"To keep the review thread clean..."

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You mad, Homie, you mad?
do you think so?
do you think?
I am annoyed at two shameless self promoters who assume that they can post and not comment. Clap together either trite or meaningless crap, and launch crusades against "Prose poetry" when most of at least makes sense.
Granted people that do write poetry may not be exactly the sanest people in the world, but you two strike me as kool-aide drinkers.

so blagsst, I'm more amused than anything.
do you think so?
do you think?
I am annoyed at two shameless self promoters who assume that they can post and not comment. Clap together either trite or meaningless crap, and launch crusades against "Prose poetry" when most of at least makes sense.
Granted people that do write poetry may not be exactly the sanest people in the world, but you two strike me as kool-aide drinkers.

so blagsst, I'm more amused than anything.

Poetry that makes sense?

That's points off for sure.
Could the boys go and fight on their side of the playground and let the ladies get on with what they've been doing all along .......... writing poetry?
Could the boys go and fight on their side of the playground and let the ladies get on with what they've been doing all along .......... writing poetry?

I think I shall never see
fisticuffs for poetry.
It's not in a poet's heart
and contrary to the art
to fight a martial battle
over silly rhymes and prattle.
A painter could take a life
slinging paint from his pallet knife,
a sculptor could smash your bones
under his pile of stones,
but words are the poet's trade,
and the sharpest wit is duller than a blade.
Could the boys go and fight on their side of the playground and let the ladies get on with what they've been doing all along .......... writing poetry?

Can you write a poem about it? With a lot of grunting and bloody teeth flying onto the pavement in nice thwatty sounds?

Addendum: and Bronzeage beats everyone to it.
So much for the pen being mightier than the sword... I knew I should have taken up karate...
I think I shall never see
fisticuffs for poetry.
It's not in a poet's heart
and contrary to the art
to fight a martial battle
over silly rhymes and prattle.
A painter could take a life
slinging paint from his pallet knife,
a sculptor could smash your bones
under his pile of stones,
but words are the poet's trade,
and the sharpest wit is duller than a blade.

*pokes Bronze in the eye with a finely honed sestina*
I just want to thank everyone who commented on my poems. I must apologize for taking so long to say thank you and not returning the compliment just lately. Unfortunately I have to still earn a living and it stops me tuning in for awhile.
well with all the fighting going on right now there's been very little loving and a heck of a lot of sarcasm ........ bit like my ex really

My mother used to tell me, if you can't say something nice, say it nicely. Sometimes that passes for sarcasm, but I am just trying to be polite.

Instead of "fighting", let's call it "enthusiasm."

One should be wary of enthusiastic people. They obviously do not understand the situation.
My mother used to tell me, if you can't say something nice, say it nicely. Sometimes that passes for sarcasm, but I am just trying to be polite.

Instead of "fighting", let's call it "enthusiasm."

One should be wary of enthusiastic people. They obviously do not understand the situation.
I was enthusiastic about your poem.
I better see a thank you, and the license.
I was thinkin' sort of a bronze colour for the action figure, or should we get daring and go for cuprous. Cuprous is the new black, this year.
I was enthusiastic about your poem.
I better see a thank you, and the license.
I was thinkin' sort of a bronze colour for the action figure, or should we get daring and go for cuprous. Cuprous is the new black, this year.


it's a word that rolls, mistlike, from my tongue. i love that word!
I was enthusiastic about your poem.
I better see a thank you, and the license.
I was thinkin' sort of a bronze colour for the action figure, or should we get daring and go for cuprous. Cuprous is the new black, this year.

Thank you very much. Feel free to develop any properties as will enrich both us.

Definitely a bronze color.

Bronze is a noble alloy of copper and tin. It is resistant to almost ever corrosive compound and takes a nice polish. All the bright work on a ship is bronze. When brass is exposed to seawater, it degrades to a useless sponge of brittle metal.
Thank you very much. Feel free to develop any properties as will enrich both us.

Definitely a bronze color.

Bronze is a noble alloy of copper and tin. It is resistant to almost ever corrosive compound and takes a nice polish. All the bright work on a ship is bronze. When brass is exposed to seawater, it degrades to a useless sponge of brittle metal.

Did you know the first bronze was produced by adding arsenic to copper? That's probably why Hephaestus was a lame god. :)
I want to thank vrose and chip for the recommends and 1201, Tess, ishtat, UYS, Koba and CuddlyAl for comments.

Chip I can't agree with your comparison between Envoi and Phaon's Brother's tin-eared mockery of it. You treat them as equals--why? PB's trivia is an open insult but you talk of it as though it were a poem to be scanned like any other--when it is even based on a complete ignorance of the expression "walking on eggshells". What is the purpose of such prevarication--except to avoid calling a spade a spade?

Ishtat, thank you for your comments over time. I am not so ignorant of animal husbandry though--I just imagined Aries as being killed for that special Golden Fleece. And the armour (not shields) was that of the cthonic army, not the Argonauts: I saw them springing from the earth with their armour tarnished by burial. Robert Graves might have helped PB if he were interested in anything other than being obnoxious (and pretentious).
Did you know the first bronze was produced by adding arsenic to copper? That's probably why Hephaestus was a lame god. :)

I have read that in history texts. There are places where copper, arsenic and tin are found in the same ore. Supposedly, copper was the first metal to be truly smelted from ore and bronze was the first alloy.

Technically, bronze is an alloy of copper and anything but zinc. There are iron and aluminum bronzes.
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