"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thank you to Angeline, Tess and Vee for their comments on my sestina, one that I actually enjoyed doing once I got going ...... and sestina slut? Yes I rather like that it goes well will gerund whore! :D
i wonder if that word 'maintain' has anything to do with it.

it's not an issue for me; to date the most comments any of mine received was 9 - ah well :D

I find the rating system impossible to understand. One of my favorite poems is currently listed as being among the top rated over the last twelve months, with a total of 23 votes and a rating of 4.74, yet on the author's personal page, the one showing her submissions, there is not only no "H" shown, the rating shown is 4.40. I don't see how that's possible.

By the way, just for the record, I have a personal policy of not voting on any poem I don't feel I can give five stars. I sometimes give fives without commenting, but if I comment I always show how many stars I gave. The only time I don't is if I didn't vote on that particular poem, but wanted to comment on it anyway.

My way of voting may not make sense to some people, but I've done some editing in the past for someone who had a 'five or nothing' policy when considering voting for stories written by fellow authors, and I guess it rubbed off on me.
You are correct, however you did not use the word "catasterism" or its verbal form "catasterized" but instead "catastered" which Poet Guy could not find. Poet Guy still does not think catastered is correct, but this does not really matter.

Interesting word, in any case.

Phew, good job I renewed my Poetic Licence:)
i wonder if that word 'maintain' has anything to do with it.

it's not an issue for me; to date the most comments any of mine received was 9 - ah well :D

Just be thankful you weren't here when the top list vigilantes where riding around.
Someone had mentioned they had liked one of mine, H gone, ironic thing (that's how I noticed it) was I was pulling it at the time, destroying most of it.

BTW chip, thanks for the comment, made my day, did you notice where you started and ended it rhymed. I figured I should at least attempt to upgrade from drivel to doggerel.
Thanks to those who commented on "Going Home to my Dog," particularly Angeline and chipbutty whose feedback resulted in a partial re-write posted as a comment.
Angie, i'm looking at your suggestion as we speak ... i think you may be on to something, sweetheart, though i'd hoped the semi's were pause enough. clearly not so for your seasoned ear x

Liar - i am hopeless at form names ... this is three reps of 8/10 syllables per line, 4/5 iambs, with the final two lines 10 each (5) and it being a rhyming couplet. maybe annie will know. the 'and' felt right as it arrived, but then i began with shelley, byron, et al influencing my language/thoughts (blame 1201, i'd been reading his What is it? piece) but that soon enough traveled to current times - i'm not so sure we're really that far apart anyway :) i could lose it, and not lose the beats... oops, and a big thankyou!

friday, din'tcha mamma tell you you should chew yer food? gulping gives you wind *nods* :kiss:

theo - cheers :)
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Just be thankful you weren't here when the top list vigilantes where riding around.
Someone had mentioned they had liked one of mine, H gone, ironic thing (that's how I noticed it) was I was pulling it at the time, destroying most of it.

BTW chip, thanks for the comment, made my day, did you notice where you started and ended it rhymed. I figured I should at least attempt to upgrade from drivel to doggerel.

vigilantes - pfft. i wasn't a lady, i'd spit. :cattail:

yer welcome, twelvio - oh my, that makes you almost shakespearean. and yes, yes i did.

drivel? nah, not seeing much of HD around lately (Holy Devil aka Drivel), and you write poetry. he doesn't. posts some, mostly from questionable sources he fails to cite. :rolleyes:

roses? how verri shweet. :cool:
Angie, i'm looking at your suggestion as we speak ... i think you may be on to something, sweetheart, though i'd hoped the semi's were pause enough. clearly not so for your seasoned ear x

Liar - i am hopeless at form names ... this is three reps of 8/10 syllables per line, 4/5 iambs, with the final two lines 10 each (5) and it being a rhyming couplet. maybe annie will know. the 'and' felt right as it arrived, but then i began with shelley, byron, et al influencing my language/thoughts (blame 1201, i'd been reading his What is it? piece) but that soon enough traveled to current times - i'm not so sure we're really that far apart anyway :) i could lose it, and not lose the beats... oops, and a big thankyou!

friday, din'tcha mamma tell you you should chew yer food? gulping gives you wind *nods* :kiss:

theo - cheers :)

I happen to love semicolons (lol can you tell I'm an editor?), but as the author John Irving points out most people either hate them or don't understand them. Anyway they mainly work best in prose, imo. If you are needing to use more than one or two in a poem you are skirting with making your poem look like a list. And yours is way too good for that. After a few reads it made me think of ghazals though I know it's not one.

