"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thanks guys for all the comments on my poems. I really love the feedback.

Chip; it never even occured to me to turn that 'though' in Enough Reason for a Horse' to a 'through' but it's damn brilliant idea! I think I never thought of it because in earlier drafts of this one (and there were about 20), the woman in the poem was not brave but kind of selfish and insensitive. I think I got trapped in my first impressions of what this one was.
Poet Guy belatedly thanks UnderYourSpell and vrosej10 for their comments on "The Dead Rilke at Salomé’s Grave" and thanks Angeline, bogusagain, Esperanza_Hildalgo, fridayam, Liar, Tristesse2, and twelveoone for their comments on "Yellow Peril."

Given the serious disconnect the latter poem seems to have engendered among commentors, Poet Guy has attempted to describe his faulty construction on chipbutty's Tell Me All About It thread here. He hopes this will explain what the hell he was thinking about in writing that poem.

May you all be well.
Thank you Ms. Esperanza for your new poems reviews today. And thanks to Vee, friday, Ishtat, Chip, 1201 and anyone I've missed for getting that new poems reviews thread rocking again. When that thread was started we had regular reviewers each day of the week, but it has always been open to anyone and everyone who wants to recommend a new poem. But you folks who keep coming back and doing it are the best!


PS Have others noticed the interesting good stuff coming from new people? It seems as if every day or two someone new is submitting good poetry. If any of you are lurking and read this, just want to say I think that is so cool.
it's most cool, indeed, Angiebaby :cool:

i wouldn't go so far as to say 'brilliant, V, but glad you liked the suggestion.

Liar - i appreciate your astuteness: you read that 100% correctly, except it wasn't really hard work, more like doing a jigsaw puzzle. the first is my favourite, the rest a bit dry and you saw what i felt - my 'head' poems never work (for me anyway) as well as those written with the need. uninvited got written purely to be writing something... :eek:
Thank you Ms. Esperanza for your new poems reviews today. And thanks to Vee, friday, Ishtat, Chip, 1201 and anyone I've missed for getting that new poems reviews thread rocking again. When that thread was started we had regular reviewers each day of the week, but it has always been open to anyone and everyone who wants to recommend a new poem. But you folks who keep coming back and doing it are the best!


PS Have others noticed the interesting good stuff coming from new people? It seems as if every day or two someone new is submitting good poetry. If any of you are lurking and read this, just want to say I think that is so cool.

It is coolio, and thank you Angeline :rose: for such a nice statement. Reading poetry with an eye to review seems to help improve my own self editing. All the stuff here being posted is exciting. Each day one is exposed to dramatic differences in style and new voices emerging. It is likened to eating chocolate covered strawberries :D as opposed to chewing on little green frogs :(.
I am all behind reading the new poems (why do men require so much of our time ffs?!) but I intend to try and make up for that today
It is coolio, and thank you Angeline :rose: for such a nice statement. Reading poetry with an eye to review seems to help improve my own self editing. All the stuff here being posted is exciting. Each day one is exposed to dramatic differences in style and new voices emerging. It is likened to eating chocolate covered strawberries :D as opposed to chewing on little green frogs :(.
Hey, thank you. I am sorry if I sent you on a 15 minute spree for star clutter, I suspect that is what you where looking up. That (at least on the surface) is what a sonnet would like in France, just turned upside down. For some reason it makes sense to me.
Thanks all, no offense to Keats intended, he was great, and a rebel. Just that poem sets me nuts. So Freudian, before Freud. Law of unintended consequences. Really would have been great if he was born in say 1950.
There will be a series of three. (I submitted Shelley?), that is the starting point, nothing more.
Thanks to the other commentators also. Bog, you know me too well.
To twelve-o and Maria who commented on my latest little thing. Many thanks.

Not sure what it is you folks are surprised that I know. What a dugong is? :D
To twelve-o and Maria who commented on my latest little thing. Many thanks.

Not sure what it is you folks are surprised that I know. What a dugong is? :D

What surprises me is that compared to the knowledge base one finds on this site in general, is hell, I dunno, your IQ, I guess. I have been reading you for years and your intellect still keeps me in awe,.when so many "poets" churn out rhyme after rhyme; mediocre poetry at best, you propel your art into another dimension with quality poems that take thought and have substance.

I enjoy an intelligent person to begin with and when that is combined with an artist such as yourself, well, it makes me all weak in the knees. There are a few of you guys lurking about here and I feel privileged to be able to read you. ) and 1201 and dammit, I miss flyguy.... and so many others )

I'm only sorry so many of us here are such a disappointment to you, normal jean. we will try harder, i'm certain.
I'm only sorry so many of us here are such a disappointment to you, normal jean. we will try harder, i'm certain.

what's your problem? What, if anything in my post, was addressed to you?

