"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Today's poetry isn't as interesting as yesterdays. I might have to submit the Best Poem Ever so I can review it tomorrow.
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Here it is. Let the poetry monkeys help you decide where you stand on the issues.


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    Poetry Monkeys.jpg
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Here it is. Let the poetry monkeys help you decide where you stand on the issues.

I'm definitely monkey number one. Inappropriate eye contact...I'm a bit Aspie. Plus it reminds me of the husband too.
I've always seen myself as number four, though if I'm really irked I could be six. :D

This is what I look like pissed off.
Not when I am plotting nuclear war and peeing/chewing on you manolo's you won't!;):D:heart:

We are hoping to get a doggy here soon, but the good news is that I have no manolos or choos to be chewed. But yer better leave my old birkies alone!
We are hoping to get a doggy here soon, but the good news is that I have no manolos or choos to be chewed. But yer better leave my old birkies alone!

I can't have either a dog or cat. My son has a terrible dog phobia and cats also make him nervous. He's being desensitised but it is taking years literally. He was so bad with dogs he couldn't even stand to hear someone say something good about them on TV. I think it's because he doesn't understand body language so they just become completely unpredictable terror for him. We have six girl mice who are well loved and are helping a LOT.
I can't have either a dog or cat. My son has a terrible dog phobia and cats also make him nervous. He's being desensitised but it is taking years literally. He was so bad with dogs he couldn't even stand to hear someone say something good about them on TV. I think it's because he doesn't understand body language so they just become completely unpredictable terror for him. We have six girl mice who are well loved and are helping a LOT.

I'm the same with those horrible eight legged hairy things (don't even like to say the name .... they are nasties in this house!) but I'm not as bad as I was if they keep still if they move I'm gone! One of my friends on FB had one on her avatar and I begged her to take it off, mind you so did several of mine when my AV had a python hanging over my shoulders
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