And thank you to those who commented on Dance Trance. Liar you made me laugh. I know the title is awful. Mea culpa: I was so exhausted (in an oddly hours-of-good-sex kinda way) after writing and editing it that I totally copped out on the title. But I see you knew I did. :D
I happen to love semicolons (lol can you tell I'm an editor?), but as the author John Irving points out most people either hate them or don't understand them. Anyway they mainly work best in prose, imo. If you are needing to use more than one or two in a poem you are skirting with making your poem look like a list. And yours is way too good for that. After a few reads it made me think of ghazals though I know it's not one.

And thank you to those who commented on Dance Trance. Liar you made me laugh. I know the title is awful. Mea culpa: I was so exhausted (in an oddly hours-of-good-sex kinda way) after writing and editing it that I totally copped out on the title. But I see you knew I did. :D

good editors rool. oh yeah. :)
so, does it work better for you presented this way, and lose most the punctuation? and how do you feel about the initial 'and'? dispose of it?

and should our eyes grow wild upon
this diet of ambrosia and dust

and should these visions torment us
with howling griefs, outrageous joys the same

should comfort and distress become
our burn, our greed, our fevered daily bread

will laurels, earned, be worth the name they say?
or is it, still, a price too high to pay?

sorry, another quick question: griefs/joys? keep as plurals or would singles work better? i'm still kinda leaning to the plurals to keep the sibilance linking with 'us', 'visions' and 'outrageous' but maybe it's overdone...
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Angeline, 'loose' and 'lose' may have to contend with 'then' and 'than' as subjects of any additional poems I may compose like my last. :) Thanks to you, twelveoone, vrosej10, and anyone else who may have voted for any of my poems. Much appreciated.
good editors rool. oh yeah. :)
so, does it work better for you presented this way, and lose most the punctuation? and how do you feel about the initial 'and'? dispose of it?

and should our eyes grow wild upon
this diet of ambrosia and dust

and should these visions torment us
with howling griefs, outrageous joys the same

should comfort and distress become
our burn, our greed, our fevered daily bread

will laurels, earned, be worth the name they say?
or is it, still, a price too high to pay?

sorry, another quick question: griefs/joys? keep as plurals or would singles work better? i'm still kinda leaning to the plurals to keep the sibilance linking with 'us', 'visions' and 'outrageous' but maybe it's overdone...

I'd add some caps, maybe change the line breaks a bit but I'm a hopeless tinkerer (and also it's your poem--I don't want to be stepping on it!). But I think it's easier now to read it with a more measured pace. And that helps me appreciate it better. I'd be interested to hear what others think too though.

For me singular "joy" and "grief" works better for two reasons 1) "our" already implies plural and 2) "our" + a singular suggests a universal which I think is the intent. I mean you could argue either way but overal how do you quantify things like that?


ETA: that "the same" at the end of the grief, joy line is so damn good, chippy.
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Angeline, 'loose' and 'lose' may have to contend with 'then' and 'than' as subjects of any additional poems I may compose like my last. :) Thanks to you, twelveoone, vrosej10, and anyone else who may have voted for any of my poems. Much appreciated.


It'd be a brilliant idea for a series of poems, I think.

I'd add some caps, maybe change the line breaks a bit but I'm a hopeless tinkerer (and also it's your poem--I don't want to be stepping on it!). But I think it's easier now to read it with a more measured pace. And that helps me appreciate it better. I'd be interested to hear what others think too though.

