"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Will you guys slow down?! I can't keep up with the comments but am doing my best to add some here and there (the one mentioned above included)
Will you guys slow down?! I can't keep up with the comments but am doing my best to add some here and there (the one mentioned above included)

Just do what you can. I've almost fulfilled my comments for the challenge but I'll keep commenting, just won't add to the list in the challenge thread. I keep commenting as long as it's instructive to me and I have time for it. And I don't keep tabs. :D
Thanks guys for all your comments on the Voodoo Priestess. This poem started out as a love poem and mutated wildly and unpredictably in revision. The only thing it has in common with the original is the word moonlight! The beard burn remark was meant to suggest an unattractive woman or perhaps a transexual. She's Not There is in my top 20 of favourite songs.

To the individual/s who mentioned that I am visual poet, I am an extremely visual full stop. I can't deal with certain colours (I get severe headaches from the colour yellow) and a mismatched outfit will bug me all day.
Too much prose poetry up in the new poetry plaza.

How I adore you!
Your sink's full of dishes and you haven't a bite to eat.
When I go to get the cat(not to eat) I find that your bathtub's full of fishes.
I'll wash them too with the warm sudsy soapy water meant for the dishes.
And it's too bad we don't have a baby yet to wash up in the sink.

You told me we'll make a naked baby and walk her to the park where I never met you.
I heard they put up a new set of swings.
We'll do arts and crafts on a blanket under a tree.
And you'll hope out loud that the finger paints might come off in the water.

How I adore you!
I can't think of anyone else who smolders for want of a metaphor.
A tongue tip, twist and bit, you tie me up in soft and then loud and then soft like you're The Pixies singing me a song I've never heard.
I can listen and pretend not to listen during the bridge to the chorus.

Once the wheel ran over the opossum or the windshield broke the bird you can't remake them even if you feel really sorry about it—
I learned that from your research, specifically in the trial and error.
There are just too many animals to accidentally ruin—
precisely the reason why we can't keep a dog or even an itty mouse.

How I adore you!
I can adore you without laughing, and take the erotic out of it and still not laugh.
Sometimes it's better laughing about it—taken with the fact that cat's purpose is catching mice and my purpose is swaying you toward the sensual.
How I'd wish to adore you over and over 'til the goldfish bowl is ice cold and the dishes are even more oldie moldy as they lay, as they lay
all day...
is this yours, bflagsst? it's a delightful read!

Yes, Madam. I haven't been around much because I don't write poems anymore, just prose(parody); but I have been reading new poems and your thread. Keep up the good works.
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Yes, Madam. I haven't been around much because I don't write poems anymore, just prosody; but I have been reading new poems and your thread. Keep up the good works.

it's good to see you coming around, b. your prosody holds poetic value and deserves the light of day. please expose it more often :)

my thread? that poor little thing, lol. thankyou :eek: NP is undergoing a transformation! so many new writers offering their stuff, and other, more established members submitting stuff i can only be thrilled to read. i get a bit embarrassed when something's so good that's all i can say, and am no help at all in offering suggestions for further improvements. but i'll be damned if i won't say how much i like something. that'd be false of me.
it's good to see you coming around, b. your prosody holds poetic value and deserves the light of day. please expose it more often :)

my thread? that poor little thing, lol. thankyou :eek: NP is undergoing a transformation! so many new writers offering their stuff, and other, more established members submitting stuff i can only be thrilled to read. i get a bit embarrassed when something's so good that's all i can say, and am no help at all in offering suggestions for further improvements. but i'll be damned if i won't say how much i like something. that'd be false of me.

theognis is my favorite on new poetry page brand new Lit poet, not just because they like Dorothy Parker. theogenknees writes rhythmic poems and not just prose parroting poetry.
To twelve-o and Maria who commented on my latest little thing. Many thanks.

Not sure what it is you folks are surprised that I know. What a dugong is? :D
Don't tell anybody. Particularly me, I must have been reading too much into it. Nah.
I think you got an H. congrats. Title like that, actually inspired me...
I have so many thanks for NPR adds and individual comments, I hardly know where to begin. twelveone has been foremost and I thank him (and his sore eyes) first.

Chip, Angeline, Maria, Espie, UYS, PG, tying_lulu, vrose, Liar and theognis--thank you :rose:

PG--catasterism isn't made up and is goolgleable--I checked:)

Liar--I understand you criticism of "Up the Downs", but rereading it I felt it flowed to where I wanted. Perhaps it is an English thing. Chip and UYS reacted so. Interestingly, comments for and against "Chav Town" were similarly split by the Atlantic, but not by the Pacific!

Also, I was flummoxed by the comments from others about description: can't poets describe?

Nevertheless, I am really joyous at so much reaction. Bless you all. :rose::rose:
pretty damned cool to see those hot little H's popping up against the new poems, and for our forum members. oh yeah :cool:
"As for my garden, yes, I will have at least a pepper and tomato garden this year. I accidentally discovered a market for pickled peppers a few years back when I gave a friend a couple of quarts of mixed hot peppers. He sold a jar and that turned into him buying almost all my pickled reserve at 10 dollars a jar. I had a pepper garden that year with 12 varieties of hot and sweet peppers. He told me that I need to make at least a hundred quarts this year as they are sold. I might go into business, lol."


May I put in an order? :rose:
I have so many thanks for NPR adds and individual comments, I hardly know where to begin. twelveone has been foremost and I thank him (and his sore eyes) first.

