change stuff and you should then see your list of submissions. I submitted a poem just fine earlier and when I went to check if it was pending I realized my submissions list is still there, but I had to go down past all the "change."

Also, the comments feature is working again. You should be able to make a comment and submit stuff without adding a URL or anything.
You should be able to see your submissions page. Just go there like you always do, but keep arrowing down past all that change/change/change stuff and you should then see your list of submissions. I submitted a poem just fine earlier and when I went to check if it was pending I realized my submissions list is still there, but I had to go down past all the "change."

Also, the comments feature is working again. You should be able to make a comment and submit stuff without adding a URL or anything.

So it is but a hell of a long way down! No wonder I never got that far! Thanks Ange :rose:
I still can't rate submissions or comment ...... MODS pleeease do something before I blow a gasket. I am more than peeved now I am pissed offfff!!
I just saw this on the front page of Lit:

01/16 - We're working on upgrades over the weekend. You may notice some slowness on certain parts of the site, especially the Search. We hope to have everything back to normal by Monday. Thank you for your patience!

I hope that means tomorrow all will be well!
How do I find out if my poem's been accepted or is pending or what? I'm fed up with this!!!

I still can't rate submissions or comment ...... MODS pleeease do something before I blow a gasket. I am more than peeved now I am pissed offfff!!

I just saw this on the front page of Lit:

01/16 - We're working on upgrades over the weekend. You may notice some slowness on certain parts of the site, especially the Search. We hope to have everything back to normal by Monday. Thank you for your patience!

I hope that means tomorrow all will be well!

let's hope so. the place has been so glitchy i'm not even trying to post poems before then. Annie - if you're still experiencing problems by tomorrow evening, pm me and i'll forward the issue to Laurel. x
let's hope so. the place has been so glitchy i'm not even trying to post poems before then. Annie - if you're still experiencing problems by tomorrow evening, pm me and i'll forward the issue to Laurel. x

poems are submitting ok it's the comments and rating not working but thanks I will try and stay at a steady simmer until then!
You gotta be kidding me. I submitted one comment, but copied it before clicking the button. It seemed to post just fine so I went ahead and commented on a few other poems. I went back to get the links to fill in my scorecard and all the comments are gone. wth
You gotta be kidding me. I submitted one comment, but copied it before clicking the button. It seemed to post just fine so I went ahead and commented on a few other poems. I went back to get the links to fill in my scorecard and all the comments are gone. wth

A few days ago Liar told me that comments I had noted on my scorecard weren't there, and I had to put those in a thread like UYS did today. And since then I've been submitting comments and then clicking on "view your comment," then going back to the new poems page and checking the poem again to make sure they're still there. So far, all the comments I've done that way have been fine. I think maybe if you do it that way, they're ok, but I'm still copying and pasting all my comments in a Word document in case they disappear again. It's kind of a pain in the ass but at least I'm not having to recreate them any more. :cool:
A few days ago Liar told me that comments I had noted on my scorecard weren't there, and I had to put those in a thread like UYS did today. And since then I've been submitting comments and then clicking on "view your comment," then going back to the new poems page and checking the poem again to make sure they're still there. So far, all the comments I've done that way have been fine. I think maybe if you do it that way, they're ok, but I'm still copying and pasting all my comments in a Word document in case they disappear again. It's kind of a pain in the ass but at least I'm not having to recreate them any more. :cool:

That's a good idea. So far all my comments have been brief but still a pain to repeat.
Also checked and it looks like comments I've entered are still there.
I have had the habit of going back to the new poems page and checking again - I recall a while back (thermometers, rather than stars) sometimes seemed to get lost.
That's a good idea. So far all my comments have been brief but still a pain to repeat.
Also checked and it looks like comments I've entered are still there.
I have had the habit of going back to the new poems page and checking again - I recall a while back (thermometers, rather than stars) sometimes seemed to get lost.

This has happened before when Manu is doing updates--fortunately not often.
Thank you again for those who've commented on and recommended the few poems I've submitted. Your feedback is supportive and really helpful.