For me singular "joy" and "grief" works better for two reasons 1) "our" already implies plural and 2) "our" + a singular suggests a universal which I think is the intent. I mean you could argue either way but overal how do you quantify things like that?


ETA: that "the same" at the end of the grief, joy line is so damn good, chippy.

my thanks for your input, Angiebaby :rose: i'll wait to see if anyone else has opinions and weigh them all up and see how the see-saw sways. ty
My understanding is that once you get an H, it's supposed to stay. I think that once you get ten votes, you get the H. But Lit regularly does sweeps where they reduce votes/views that are based on alts or bots voting. This is much more an issue on the story side of Lit, not here. They also make mistakes both when sweeping and doing updates as many here have noted. We've all seen comments and votes disappear for no apparent reason. That's why, for me, an H or an E or a W (for winning a contest here) is great, but the feedback itself is where the real value is. :)

Hey Sis-

Nope, H's aren't forever. It all depends upon the score. If you lose enough votes during a sweep to take you below ten, or your score dips below a 4.5, you lose the H. I am with you on the feedback. That's what matters to me. I think I proved that when I deleted all those E poems when my stalker stole my ID and used it on yahoo. ( you remember who that was, ick)

I've seen stories with thousands of views that didn't have an H. So it's not views, but there used to be a page that listed poems and stories with the most views. Years back I had a porn story with over a hundred thousand views, it was the one that someone had linked to Maxim magazine. I pitched a fit because they weren't paying me and made them remove the link. What a dummy I was for that!!! I just felt like, hey, they pay others by the word, why not pay me? right? Anyway...:)

As for the sweeps, it is odd how they do that. One of NJ's poems had 6 comments and six votes. It hadn't reached enough for an H, but a sweep was done and 2 of the votes disappeared and they were legit, the comments were made by 6 different poets here. Ever since then, I don't let that upset me. What does upset me is when I see a magnificent poem that had an H and a sweep comes along and sucks it up.

I know how much it means to some of the newer poets here. My first H poem got one-bombed and I lost the H. It was about my parents' deaths. That experienced crushed me because I took it personally and didn't take into account the politics of the poetry forum that were going on back then, or the random person who may go through and vote a one on every single poem.. It has happened before. I have seen a new poem list with several H's and they all disappeared overnight and the next day people were crying about a one-bomber.It can truly damage confidence and self esteem.

I hope none of the newer people let that deter them. Just keep writing, and don't base your self-worth as a writer/poet upon what a machine or algorithm randomly denotes as Hot, or good or choicE

just keep writing!!

"As for my garden, yes, I will have at least a pepper and tomato garden this year. I accidentally discovered a market for pickled peppers a few years back when I gave a friend a couple of quarts of mixed hot peppers. He sold a jar and that turned into him buying almost all my pickled reserve at 10 dollars a jar. I had a pepper garden that year with 12 varieties of hot and sweet peppers. He told me that I need to make at least a hundred quarts this year as they are sold. I might go into business, lol."


May I put in an order? :rose:

I will let you know when I have pickled peppers for givin' away. I don't know how I'd go about shipping them, but we can figure out a way. I'm sure there has to be a way, right? You can put in a specialty order, just let me know what you want and I will make yours to order, no charge. Ange's too.

Did you get my note with my good email address? The one I check often? I hate that any note would sit for so long without a response, especially one from you ;)

It's possible I will be going out of town for work again soon, but hopefully by then I will have a functioning laptop. Hubby keeps wanting to buy me a new one, but it just isn't in the budget at this time as other things are way are important than my having another computer.

The ground has been broken for a new Amazon.com distribution center just a few miles from my home. ( Good news for anyone who lives in the Lexington SC area who may be looking for a job.)

We rode by there today and there were only earth movers and logging trucks. It saddens me to see part of the oldest deciduous forest in the US being demolished like that, but our county made a deal with Amazon and there will be close to a thousand jobs for residents once the facility is complete and that will be probably a couple of years away. Before that, there will be an enormous influx of construction jobs to builg the million+ square foot structure. I hope to help build it and then work there once it's done :D

Also, 1201 who hates for me to refer to him as a teacher, tough, you've taught me. To respect myself and to never give up. Live with it, Buddy. :rose:

and Poetguy, you are on my favorites list. don't know if you knew that or not. Thank you for your input. I feel very blessed and privileged to be read by so many people whom I admire.

