"To keep the review thread clean..."

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it's not just you - i've been garnering them too, but what the hell? if someone think's it's worth a moderate 3, then that's ok by me - i vote threes when i think the poem's only moderate. my own little red H, my first and only, lol, also went walkabouts - but this is life! beware, or you'll sound like you're whinging!


Oh I'm not whinging Chip, just pointing out an interesting pattern which has only begun recently. Since I started posting here I have always had the same number of votes as comments. Recently though I have had between 2 and 4 uncommented votes on all new poems, all low ones but not so low that they'll be swept. But the funny thing is the same pattern has appeared on old poems that had H's. "Our Lady of Walsingham", which I think was the first poem I submitted here, has had 4 recent low votes for instance.

I don't give two hoots about the scores or the H's--but somebody does. There is no doubt it is deliberate, childish and malicious: hmm, wonder who that might be?:D

Oh I'm not whinging Chip, just pointing out an interesting pattern which has only begun recently. Since I started posting here I have always had the same number of votes as comments. Recently though I have had between 2 and 4 uncommented votes on all new poems, all low ones but not so low that they'll be swept. But the funny thing is the same pattern has appeared on old poems that had H's. "Our Lady of Walsingham", which I think was the first poem I submitted here, has had 4 recent low votes for instance.

I don't give two hoots about the scores or the H's--but somebody does. There is no doubt it is deliberate, childish and malicious: hmm, wonder who that might be?:D[/QUOTE]

It saddens me to see anyone being treated as you have been. Back when we had the thermometer thing, and you had to vote ( via thermometer) to leave a comment, I had a poem with 6 comments and six votes, all from different poets. After a sweep I lost two of the votes, even though they were from different poets. The sweep can be unfair. It does sound childish and as you put it, if one poem got 4 low votes, then it sounds like a conspiracy as one person cannot vote several times on a poem. I have gone back to favorite poems and HOPED I could vote again but couldn't. Cheer up sweetie, there are enough people here who respect your talent that the assholes shouldn't matter. Try to focus on the good feedback and ignore the creeps.

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hey Anonymous - your feedback e-mail to me was most revealing about who you are on here :rolleyes: why bother going by the name anonymous? oh, that's not too hard to figure out, is it?

try not to froth at the mouth so much when typing next time, you have more chance of making sense.

twelveoh, we're soooo predictable, and "anonymous" is now waiting for us to post examples less than 200 hundred years old. :D

*waits for further unintelligible e-mails/pm's - shakes head in pity*
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hey Anonymous - your feedback e-mail to me was most revealing about who you are one here :rolleyes: why bother going by the name anonymous? oh, that's not too hard to figure out, is it?

try not to froth at the mouth so much when typing next time, you have more chance of making sense.

twelveoh, we're soooo predictable, and "anonymous" is now waiting for us to post examples less than 200 hundred years old. :D

*waits for further unintelligible e-mails/pm's - shakes head in pity*

Name names please - we all want to know...............
I have a confession

and though no one has complained about it yet, I have been reading poetry the last few days and voting fives without leaving comments. I know, shame on me.... and if you are a recipient, which many of you are, I sincerely apologize.


lighten up folks, isn't the poetry what really matters? and this post isn't sarcasm, it is silliness.....
The passive-aggressive turd bombing still goes on here? I guess it's the only way some people on the internet can express their jealousy. Just a pity it has to be done anonymously and they can't own their anger and man-up/woman-up even over the internet.
and though no one has complained about it yet, I have been reading poetry the last few days and voting fives without leaving comments. I know, shame on me.... and if you are a recipient, which many of you are, I sincerely apologize.


lighten up folks, isn't the poetry what really matters? and this post isn't sarcasm, it is silliness.....

You can leave me all the fives you want and it won't bother me one bit. A discrete pm or email is nicer than a public comment. This isn't ampics.

