"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Wow, don't you guys...new poems or something....Emp already said much of nothing, can't you just cut and paste his comments..and join his ill fated crusade against prose poetry
Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
"Forward, the Light Brigade!
"Charge for the guns!" he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.


"Forward, the Light Brigade!"
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Someone had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,

Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.


Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.


Flash'd all their sabres bare,
Flash'd as they turn'd in air,
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
All the world wonder'd:
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right thro' the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reel'd from the sabre stroke
Shatter'd and sunder'd.
Then they rode back, but not
Not the six hundred.


Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell,
They that had fought so well
Came thro' the jaws of Death
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred.


When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wondered.
Honor the charge they made,
Honor the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred.

Copied from Poems of Alfred Tennyson,

Stephen Vincent Benet plays off against the high lighted lines in one of his prose poems,? I think he used it in the battle of Bull Run part.

Onward, Christian Soldier, marching as to war!

Now that you've placed yourself in opposition to me. Why not have an actual poetry battle? I've the time to write poems when they're in opposition to a blowhard.
Onward, Christian Soldier, marching as to war!

Now that you've placed yourself in opposition to me. Why not have an actual poetry battle? I've the time to write poems when they're in opposition to a blowhard.

oh oh

poets to the left of me
poets to the right
here i stand
stuck in the middle...

sod that, i'm gittin outta the way :cool:
not against me
i'd fill your inflatable sumo wrestling costume with hydrogen

Do something useful like go tell mynameisben how funny he is, I see a budding stand up waiting.....

Hydrogen? Oh, the humanity!!! :)

I thought Ben's story about economical blowups was pretty clever. "45 gal's take a lot of punishment." :)
This is interesting. Why would you think in terms of a conspiracy because one of fridayam's poems got four low votes, which apparently weren't even that low, from what he said? You and I may think the poem is better than good (I gave it a five about six months ago), but obviously there are others who seem to disagree.

I don't think you should feel sad, as fridayam is complaining about getting threes after he's admitted to giving out ones. He gets no sympathy from me.

I was KIDDING about the conspiracy. :) There's too much paranoia around here and I was trying to make a point....
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Countdown to Green -
Submitted by Maria2394 (Non-Erotic Poetry) 02/23/11

Excellent poem, very subtle, but excellent utilization of formulaic elements. 'Equinox' is a word that is a pet peeve of mine. My only criticism on first read would be to say 'Equinox' without using the actual word.

February's Fear -
Submitted by Maria2394 (Non-Erotic Poetry) 02/23/11

I've adoration for this part:

She claimed she was content
but I heard the wind whisper
that in fact she was lying

And was filled with fear of falling

Thanks for the recommend EPMD and the kind words and 1201, I knew it was a pathetic fallacy. I appreciate your comments as well.

oh oh

poets to the left of me
poets to the right
here i stand
stuck in the middle...

sod that, i'm gittin outta the way :cool:

There have been so many snide and snarky opposing viewpoints over the years. I know some of us have been itching to see poets settle an argument in a poetic contest.
I was KIDDING about the conspiracy. :) There's too much paranoia around here and I was trying to make a point....

I will say this, I've noticed a lot of poems I'm giving fives to are winding up with ratings very much lower than that lately, so there has been a general downward movement of the scale, it appears.
oh oh

poets to the left of me
poets to the right
here i stand
stuck in the middle...

sod that, i'm gittin outta the way :cool:
yours not to reason why..
you're the best
you're my cole porter records
you're my Elizabeth Barret Browning in a negligee

(christ, I hope it's the marx brothers, I don't have the flash downloaded.)
yours not to reason why..
you're the best
you're my cole porter records
you're my Elizabeth Barret Browning in a negligee

(christ, I hope it's the marx brothers, I don't have the flash downloaded.)

i'm the hole in the polo :D

and yeah, it's the marx bros - grandma has a falsetta teeth :D:D:D
There have been so many snide and snarky opposing viewpoints over the years. I know some of us have been itching to see poets settle an argument in a poetic contest.
firstly, you'd both have to take it seriously. that might need working on. :devil:
secondly, you'd need to be sure whoever was voting to decide the winner was also taking things seriously.
thirdly, with opposing viewpoints, and a raft of poets who might line either side for poetic preferences (or personal friendships, as has been known), how are to we conclude, definitively, the winner?

of course, if you guys want to go for it, feel free. it might produce some great (or at least entertaining) poetry in the event. gauntlet tossing has produced surprisingly good results before - so if it's to be a goer, between yourself and anyone, or anyone and anyone else, let me know so we can stick up a ring to contain the blood and muck.

