"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thanks for the enormous number of useful comments on my poems of late. All you guys have been so helpful to me and you have probably noticed my work has improved for the advice.

Espy; I am better as linguistic sprinter. :D:rose:I also write flash fiction and I could my very first pieces of flash fiction enthusiatically published. I think I ramble too much if I try to go long.
V:rose:, thank you for the recommendations for "Naked on my Goat" and "Ridi, Pagliaccio..." and for your lovely comments. :rose::rose:

Btw, for those who don't know her the former is about the lady who is my avatar.
Thanks Angeline and theognis for the comments and feedback on my new poem. It was great to open my page and see - and of course I always love feedback from Miss Angeline. This is my first new poem in two years, and I was nervous to submit it since it's just a pun, really, but it was a great feeling and encourages me that maybe the next poem won't take 14 months. Missed you guys a lot!

Never having considered myself a poet, I've never visited this board before today; so imagine my surprise to find myself being thanked here by you and several other people for comments I've made about your poems. Having stumbled here by chance, I'll take this opportunity to say to you and all the others that you are all very welcome, and I want to thank everyone here in turn for the very kind comments I've received on my submissions. I won't name all of you, but believe me, I remember who you are, each and every one.

I feel much like an interloper, but sincere thanks to all.
Never having considered myself a poet, I've never visited this board before today; so imagine my surprise to find myself being thanked here by you and several other people for comments I've made about your poems. Having stumbled here by chance, I'll take this opportunity to say to you and all the others that you are all very welcome, and I want to thank everyone here in turn for the very kind comments I've received on my submissions. I won't name all of you, but believe me, I remember who you are, each and every one.

I feel much like an interloper, but sincere thanks to all.

You're not an interloper. You're a poet and you are welcome here.

Never having considered myself a poet, I've never visited this board before today; so imagine my surprise to find myself being thanked here by you and several other people for comments I've made about your poems. Having stumbled here by chance, I'll take this opportunity to say to you and all the others that you are all very welcome, and I want to thank everyone here in turn for the very kind comments I've received on my submissions. I won't name all of you, but believe me, I remember who you are, each and every one.

I feel much like an interloper, but sincere thanks to all.

I second Angeline. I have really appreciated your appreciation of my poems. Stick around and make friends with the lovely people here. You are welcome.
Never having considered myself a poet, I've never visited this board before today; so imagine my surprise to find myself being thanked here by you and several other people for comments I've made about your poems. Having stumbled here by chance, I'll take this opportunity to say to you and all the others that you are all very welcome, and I want to thank everyone here in turn for the very kind comments I've received on my submissions. I won't name all of you, but believe me, I remember who you are, each and every one.

I feel much like an interloper, but sincere thanks to all.

The more the merrier I say. This is actually the nice person zone of Lit and we welcome new poets to enrich the pot.
The more the merrier I say. This is actually the nice person zone of Lit and we welcome new poets to enrich the pot.

It does seem to be that. Thanks for the welcome; I've ventured onto the GB, and what a change this is. There are some nice people over there, but more than a fair share of a-holes. I keep expecting one to crop up here. Maybe it's me! :)
ok, been catching up with a little reading and commenting on submissions. so many new poems going up all the time, and so many sound writers, it's great!

i've subbed 3 today, but none of them new. i really must get my head into 'new' mode. confession: i'm feeling a bit intimidated by some of the marvelous stuff i've been reading here :eek:
You're welcome. I could have written those poems. If I had your talent.

Any talent I have I got bought used, on Craigslist.

ok, been catching up with a little reading and commenting on submissions. so many new poems going up all the time, and so many sound writers, it's great!

i've subbed 3 today, but none of them new. i really must get my head into 'new' mode. confession: i'm feeling a bit intimidated by some of the marvelous stuff i've been reading here :eek:

Thanks for your helpful comments, too.

And to Angeline. I agree with you both about the music lines, and I debated leaving them out, but didn't; I think it's a case of life getting in the way of art.
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I was really pleased to read this comment:


I liked your poem a lot! I read it over at least 10 times and every time I came out with a different twist. Many different possibilities here. Good poetry gives the reader something to think about and this definitely fill the bill. Good work!"

I tried to write the poem so it could be interpreted on different levels, even though it's based on real life, so I'm glad you saw it many different ways.

Many thanks for your kind words.
ok, been catching up with a little reading and commenting on submissions. so many new poems going up all the time, and so many sound writers, it's great!

i've subbed 3 today, but none of them new. i really must get my head into 'new' mode. confession: i'm feeling a bit intimidated by some of the marvelous stuff i've been reading here :eek:

Please! You write wonderful poetry. I look forward to reading you!
Thank you for the comments (and Chip, the recommend) on Animated Comfort. I wrote the first draft while I was still living in Maine, then I started playing with the poem again yesterday and thought I'd submit and see how it's received. And Chip that "here" you asked about? I originally had "hear" but decided if I changed it to the spelling you see now it might do what you described: make the reader unsure of what it meant or should be. Sometimes I like to play with that kind of ambiguity and see what it does.

I really thought people would find the poem too strange and wacky, but the day is young here. :D

Thank you all. :kiss:
Senna Jawa left a very long critique of Trapeze Artist. While I thank him for taking the time, it is as profound a misreading of a poem as I have come across in many a year.

His further comment should be engraved in stone.
BTW, I probably misread the juxtapostion of two of yours. Ah, well, isn't poetry wonderfull?
Thank you fridayam and vrose for your comments on Fuck Me. Vrose, I am humbled you commented about taking a basic porn poem to quality poetry. I already thanked the other two who gave it a wink.

Thank you vrose, fridayam, Angeline, UYS, and twelveone for your comments on Insomnia. That one freaks me out too. I think many know the feelings conveyed in that picture and poem.
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