Now that I think about it, an ampic would be even better.
it's 'cause it asks one to consider something, a possibility, a timeline ... it's not a straight in yer face bold statement

they were right in as much as it creates a less forceful start - but i didn't desire force there, but a softer approach ;)
When I was a lad I went to Yale,
And I knew then that I could never fail.
For I studied very hard and furthermore,
I polished up the apple for the professor.
Allen Sherman ....I think he was before my time

When I was young it was more important
Pain more painful and laughter much louder, yeah
Ramones (may have been a cover)
they were kind of straight and in yer face
Hey, so was Tommy J., Hey, fuck you Georgie III (he was German anyway)
When I was a lad I went to Yale,
And I knew then that I could never fail.
For I studied very hard and furthermore,
I polished up the apple for the professor.
Allen Sherman ....I think he was before my time

When I was young it was more important
Pain more painful and laughter much louder, yeah
Ramones (may have been a cover)
they were kind of straight and in yer face
Hey, so was Tommy J., Hey, fuck you Georgie III (he was German anyway)

see me after class, master onetwoOone :caning:
fridayam said:
Oh I'm not whinging Chip, just pointing out an interesting pattern which has only begun recently. Since I started posting here I have always had the same number of votes as comments. Recently though I have had between 2 and 4 uncommented votes on all new poems, all low ones but not so low that they'll be swept. But the funny thing is the same pattern has appeared on old poems that had H's. "Our Lady of Walsingham", which I think was the first poem I submitted here, has had 4 recent low votes for instance.

I don't give two hoots about the scores or the H's--but somebody does. There is no doubt it is deliberate, childish and malicious: hmm, wonder who that might be?:D
It saddens me to see anyone being treated as you have been. Back when we had the thermometer thing, and you had to vote ( via thermometer) to leave a comment, I had a poem with 6 comments and six votes, all from different poets. After a sweep I lost two of the votes, even though they were from different poets. The sweep can be unfair. It does sound childish and as you put it, if one poem got 4 low votes, then it sounds like a conspiracy as one person cannot vote several times on a poem. I have gone back to favorite poems and HOPED I could vote again but couldn't. Cheer up sweetie, there are enough people here who respect your talent that the assholes shouldn't matter. Try to focus on the good feedback and ignore the creeps.


This is interesting. Why would you think in terms of a conspiracy because one of fridayam's poems got four low votes, which apparently weren't even that low, from what he said? You and I may think the poem is better than good (I gave it a five about six months ago), but obviously there are others who seem to disagree.

I don't think you should feel sad, as fridayam is complaining about getting threes after he's admitted to giving out ones. He gets no sympathy from me.
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Maria2394 said:
It saddens me to see anyone being treated as you have been. Back when we had the thermometer thing, and you had to vote ( via thermometer) to leave a comment, I had a poem with 6 comments and six votes, all from different poets. After a sweep I lost two of the votes, even though they were from different poets. The sweep can be unfair. It does sound childish and as you put it, if one poem got 4 low votes, then it sounds like a conspiracy as one person cannot vote several times on a poem. I have gone back to favorite poems and HOPED I could vote again but couldn't. Cheer up sweetie, there are enough people here who respect your talent that the assholes shouldn't matter. Try to focus on the good feedback and ignore the creeps.


This is interesting. Why would you think in terms of a conspiracy because one of fridayam's poems got four low votes, which apparently weren't even that low, from what he said? You and I may think the poem is better than good (I gave it a five about six months ago), but obviously there are others who seem to disagree.

I don't think you should feel sad, as fridayam is complaining about getting threes after he's admitted to giving out ones. He gets no sympathy from me.

I don't think he was complaining just pointing out a trend which is far different from someone chucking mud pies
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UnderYourSpell said:
I don't think he was complaining just pointing out a trend which is far different from someone chucking mud pies


It seemed like he was complaining to me, but maybe he was whinging. (I like that word) :)
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Wow, don't you guys...new poems or something....Emp already said much of nothing, can't you just cut and paste his comments..and join his ill fated crusade against prose poetry
Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
"Forward, the Light Brigade!
"Charge for the guns!" he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.


"Forward, the Light Brigade!"
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Someone had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,

Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.


Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.


Flash'd all their sabres bare,
Flash'd as they turn'd in air,
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
All the world wonder'd:
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right thro' the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reel'd from the sabre stroke
Shatter'd and sunder'd.
Then they rode back, but not
Not the six hundred.


Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell,
They that had fought so well
Came thro' the jaws of Death
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred.


When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wondered.
Honor the charge they made,
Honor the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred.

Copied from Poems of Alfred Tennyson,

Stephen Vincent Benet plays off against the high lighted lines in one of his prose poems,? I think he used it in the battle of Bull Run part.
Wow, don't you guys...new poems or something....

Not tho' the soldier knew
Someone had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,


Stephen Vincent Benet plays off against the high lighted lines in one of his prose poems,? I think he used it in the battle of Bull Run part.
*slaps :D*

It seemed like he was complaining to me, but maybe he was whinging. (I like that word) :)

You should like the word--you're the expert at it :D
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