Chip, Angeline, Maria, Espie, UYS, PG, tying_lulu, vrose, Liar and theognis--thank you :rose:

PG--catasterism isn't made up and is goolgleable--I checked:)

Liar--I understand you criticism of "Up the Downs", but rereading it I felt it flowed to where I wanted. Perhaps it is an English thing. Chip and UYS reacted so. Interestingly, comments for and against "Chav Town" were similarly split by the Atlantic, but not by the Pacific!

Also, I was flummoxed by the comments from others about description: can't poets describe?

Nevertheless, I am really joyous at so much reaction. Bless you all. :rose::rose:

Is that PG as in me or as in PoetGuy? :)
I seem to have lost one (for "Red Sex")--how does that happen? x

perhaps one of the other mods/ex mods can answer that better than i, friday - though i'll hazard a guess: if a poem receives an H for getting a lot of views within a certain time-frame, as the time extends unless the no. of views continues above a certain rate the H will disappear. but i stress that is purely a guess. kind of like a newly approved one having the yellow N but only for a period of time.
perhaps one of the other mods/ex mods can answer that better than i, friday - though i'll hazard a guess: if a poem receives an H for getting a lot of views within a certain time-frame, as the time extends unless the no. of views continues above a certain rate the H will disappear. but i stress that is purely a guess. kind of like a newly approved one having the yellow N but only for a period of time.

My understanding is that once you get an H, it's supposed to stay. I think that once you get ten votes, you get the H. But Lit regularly does sweeps where they reduce votes/views that are based on alts or bots voting. This is much more an issue on the story side of Lit, not here. They also make mistakes both when sweeping and doing updates as many here have noted. We've all seen comments and votes disappear for no apparent reason. That's why, for me, an H or an E or a W (for winning a contest here) is great, but the feedback itself is where the real value is. :)
I've had an H disappear and then pop right up again it'll probably be back!

Nice as it is to see so many new poems being submitted I do wonder if some have thrown the actual baby out with the bath water
PG--catasterism isn't made up and is goolgleable--I checked:)
You are correct, however you did not use the word "catasterism" or its verbal form "catasterized" but instead "catastered" which Poet Guy could not find. Poet Guy still does not think catastered is correct, but this does not really matter.

Interesting word, in any case.
I seem to have lost one (for "Red Sex")--how does that happen? x
The "H" shows up when a poem has a minimum of ten votes and an average score of (Poet Guy believes) at least 4.50. As Angeline points out, votes are occasionally removed by a Literotica process that attempts to remove "invalid" votes. This has been discussed before and protested before, but is part of how Literotica voting works. Removing votes can result in the "H" being eliminated either because the total number of votes on the poem drops below ten or that the votes removed dropped the average score below 4.50.

"E"s (editor's choices) and "W"s (contest winners) do not disappear, as they are not dependent on voting.

See here.
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thankyou, PG - i need to gen up a little more on the hows and whys of this place :)
Hi Guys, thanks for the comments on How to Become Less Human. I actually enjoy it when you call bullshit on me (especially twelveoone who's become the adviser to my better angels). It helps me to notice when I am preaching BEFORE it gets to you lot. In hindsight, it would have been better without that last line.
Hi Guys, thanks for the comments on How to Become Less Human. I actually enjoy it when you call bullshit on me (especially twelveoone who's become the adviser to my better angels). It helps me to notice when I am preaching BEFORE it gets to you lot. In hindsight, it would have been better without that last line.

i've yet to add my comment to yours, v, but i wouldn't toss it just yet... i feel what it lacked was an empathy for the photographer, coming as it did from an almost tabloidy pov. of course i get that response, but having read War Junkie (by Jon Steele - a reporter who had to visit some goddawful places including Rwanda and Zaire) it's clear that the scale of the problem is simply so immense there is no help that can be offered... where there's one starving child there are thousands, and nowhere to take them, no facilities, no escape.. all the photographer can do is get the images out to wake the world up to the horrors. and still we all know just how bad those cameramen need to get that 'award-winning shot'. considering this guy won his accolades, it still goes to show how seeing what he saw messed with his head so badly he committed suicide.

i'd kind of like to see you taking that child and using her (jeezus, did i just say that? i hope you understand i mean poetically, the image ... or are we as bad as the cameraman?) as symbolic of a lost crop, a barren field, a lost generation...

who'd want to have been in the guy's shoes when he was taking that picture?
not i.
The "H" shows up when a poem has a minimum of ten votes and an average score of (Poet Guy believes) at least 4.50. As Angeline points out, votes are occasionally removed by a Literotica process that attempts to remove "invalid" votes. This has been discussed before and protested before, but is part of how Literotica voting works. Removing votes can result in the "H" being eliminated either because the total number of votes on the poem drops below ten or that the votes removed dropped the average score below 4.50.

"E"s (editor's choices) and "W"s (contest winners) do not disappear, as they are not dependent on voting.

See here.

There are many examples of poems having far more than ten votes, and a far higher rating than 4.50, yet they don't have the red "H" to show for it. I wish someone could explain why that is. I've noticed that on stories as well as poems, but I've recently been paying closer attention to poetry, and there are few poems with that designation.

This has nothing to do with my poems, by the way. I just now opened them up to voting, so they have few votes, but I've noted some of the poems of others I really like seem to be missing an "H" they deserve.
The red H's (Hot) denote stories which have received 10 or more votes from readers, and maintain an average vote of 4.5 out of 5 or better.

i wonder if that word 'maintain' has anything to do with it.

it's not an issue for me; to date the most comments any of mine received was 9 - ah well :D
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