I will say this, I've noticed a lot of poems I'm giving fives to are winding up with ratings very much lower than that lately, so there has been a general downward movement of the scale, it appears.
my own way of rating hasn't changed at all - maybe some are thinking harder before doling out 5's like candy, or 1's like rabbit poohs.
my own way of rating hasn't changed at all - maybe some are thinking harder before doling out 5's like candy, or 1's like rabbit poohs.

Mine has changed. A lot fewer fives, now some fours and threes. But it seems others have changed at the same time. I can easily name a half dozen poems from just the last couple of days that I gave fives to that are in the consensus 3.60 range now, and that was rare before.
Mine has changed. A lot fewer fives, now some fours and threes. But it seems others have changed at the same time. I can easily name a half dozen poems from just the last couple of days that I gave fives to that are in the consensus 3.60 range now, and that was rare before.

well, if 3 is the mid-range point, then perhaps this is indicative of a more balanced way of voting. gives us something to strive for if a genuine 5 is to be achieved.

but i have to admit, i'm still writing the same way - it happens, i sort of midwive it then clean it up.

i am having so much trouble atm with the glosa - it's finding the mote i want to use that's causing me problems. i've tried a few but i'm not happy with the original 4 lines and it's showing as i try to gloss them out.
Mine has changed. A lot fewer fives, now some fours and threes. But it seems others have changed at the same time. I can easily name a half dozen poems from just the last couple of days that I gave fives to that are in the consensus 3.60 range now, and that was rare before.

Gosh, I wonder why? :D
well, if 3 is the mid-range point, then perhaps this is indicative of a more balanced way of voting. gives us something to strive for if a genuine 5 is to be achieved.

but i have to admit, i'm still writing the same way - it happens, i sort of midwive it then clean it up.

i am having so much trouble atm with the glosa - it's finding the mote i want to use that's causing me problems. i've tried a few but i'm not happy with the original 4 lines and it's showing as i try to gloss them out.

I think 3.60 shouldn't be considered to be a bad rating, but it seems it is.

I wouldn't even attempt the glosa thing.
Onward, Christian Soldier, marching as to war!

Now that you've placed yourself in opposition to me. Why not have an actual poetry battle? I've the time to write poems when they're in opposition to a blowhard.

we've had gunfights before ..... I won the last one by a landslide :D

I think 3.60 shouldn't be considered to be a bad rating, but it seems it is.

I wouldn't even attempt the glosa thing.

why? aren't you interested in improving?

and stuff the fucking ratings (excuse me I don't usually swear unless provoked) right up the jacksy of anyone who thinks they are the be all and end all and go on and on ad nauseum about them ...... size isn't everything you know!
we've had gunfights before ..... I won the last one by a landslide :D

why? aren't you interested in improving?

and stuff the fucking ratings (excuse me I don't usually swear unless provoked) right up the jacksy of anyone who thinks they are the be all and end all and go on and on ad nauseum about them ...... size isn't everything you know!

Oh I quite agree with you UYS, but there are obviously those who are good at maths who are trying to manipulate the ratings. (And the answer to your first question is--no, it's just to win a pointless non-contest. I did say it was childish, didn't I?)
Oh I quite agree with you UYS, but there are obviously those who are good at maths who are trying to manipulate the ratings. (And the answer to your first question is--no, it's just to win a pointless non-contest. I did say it was childish, didn't I?)

which contest do u mean is pointless?
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