Why can't I appreciate a poet without ridicule?

why do YOU feel it necessary to call me out when I make a post that doesn't include you?

Do you need me to kiss your ass THAT bad?

Did I say that anyone here had disappointed me?

And may I ask, who all are you speaking for when you say "so many of us?" People here can speak for themselves if they have something to say to me. YOU are the one insulting the poets here by being so condescending, not me. You put everyone down with your mass apology for the good people here. And when did it become a crime to appreciate intelligence? When I refer to the site in general, I was thinking the GB. You assume too much.

I think you just enjoy walking around with a stick poking anything that isn't paying attention to you.

Why don't you act like a REAL moderator and mind your own business when a conversation is not causing trouble and is not insulting and has no need to be moderated?

why do you feel it necessary to attempt to start some shit with me when I have simply made a post about someone else's poetry? Does anyone else here have a problem with my post to Liar? Did I insult anyone else here besides chapbutty? If I did insult anyone here, i will apologize profusely and sincerely.

YOU have a serious problem, woman, as anyone here reading this can ascertain that nothing I wrote was directed at you, towards you and was certainly an innocuous post.

What is your reason for your post? huh? anything legitimate? What did I say wrong, what forum rule did I break? YOUR post was made to get a reaction from me and I will not sit by and be crapped on by someone like you who has nothing better to do than further her own agenda and waste time stirring up drama. Leave me out of it! I think your emotional maturity ceased at about the tenth grade.

Do you even HAVE a life outside Lit? I wonder. People here are smart enough to know a trouble maker when they see one and I ain't it. If YOU as a MOD have a LEGITIMATE problem with Maria's ( my) post, state your case NOW without dragging the whole forum into it by speaking for people besides yourself.
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Did I say that anyone here had disappointed me?

not in that post, but most certainly in your latest batch of pm's to me. but please, feel free to post as you will, so long as your intention's not to disrupt the entire forum. perhaps you feel you would have made a better moderator than i... it's not for me to say. but i will do what i do to protect the integrity of this forum, especially since it has only recently found a new wind and we're seeing more poets visit here and subbing material. forums can grow stale, and it's largely due to the input of corndog, twelveoone and poetguy for the sudden rise in activity. others here, including UYS and Angie have been stalwarts in keeping the forum afloat during the quiet times. i have no intention of arguing with you, here or in pm.

dramatics are so passé.
dear fridayam!!

Listen here Buddy!! :D

Do you know why I post my gosh awful poems here? It is so that people like you may give me suggestions that I can use to make them BETTER! It certainly isn't to be discovered by the Paris Review or the New Yawker.

I value your suggestions, all suggestions and when I am distanced enough from the poem, I will attempt a revision and will most definitely take to heart your suggestions. The way I feel about my work is that a poem is never finished and the reader is the most important person in the list of ingredients for a good poem.

Thank you for the time you took to read 21st Century Repression and mostly, thank you for taking the time to think about it to the extent that you saw things, that could be improved. To me, that is the best result one can expect from posting a poem. Feedback is what counts and I appreciate yours ( iin fact, anyone's FB) with all my heart.

well it's a day of firsts and I'm pretty sure it's the first time I've had 'piss' included in a comment on my poetry, but you're right in a way because it's suppose to be a 'piss take' and in no way serious, There's that English humour again goes wayyyyyyy over the heads of some :)
Thanks for the feedback on The Dick Widow guys. It is a loose form tanka and technically shouldn't have a title but once I thought of it, I couldn't resist. The idea for the title came from golf widow. The narrator is supposed to be a woman. The whole poem popped into my head, just in that shape in seconds whilst I was standing at my kitchen sink, taking the evening handful of pills that I need to stay alive and sane and enjoying the scent of night scented jasmine (cestrum) as my hayfever started to close my eyes up.:D
Thanks for the feedback on The Dick Widow guys. It is a loose form tanka and technically shouldn't have a title but once I thought of it, I couldn't resist. The idea for the title came from golf widow. The narrator is supposed to be a woman. The whole poem popped into my head, just in that shape in seconds whilst I was standing at my kitchen sink, taking the evening handful of pills that I need to stay alive and sane and enjoying the scent of night scented jasmine (cestrum) as my hayfever started to close my eyes up.:D

I'm still dying to know whose hand is on her chest? Her own or someone else's? Or did you do that on purpose? :D

(I knew it sounded Asian!)
I'm still dying to know whose hand is on her chest? Her own or someone else's? Or did you do that on purpose? :D

(I knew it sounded Asian!)