Vrose, I liked you the first time I read you. You grow by leaps and bounds. Thank you for taking time to read my poem. Hopefully I will have more to offer in the future as it seems my writer's block that has plagued me for almost 3 years is finally dissipating.

Theognis- I don't know you and I'm not sure I have read you. I appreciate the vote of confidence ans would like to know if you saw anything that might b changed and improved. I will look closer at the new poems for some of your work so I might get to know you as well. Thanks for your time!

I love you guys and appreciate you all so much. Thank you!!!

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Angie, i'm looking at your suggestion as we speak ... i think you may be on to something, sweetheart, though i'd hoped the semi's were pause enough. clearly not so for your seasoned ear x

Liar - i am hopeless at form names ... this is three reps of 8/10 syllables per line, 4/5 iambs, with the final two lines 10 each (5) and it being a rhyming couplet. maybe annie will know. the 'and' felt right as it arrived, but then i began with shelley, byron, et al influencing my language/thoughts (blame 1201, i'd been reading his What is it? piece) but that soon enough traveled to current times - i'm not so sure we're really that far apart anyway :) i could lose it, and not lose the beats... oops, and a big thankyou!

friday, din'tcha mamma tell you you should chew yer food? gulping gives you wind *nods* :kiss:

theo - cheers :)

Similar to blank verse I'd say although don't quote me on that :) you'd need to ask Tz or Lauren, perhaps you've followed in my footsteps and invented your own!
I've just come across PoetGuy's comment on Gerund whore and still considering what punishment would be suitable! :D :caning:
Thanks all you guys for the comments on Bitter Regret. :rose::kiss:Those two last lines took weeks to perfect. I got the metaphor early on but expressing it was another matter. This is an intensely personal poem. I have fertility issues and battled for years to have my son and for years after, unsuccessfully, to have a second child. About seven years ago I decided I could not take the endless hoping; it was killing me and we made a conscious decision to stop trying. The poem originated from a dream in which I was a man, as the poems states, with a partner who'd just given birth...a bit weird but I am on strange meds...
Thanks all you guys for the comments on Bitter Regret. :rose::kiss:Those two last lines took weeks to perfect. I got the metaphor early on but expressing it was another matter. This is an intensely personal poem. I have fertility issues and battled for years to have my son and for years after, unsuccessfully, to have a second child. About seven years ago I decided I could not take the endless hoping; it was killing me and we made a conscious decision to stop trying. The poem originated from a dream in which I was a man, as the poems states, with a partner who'd just given birth...a bit weird but I am on strange meds...

you have to let it go I know but in my case it comes back to bite again when my peers rant on about how marvelous it is to have grand children and I have to grit my teeth and agree that it must be
you have to let it go I know but in my case it comes back to bite again when my peers rant on about how marvelous it is to have grand children and I have to grit my teeth and agree that it must be

Thanks Annie. I know how hard that must be because I can remember when everyone around me had babies and excluded me. :rose::kiss:I think about it less now than I used to but it still haunts my dreamlife. Writing keeps the demons down.
Also, 1201 who hates for me to refer to him as a teacher, tough, you've taught me. To respect myself and to never give up. Live with it, Buddy. :rose:
OK, in that respect, I'll live with it. Only there. I really don't want anyone trying some of the "stupid" stunts, that I try.
"Failure Analysis" i.e. Don't write in Abstractions, so I do.
Next up a poem with nothing but Gerunds.
"Geralding Something"
OK, in that respect, I'll live with it. Only there. I really don't want anyone trying some of the "stupid" stunts, that I try.
"Failure Analysis" i.e. Don't write in Abstractions, so I do.
Next up a poem with nothing but Gerunds.
"Geralding Something"

I would have also considered that you have taught me a great deal. That's what all the boot up the bum stuff is, that's Aussie for a push in the right direction.
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