The E on Jazzstory was totally unexpected (and the feedback is always more useful, but it is nice to open the new poems page and see that green E next to my poem). The poem was a fairly effortless write for me but that comes from years of daily listening to (and reading and thinking about) jazz. Why jazz speaks to me more than most other subjects, I do not know. It just does.
I've got my voting and comments back but posting to threads seems to gone kaput so trying again.
Thank you Angeline for your comments on The gravity of love (when have I ever ignored you? tut :caning: ) It's supposed to be about the time I nearly died 18 months or so ago and floating looking down at myself laying still and lifeless in the bed. Very morbid I know! The pull of Ron's love is too strong and brings me back
Thanks Angeline and theognis for the comments and feedback on my new poem. It was great to open my page and see - and of course I always love feedback from Miss Angeline. This is my first new poem in two years, and I was nervous to submit it since it's just a pun, really, but it was a great feeling and encourages me that maybe the next poem won't take 14 months. Missed you guys a lot!
Thanks Angeline and theognis for the comments and feedback on my new poem. It was great to open my page and see - and of course I always love feedback from Miss Angeline. This is my first new poem in two years, and I was nervous to submit it since it's just a pun, really, but it was a great feeling and encourages me that maybe the next poem won't take 14 months. Missed you guys a lot!

Thanks for your kind words, too. We've had a revival of old friends here lately, lots of folks writing together again and so many newer people writing great poetry, too. There's a synergy and excitement happening here I haven't seen in a long time, and I'm glad you're back and part of it. It's always a pleasure to read your poems, m_c. Stick around.
Thanks for your comments 1201, you are sharp.

My curiousity is killing me as to how you waste your life earning a living or whatever but I know you are a man of secrets so I'm just being rhetorical. I was surprised to see you've been around but great you are.
I am all behind with my thank yous I'm so sorry and you are all giving me fantastic feedback, I was especially taken with the suggestion from Seattle about flipping the last line to the top and you're right it works! I agree that the second half of Road to Perdition is weaker, the first half just came to me out of the blue when I was doing something else and I just had to go with it!
Thanks for your comments 1201, you are sharp.

My curiousity is killing me as to how you waste your life earning a living or whatever but I know you are a man of secrets so I'm just being rhetorical. I was surprised to see you've been around but great you are.
Well since I now have a problem with crosshairs...
And since I'm not good looking (like you) the gigolo thing is out.
In between sitting on a corner with pencils and a cup, I teach a course in destructive writing and sell diplomas on the internet. $15 will buy you a MIA *Master of Insane Arts* want one? For you only $14.95.
Just a quick post to thank all of you who've been commenting on my poems. I've received some really helpful feedback that I can put to use.

Well since I now have a problem with crosshairs...
And since I'm not good looking (like you) the gigolo thing is out.
In between sitting on a corner with pencils and a cup, I teach a course in destructive writing and sell diplomas on the internet. $15 will buy you a MIA *Master of Insane Arts* want one? For you only $14.95.

I want one I want one! And I want to sign up for your class. Does this go toward the degree?
I teach a course in destructive writing and sell diplomas on the internet. $15 will buy you a MIA *Master of Insane Arts* want one? For you only $14.95.

Since your insanity can teach my sanity a thing or two, I'll willingly be suckered into parting with $14.95 to keep you out of the asylum.

So you do have a professional interest in poetry. Why aren't I surprised?
USS, Triss, Angeline

Sorry--meant UYS above

Thank you for the comments on my two submissions today. UYS, it is a cock worn by the woman I love made of silicone--the poem has some hint of gender issues, which is common in our lovemaking. We enjoy penetration and sometimes playing the 'boy'. It's hard to explain, but I feel a desire at times to have an organic cock just so my partner can feel something real in her. I transferred that feeling to her in the poem (I'm the loved).

Tristisse--Thank you, those are kind words. I am trying to slow down and work harder on poems instead of writing stories. I had no idea what to title it, but that is how I felt when it initially exploded from my fingers.

Angeline--I'm going to start going at the illustrated poems again. The goal is at least one per month. That one spent several months on my computer--the illustration caused the poem. The help thread by Champagne1982 helped me understand how to do illustrated poems better.
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Thankyou Tristesse2, Angeline, Espie, UYS, Poet Guy, Theognis and jenblossoms for the really pertinent comments left on various poems overnight.

PG--the colour of the letters mattered to me because I still have them:)

Senna Jawa left a very long critique of Trapeze Artist. While I thank him for taking the time, it is as profound a misreading of a poem as I have come across in many a year.

For those who have asked if Gemini will be part of a series--it already is! But not of the Zodiac. Orion, Leo and Virgo are already on here and I'm currently wrestling with Taurus:)
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