Sorry about that.:kiss::heart: I just woke up and am eating my breakfast toast. It's hers. I certain degree of amibiguity is best in japanese forms. They call it dreaming room so the reader participates.
Oh joy! I've been turned into a quotation what more could a person ask for than to go down in the history of man (or woman) kind as having made a mark in somebody's life
Sorry about that.:kiss::heart: I just woke up and am eating my breakfast toast. It's hers. I certain degree of amibiguity is best in japanese forms. They call it dreaming room so the reader participates.

I kind of figured that but I love the way it's left to the reader to wonder! :kiss:
want to add-

a sincere than you to Vrose, Liar. Angeline and Koba for their feedback comments on my boobie poem yesterday. I appreciate all the suggestions as I would not have grown at all as a poet without help like I received on this one. Thanks again and also to those who chose not to comment publicly, I totally understand why, the concerns are not lost on me and whether posted public or not, those suggestions and notes are just as important to me.

It never ceases to amaze me the kindness and support that I get here. Bless you all, you're a super bunch of folks, not to mention a GIFTED and incredibly talented bunch of poets!!

and to the few who are worried about me, please don't be. I'm okay, it takes more to hurt me than what has been thrown at me lately and I am a forgiving person. Hate hurts the hater, not the hate-ee, lol. I only wish for peace in their hearts as they already have my prayers..


write on, poets!!
a sincere than you to Vrose, Liar. Angeline and Koba for their feedback comments on my boobie poem yesterday. I appreciate all the suggestions as I would not have grown at all as a poet without help like I received on this one. Thanks again and also to those who chose not to comment publicly, I totally understand why, the concerns are not lost on me and whether posted public or not, those suggestions and notes are just as important to me.

It never ceases to amaze me the kindness and support that I get here. Bless you all, you're a super bunch of folks, not to mention a GIFTED and incredibly talented bunch of poets!!

and to the few who are worried about me, please don't be. I'm okay, it takes more to hurt me than what has been thrown at me lately and I am a forgiving person. Hate hurts the hater, not the hate-ee, lol. I only wish for peace in their hearts as they already have my prayers..


write on, poets!!

I'm happy to see your poems showing up again. And your comments on them.

Will you have a garden this year? The hickory tree behind my house is just starting to show little buds and it's warm here today.

I'm happy to see your poems showing up again. And your comments on them.

Will you have a garden this year? The hickory tree behind my house is just starting to show little buds and it's warm here today.


Thank you sweet Sis :)

I'm glad too. It's been a long time since I felt like writing, but slowly it's coming back. I have need to venture up your way, need to make a visit to my Mom and Dad's grave sites. I just realized the other day they have been gone 9 years now, It doesn't seem that long....

As for my garden, yes, I will have at least a pepper and tomato garden this year. I accidentally discovered a market for pickled peppers a few years back when I gave a friend a couple of quarts of mixed hot peppers. He sold a jar and that turned into him buying almost all my pickled reserve at 10 dollars a jar. I had a pepper garden that year with 12 varieties of hot and sweet peppers. He told me that I need to make at least a hundred quarts this year as they are sold. I might go into business, lol.

Last year Kristen and I planted only heirloom tomatoes. We had some truly ugly, oddly shaped fruits, some yellow ones, some purple ones and some called rainbow tomatoes. The yellow ones had green flesh and they were the sweetest most succulent tomatoes I have ever tasted. They are on the menu again this year. We ordered the seeds from Park Seed company located right here i n SC.. You know we moved and are now in a nice little subdivision, all brick houses, we have a fireplace which hubby and I have wanted for years . There's a fire burning in it now.

The landlady said not to dig up her yard so my garden has to be a container garden, but that's okay. The soil isn't all that great here, mostly sand, so it works out alright. I get my soil exactly how I need it for each fruit and vegetable. I will have raspberries, blackberries and strawberries for jams this year as well. Maybe when I see you, I will have some goodies in tow.

I guess this should have been a PM, but I got started and thought, what the heck, lol. If it's out of place, a Mod will move it, right?

Take care Sis, and tell ee I said howdy. Thanks again for your encouragement, it has made a difference along with a few changes I have made in my personal life.

luv ya always-

~ julie
Thank you sweet Sis :)


Take care Sis, and tell ee I said howdy. Thanks again for your encouragement, it has made a difference along with a few changes I have made in my personal life.

luv ya always-

~ julie

I'll tell him. He's in sports tv heaven in the other room (but I've got the fireplace and jazz!).

I think I'll check out that seed company. We're doing peppers, tomato, lettuce, basil and (maybe strawberries in hanging containers on the front porch).

/hijack :D
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